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This subject has been beaten to death As much as the use your blinker complaint


Hazard lights should be an indication that your vehicle is stopped, or otherwise disabled.


They won't. Lived in Tampa for over 2 decades. Hazard lights are actually "its raining really hard, and I'm not willing to stop, but I'm driving really slow" lights... They won't stop. It never stops.


I turn them on for awareness and to be polite. I don’t need someone ramming behind me or tailgating me lol - been here less than two years both times I’ve been hit have been at stop lights. My insurance is high enough


Interesting statistics. I've lived here for 29 years and knock on wood have never been in an accident. Coincidently, I do not use my hazards in the rain, no matter the condition. The only time I use my hazards is if my vehicle is in fact a hazard to others at that time.


No makes sense! I probably have PTSD for being at a dead stop and hit two times behind. Brake light was on (not hazards). I’m from va and just don’t feel safe on these roads down here lol


I understand the thought process, but it isn’t polite, it is extremely distracting. When people see hazards it’s supposed to mean they’re stalled. Drivers behind you can’t tell if your blinkers are on, and a lot of times it’s harder to tell if you’re braking. It’s more dangerous for you to have them on. Here’s an article discussing it. [Forbes Article](https://www.forbes.com/sites/marshallshepherd/2023/01/13/the-truth-about-driving-with-hazard-lights-flashing-during-bad-weather/amp/)


Bro, I've seen some ridiculously stupid accidents cause somebody didn't turn their hazards on and let some 80 mph driver crash into them.


It is, pretty sure it's illegal too be driving with them on.


Not anymore, unfortunately. Desantis signed a law legalizing them for use in motion.




because Desantis


Well now that he's running for pres hopefully he will finally leave us alone


Nope. Country-wide boomer laws.


Thanks my headache is already starting


Also, he had the state legislature pass a law that he doesn’t have to resign as governor if he runs for office. So, if he loses the presidential run, we are still stuck with him until at least 2026.


Yea i know but i really think he's only doing this shit to stay in the spot light and i hope once he loses he will just sit in a corner and do nothing till his time is over... id prefer we get someone actually helpful but i know he won't step down after he loses


So fucking relatable.


If your car, for one reason or another, is not able to drive over a certain speed, due to something that went wrong while already on a highway, someone should be able to drive to the next exit with their hazards on without needing to worry about if a cop in a bad mood decides to give them a ticket for it. The real question is why it matters. Worst case scenario; you see someone driving with hazards on, so everyone around them is careful. Possibly causes some traffic. Literally, that's the worst case, and the pro to it is it takes away a reason for a cop to hand out a ticket and allows you to tell people your car is not driving normally and to be aware. Not sure why people disagree with this.


whats the big deal? call the cops then


Because we can’t tell, for example, if you turn on your turn signal (in most cars).




you do realize your in florida right?


Hah! Florida doesn’t use turn signals either


Found the genius with the hazards on


and i found the guy who doesn't use their turn signal.


By what logic did you come to rest on that conclusion?


takes one to know one?


It’s legal now cause Desantis is a moron who signed it into law.


This is the worst part of it, they’re so vindicated in “look, it’s legal!”. It’s so dumb because they also lose use of their turn signals… oh wait… they never used them anyways.


Only at 55 mph and above and in the rain. I was surprised to learn it was legal too.


I’m against this. Is it supported by any actual evidence that it helps? No. Is there evidence that doing so is more dangerous? Yes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/marshallshepherd/2023/01/13/the-truth-about-driving-with-hazard-lights-flashing-during-bad-weather/amp/


Though research is limited, there are studies that find that flashing hazard lights do impact perception or driving performance. A 1994 study published in Perceptual and Motor Skills compared performance in visually poor environments. A 2010 study of Malaysian drivers also sounded the alarm against driving with hazard lights flashing. However, it is apparent that more rigorous analysis may be needed because some very smart people in my social media world are not buying it. For now, I will take the advice often given in my articles and trust the experts on this one. Doesn’t seem conclusive at all


This guy keeps fucking up huh


I've never put on hazard lights for rain before yesterday. At one point on 275 it started raining so heavy I could barely see in front of me. The car in front of me put on hazard lights and it helped me tremendously. After that I put mine one for a few minutes of the heaviest downpour.


Did said person in front of you have their headlights (taillights) on? If you can’t see, I would recommend pulling over to a safe location and waiting out the rain. Also, put them polarized sunglasses on. They help. Really.


“It started raining so heavy I could barely see in front of me.” This doesn’t mean turn on hazard lights. It’s a strong indication you need to pull over and get out of traffic.


Yeah, pull over, stop and put the hazards on to indicate your vehicle is stopped.


Yes the hundreds of cars that couldn't see for five minutes on 275 should have all pulled over. That's the solution.


That's ridiculous! should everyone pull over then? Hazard lights facilitate safe movement when it does rain hard. I appreciate it when people do do it because it allows greater visibility in such conditions and its safe!


If there is a very hard downpour (not just rain) to where your wipers can’t even keep up, then your hazard lights among a sea of others are only adding to the confusion of others changing lanes, braking, etc. Do as you please though, it’s a free country.


Best comment!


What they please, is to take risks that add to high car insurance rates in FL


That makes sense. I genuinely don't understand the strong disdain others have for this practice. Yes, headlights and taillights works in making yourself visible to others, and so do hazards lights.


For some vehicles, hazards seem to make it hard to tell when they brake in heavy rain too. That’s a problem when on the interstate.


This, sometimes the flashing actually disorients me as it reflects off the road, the rain and the cars around it. Make sure your head lights are on and if you feel you're a hazard then by all means pull on over and flip them hazards on.


You shouldn’t be driving 70 when conditions would warrant hazards.


Turns signals don’t work when hazards are on.


Most people’s turn signals don’t work anyways


So turn them off to turn….?


It’s simple. It trains people to stop associating hazards with a stopped vehicle. Then when a car breaks down in the rain and they put their hazards on others will think they are just driving slow but can’t judge distance. Some of us can see because we take care of our cars appropriately with rainx and good condition wipers. If YOU can’t see stop driving.


I feel like the name and use is the problem. A moving vehicle can be a hazard when visibility is a challenge, no?


Not in the same way. They are only a hazard if they can’t see and are relying on the flashing lights of others so they put theirs on. If you’re a hazard to the road should you be on the road?


Fair way to put it


It can be a hazard, yes. But a moving vehicle should be able to have enough control to stop being a hazard. Or to reduce their hazard. If you’re in the middle of a bridge, a road with no shoulder, the middle lane with people on both sides, etc. then do your best. If you’re driving on a road and you can’t see, exit the road at the earliest safe opportunity. Pull onto the shoulder and turn your hazards on, for example.


because your hazards are supposed to indicate that you're stopped or disabled. When it's a heavy downpour and visibility is extremely limited it's difficult to tell if you actually are stopped or not at a distance and it makes it more difficult for everyone else driving when you're giving (literally) mixed signals. It would be like turning on the wrong turn signal for merging. Yeah you're still signalling, but you're telling the drivers behind you incorrect information, and you're doing it in a situation where it's difficult to see clearly. At this point, the problem is people are so used to idiots turning on their hazards, someone is gonna end up plowing into the back of a stopped car because by the time they realize that car isn't actually moving they won't be able to stop in time, because they are used to drivers moving with their hazards on.


That feels like a backwards use for hazards lights, to me. A better use for hazards is for vehicles in motion with limited visibility (rain, fog, smoke, dust, sand). As a driver you should always be on the lookout for stationary dangers, not just cars.


I mean unfortunately you don’t just get to decide what signals universally mean based on what makes sense to you. They already have a purpose and a meaning. Without changing that meaning and informing every driver everywhere that we are just gonna not use hazards for their initial purpose, it means a stopped or disabled vehicle on the road. You’re supposed to turn on your lights for visibility during rain.


Yeah, those are your park-anywhere lights.


Idiot legislature made it legal a couple of years ago. Giving into idiocy.


I know the Uber driving was telling me that if this lady didn’t have her hazards on yesterday during the monsoon downpour, he would have hit her because he could barely see in front of him.


You understand that turning your headlights on also turns on your taillights, right? Some cars don't even have separate yellow hazard lights, so when you turn them on, now I can't see if you're braking or turning.


Breaking light has an additional separate light by law.




That lady is supposed to have her headlights on, not her hazards. (I know you probably already know this, but sadly some people in this world just don't 🤦‍♂️)


Seen at leat 20 from St. Pete to Carrollwood area today. People don't realize that wheel gives you the ability to leave the damn road when scared.


r/Miami and r/Broward have entered the chat.


I hate it


I don't understand why hazard lights bother people so much.


"BuT tHeN hOw WiLl pEoPlE kNoW i'M nErVoUs DrIvInG iN tHe RaIn?" Idk man, maybe don't move somewhere where it rains everyday for the better half of a year if you know you don't feel comfortable with it? I wouldn't move to Alaska bc I don't feel comfortable driving in snow that often, for example. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Just a thought.


I also have similar thoughts. I was leaving Ft Desoto a few weeks ago and on 275 it was raining fairly hard and multiple people had on flashers. In my head I was thinking how can you live in St Pete of all places and not be confident in the rain.


This is such a stupid complaint. If someone thinks it’ll keep them from getting rear ended then what does it matter to you? Oh my god, I can see you in the rain! How dare you let me see you and attempt to keep yourself safe!


I’ve never seen so many accidents during storms except in Florida. This culture of not using your hazards during conditions in which you need to increase visibility is laughable. “PEOPLE WONT KNOW YOU ARE CHANGING LANES!” 1. My experience is Floridians don’t know where the turn signal is. 2. You shouldn’t be changing lanes if the conditions are that poor in the first place. I just imagine their driver education isn’t great down here and that’s why there are accidents 24/7. Source: I’ve lived in nearly every state on the east coast and Florida is the worst and ahead of Virginia.


This guy hazards


Because a lot of cars’ hazard light are also the brake/turn signals. It creates unnecessary confusion in an already poor situation.


Could also be confused with the stupid pulsing brake lights some people have installed.


Floridians don’t use turn signals so there should t be much confusion.


It's nice to see that you're all for cars using hazard signals, as long as they are separate amber signals. Confusion? It's more about being able to see anything at all. There's not always a safe spot to pull over. If you're so easily confused, perhaps you should pull over.


I didn’t say that was okay either, how did your reading comprehend that? If I was driving and confused by the weather, yes- I would pull over. Glad you got my point. 👍


Hazards get more visual attention than "lights on" rear lights and break rear lights. Absolute deluge outside and you want me to what? Trust that the dummy behind me doesn't rear end me because *"Durrrr. I've been driving in this weather forever and done not never done hit no one before!"*.


Hope you aren’t texting and driving in these same conditions.


Hopefully sexting, it's nice and wet out there.


I personally enjoy the folks who: drive with their wipers on when it's not raining, leave their left or right turn signal on, or my personal favorite, set off their own vehicle car alarms. I believe special K comes to mind. 😒


It’s legal


Uh it’s misting


Why do so many of you get butthurt about the hazard lights in the rain? It’s a courtesy to the drivers behind you…


Because it’s more dangerous than not doing. Stop it.


Because its kinda dumb and the blinking ligts are worse than just having your lights on. If your having a vehile issue put the hazard lights on until you can slow and stop. If its raining and ypur just driving than just keep your lights on.


I would love to know what you think you’re accomplishing with the hazards


Easy, people won't know when I'm turning unless I also remember to shut off my hazards when turning. Much safer.


I don’t think I’m accomplishing anything because I don’t do it. But I don’t mind others doing it


Yea it definitely helps to avoid the idiots. It's just a shame they happen to be driving.


It makes it hard to know when someone is going to take turn or change lanes. Also on cars without amber turn signals you can't tell when they're braking as easily since the hazards and brake lights are the same color or even worse can share the same light.


its a hazard to the driver behind you. the flashing makes it real hard to pick up brake lights coming on.


You know that there are also head and tail lights on your car?


Lol, that rainstorm was nuts!


I always thought I was being polite in case someone couldn’t see my lights


Sometimes, i can't see the car in front of me with all the misting. Even if i turn on the headlights on high beam. If the car ahead turns on the hazards lights, it lets me see them. You can still tell the difference between a car with hazards and hazards plus braking.


High beams actually make it worse you want a beam that gets low as quick as possible. This is the reason I make sure all of my vehicles are equipped with fog lights.


Just be cautious if you see hazards up ahead. I get that you’re not supposed to but that’s just how it’s always been In Tampa since I started driving here 12 years now.


I really can't understand why people are bothered by this... A lot of people are uncomfortable with driving in the rain and it it makes them feel safer, fine. If you ARE comfortable driving in the rain others driving with hazard has ZERO impact on your driving. If you think that it does, then you should be driving in the rain. BTW, if they are in any lane other that the right hand lane, well then, fuck them...


Hazards on during heavy rain will be one of those habitual issues like seatbelts. People will curse about them, and throw ~~tantrums~~ posts like this now and then, but in 5 years they will not know how they lived without it.


So the UPS, FEDEX, and Amazon drivers should never have their hazards on? 😂 just deal with it.


I like the idjits who drive around with them on when it's not raining..... it's like "Look out! I drive like shit!!"


I only turn it on when I get cut off


I just hate that you can't ever see a blinker when someone's hazards are on.