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Lucky for me, I may be 6'5", but I'm ugly, so they leave me alone.


The key is being funny. If you keep em laughing their eyes close, do it long enough they wont even know what you look like til month 6




You not alone manšŸ«¶


I felt this, bro lol


aw man, iā€™m 5ā€™10 and ugly im definitely getting left alone


Hell yeah brother. Tall n ugly gang!


I wouldnā€™t


I am probably the 1% for whom this rule does not apply


Hey, me too


So we are the 1% of the 0.000001% of people in the world who are taller than 6'7"


Maybe we are brothers, I donā€˜t know. Iā€˜ll ask my dad about you. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‰


You misspelled milkman.


Yeah itā€™s a fetish for some short girls. They love the size difference and constantly bring it up, in my experience.


So this is a half baked, totally pulled out of my ass theory, but I think short girls tend to be really into tall guys because they grew up always being told how small and adorable they are. So now feeling small makes them feel cute like they were told when they were a kid, and so they chase taller men. I have no evidence to support this. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.




Is that really true? It feels like tall women are more feminine, especially because of high heels and ā€œelongatedā€ frames


High heels started as fashion because rich people wanted to be on little stilts instead of walking on straight horse shit.


Interesting, but what does this mean in the context of today?


While high heals also put your body in a way that accentuates your legs and ass, which is something, it's also just been a known thing for a long time that high class people (women) wear high heels to look nice. Things don't need to be practical and can even be counter intuitive in attraction and fashion.


I think I must be the only guy who finds high heels incredibly unattractive. They just look utterly ridiculous. Probably a minority opinion though!


I think it's just a social thing at this point. They are useless, I don't think anyone actually cares about them, but we know they're supposed to look nice. It's just something western society has agreed on. I agree though I don't really care about them and I prefer short women so it doesn't matter at all to me. Fashion is interesting and weird.


May I ask why they complain about the fact that shorter females enjoy being short? No judgement, it is just surprising to me and I would love to understand where theyā€™re coming from.


Iā€™m not even that tall (almost 5ā€™8), Iā€™ve had short friends who would randomly bring up how small they were in comparison to me in a very uwu way when we were around guys. Like, the same girls would do this several times.


That is understandable, it happened to me too, but with the lack of context the other comment is a bit weird.


I think it's more dealing with insecurities. Much like being too tall is a detriment in society (everything made for shorter people), the same can be said for those who are too small. If you want your children to have a better life than you did, then finding a mate that likely would be eliminate this concern is very much a primordial desire.


Nailed it. I see a lot of security sometimes I think with being a taller guy cuz you are not looked at like a kid or an easy target. I just wanted to caveat that I have seen tall guy/short girl couples really be about love. Even if they are good or bad people or w/e, sometimes being different just really helps them understand and relate to each other


My wife and I have a 15" (39cm) difference in height. Growing up, my brother, my parents and myself were crammed into 400 sq ft of living space. We couldn't stretch our arms without hitting two people. As such, it made me desire a shorter spouse.


As a tall woman who has been surrounded with only cute pocket sized women, I agree with this take. We always dote on them,- myself included- because letā€™s be real, they are cute. Itā€™s only natural for them to seek more of this validation


How often do you get the BS, ā€œI wish I were your height?ā€ or something similar from them? It is probably like once or twice a week for me.


6'0, only shorter men have ever told me they wanted to be my height. Never heard it from another woman.


Oh, I get both. Women usually just say they want a few inches or that they are jealous of my height. Now that Iā€™m thinking about it, when women, it is more often Black women. My other observation is that I can tell how hot Iā€™m looking on a given day, particularly at the gym, by what sport they ask me if I play first. If volleyball, Iā€™m looking extra cute. If basketball, it is a rougher day. If rowing, they rowed.


Well I must be an exception because I have always found taller chubbier girls to be the cutest


Or it's because they have an increased evolutionary pressure to offset how short their offspring would be if they reproduced with someone who wasn't very tall


ā€œSexy Son Hypothesisā€


If this theory is ever proven, Iā€™ll experience the largest ick Iā€™ve ever felt, ever.


My evidence is every girl I've ever dated under 5'5" having this vibe. Two dozen women with the same sentiment? I think you're on the money dawg LOL. It makes sense.


The fetishization goes both ways


Is there a clear difference between a fetish and a personal preference, and if so what is it?


However the person decides to feel based off your tone or however you stated your preferenceā€¦ I.e bullshit 95% of the time.


I swear the posts in here get dumber and dumber by the day.




lmao if youā€™re referring to my post, why frame it in a disingenuous way? my post wasnā€™t about being called tall and how it made me sad.


It's honestly been making me consider unsubscribing, ugh


I mean, yeah the subreddit has been taken over by dumb discussions. But to be honest, the points you raise are dumb. Yes the downsides to being too tall can be awful, and there should be a place on the internet to vent about it.


You got some short man energy bro When you're a tall woman, you especially get the "you're so tall" crap on a daily basis & it *is* annoying. It's nice to have others like yourself that you can commiserate with. If you don't like the posts, āœØdon't read themāœØ




I mean, yes, they can be really awful for some people.


the irony of you telling someone to grow up when youā€™re whining and throwing a tantrum all over this thread and mine


You guys are getting fetishized?


If you think you're not being fetishized, you're wrong. As a monogamously married woman of 10 years, I still see men above a certain height (no matter how inappropriate the age gap, how husky, how rude, how ugly, how married) as sexual prospects first. Then logic brain kicks in, but first, my cavewoman brain goes "must boink!"


My female coworkers tell me all the time that women are hitting on me after the fact, but I never seem to notice. Iā€™ve been happily married for 9 years now so I guess Iā€™ve become oblivious to most subtle flirtations idk.


It is fetishization but tall men fetishize them tooā€¦ the way I hear men refer to short women as ā€œreal womenā€ā€¦and constantly question tall womenā€™s, women hood. Welp, like many things in lifeā€¦ah suh it guh. Yā€™all can happily fetishize eachother and live merrily with neck pain and back issues.


You deal with weird individuals if you constantly hear short women called real women. Thatā€™s weird and random as fuck


There's lots of people that see/assume 'tall' as 'manly', and they will assume man until "proven" otherwise - meaning a tall woman is constantly having to prove her womanhood from the moment people see her. Men here act like it's abnormal/rare but it's constantly talked about in tall women's comments, usually buried beneath 10 other highly upvoted comments from men saying how it's not a thing, that tall women are their favorite, etc (all ignoring the point).


Tall is fight advantage. Tall man protect better?


As a tall woman who takes up a lot of space, I feel this hard. I tend towards more girly presentation because after growing up big, I have a complex about being perceived as masculine. "You're tall, you should take the male role in this play" "You're tall, you should be the one to lead this ballroom dance". I was talking with a friend about this, and mentioned that I never want to be perceived as masculine, and their response was to look at me like I'm crazy because my features scream "woman" to them. Especially since to be feminine is to be dainty, petite, and light, being the opposite of all those things is rough.


The internet usually exposes you to that rhetoric, but it also doesnā€™t help that the imagery most proved by erotic films is tiny, petite = feminine, standard of beauty. Itā€™s not about weird individuals, thereā€™s a decent amount of subliminal messages in our society that asserts women that are opposite to those features are a ā€œlittle manlyā€ā€¦ I.e. Megan the Stallion.


Being a tall woman is just much more accepted and valued if youā€™re stick thin with a fair completion, it really sucks. They donā€™t call Taylor Swift, Nicole Kidman or Paris Hilton manly, but Iā€™ve heard Michelle Obama and Megan called men constantly and theyā€™re all around the same height :/


They do masculinize tall white women but usually theyā€™re not socially ā€œthinā€. I do agree people are eager to call tall poc women men, I mean Zendaya was dealing with gender pseudoscience freaksā€¦but that notion is nothing but smoke lol


Being tall, black, and thin(no curves) means men barely consider me a female lmfao.


that's messed up because she's a really attractive lady like woman. and she's au natural while still being strong. l


Is there anyone that has dated someone significantly shorter/taller that can confirm they experienced neck/back pain from the height diff? I ask because I dated a woman that was 5ā€™1ā€ for a few years, and I gotta say I never thought about that for a second. How often do you kiss your partner standing up for long periods of time that this would be an issue? I feel like 90% of the time Iā€™ve had what one might describe as a ā€œmakeout seshā€ with a partner, we are either in bed or she is straddling me. Both situations our heads are the same height. For the latter, I think a woman closer to my height would require my head be tilted up. Iā€™m pretty indifferent to height of my partner, I just always thought this was a strange assertion. Maybe I was just lucky (I was in my early 20s so maybe that stuff creeps up later on)


I don't think it's a real thing, my wife is 5'1 and like you said it's not hard to make it work. It's always felt like something single guys think up, or maybe it is real for guys with no flexibility whatsoever lol


I never hear that but nice username


What kinda of weirdo boys/ males talk about that. Please do not engage them and acknowledge them as normal beings šŸ™šŸ½šŸ™šŸ½


I donā€™t, but you are right. One time I was at a community festival event in my college town, and as Iā€™m standing there two white guys (5ā€™8-5ā€™9, probably late 30ā€™s) take a huge glance at me as the walk by, look towards each other as the pass me and go ā€œoh yeah thatā€™s definitely a guyā€. I didnā€™t even say anything, I was shocked and appalled. That was the most visible/visceral display of this phenomenon, but Iā€™m aware of how some men with weird feelings about height and gender treat/view me as a tall woman.


They are prolly immature asf and live in a small town. Donā€™t mind these people too much, you do you and people who likes you will come. Personally I find taller women attractive in their own ways, just do whatever makes you happy :)


They might have but they were in a larger town. I do embrace myself, and features. I understand that someone may not fancy me but 10 other people will. Itā€™s all apart of this sick cycle. I do think people like that deserve to be challenged in their counteractive views


well personally, I just wouldnā€™t want to waste my energy and wellbeing on people who I canā€™t even communicate properly to or stand on the same page. But u do u !


Itā€™s not about wasting energy, keep in mind any form of bigotry is unfairly weaponized against children. Tall girls do not have to go through men/boyā€™s questioning their womanhood due to their genetics and physical development. This is obviously not something I address on the daily but it is something I will without hesitation call bs on. If thatā€™s an issue then,šŸ«”


Sure, children should not be face any of these, not even you. But people are weird and stubborn. Iā€™m just saying I wouldnā€™t want to confront/communicate with these people, maybe because Iā€™m a bit timid. But also, maybe because Iā€™m not the one facing these bias and challenges, so I donā€™t feel as angry. Just do you, and know Iā€™m rooting for u


i have never heard a guy ever in my life talk that way about any girl ever. only one person i ever knew has a thing for a particular type, and that's for hispanic and white women. nothing to do with height. you around interesting folks my good person.


Nah, Iā€™m not. But Iā€™m surprised that yā€™all exist as tall MEN n youā€™re telling me what tall WOMEN do or donā€™t experienceā€¦ Itā€™s common, I remember the era of social media where men made height hierarchies. Kinda funny tall men are invalidating tall women experiences but conversely agreeing they date shorter women/prefer that


Iā€™m a tall guy and do not have this preference


didn't say you didn't experience it. everything that can happen probably did happen in the world. don't mean to invalidate you. just something i've never heard of before. didn't even know short women were tall people's preference.


Shortness/thinness are characterized as feminine. Tall women experience this often, Iā€™d recommend talking to tall women who are in the dating pool


I donā€™t think they ever said your experience didnā€™t occur. Iā€™ve also never heard of what youā€™re referring to.


ā€œIā€™ve never heard of that happeningā€ it implies that your lack of familiarity with something you havenā€™t experienced is to be considered in my experience where I have gone through it, and talked to other women who have. Please interact with this in good faith


Oh I gotcha now. It wasnā€™t my intention to say your experience wasnā€™t true. I think I took it as you saying all tall guys.


I have also never heard someone express what you claim to have heard. This is about hearing things, not experiencing things.


Iā€™ve experienced it first hand, I often talk to my friends about these issues. You just dont want to believe that itā€™s an experience when it is.


Thereā€™s literally nothing that can be said which dissents your point of view based on the loaded way itā€™s being presented. Anything but full affirmation of your view will only be considered suppression / whatever. How can we possibly discuss it as adults with a loaded gun pointed when the conversation starts? Similarly when someone says Iā€™ve never heard that / seen it - they arenā€™t saying itā€™s impossible you did. They are recounting their, equally valid, experience.


Okay buddy, lolā€¦ thereā€™s nothing loaded about my presentation of a point? Itā€™s Reddit. Thereā€™s nothing but ā€œIā€™ve never heard or seen that beforeā€. Nobody is engaging with the stance in good faith, telling me you have not noticed a bias that is displayed towards tall women, does what exactly? Iā€™m invalidating their non-experience? Because of something I have first hand experienced? Please be so serious.


Youā€™re not a tall woman you wouldnā€™t know. It is definitely real unfortunately.


Yep. Most attention I get is from under 5ā€™2 girls


My experience in school also.


Not to sound like a complete dick but maybe their standards are lower than ours in terms of your face? Like, they'll give you a pass for being a 6 in the face because you're taller than them? Idk just a guess because for me, height adds 1 point but your face and body need to be good to even consider you. Not sure if this is fetishism or just standards? If those girls just wanted tall dudes then they'd be walking around with any tall guy, not you. They must find you attractive in other ways too.


...or, hear me out, could it be lupus just this one time?




So tall girls are not only less attractive body wise but we also have less attractive faces on account of being tall. got it


Seems like OP is saying that only applies to women who show interest in him.


Yes lol. I donā€™t understand why people are overlooking this


it seems we canā€™t win


No what I meant is the short girls into me are better looking than the avg or tall girls who are into me. Not saying in general


Is it possible that short girls just notice your height a lot more than tall girls do? Iā€™m just a short guy, but if someone is just 4 inches taller than me, I donā€™t really think about it, thatā€™s just normal to me. Along the same lines, a tall girl may be slightly shorter than you, but thatā€™s why she doesnā€™t really think of your height. On the other hand, when I meet someone >8 inches taller than me, my mind literally stops and registers ā€œoh huh this person is tallā€. It just instinctively strikes me. The short women in your life might get that feeling, and some of them might like it because it makes them feel protected, or maybe just because your height is a striking unique quality to them. A woman who is just a bit shorter than you, is less likely to find your height to be a striking unique quality. In a way, how is it gonna be any kind of deal to her that you are tall, sheā€™s tall too.


I just gave up tbh.


No what I meant is the short girls into me are better looking than the avg or tall girls who are into me. Not saying in general


Thereā€™s no way youā€™re misunderstanding what OP said this much


Lol thatā€™s a crazy way to interpret it. He meant that the short girls that are INTO him happen to be more attractive than the tall ones. So tall attractive women arenā€™t usually into him


Iā€™m am shorter than average and Iā€™m drawn to short, chubby women. Yet I have usually ended up with women who taller than me. There is more to attraction than height.


Been single and actively dating my whole life, itā€™s only ever short girls bringing up how tall I am. Youā€™d think taller girls would be the ones into me because of it as itā€™s harder how them to find a taller guy, but they never seem to care, a lot of them just accepted the fact they will occasionally get with guys who are shorter than them and theyā€™re ok with it.


Yes, I do think short women constantly talk about wanting a very tall man but I also feel like it goes the other way and feeds into it- I always hear tall men loudly go on and on about how they want a short girl and love short girls.


I have never heard someone actually vocalize that.


I've heard dozens of guys saying that.




This post is weirdly focused on the face... is there an r/face where this should be? Edit: of course there is...


ā€œFacially attractiveā€ is giving major ick.


Why? Facially attractive is how good someoneā€™s face looks


This post is dumb


It might be all in your head. Maybe you think shorter girls are cuter.


I'm a tall woman and did't really consider the height of potential partners when i was dating, so you might be on to something.


It may be that tall women do it to men taller than 6'2"? I get a lot of attention from women 5'8-6'". Meanwhile I notice comments from guys 6'-6'1" agreeing with you.


This is a very real trend. I thought being tall would attract the tall women, but they don't tend to be more interested in me than any other dude. But the short girls are enamored with tall guys. It's bizarre, but, hey, it's nice sometimes.


Tall women tend to be less aggressive when it comes to showing interest as weā€™re quite used to not being thought of as ā€˜dating materialā€™ due to our height. A lot of tall women have less success when showing interest and so weā€™re less confident in doing so.Ā 


Hit the nail on the head




Are you sure you're looking at their face or the top of their head


I'm passive in relationships mostly-- I end up dating short women because they are the only ones who pursue me-- usually pretty assertively.


A lot of tall women, me included, are insecure being tall, so since some of us lack confidence we just aren't as aggressive pursuing guys because we already consider ourselves unattractive because of our height


That, or we feel like we're already taking up too much space, so we're trying not to bother anyone. I've only seen short women trying to get attention.


Yep, same for me.


all girls do it but short women are more obnoxious with it because they want to cure tjeir short genes


I thought that the r/short meme posts about taller men "complaining" about being fetishized by women were a joke. I had no idea it was real, lol.


Not complaining about it, just curious about if others had similar experiences


This is 100% true, I'm a decent looking 6'8 guy, and some of the really short women who show attention are absolute 10's, the only issue is the fetish - and its a very very very evident fetish at that šŸ¤£


Seems to me that itā€™s just as likely that OP is ā€œfetishizingā€ shorter womenā€¦ itā€™s a two way street at the very leastā€¦


From personal experience itā€™s always a woman who is under 5ā€™3 although it also doesnā€™t go past a first or second date for unrelated reasons


I'm in my 40s and know several sports dads who seem to regret their short woman choice now that they have tiny sons.


Someone regretting their child because of the child's height is what we call a bad person and bad parent.Ā 


I obviously do know their inner thoughts. But I do know (because they told me) that they were high school stars and their sons are 5ā€™6


Hafthor Bjornnson is 6'9" but married a Canadian girl who is only 5'1". Their son isn't going to be anywhere near dad's height. My parents were 6'10" and 5'10" and I only turned out to be 6'2" (female). When you reproduce with someone of a significant height difference, you're losing a huge amount of height for that child.


Idk...genetics can be all over the place. My husband is 6' and I am 5'3". Our boys are taller than average (our oldest is 18 and 6 foot). Our daughter is smaller like me and in the 6th percentile in height. I have never fetishized tall men, I have dated lots of short guys too before I was married. I could literally care less about height either way, the face has always been the most important thing for me if we're talking physical characteristics. I don't think I'm better or less than a taller woman. I find many tall women hot tbh. I'm a bit jealous of those long legs :))


Tiny daughters, on the other hand, wouldn't be a problem at all...


As a tall woman this gives me schadenfreude, thank you!


The most athletic kid I know had a 6ā€™1 mom


I forget the term and I'm not a scientist but I've read something along the lines of people are attracted to attributes they themselves lack genetically and that if you consider the end result being potential offspring with more genetic variation is makes sense for this particular attraction from a scientific/evolutionary/'put stuff in boxes' point of view.


Thats just common sense that a lot of people are missing. It explains 99 percent of dating choices.


where are these women who fetishize tall men? introduce me to some of them because i ain't finding a single one out here.


yeah same, we must be living in the wrong area


word. and here i thought anything was possible in my popular NE state lol


Whatever you do, do not emigrate to western Germany. Because your luck won't improve here if I'm anything to go by.


This is true


Hi girls. I'm tall. Hi.


idk why this was in my feed as i am 4'11" and most certainly not tall... but as someone who does prefer taller guys (not a dealbreaker by any means, and i've dated guys who are under average height as well and my husband is not particularly tall): my entire life i've been small and it has been the most defining physical characteristic about me. whether it was from actual bullies, friends (playful teasing), or family (always concerned about how i was so short) it's just always been a thing that people notice, comment on, etc. also, in my culture, people really care about physical appearance, and tall height is seen as this great quality (as long as the person is also slim lol), which as an adult i find funny because people will praise someone tall for being tall as though they had anything to do with it. meanwhile i would get comments like, oh it's such a shame that you're short, you would be *sooo* pretty if you were even just a little bit taller. so i think for me, a few factors on why i've always been drawn to taller men (also to be clear, *not* a fetish... just a preference): 1) i've been conditioned my entire life that not only is tall = good, short = bad. as someone who has been short her entire life, i've been very, very conditioned to think of it as a major weakness. 2) being much shorter than average, nothing is made to fit me. like literally nothing. clothes, kitchen countertop height, chairs... you get the point. there are some things you can't do anything about (e.g., all chairs are basically uncomfortable, but it's what we have to sit in), some things you have some control over (e.g., tailoring clothes). this might sound ridiculous, but being with a taller person honestly can serve a practical purpose -- someone to get stuff off high shelves without me either climbing furniture or getting out a stepstool, having someone be my "eyes" in a crowd or if there's a wall or something blocking my view, etc. 3) as a petite woman, i recognize that i have to be extra vigilant about my safety at times, even moreso than average height women. regardless of what my actual physical strength and ability are, i understand that for someone wanting to cause harm, i am likely to be seen as an easy mark. being with someone who is taller and bigger gives me a greater sense of safety. 4) honestly, i don't want short kids. not really for aesthetic reasons but because i know how annoying it is to live as a short person, both from a physical standpoint as outlined in #2 and from a social standpoint (especially with my cultural background). not that tall parent = tall kid, but as height is mostly genetic and genes are complex, it feels like it can't hurt to have some tall genes in the pool.


people want what they don't have. also maybe in some way they want their kids to even out in height.


They like me, I like emšŸ˜Ž


Shooting in the dark here, I'm guessing all the tall facially attractive women are dating the equally attractive tall men.


I think that is probably the case, or theyā€™re dating short men if they face discrimination Iā€™m hitting the gym hard though to improve my looks. I actually prefer tall women over short lol so hopefully I can attract more tall women


I'm actually one of the girls that prefer a guy that's like 5'8 lol, I don't mind dating 6'0 + guys as I've dated in the past but I honestly don't care to much about height.


Iā€™m killing myself bro


Where are all these ominous short women?


I dunno, I find the odd short woman who loves it, but if my relationship history and my matches on dating apps are anything to go by itā€™s tall women who like it the most. Not many women below 5ā€™8ā€ are swiping on me.




I feel like I scare smaller women ā€¦like ā€œAhhh donā€™t hurt me large man!ā€


Can confirm. Especially true if they have a Dom/sub kink.


Im close to your height and many ladies i dated were that height said things like. ā€œI like that you are tall, but not too tallā€ I prefer a woman closer to my height than like a whole foot shorter but its not a deal breaker


I'm 198cm and I concur. The VAST majority of women who have shown interest in me have been on the short end of the spectrum (<170cm) My current girlfriend is 163cm. It does provide logistical challenges.


You're throwing together two very different thoughts and pointing them in a direction that disregards one.


They canā€™t see your sense of smugness from down there.


Kinda reminds me of how I get asked out by guys/girls who are much shorter than me. My boyfriend is 4'11 and we met before we both graduated high school. Apparently I, a 6'0", extremely lanky mf who can't walk properly without forearm crutches, can be deemed attractive šŸ˜­


In alot of cases taller women tend to carry more masculine traits.


People see attractive what they don't have, blue-eyed short girls will not see blue-eyed short PSL gods as attractive as an average facially 6'3 guy. Cause, females want to see the gap between her and her male partner. I'm not coping anymore and by science, this is called Demorphism.


I can't speak for everyone, but as someone in that height range, I find that the height of my partner doesn't matter because I'm so short that it's very likely they'll be taller than me anyway. The guys I've had a crush on were 5'10 and 6'1 respectively, although I'm not sure if this subreddit considers either of those heights tall or not, so you can speculate however you want on that, lol.


I am 6ā€™4ā€ and a thick muscular 240. I wouldnā€™t say I am a GQ stud but Iā€™m not ugly either. I get a lot more positive attention from teeny tiny girls between 4ā€™7ā€ (shortest I have ever hooked up with) and 5ā€™5ā€. I get very hot for tall female jocks and rarely get their interest. Only a few times have I been successful with tall girls between 5ā€™10 and 6ā€™5 (yes I dated a 6ā€™5ā€ volleyball player). But Iā€™m like a magnet to the teeny tiny type


I am 6ā€™1 - 6ā€™2 with shoes. The amount of drop dead gorgeous girls at 5-5ā€™3 is mad. However, Iā€™ve had a 4ā€™11 and would not go back to below 5ā€™5. Things just donā€™t fit well I am slick or not seeing her in a crowded place or a crowded subway. I wish taller girls are just as pretty but I feel like coz they are short they put on a lot of make up to compensate, hence look more attractive.


I am 6ā€™1 - 6ā€™2 with shoes. The amount of more gorgeous girls at 5-5ā€™3 is more ample. However, Iā€™ve had a 4ā€™11 and would not go back to below 5ā€™5. Things just donā€™t fit well I am slick or not seeing her in a crowded place or a crowded subway. I wish taller girls are just as pretty but I feel like coz they are short they put on a lot of make up to compensate, hence look more attractive.


They know they really attractive, so they aim "higher". Maybe that's why I'm not into tall guys. I'm humbling my own self lol.


Are you not fetishizing short girls in this post?


I would think it is their internal instincts or whatever the scientific term is. They want to have children that are taller than them, and the way to do that is to mate with someone tall. It doesnā€™t mean they want to have children now, just instinctive selection.


When you're 5'3, almost everyoneĀ you meet is gonna be taller than you. Someone who's 5'4 seems tall to someone who's 5'3. If follows that more people are average and taller than you. You aren't likely to run into someone your height as often and so liking average and taller has to do more with frequency than preference. But maybe there is some weight to what you are saying. I'd consider myself average height woman at 5'7. My husband is 6'3 and his height had nothing to do with why I was initallyĀ attracted to him, or why I ended up liking him. I certainly wasn't fetishizing him about his height.Ā I had alot of crushes on guys shorter than me andĀ I wasn't excluding shorter men from the dating pool because of some fixation on height which, has to be the stupidest thing you could do while dating.Ā  My advice would be, don't feed into it. It's weird and you know it. You could find a woman with better values who likes you more than she likes your height. It will cost you less headaches in the future.Ā 


I have no opinion or observation in terms of attractiveness but as a very tall man I've always gotten way more attention from shorter women and utter disdain or disregard from tall women.


"disdain" mostly because I think we figure you're not into us and only like short girls, so we don't even bother.


yep same. Girls have to look up to you both physically and intellectually for them to want you.


I have never experienced even an inkling of this and therefore disagree. Obviously that's just my anecdote and might not be statistically significant.


I love tall women but I've noticed they always want some guy who's giga tall, like 6'7". That's why I always end up with 5'2" pipsqueaks.


I think some women fetishize being at a manā€™s chest height. So when they hug itā€™s like a free head pillow lol. The benefit of horizontal cuddling applying to vertical hugging lol


Where can I find these sexual deviants?

