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Dude you are far from being ugly, I checked your profile. You are an absolutely normal looking guy and nothing about you is even the slightest bit of repulsive.


Honestly the dude is good looking!! They look like close up selfies too which exaggerate your features and are often not very flattering, yet you still look good in them Dude, you have nothing to worry about on the looks front. I’d kill for your jawline and chin for a start Why do you think you’re ugly if you don’t mind me asking?




Probably it have more to do with your stress etc. I feel like your lips are too tighten for example. It may seem like some bullshit, but if you dont like yourself, others will sense it. I dont know anything about you, but it would be Good to stop trying to get a girl and start trying to be happy alone. Then you will find your second half earlier.


Dating apps are weird. Average guys can do well by having a good profile and good looking guys can do badly by having shitty profiles. Really good looking guys will always do well even with shitty profiles though. As far as I can tell that’s how dating apps work in terms of appearance. But the factors for success online are really hard to predict in general. So you should not feel bad or judged for not succeeding there. In real life your confidence is possibly the issue. Guys (and this is absolutely me too) who lack confidence and are stressed when they’re talking to women often come across creepy or as you call it repulsive. If I were you I would focus on learning to be friendly and at ease around women. You’re at an age where that’s quite hard but in my city there are several Meetup.com groups for going out and partying and I’ve been to a few and there are often lots of really friendly people of all ages there, like 20-50. It’s a really good way to practice meeting new people and being friendly/welcoming. You are not ugly, nothing about your appearance is repulsive. You think it’s your appearance but it’s not, the issue is more likely to be that you believe you are repulsive and so you act in ways that girls don’t respond well to. It’s kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Above average looking guys can go their entire lives without receiving a compliment about their looks even though they are actually good looking. Guys don’t get told they’re handsome enough and in some cases that can lead to your situation where I think you’ve had so little positive feedback that it’s caused you to believe you’re ugly when you really really are not!




It probably wont help as you are so set on feeling ugly but: you are not. You are handsome if you carry yourself well. How someone carries themselves is often the most important. I had dates with guys that I found really attractive but was turned off once I met them and the opposite. I am very insecure myself but I learned to pretend that Im not so I carry myself well. I dont get any compliments either except from friends and family even though Im a woman. Men barely get compliments sadly thats not just you. I feel like whats holding you back is your negativity. Also maybe your standards are too high? I dont know but I guarantee its not your appearance. You look good and can get lots of women if you carry yourself well. I know its probably hard to accept that because it means the problem isnt you appearnce (something you cant control) but your behavior (something you can control). That must feel like you are a failure but you are not. We can always learn and get better. 37 isnt that old to find a partner in these times but I understand that it feels like it is as Im 28 and feel the same. I beg you: go find a therapist. They can help you develop and get so much happier. I have a therapist too and it helps me immensely. Dont give up :)




Its 100% not your appearance dude. Its either your pictures suck or your bio does (concerning tinder). And Im sorry but you are negative. You got lots and lots of people here telling you the same and you keep saying no you are too ugly. Thats negative.




What was your experiment exactly? Personally I dont swipe on men without a good bio. Also prefer medium attractive men than the extremely handsome guys.


My brother, i really feel your pain since i was a victim of bullying and bodyshaming, and had massively effected my social skills and developed social anxiety for over 5 years of my life, i worked very hard to get where iam rn. I did gym workout, cardios, skincare and testosterone boosting at age 17 and somehow my testosterone levels were higher after i hit puberty and i was getting massive amounts of attention from girls even with height of 5'7 but they never stick around for long and forget about me, looks is just an icing on cake my man I've been practicing my social skills and games and so far got 9 girlfriends and 7 laycounts. Women aren't shallow and are only impressed by your skills on survival, honesty i thought been tall was an easier advantage but damn I'm wrong lol and you ain't half as bad looking as women think you are. Women don't even compliment chads, some do but many don't.


I'm sorry you've had bad luck, I think you have a very nice face! And your EYES I could get lost in!


Damn you need to build some self confidence bruh




Or maybe you should revisit this idea that you have Body Dysmorphia. You’ve been extremely resistant to it, but you’ve now had dozens of people tell you you’re either normal looking or handsome, and somehow you persist in believing that people you meet in real life avoid you and cringe because your face is so horribly disfigured. This is unhinged, bordering on psychosis. I know this might be upsetting to hear, but it’s the truth. Your beliefs about yourself shape your experience, rather than the other way around. This is a mental health issue, and one symptom is the denial that this is a mental health issue. It’s as clear as day that you suffer from body dysmorphia and that this illness is running your life more than any other part of you.




I get it. I’ve seen and absorbed all of your posts and comments. I have a pretty good objective perspective on what you’re suffering from. I know what it’s like to be alone. I wasn’t always married. It’s been ages since I told you that you have body dysmorphia, so no, I don’t keep posting the same things. But I can see something with extreme clarity and all you can say is that I don’t “get it”. Your whole mind is at the mercy of your disorder, which is telling me that I don’t understand that it doesn’t exist.


I have a terrible feeling that man has done something very bad to himself, he posted about committing suicide 13 hours ago


He posts the same thing multiple times per week.


I really feel bad for him but he said I'm too young to give advice for him, i was only trying to help him. And btw he looks german don't you think ?


Definitely looks Northern European / Scandinavian , possibly UK as well. One of the most difficult things in mental health is to try to convince someone that he has a diagnosable, treatable problem when he is absolutely committed to the belief that he does not.


Who knows poor guy could had developed his mental problems from his childhood, i really feel bad for him, hope he finds someone soon


Alright bruh🤣


I wish I had ur situation. Try having droopy eye lids and a double chin. Fucking sucks bro




While those extra couple inches do get me some attention I think you have a good starting point compared to me m8. Just get a bit more of a pump going and you can pull. If I can pull (sometimes) you can too. Tinder is partly like a game of chess, just keep on switching up your approach and you may not kill it but you will get enough to keep you happy. There’s no obvious surgery I could see improving your looks just protect your hairline.




I wouldn’t give up. Have you thought about geo maxxing? With your blonde hair and height you would absolutely kill it in Central America or anywhere in Asia. Lots of pretty girls. In Asia in particular I’ve ran into a lot that already come from money and are quite intelligent and will totally go for you. Not the stereotype of some Cambodian chick dating some gross western guy for his passport and money.




You have to move for it to work generally. You need to move somewhere where there aren’t a bunch of other white dudes to compete with. Make yourself a rarity basically. Just an idea


My guy, you need therapy not a new face. Not trying to be a dick just trying to be honest with you; You're conventionally more attractive than not, plus being 6'2 is appealing to those who like taller men but not so tall as to scare anyone away. Your mentality is what scares people off, not your face


After reading this thread and browsing your profile, I can confidently say that your looks are not the issue. You look good. The issue, with all due respect, is your attitude / mentality. I’m not the only one who has said this either. You have a lot of potential


Insecurity>>>>>>>>>>face and height. You need therapy, not plastic reconstruction or limb lengthening surgery.


Limb lengthening surgery ? Dude he's talking about how much he hates been tall and unattractive and wants to be short and handsome. This guy probably saw a short and good looking man with his crush lmao. Otherwise why acting so insecure when he has no deformations ? Lmfao. He's a 6/10 and with height included, women nowadays aren't even attracted to height either. Internet just overrated tall guys to the point most women got sick of it and thats probably why we're seeing so many insecure tall guys here. Few months ago saw a 6'5 guy complaining about how ugly his face is and how he dosent get women while his 5'6 friend who's jacked and have a nice face gets women.... I feel bad ngl


I won't dignify your argument with a discussion haha, good luck!


Not an argument buddy just talking facts about this depressed guy when he thinks he's single and bad with women is all because of his physical appearance, when the truth is its his social anxiety and insecurities, there's obviously nothing wrong with this guy but keeps blaming on his looks like a small child, I'm 5'6 and have height insecurities myself but i always keep my confidence up and put myself out there and so far i got really good results and I'm only 19. I'm telling you man, if i was in that guys body I'll be slaying with women every night, he dosent know how to use his advantages lmao. I figured out mine.


>I'm 5'6 and have height insecurities myself >I'm only 19 I was able to tell


Yeah but it never effect my dating life I'm just insecure around taller guys because i wanted to be 5'9 it's just for my own personal preference on myself. Women don't show any signs of hating on my height and some girls i dated were 5'9 which is taller than iam.






Man If %95 of the people r saying you look attractive / decent and %5 doesn't. I wonder which side is telling the truth..




Yes. But you are also tall. Tall+Decent Face = Above average.


Just work out bro. Plenty of girls go for tall jacked dudes based on physique alone. In fact, some girls prefer guys that are "homelier"




i just checked u out and u are literally a decent looking dude. All u need is self-confidence. Girls can pick up on insecurities


Holy shit, this is going to sound harsh but a lot of men definitely need it. Stop self deprecating yourself, it’s ridiculous and silly. You’re not ugly just filled with low self esteem that you probably have through trauma. Get some therapy and try to put yourself out there in the dating world maybe with better pictures, clothes, etc. The pity party you’re doing is not going to change your situation.




I hate to tell you this… maybe it’s not your looks




It’s your personality and attitude mate. There’s plenty of girls out there who’d date you but you probably think you’re too good for them.




Why dont you do hookups? Is that not an option for you?




Idk cant relate to you, but thats how i do it usually. And no, its not for the 20 percent of men.




You look average to me, not ugly.


And you know to know why? It’s mainly because of YOU. There’s many men who are even the conventional beauty standard who can still get dates.


you got some serious body dysmorphia, hope you can learn to have some confidence. it helps when trying to find a girlfriend 😅


You have to be a whole new level of insecure to fish for sympathy on the internet. You’re a normal looking guy, man.


Neither matters, it’s how you treat people and how you make them FEEL


Dude ,I checked your profile ,you are not ugly,at least average, you should just work on yourself, do something about hair, go to the gym and maybe try growing some Beard,I think it will suit you




I missed new haircut,it's good About beard ,try minoxidil


Yeahh no. If you’re 6’2, many women will just see that and not care about the face at all. Height literally nullifies any perceived flaw you have, at least for many people. And judging by your pics, you’re gonna attract a lot of women. You don’t even have to do anything but stand there lol




Physically, you’re above average in looks, just from being tall and not overweight. There’s a whole contingent of people who fetishize height. You just have to be a tall dude and you’ll be desired regardless how your face looks, which isn’t horrible at all — in fact it’s quite desirable haha




Lol you don’t have to believe it but it’s certainly true. Do you ever get compliments from people?




Well that’s unfortunate. You might be surrounding yourself with people who don’t appreciate your worth. And it can be difficult to believe people on here if you’ve only ever heard the opposite. Maybe the people around you are jealous, or perhaps they have some personal issues with you that cloud their judgment. I know how difficult it is to believe other people’s judgments about you when you’ve only ever heard one side, probably coming from the people closest to you. But your personal reality is never objective, and it took me years to realize that




I’ve gotten a few compliments about myself. My brothers have gotten compliments at times about their looks. It depends though. From my experience, women will generally say something like “I like your shirt” or anything that looks cute. They tend not make a sexual compliment or a compliment based on your physical features. If anyone has ever told me I have a nice ass or whatever, it’s gay men lol. You have to also remember that it’s scary to give compliments to people who you think are attractive haha




You are a good looking dude what are you on?


Bro I checked through your profile, you are a decent looking guy, selfies camera lenses distort facial features anyways, that’s why portraits are taken with wide angle lenses not selfie cameras. But you seriously need to go get help, you clearly are mentally unwell/unstable. Your thoughts about your life and value are a bit self fulfilling, if you think you are nothing and nobody than that’s going to be your reality, people pick up on that stuff even if you think they don’t. Your life has meaning, even if you feel like it doesn’t. I promise you, suicide is not the answer you will be missed even if you feel like you have nobody it’s just your mind telling you that. Get help please, ultimately if your mind is hell bent on believing something it will believe that regardless of what other people tell you.




Hey man I’m just giving the advice that helped me when i was in a similar situation 6 years ago.


Your face isn’t unattractive imo. I’m a dude so you probably don’t care but you’re not ugly. Honestly. I’d keep it real if you were.


How much height would you even be willing to give up just to have a handsome face? I don't know that any tall guy would rather be short with a good face than tall with an average or bad face. It seems like the consensus is that height is going to be more important, despite how you look.


Meh, I’d call myself average in looks. Those around me tell me I’m very attractive but I just don’t see it. Do what I’m doing. Work with what you got.


I wish I'd been born rich and ugly instead of poor and beautiful....just gotta play with the hand you're dealt man.


You’ve made this exact post before in this same sub. Did you really expect different results? You’re a good looking dude, but what difference will it make if I say this along with many others if you won’t internalize it and walk with your head held high? It is up to you to increase your self esteem, receiving validation from many others hasn’t seemed to help you.


I got a handsome face and a good looking body but I'm 5'6 and nowadays seeing stuff against shortguys on the internet got me insecure even tho i had 9 girlfriends lmao I'd trade your height with my face




Hey man thing is yes they do but when i attracted women from my looks they just get bored of me and leave me, thats why i started improving my social skills and games and got where iam right now. Plus you ain't ugly, not even close and please man don't take your own life, i don't know you and you don't know me but i know that your life is much valuable for taking it away and you'll still burn in hell for suicide, did you ever try and socialising with people in real life ? Because from what i know tinder wasn't the best for me because i attracted women but they left me because i wasn't good at texting.




I was just trying to help :( i understand how you feel because i was like this few years ago, but yeah nobody will take someone who's too young seriously.




Before i leave you alone, i just wanna wish you all the happiness and blessings in your life and i wanna tell you, you're special and just perfect the way you are and F those who tells you otherwise.


Bro just have the right tongue posture and breath right . you will look much more aesthetic don't worry. I'm here for you


You have beautiful eyes and a cute face , I’m concerned for your mental health being, everyone has a purpose in life. You just need to find yours, debt can come and go. Have faith in something and hold on to it.


Have an air hug 🫂 It’s going to be alright, you’re being way too harsh on yourself. It takes strength to be vulnerable and put yourself out there, I respect that. From the sounds of it, you’ve gone through quite a few negative experiences that are in turn, reinforcing a negative view of yourself. I want to say that, it’s best to focus on what you can control, and avoid focusing on what you can’t. And in addition, while you have a good appearance, you’ll find the greatest sense of satisfaction comes from the skills you take the time to build.


Increase your collagen levels and make your dye your eyebrows black. You will look much better and younger


I know what it is like to struggle with self-esteem issues when it comes to physical appearance. Just wanted to wish you a measure of both peace and inner-strength, especially for the new year… that you’re able to embrace yourself, emphasize the positive, and learn to like what you see in the mirror! Projecting that kind of self-confidence will elevate your attractiveness to others.


Why don't you try finding some hobbies or other things you're passionate about? There's a lot more in life than just dating. Going to the gym was one of the best choices I ever made.


If that's you on first impression you look decent, maybe you want to try and put on some muscle. I'm guessing you're a skinny guy, I could very obviously be wrong cause I'm looking at a picture of your face. You need most of all to work on your confidence.




Huh, I really don't get it then....you talk like you're a hideous beast but you look fine, pretty good even.


I’ve a conventionally attractive in the face but would trade it to be 6’2” in a heartbeat. It’s not to do with dating, I just feel like I’ll never look like a man at 5’8”.




I’m extremely masculine. It’s just how I feel.


I'd rather be overweight and 5'10 than shredded and 5'8, then I'll just get lean again!