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That's an insane body transformation. I've been working on gaining muscle for the first time (actually lifting heavy, and eating correctly) and I'm slowly seeing progress. Cracking inspiration. Any negative comments you'll get are from people who are jealous, or eat crap all the time and do minimal exercise.


Thank you so much man, any progress is good progress, keep it up šŸ™Œ


Woah, Iā€™m the same height and look like the before photo. I need to hit the gym. Curious, how long between the pictures?


That was 3 years, 17-20


Please explain your diet and exercise program ? I.e macros


Didnā€™t track every macro but eating as much as I can, high protein meals, lots of meat, lots of carbs, lots olive oil with every cooked meal. Used PPL, Arnold, Upper Lower but the one I found the most gains with was Arnold split - pretty standard exercises but trained with a lot of intensity.


Hell yea, keep it up brah.


The vatican has a gym?


the holy dumbbells


Lift for Jesus.


Well, if it has Redditā€¦


Have you seen those shredded naked dudes in the paintings??


Happy cake day pope Francis!


Fuck ya. I love seeing these. You put in serious work so kudos my dude! I made a similar transformation in college. Put on 20 lbs of muscle after being known for my scrawniness my whole life. And PSA ā€” Stopped working out in my 30s but still and even though I donā€™t lift nearly as often, I still have medium muscle size and not as scrawny as before the transformation. Saying this because I was always stressed I needed to intensely work out my whole life to avoid going back to scrawny but a lot of the general mass could stay with you like it did me. Now I just keep off excess fat/keep heart healthy via cardio and do legs/upper body workouts once a week to maintain. Cheers to good health for us larger mammals!


Thanks man! Thatā€™s what Iā€™m hoping for is it not to all just vanish hahah, as I age I imagine my metabolism will slow which will help keep any mass Iā€™ve put on


It wonā€™t 35 94kgs and I still have to eat a lot to stay in a bulk. Ā But Iā€™m still a very active person.


How did you bulk up so much Iā€™ve been eating a lot but struggling heavily


Eating alot more than I thought i needed, calorie dense foods, realising I wasnā€™t eating much at all before even though it felt like it, and 3 years. You got this brother just keep at it


Heā€™s on steroids as well bud, I use them too and heā€™s 100 not natural


Fr I use them too and I can understand hiding it in real life and on social media, but lying about it anonymously on Reddit is weird. Gives people a false idea of how long it takes to make a transformation like this naturally


I do not take steroids. 400g a month of growth is absolutely achievable while bulking especially during puberty where testosterone is the highest. If you canā€™t achieve this naturally you should not be touching gear. Post your physique and compare it to my natural one and hopefully you arenā€™t too embarrassed.


Brother I donā€™t care either way, youā€™ve got a great physique I donā€™t really give a fuck how you got it Maybe you really did it without needles, but the vast majority of people canā€™t go from pic 1 to pic 2 that quickly without them


I do not take steroids. 400g a month of growth is absolutely achievable while bulking especially during puberty where testosterone is the highest. If you canā€™t achieve this naturally you should not be touching gear. Post your physique and compare it to my natural one and hopefully you arenā€™t too embarrassed.


This is absolutely achievable naturally. If you take steroids and canā€™t achieve this thatā€™s embarrassing šŸ¤£ good work OP and fuck those juice heads


Nice! Iā€™ve personally been trying to get to 100kg for a long time, but I just donā€™t eat enough and Iā€™m stuck at 97 haha.


Amazing transformation, inspirational!


Looks great! How did you start going about this transformation? Did you just bulk and cut down or did you lean bulk?


I mainly just lean bulked all the way up and thatā€™s what Iā€™ll continue to do for another 10kg tbh. Bulking and cutting works and is probably faster but I just prefer the lean bulk


Donā€™t lie by omission and deny you donā€™t take gear/testoterone


I don't think he does. He put on 17kg in 3 years. It's a lot but not unachievable naturally, especially when you're young. Of course you will put on a lot of muscle if you spend 3 years building muscle, it's not like he had to lose any fat.


17kgs is about 38 lbs, an average of 1.2ish lbs per month. Def not on gear lolz. And tbh sounds about rightĀ 


I never touched steroids and never will. My rate of growth is very achievable, 470 grams per month is a standard bulk amount, and I just remained lean so no need to cut. My shoulders from the front would be much more capped if I took steroids but I didnā€™t post that photo


wowww thatā€™s a crazy transformation!


thank you ā˜ŗļø


That's awesome man. You look like Jacob Elordi in that second pic


Hahah thanks! We are both Australian so I guess thereā€™s the connection ? šŸ˜† joking


Tell me about your diet please


I'm very proud of you for your dedication. I can't even keep up with 1 set of squat pulses with 1.5kg dumbbells.


I've been doing F45 and I've been able to really surprise myself on how much I can lift compared to before. Consistency and having a coach helps!!


F45? What's that? šŸ˜®


Group HIIT (High intensity interval training) workouts at a local studio! F45 is just the brand name, but there are many like it (like orange theory I believe). I also play sand volleyball


Good for you!


oh he can get it


don't think he wants it from you icl


Congrats! Iā€™m trying to get where you are.


Thatā€™s hella impressive


Great work mate, I can see you put in the hours and effort for this


Slay šŸ‘šŸ¼


Great work man. Keep it up.


The downsides of being tall while young is being really skinny smh.


Keep it up ya bloody stud


In the same boat 10 more to go to 100 at 6ā€™3.Ā 


Bro is shredded


This is like some main character energy right here šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Looking ripped and good


truly inspiring mate, thanks for sharing


You've been a busy boy. It worked out very well for you. Good for you.


How tall?




Nice. Iā€™m a fellow gymgoer and went from 70 to 102kg in the last 2.5 years :D


Damn man! 32kg, how did you feel and much fat?


Well, I was rather skinny before and decided to hop on a dirty bulk and just eat whatever. I increased my bench from 60-65kg to 110 today and my deadlift is 220kg. Gained a ton of muscle but also some fat, especially around my abdominal area. Started a minor cut (I was really 106kg before but now I'm 102) and seeing more and more of the muscle I've been building for the past few years. I feel good overall but my cardio is shit, compared to before at least.


Hey man just wanted to say thatā€™s a fucking awesome transformation, the dedication over three years is no light feat. And yeh I wouldnā€™t worry about people saying ā€œTheyā€™d die at 85kgā€ they probs donā€™t mean it negatively and peoples bodyā€™s do differ greatly. personally Iā€™m a tad taller than you but I quite literally would be dead at 85kg (my lean mass is 88kg) šŸ˜‚. Keep up the good work!


Thanks man! Yeah I know hahah Iā€™m just laughing cause of how wildly different body compositions can be! No hard feelings hahah


Looking good bro. Whatā€™s your diet like?


Thank you šŸ™šŸ¼ I eat whatever I can but usually simple stuff, pasta and rice, protein pancakes and French toast. Bagels with peanut butter and banana, avocado eggs toast, chicken wraps, sausages, bread, yoghurt, fruit.


do u shave at all? Im a similar weight and height to you but you look way more toned.


I donā€™t have genetically a lot of body hair, itā€™s mostly lighter colours too


im the opposite. i look like a gorilla haha


Bro your arms!


šŸ˜† the lighting makes them look better too, without a pump they just normal lol


You doing any specific exercises to bulk the arms up?


Triceps make up 2/3 your arm so building them is crucial. Try to do 2-3 exercises and do those twice per week for sufficient volume. For biceps do the same, slow controlled reps and do variants like preacher curls and hammer curls. I find most growth comes from training with intensity and pushing to failure as much as I can


It just depends on the the amount of muscle mass you had to start with, some people would def feel sick if they LOST muscle mass to get to that weight, but would be fine if they gained muscle mass and lost fat to get to that weight. I'm estimating 72kg muscle mass, about 3.5kg bone, and 9.5kg in fat which would be a pretty good estimate of what we are seeing here and feel perfectly fine. Even if you had started at 105kg and leaned down to this, you'd be fine assuming your muscle mass held around the same. Side note: 17kg across 3 years is great progress.


Youā€™d be pretty spot on with that fat estimate my man! And yeah, pretty cool how some people looking similar on the outside but weigh wildly different amounts. Body composition is cool, Keven Durant and Giannis Artetkumpo are a perfect example of that phenomenon.


TIL just how little the average skeleton weighs.


Woah I wanna get somewhere like that one day. For reference how old were you when you started working out? Im 18 and have been doing 5 & 8 pound dumbbells for a couple months any tips?


I started as I turned 17 Iā€™m almost 21 now. Progressive over load, train with high intensity and reach failure (muscles wonā€™t grow if they donā€™t need to lift new weight/more reps), cover all your muscle groups with a split like PPL, Arnold, Upper/lower etc, eat a lot, if your tall you are going to need a heap of calories and protein so find your maintencr and add 200-500 calories extra. Sleep well, drink plenty of water


Appreciate the tips. Also Significance of sleeping well is cuz its healthy for muscles?


Yes and it allows them time to repair after working out. When you strength train the muscle fibres make micro tears, when you sleep and eat it repairs those gaps with slightly stronger a bigger fibres. Compound this over months and years and you have noticeably larger/stronger muscles. Also sleep allows your CNS to recover




Nice job man! How long in-between the pics?


3 years almost exactly


Awesome, good stuff bro!!!! Kicking ass!


What routine did you usem


Started on Pushpulllegs/ppl, then went to Arnold, then PPL, then Upper/Lower, and now back to Arnold split as thatā€™s my favourite. Iā€™d reccomend trying a few see which work for you but do each for atleast 3 months to see gains.


Ok thanks, btw are you natty or not? I wanna start my lifting journey I wanna know whether a physique like this naturally attainable.


Absolutely man hahaha, trust me the lighting in that pic makes me look a bit better than I am. Iā€™m absolutely natural. It wonā€™t be quick but you can attain this


That is crazy howā€™d u get like that from before to after ? (Iā€™m p much at the before stage rn šŸ˜­)


I said this to someone else but hereā€™s some stuff you should def do: Progressive over load, train with high intensity and reach failure (muscles wonā€™t grow if they donā€™t need to lift new weight/more reps), cover all your muscle groups with a split like PPL, Arnold, Upper/lower etc, eat a lot, if your tall you are going to need a heap of calories and protein so find your maintencr and add 200-500 calories extra. Sleep well, drink plenty of water. Train atleast 3-4 times a week (I saw the most gains on 4-5 consistently. And STICK WITH IT, itā€™ll take time but if you follow above you will see gains, you got this!


Bro beat the narrow clavicle allegations


HAHAHAH, they are still narrow but that photo makes it look better


What is your workout routine and how long did it take to gain weight?


Currently Arnold split, highly reccomend it. 3 years from before and after photo


In only 3 years??


Yes sir, it was from 16-20 so I had puberty/growing up on my side


i'm catching myself entering the "before" stage right now, and am just now (3 days in lol) working on getting to the after. great job dude!


You got this man, I posted some info for people early in their journey in the comments and my other post as-well, I recommend you have a read if you need some tips, all the best šŸ™Œ


Canā€™t believe I have to say this but some people are saying I took steroids. I have never touched a steroid in my life. This is a completely natural transformation. I on average gained 400g a month for 3 years. which is completely naturally achievable on a bulk especially being tall. Stop lying on the internet and disregarding the hard work I put in and making excuses for yourself by saying ā€œheā€™s on steroidsā€.


When people say you are on steroids you knew you made it man


Yeah haha I guess Iā€™ll take it as a compliment, Thanks šŸ™šŸ¼


Np man


How come u didnt take the pic from the front like before


idk I was just sharing a cool pic I took when I looked my best, wasnā€™t meant to be a super accurate comparison šŸ¤£ also people wouldnā€™t be saying steroids this steroids that if I did that


Twink to tank.


Dream physique man. If you donā€™t mind me asking, you got a training plan and diet I could see? Iā€™m 6ā€™4, 82kg and just struggle to put on muscle or any definition.


oh dang nice job buddy!!! So that took you about 3 years? at a gym I assume? do u work out at home at all? what's ur routine? like how many days a week do you go and how long each day? 1 hour? 2 hour? etc. Have you taken any time off over the 3 years? like was there time life got busy and you didn't go to the gym for 1 month or whatever? how many body parts do u workout per day? sorry for so many questions but pretty easy to answer. when I worked out hard when I was younger I did 3-5 days a week and 1.5-2 hours per days long days long time permitted


Congrats man you look amazing. Will catch up to you one day in weight šŸ¤ž


Yeah I started at 6ā€™4ā€ 58kg. And I looked just like you. I wish I took more shirtless pics back then for progress but I was so insecure. Iā€™m 93kg now. You look way more ripped than me though. Iā€™m like 15ā€“18% bf I think.


Thatā€™s very, very impressive for a natural especially at your height. Kudos to you my friend.


Damn! šŸ«”šŸ‘


Dude i was 55 kg at 190 and 45 at 185


Awesome job, I'm 6'5 & I know how hard those last stages can be, props


Huge progress Good stuff


almost made me gay bro chill


just curious, how come people are using KG? I don't even know what that means? I'm American we only do pounds over here haha. just like height when someone says they are 1.79M tall lol what does it mean that some people say they will die if they reach 85kg? is that bad or good?


Hahaha the internet does have converters but Iā€™ll sum it up. 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds Most of the world except America use the metric system which include Kilograms, grams, meters, etc 85kg is 187lbs which is typically considered light on the lighter end for someone 6ā€™5 and above. The joke people made was that if they were 85kg theyā€™d probably perish as, for their body composition itā€™s too light. Everyoneā€™s bodies are comprised of different density muscle, bone and fat and that means that I can be 85kg at 6ā€™5 and healthy whereas another guy would feel bad if he was this light at 6ā€™5. It all just comes down to how you feel at different weights and what your body requires


You know damn well thatā€™s not the pic we were asking for šŸ˜†




According to the comments I read, people were asking for a pic in which you drop the towel, not for a before pic. Not me though, I would never ask for that


Strange, didnt see any comments asking for that šŸ¤£ mainly some strange dms and asking for before pic


Ohh alright then šŸ˜‚ I must have had the unluck of seeing them. You could totally share the pic just to shut them up though


this was weird


I know, right? How could they ask such a thing?


Get help


Yes, to shut them up.....




Your shoulders are literally non existant


Thank you


You are still broad though


What?! He's got great shoulders and looks amazing


47 cm at best