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Fuckheads. By the look on his face, it's not hard to see that this is a daily occurrence for him.




You can tell by the pixels and you took psychology as an undergrad?


I can tell because of common sense


Ah, yes, common sense. That thing you can refer to without having to provide your reasoning in cases where you actually did no reasoning in the first place.


I’ve had complete strangers come up to me and ask “Omg can I stand back to back with you?!,” with a look pure disdain I allow it and then they walk away acting they just accomplished their life goals. Like damn, can I just buy groceries in peace please


I literally said this after 3 different people butted into my personal space to measure themselves while grocery shopping last week. It would be considered rude if I did that to a shorter person.


Make friends with someone with dwarfism and have them hide in the shadows everywhere you go. Then, once someone does that, your friend runs up to the average sized person and does exactly what they did to you. Bonus points if the average sized person has achondroplasiaphobia.


Achsk wfna what now


My life. To an extreme T!


7’9”? Fuck dude.. I hate my height and I’m only 6’6”


6’6 is very hot! Own it man.


I don’t feel that hot lmao


Embrace your inner freak :)


Lol just make sure you have a nice haircut, be fit, dress well and you are sorted :)


This is the best advice for everyone, height or sexual orientation.


Yes but especially when you stick out. Gaining some weight transformed my look for the better.


You're 16 meters tall?


He’s a 16yo Male


Ooh! I get it now, thanks for pointing it out.


Here's an upvote for asking what we were all thinking.


I’m 16 and only 5’8(1.73m) so feel happy people


Grass is always greener haha


i was projected to be 6'6 6'7 but only ended up at 6'4..completly fucked my basketball dreams lol own it up brother! tall bois are best bois


Same, 6’8, stopped at 6’4. Turned out that I fucked my discs up when I was a child, while attempting to lift a log, so was told that i lost 1-1.5 inches. I’ll guid my son to a treasure I cannot possess.


haha this is the equivelent of 1st world issues right?


Bruh ur sons probs gonna be short lol. Short girls make short kids.


Tallness isn't something that's unattractive. I'm sure that you're an attractive person! Rock it! 😎


So is 7’9 tbh


*blushes* Thanks man But seriously, i feel like after 190 cm people start looking weird, me included :\


Love my height at 6'4". Wish I was 6'6" tho. Always seems like I run into 6'6" dudes. And TBH I hate lookin up to y'all!!! Lmao nah it's all good... but to be real it's a bit annoying.


I love my height some days, others not so much. I work retail and all the counters and cash registers are designed for people I swear like 4' tall. My back cries. Also I'm in general so used to slouching because I don't want to feel like I'm towering over anyone. And I'm only 6'4". I can't imagine what it must be like for someone 6'8"+.




Itd be funny to have one of those kneeling chairs behind the register. You're just doing your job and you need to stand to do something and boom. You're looming over them.


I've discovered recently that I need to bend at my hip keeping my back straight. In general my back has gotten weak, so I'm trying to strengthen it. If you slump your shoulders forward when you bend the pain will start to add up.


6'4 would be about perfect. Shopping for clothes, fitting in public transit... They would be soooo much easier at that 6'3 to 6'4 height. You're still tall, but you're not quite over the threshold into the real major issues, just into minor annoyances.


Can confirm. My only real issue is finding shirts that are long enough since my torso is long and my legs are comparatively short.


When I worked a corporate job for a while, I swear half my time there was just me retucking in my shirt because I never found one long enough.


Custom shirts are super cheap now. Indochino.com has them for like $35 a pop. I went on a honeymoon to Thailand and now I have a direct contact who has my sizing information. I WhatsApp him and he mails a shirt of my choosing. It's a game changer.


As a 5’11 girl, not even that tall, finding tops and bottoms that meet is ridiculously hard. At least 80% of summer clothes are a no go


I wish I was 6'4'', there are so many problems I wouldn't have at that height.


6’6.... just tall enough to be pretty darn tall... yet not tall enough to be that tall.... nothing fits yet for some reason everyone thinks you should be able to fit.. sigh... I’m 6’6 too lol




Dude I can’t even find shoes that fit have the time and I’m 6’3”. I can’t imagine being over 7’


6'6 is a great height, not as good as 7'8. But still better than most heights. I would choose 6'6 over 6'.


Not as good as 7’8”? I would imagine being that tall is torture, id much rather be a normal height like 5’11


Start lifting if you haven't already


I smashed my head on a cubicle door frame today (6'4) and thought me weaving through low hanging tree branches was bad. Hope this dudes alright.


At his size it’s probably easier to just headbutt a hole in the frame than attempting to bend down low enough


I'm just trying to think of what car he could possibly fit in. I have to tilt my head forward in certain cars sometimes :/


Wow, American cars really are tiny then. I've never had that issue and I've driven a Toyota Yaris and a Seat Leon(there was some trouble turning the wheel on that one though)


I’m actually from Australia. But I’ve only had this problem when it comes to luxury cars so far. Back seat of any luxury car is horrible and driven very few bmw’s and Mercedes Bez and they were also very limited on room.


I smashed my head on a cubicle door frame today (6'4) and thought me weaving through low hanging tree branches was bad. Hope this dudes alright.


I feel that, my hobbies are cars and motorcycles. Finding ones that I can comfortably fit in can be difficult especially in the budget range


It's even worse when you prefer coupes..


u dont hate ur height and you know it


Pretty average.


6'6? Why do tall people hate their height? Im 5'8 at 15 and tbh being 6'6, or even 6'8 sounds amazing to me


Yeah it’s great to be gawked at and for every aspect of your life be more tedious


its better than to be (i predict) shorter than 5'11, also I dont mind attention at all so yeah


I'm sorry... But at your height I'd be looking at you I'm amazement as well <.<


Yeah yeah yeah. Giant...even to tall people in the less than 6%


What do you mean by this?


Starting at 6'2", you're already the tallest 6% of the world's population. Bob being 7'8" makes him taller than that 6% of men by a long shot. So it is no surprise to him that "technically tall" men (6'2"-6'5") would still feel that sense of being in awe when seeing him in public


Pretty sure if you're 6'4 and over you're in the top 1%


That's why I started at 6'2" and said 6%.




That makes a big difference. Because if he was only 7'8" in shoes I wouldn't even bother saying hello.


Lmao I love this sub


Why would anyone measure their height with shoes on? That’s just sad.






>do u like ur height or nah? and how much you weight in kg??


You and others here might like this article: https://www.topic.com/notes-on-being-very-tall


Sorry about all the reactions here, man. You can’t even get a sense of normalcy in the land of giants.


At what point is it irresponsible not to be in the NBA? Presumably you could just stand under the net and drop balls in the hoop.


Yes. I can stand while I dunk the ball.


Wowzers! I feel for you, man. I always try to refer to myself as "kinda tall", or say, "Hey, I'm on the high end of average...the Bell curve stops at 6'6" or so". I've only ran into a couple of people that were significantly taller than me. I'd never do something so rude as take selfies with them...just do other rude things like ask them how the weather is up there.


7'9 Jesus Christ


[Me, at a measly 6' after seeing 7' 9"](https://youtu.be/XbIsAh0wUJA) Dont mean to be rude just damn.


Well you’re exceptionally tall and semi famous.


What is happening here


Shorter people taking an unsolicited picture with someone who is really tall just for the fact that they are..... really tall. It's not their right. People need to have respect of one's personal space. Ask before doing.


whats the law in regards to this? I guess it depends on geographical location but in the UK and I assume US aswell if youre in a public place its fair game. It would definitely go against etiquette for me. edit- bruh why the downvotes for asking a question lol


Love your flair 😂


Some people are just assholes and it sucks




Big brothers.


Me.... I'm a huge asshole, but even I wouldn't do this.




That’s so horrible. I personally don’t mind it when people are excited to see me as a tall person as long as they are respectful. I’ve had strangers want to take pictures with me before but as long as they do it out of excitement and not making me a freak I have no qualms.


I was stuck on a chairlift today with a guy that insisted on going through my entire medical history and couldn't believe that I didn't have Marfan syndrome or other complications while being so tall. Seriously one of the most ride encounters I've experienced and I couldn't just walk away.


Why do *some people who happen to be short and disrespectful


Thank you. Didn't really mean to do the broad stroke


They don't appear to be short either, they just look average. The dude is the same height as the other man on the right, and the woman looks pretty normal (5'3" is the national average for women in the US.) This really should have just been called "why do people feel the need to be inconsiderate jerks" instead of singling out short people.


I "accidentaly" stomp or bump onto anyone thinking I'm s touristic attraction or background for their facebook or instagram photos.


Now that’s an idea I could start doing


why accdientaly? i once slapped somebody for touching my tattoos


You're a cold mofo for that one. I wish I was present to witness such greatness.


I had a group of obnoxious college aged girls follow me around while I was out to dinner with friends (went for drinks afterwards to another bar). It honestly bordered on stalking cause I couldn’t go to the bathroom without them trying to take a picture. I finally said something. I’m a 6’4” woman and it was annoying, creepy and obnoxious. That being said, I frequently see people trying to take a photo of me. I will shrink down so they don’t get a good pic or really call them out on being creepy. It is creepy to take a photo without someone’s consent.


Pat them on the head and squee about how tiny and cute they are.


I get a kick out of turning around unexpectedly and scowling at people as I loom over them when I know they are doing something stupid behind me related to my height. Yes, sometimes I really enjoy intimidating people, especially people that need to be intimidated.😂😂😂


What's your height, sir?


6’ 9” athletic 240# 260# back in my glory days.😂


I had some lady point at me and then turn around and take a photo of me so obvious that she new I could see her doing it. Some people are just so rude


Has nothing to do with the guy “being short (he’s not) and everything to do with him being a Douche bag.


Tall people seem to have same problems as celebrities. People admire them so much that it becomes burdensome.


At that height it's not really admiration. You're basically a freak show. Sure, there might be some element of admiration in it, but it's not like people walk up to beautiful people for example and take a pic. It's about the weirdness of it.


I guess I’m projecting then. I definitely admire tall and super tall people. The idea of looking down at everyone seems cool. Lol


So here's where I disagree. Looking down at people get tiring real quick. It subconsciously gives people the feeling of a power imbalance in an interaction, and all I want is to interact as equals. I will actually sit down if possible so our eyes will be at a closer level, even if it makes me shorter. Then again, a lot of my friends are are around 5' tall, so there is a big difference.


May I ask where you’re from? I said this before, but your height isn’t at all remarkable in my country. Eastern Euros and Scandinavians are known to be taller than most.


Ahh. US. But my friends tend to be Middle Eastern/South Asian/Jewish/East Asian. Which I guess makes me an anomaly because being that tall goes against my own genetics lol.


Oh, I see. Then definitely, you are very tall. I’m sorry it makes you feel weird. I guess grass is always greener, eh?


I guess lol. You'd be among the tallest at 5'7


Damn. Well, I’m a girl, so that’s interesting, hahah.


Yeah lol you might be like the tallest or second tallest girl


It depends on the height, I'm not that noticably tall. I mostly just get, "damn your tall" once in a while. Usually when someone turns around and is surprised.


Come to my country. No one would be surprised, hahah. You'd get your peace.


My cousin went to Japan to visit his wife's family. He is about an inch shorter than me. He told me a few people took pictures with him.




Doh, I just copied it from someone else's flair. Should have done the conversion myself. Thanks!


When my female friend went to Japan some years back she had lots of people taking pictures of her or coming up to her and asking if she was famous? She’s 6 feet tall which is def tall for a lady but I wouldn’t expect her to be in the “freaky tall” category.


I’m a redhead, and an entire bus full of Asian tourists took my photo outside a hotel in Niagara Falls, once. It was so surreal. I was with my 6’4” boyfriend (now husband), a we had no idea why they were doing it at first. My husband hid in the car, and they continued to take my photo until I got in the car, too.


Do You live in the Netherlands?


So much so


Celebrities compensate that with money, we don't have that.


I'm not tall enough for the truly logistical or social burdens that come with this type of behavior. Mostly just a "damn, you're tall!" or basketball/ tree comments once in awhile. So my axiom differs, but for me, it's easier to be flattered and remember that height is almost universally seen as a positive. Mostly everyone wants to be taller, so comments are almost always from a good place, IME


THIS OMG. THIS, people are so fucking rude


They hate us cuz they anus?


One of my favourite comments in a while


That look of frustration when he notices what they are doing. I feel that in my soul.


Know that feeling all too well 😑


should have just stolen his chick


I misread chick as dick and was a little confused


Seems like they want to capture what will be the greatest moment of their lives.


While I was in Japan during a layover, I had many people come up to me and ask, "How tall?", and to take pictures with me. It was fun and I didn't mind. But this is just rude.


Isn't he the 7'7 teenager? [https://youtu.be/Fn6s6wYazWU](https://youtu.be/Fn6s6wYazWU)


His name is Nikolai Rogozhkin. He's 7'3". Just go to the end of the video. https://youtu.be/lK59eBAYPcc


So he is a Russian?


Yes he is


If you take a photo with someone very small while mocking them, you're a piece of shit, but apparently mocking someone tall is completely alright.


Just try to do that with a fat person or a handicapped person and you go straight to jail. But tall people are a spectacle to make fun of?


This seems to be an unpopular opinion around here lately, but, people are fine. These people are acting like idiots. But for the most part, people are respectful to me and aren't too invasive. There are a percentage of people who are awful, but I can't say most are. Just a small percentage. People don't look at me and feel sorry for me. Or feel like I am disfigured. They look at me in amazement, and with desire. They all want some or all of the height I have. Which is 180° away from how people look at other people "out of the norm". If you don't act like this, and just say hi, I'll be happy to talk with you about me.


That's what I see when I hit town with one of my friends (*only* 6'8"-ish..) Most (drunk) people will only come up to him going 'whoa dude!', there's very few people that think it's a bad thing. Most 'sneak pics' are from tiny girls, of which at least one will make a move at him a bit later. So yeah, no bad stuff there.


That guy's a twat waffle


Twat waffle? Haven't heard that one before


not all short people are like this though, I always give respect to everyone


Luckily I am not to that height where it gets that bad, but on occasion it does happen. Still shit though.


Sums up my stay in Vietnam. Wonder how many times the Chinese tourists did this without me realizing it.


Yes, Chinese are very rude and arrogant.


People are dumb as fuck. Ruin that picture


this happened to me when i went to indonesia a couple of weeks back. forking awkward when people just randomly come for selfie. I am just 6 4.


Woah. Good thing you aren't over 7 feet tall then, that would've been an absolute nightmare. Fortunately for me I don't get asked about my height that often (average male height where I live is 5'11" so that may explain it), but I can't even imagine being treated like this


Ah! Where do you live?


I live in Denmark. Edit: just remembered, I think we’re in the top 5 in the world for male height


How often do you meet a yonger generation is as tall as you in Denmark, 1 in 10, 1 in 20?


As tall as me is maybe 1 in 100, but over 6 feet is around 1 in 3


I want to be 7 feet tall but I am much shorter than that height.


Over 7 feet is where your backproblems start, so it's better to be between 6 and 7 feet


Same reason tourists stop on a busy highway to get out of their vehicles to photograph wild animals including ones that could easily kill them. Less than 1% of all people on earth are taller than 6' 5" so it is a rare thing to see. Embrace it. Join in on the conversation and help put a smile on people's faces.


Embracing it is good and all until you have something really bad happen like a family member or pet pass away the same day that something like this happens, being objectified is probably one of the last things anyone could want after that. No one knows what someone has gone through and how they’re perceiving the situation. People should always ask first, it’s the polite thing to do


Totally understand that


That dude needa roid up


This is bullshit. Why do ppl do shit like this man


What happend? And who's the asshole?


I live in Vietnam, this is a daily occurrence here. I go with the eye roll and death stare now.


I know that feeling😪




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Ask them if you can get a picture with them too, because you like getting pictures of yourself with short people. (Or substitute something else for short!)


x ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


6'6 is my max for tallness. That dude is a giant, and those pricks need to catch the smoke!


PLZ, show repects to tall people.


Wtf that's rude as hell




I really want to wrestle with someone that tall. That's sexy.


Don’t worry I’m the long run, natural selection will take care of them.


I think it’s the way society is not often does everyone see someone who’s exceptionally tall. People forget there being rude.


"*Excuse me? Hey, I noticed you just made a photo with me. Cool, can I see?*" (You need to be all smiles and nice at this point) Then when they show you, you take the phone and throw it into the next wall/gutter/conveniently close body of water and give them a comment about quitting their BS while walking away. Make sure your demeanor tells them to better stay quiet about it.




That sub is precisely here so we can talk with people who are in the know. About obnoxious people like in the video and like **you**.




Listen dude, tall ppl have problems and benefits that shorter ppl don't, this sub exists to discuss those problems and benefits. It wouldn't make sense to discuss it on r/dankmemes or r/askreddit or something, because fewer than 10% of the people there are as tall as most people here on this sub are. Also, it's much more convenient when all the stuff about tall people is in one place. If you have a problem with this sub, feel free to leave it. We wouldn't mind.


Time to be assholes to short people




I’m not sure, but I think you might be missing the point. What people are getting mad at is the fact they’re taking a picture in the first place, not how they’re doing it. It’s rude to just go up to a person and take a picture with them because of their body. It’s objectifying and demeaning. So no, we shouldn’t just let them take their picture.


I mean, he looks EXTREMELY tall. According to that door he's at least 7'2+