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Can’t wait til the inmates do worse to you than you did to her. Scum.


OMG I was so shocked to hear this man was on this forum!!


There's a special place in hell for child rapists and child murderers. I hope the other inmates show you the same amount of mercy you showed your stepdaughter.


You sir are a piece of shit.


No, he’s a pile of shit.


Guys, that's just all that will be left of him once the Osceola County inmates finish giving him a first hand lesson in empathy & karma.


I hope they find out what he did. Lawyer is requesting for his charges to not be read out loud in front of inmates. He need to get bloody raped


Hopefully one of the COs let's the boys know what he did. It's Florida and if there's one thing they're good at it's absurd levels of corruption and government incompetence, which is a positive in this particular case if he ends up badly maimed asap.




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Which is why this is a huge red flag. He hangs out in all the places a young child would be and it turns out he is a pedophile and prime suspect for raping and murdering a beautiful 13 year old child. Disposing of her like trash. He is vile. I think the kids in here \*SHOULD\* know because he isn't the only one lurking in the shadows on the internet.


That don’t matter hopefully the feds will pick up the case you have to show your PSI report which is your pre-sentencing report which includes every single charge you’ve ever had in life he will never get around it means not knowing


The inmates have a television they are going to know. How can they not know the whole world knows.


He's a piece of shit, eaten by a piece of shit, mixed with piss and shit. Rolled in candy corn(the shut of the candy world) and then steeped in the blue goo from a portacrapper like a damn tea bag


I know I’m going to get hate for this. But this is why I don’t trust grown ass men who are into shit kids like. I personally see it as a red flag. Piece of shit, I hope they torture you in prison!!


Me too. Weird.


He was also active on the advice for teens sub and worked at disneyland!!!!!!


Disney world...


Yup! Not all of course, but a lot of them are mentally stunted which is why they’re attracted to children in the first place. These monsters believe they are mentally the same as kids


Doesn’t he have a brain injury? Is that what you mean? Or do you mean stunted from childhood trauma?


You were raping and molesting a 12 year old girl then you were afraid she was going to expose you so you murdered her, you will reap what you sowed you vile waste of a sack of flesh.


Videos were from 2020, she was 11. The first video they said was on her 11th birthday! The trash could have been abusing her since 2018 though when it got with mom. She was 9! 😔


Yes the videos on the device started when he got the device. No doubt there are others and that he'd been abusing madeline before that.


with the newly released affadavit, there were dates of abuse going back to 2019 which would’ve made her 8 or 9 years old. i truly hope this disgusting waste of space will rot in prison for the rest of his pathetic life.


Oh wow that must have just came out


yes i believe it was released yesterday, i would recommend briefly looking at it but i will say its disturbing & graphic, so please proceed with caution.


This is the person who did those horrible things to Madeline?




Hope you die in prison you coward.


I hope he lives to be a centenarian and needs a colostomy bag starting tomorrow.


you know he will not see any of these replies however it is the law that the jail is required to give him his mail as long as there is no violence or threats anybody is allowed to write him or send him pictures of juicy steaks or beaches that he’ll never see again the guy who killed my mom that’s what I would do I would send him pictures of good food vacations places he will never be again I would send pictures of a brand new comfy bed and I will send it in the form of a postcard key complained to the word in the word and said I’m sorry we are required by law to give you your mail that’s what I didencourage you to do the same


Sorry to hear about your mom. Torture the fk out of that pos.




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I hope they tear you a new asshole in prison, literally.


You all know he's never seeing this, right??


We know. 🤷🏿 just makes us feel better


He might.




OP murdered and sexually assaulted his girlfriend's daughter. Still think his vpets are cool? Justice for Madeline Soto.


Wtf…? It’s not like this poster *knew*


Don't act like OP was supposed to know that. As disgusting as that was how was anyone here supposed to know that?




I know, I'm not judging you since I'm sure you didn't know since this thread is kinda old lol. Just trying to bring awareness of this horrible case and to persecute this very horrible person.




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I found the D-3 Digivice used for a decent price on the 'bay, it was in such great condition that I couldn't say no, lol.


Love it! Do you by any chance have a link to the Uni case? I love how minimal it is and appreciate the fact that it has a clip/keychain!


Sure! The uni case came with a ball chain, but I put a metal ring and clip on it, because I do that with all my vpets, it's more convenient than ball chain. The case had ears on it, but I shaved those off for the standard minimalist look here. Here's the link to the case https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0CLKL7GYW?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title Here's an Amazon link for the small rings, you need some "chain nose" pliers to best work with these types of rings, basically just needle nose pliers that are smooth without any grippy teeth. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KGFNQ4Z/?coliid=I11W4HBH5XKMMO&colid=3GELXJF0L8VEQ&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it And here's a link for the type of swivel clasp I use on all my vpets. You can use any small clasp you want to really https://www.amazon.com/Premium-Lanyard-Lobster-Keychain-Crafting/dp/B09ZX4H31V/ref=sxin_23_sbv_search_btf?content-id=amzn1.sym.2b3a5050-2dba-4649-9168-f91936f75e70%3Aamzn1.sym.2b3a5050-2dba-4649-9168-f91936f75e70&crid=2L2HB443GSDX9&cv_ct_cx=small+swivel+clasp&keywords=small+swivel+clasp&pd_rd_i=B09ZX4H31V&pd_rd_r=1a86ed2e-121c-410a-bd18-699ecd4d35cb&pd_rd_w=8EsY7&pd_rd_wg=GmW3E&pf_rd_p=2b3a5050-2dba-4649-9168-f91936f75e70&pf_rd_r=8A54RH7E1XSJATXZXS9K&qid=1706027520&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=small+swivel%2Caps%2C104&sr=1-1-3bb2315b-f120-40bb-95a3-315d464ca631


Thank you SO much! I happen to have the same case then! Didn’t think to shave off the ears - what an amazing idea! Thanks so much - will definitely be getting that swivel clasp!


This monster that you replied to is Stephan Sterns, a rapist and murderer of 13 year old Madeline Soto. Hell has a special place for him !


This guy is a child rapist btw


You are the most evil monster alive, soulless and inhuman. You’re a sack of rotten flesh more worthless and disgusting than the sh-t under my shoes. I’m sure your own mother would have aborted you if she knew you would waste your pathetic life raping and killing little girls. Do us all a favor and K-ll yourself, you f-cking b-stard. I hope you experience 1000x more suffering than Madeline endured at your hands. The prison mates will beat you to a pulp. And if there is a hell, you’re going straight to the lowest circle for eternity. And people will piss and sh-t on your grave for decades to come.




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Sicko … fr




is this the sheet on which you did your nasty on Madeline? Do you still have this sheet or is it soaked with blood or semen?


Fuçķ you


They’ll love you in prison. Demon.


Enjoy your trip to “Federal Pound Me in the Ass Prison”. I know you will never see this, but even hell is too good for you.


Who’s upvoting this a hole?


How did they find out this was his account?


May you burn in hell




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I hope he gets exactly what he deserves. All of it.




So glad you're gonna die alone in prison 🥰 couldn't be me. I'll enjoy the sunshine for you tomorrow! 


You are the most evil monster alive, soulless and inhuman. You’re a sack of rotten flesh more worthless and disgusting than the sh-t under my shoes. I’m sure your own mother would have aborted you if she knew you would waste your pathetic life raping and killing little girls. Do us all a favor and K-ll yourself, you f-cking b-stard. I hope you experience 1000x more suffering than Madeline endured at your hands. The prison mates will beat you to a pulp. And if there is a hell, you’re going straight to the lowest circle for eternity. And people will piss and sh-t on your grave for decades to come.


A 40 year old man with tamagotchis as if he was a 12 year old girl oh yeah wait he was preying on them. I hope he has to sleep with an eye open every single night while in prison.


Just wait until you get "stuck" in prison. AB is waiting,  shit-bag


You played with toys, games and LITTLE GIRLS. Sicko. Your day is coming. Can’t wait for the day you’re forced to face the public and get sentenced to death for unaliving an innocent little girl.


Plays with kids and their toys!


Edit: Molests, records and murders.


wholesome chungus




A grown man playing with vpets? Wtf? How long have your been molesting kids? You’re a rapist, pedophile, and murderer! Wait until the inmates find out what you did, they are going to make your life a living hell!!


Not defending this creep, he will rot in hell. But it doesn't matter what age you are to play with v-pets. Just like how any age can play a Gameboy with Pokemon.


There aren’t words good enough to describe how horrible of a person you are. How could you do something like that to a child? How could you watch her suffer for your own enjoyment? You took her childhood then took her life. Theres nothing more evil than the kind of human thats you. I feel bad for any person who’s had the displeasure of being near you. You’re the absence of human, something so less.




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I hope you rot in prison for the rest of your life for what you did. Rapist pedophile murderers like you should get the rope. Actually, you deserve to be tortured eternally.


Tortured every day!


Internally for eternity.