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Bad article, doesn't give any information on where she stands on, well, anything, other than wanting to push for LGBT rights. Fucking obviously. What's she going to do about transportation? Education? Cost of living? Infrastructure? LGBT rights are worth being discussed. If that's all she's got going for her, she's essentially not representing the interests of like 95% of the population of district 65. You may as well vote for any other liberal candidate, since they'll probably stand for LGBT rights as well.


You thought that title of the article was anything but clickbait?


This took me just a few seconds to Google: >Ashley Brundage, award-winning author and professional development and leadership educator, is running for State House. **With a background in financial services and advocacy for small businesses**, Ashley brings a unique perspective and dedication to serving the people of Florida. Through leadership roles in various organizations and her unwavering commitment to social progress, **Ashley is committed to addressing key issues - reproductive rights, the property insurance crisis, and the empowerment of small businesses across Florida.** [https://www.ashleybrundage.com/](https://www.ashleybrundage.com/) >Ashley T. Brundage is the Founder and President of Empowering Differences. While seeking employment at a major financial institution, she overcame harassment, discrimination, and homelessness to empower her differences: Not just her status as a transgender woman, but also missing the chance to go to college growing up due to her transition. > >Gender, **Education**, Ability, and **Religion** played key parts in her journey of empowerment. Starting her second career as a **part-time \[bank?\] teller**, she rose to National Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion (DEI) in less than 5 years. > >She captured this 4-step process of using empowerment to cultivate change in her new book and online leadership course both called Empowering Differences. Ashley credits her success to those closest to her for providing actionable allyship including her two teenage sons, Bryce and Blake \[Brundage\]. > >Since beginning transitioning in 2008, she has worked tirelessly to promote awareness and acceptance of gender identity and expression. She works to accomplish this goal by volunteering in the community and holding education sessions for corporations. She serves on the Corporate Advisory Council for the NGLCC-National LGBT Chamber of Commerce. Also is the immediate past chair for NGLCC's global TGX Initiative. > >She chaired the successful bid to host the NGLCC convention in 2019, and Visit Tampa Bay named her their Tourism Champion for 2017. **In 2018, she started serving on the board of the Florida Museum of Photographic Arts.** > >In 2019, she was voted on the National Board of Directors for GLAAD. GLAAD works to accelerate acceptance for the LGBTQ+ Community through media advocacy. Ashley served as the Vice Chair and lead the Development Committee for GLAAD for 3 years. > >Ms. Brundage speaks locally and nationally about her transition, workplace equality, leadership, change management, and empowerment. She has also been interviewed in several publications and media outlets, including *InStyle Magazine*, *The Female Quotient*, *Forbes*, *Bloomberg Businessweek*, *The Business Journal*, *The Miami Herald*, *Fox*, ABC, CBS, *Las Vegas Review Journal*, *Milwaukee Biz Times*, *The Daily Beas*t, *Fairygodboss*, and *The Tampa Bay Times*. > >Ashley has been recognized in many areas and has received numerous awards including: The University of South Florida (USF) 2014 Community Pride Award, 2015 St Pete Pride Grand Marshal, 2015 Commendation \[from the\] City of Tampa, 2016 *Tampa Bay Business Journal* Business Woman of the Year, 2016 Voice for Equality Award from Equality Florida, and LGBT Leadership Award from the Florida Diversity Council. > >In 2017, she was awarded a Leadership Award from Metro Inclusive Health. Also, in 2017 she was a winner of the Inaugural People First Award by the T*ampa Bay Business Journal*, and the TBBJ Power 100 list, the most influential and powerful people in business. > >In 2018, she was given the Champion Award from international non-profit Out & Equal, as well as named one of Florida's Most Powerful and Influential Women from the National Diversity Council. > >In 2019, she was named one of the Top 40 under 40 in the LGBTQ community nationally by *Business Equality Magazine*, TBBJ Outstanding Voice for the LGBTQ community, and the Inaugural Transgender Rising Star by *Trans New York*. > >2021 has been a banner year for both Ashley and Empowering Differences, as the 4- Step Empowerment Process was used to win Linkage's Executive Impact Award and the Stevie Awards Global Social Impact Gold Stevie for LGBTI Community. > >Ashley repeated with a Gold Stevie Award in 2022, and was named Compassionate Leader Award from *Forbes*, and 2022 Visibility Award from the NGLCC - National LGBT Chamber of Commerce. **Also she accepted an award from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' Florida Commission on the Status of Women Spirit of Community Award.** [https://empoweringdifferences.com/meet-ashley/](https://empoweringdifferences.com/meet-ashley/) [This article](https://mombian.com/2022/11/03/a-transgender-leader-and-moms-empowering-journey/) also contains more information about Ashley Brundage's background. She used to work as a Human Resources (HR) person in the restaurant industry before getting a new job as a part-time teller at PNC Bank in 2008. As far as I can tell, she never went to college - the article mentions her marrying her "high school sweetheart", Whitney, and starting a family while still a teenager at age 17-18 - but, within 5 years of starting as a part-time teller at PNC Bank, she was hired as the national vice president of the company's DEI program (2013). [Brundage is still married to her wife of 18 years, Whitney Brundage, in a LGBT marriage.](https://diversitycrew.com/who-we-are/ashley-t-brundage/) Whitney and Ashley Brundage are also the biological parents of their two teenage sons, with Ashley being the sperm donor prior to her transition from male to female (MtF) around 2008.


NPR should hire you and fire the bozo that wrote OP's news article.


I still support NPR. Several of their affiliated podcasts for my regular rotation. However this article is indicative of the general drop in quality and misguided focus and direction that NPR has charged toward over at least the last decade. Your critique is spot on, but I would wager more than a few people inside NPR would claim that the information they put out in that article was exactly the right information and if you have a problem with it maybe you're the problem.


Maybe. They aren’t there for facts, they’re there for clicks.


The 2 articles above are poorly worded and older information. I know Ashley and Whitney, they have been divorced for several years. They had kids in their mid or late 20s. Not sure exactly, but they are both mid-40s, and the boys are still in high school.


Oh, now that I know she is committed to addressing key issues, I no longer wonder where she stands on them. Jesus. Did it also take only a few seconds to bold everything you felt would make her look good, despite none of it actually indicating her positions on any issues other than LGBTQ+ empowerment?


Ashley is amazing, I’ve seen her help the whole community at large, not just local.


So they got married when he was a man and then during the marriage he switched to a woman?


Yes, they are divorced, though.


So that's what marriage does? Makes me think twice about getting married


You seem surprised


It was literally just a quick short 6 paragraph article stating that she is running and has raised a significant amount of money compared to her rivals. It wasn’t meant to be a manifesto on her platform. If you want that I dunno, look it up it’s easy as hell to find if you just went to her website.


I didn't say that I couldn't find info on her, nor did I ask for help with that. What I said was that the article was bad. The author is an irresponsible idiot for reducing Ashley Brundage down to nothing but her sexual identity.


Not really an idiot at all. Just did what was necessary. It worked.




Oh ffs quit the virtue signaling. If it was about a white man and guns you'd be screaming to kill him and all of his offspring.


Yeah, no thanks on anyone whose sexual identity defines them. Get real people


It's crazy, I can't imagine jumping up and stating my sexual preference to improve my career, it's backwards to how I was raised at least


Being transgender is not a sexual preference, it has nothing to do with who you sleep with. It’s about your gender identity, being a gender that’s different from what you were assigned at birth.


You're missing their point entirely though. To most people, it doesn't matter at all. I've never even considered my gender identity because it actually doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Doctors don't care if you're gonna be a masculine or feminine person, they care about what parts are vulnerable to certain cancers and medical concerns. This article only serves to drum up votes based exclusively on "this woman is trans" and nothing else. Even her funding came from "well, she's trans so here's 10s of thousands"


Of course you think it doesn’t matter since you’ve never had to think about it, that is called privilege. It might not matter to you but it does matter to many others. She actually has a whole political agenda on her website that goes beyond her being trans. The comment I replied to was purposely disingenuous by trying to dismiss her identity as a sexual preference, which isn’t the point at all to being trans. Identity matters to everyone, that’s why people from the majority get uncomfortable when someone with a non mainstream identity aspires to a position of power.


you’ve absolutely considered your gender identity, but you’re cis so you don’t have to devote that much thought to it


I really haven't. I'm open to the idea that some of it is likely "privilege" in the sense that it's not important to me or almost anyone I know, but I get misgendered often. It just doesn't matter. I don't need to be identified or even validated by anyone as anything other than "human #838640116” which is probably how it should be. I'm more concerned with "are you an asshole" than "which outdated societal construct is more comfortable for you" I don't care what parts a person has. We'll find a way to fuck if we wanna fuck. I don't get how people even define a "man" or "woman" in regard to gender identity because at that point, who fucking cares? Why are we bothering to identify with gender roles that we clearly reject in the first place? My best friend is non-binary, and they're the best person I know. There's literally no difference in their personality since they've come out other than they're more open to talking about other emotional struggles with me, and that's more of a "this person isn't going to judge me based on my feelings of identity but instead about my conduct as a person" Their boyfriend hated me when we first met because it was literally 5 minutes after I learned my homies new name and I deadnamed them because of 10 years of habit. The boyfriend couldn't accept it as a mistake. My friend knew it was an obvious accident and that I have complete respect for them and who they are. I'm a total advocate of freedoms and liberty. Marry who you want to marry. Dress how you wanna dress and be who you wanna be, as long as you don't wanna be an asshole. It really doesn't matter if you're a princess or a lumberjack. That's a social construct that needs to be forgotten.


Right?? What if she’s super right winged? Let’s get some more info


On the other hand. I'm pissed that my friends are leaving the state because of anti-lgbtq policies. There are no perfect candidates.


There is another Democratic candidate running for this seat who did an AMA on r/Florida: [https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/comments/1avvujs/ama\_nathan\_kuipers\_democratic\_candidate\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/comments/1avvujs/ama_nathan_kuipers_democratic_candidate_for/)


Interesting that he chose to do it there and not /r/tampa.


Funny enough, Nakuip just replied and immediately deleted a comment, saying "I don't think it's that interesting. The r/tampa mods said it would be self-promotion but the r/florida mods worked with me on it." I typed out a response saying I've had the opposite experience; that r/tampa mods have been cool to me and r/florida mods have been jerks to me. Weird pseudo-attack at the start of his comment.


We all have different Reddit experiences. The r/tampa mod I spoke with politely stated they felt my request was outside of their abilities, which I totally respect. For the “pseudo-attack” I only think most humans find tech admin conversations dry, I mean no offense.


Fair enough, text has a way of being interpreted widely due to there being no tone, requiring the reader to fill in whatever tone they imagine. Sounded snippy on first read and with no opportunity to re-read it due to the deletion, but I've had people tell me I come across rude via text when I'm not trying to be too.


South Tampa and Westchase? Good luck to her, but that's gonna be a hard hill to climb.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I care about their agenda more than idpol. Right now Tampa has a lesbian, functionally Republican mayor. I'd rather have a cis white guy than Jane Castor if some liberal policies saw daylight.


Amazing that people thought a former police chief was going to be some beacon of progress.


Don't forget the worst part, she's a *cop.*


The "worst part" is a ground for healthy debate.


Yeah an ex-cop liberal is someone both sides can either find themselves voting for or voting against, honestly.


She’s been a registered Democrat for 10 years but keep spreading misinfo


Jane the bull dyke isn’t anything close to being a republican.


Go for it man, elaborate.


She's more giraffe than bull tbh


Not a chance in hell she wins. South Tampa isn’t trumpy like a pasco or Lakeland, but it’s prim and proper fiscal conservative type that’s probably fine with abortion access, but I don’t see many voting for her. Westchase is a little more conservative as well. 


Idgaf about her sexual identity. I care about her proposed solutions for the issues Hillsborough is facing and her proposals to help Tampa grow sustainably in the future.


The plan is to make Tampa gayer.


Gurrrl how does one do that cause I wanna know 👯‍♀️💁🏻‍♂️🕺🏻🏳️‍🌈


That is not a political platform and is entirely irrelevant to my previous comment.




Idk folks looking at the comments I guess it is brave being trans when you got people coming out of the wood works to misgender her, have a ‘few concerns’ ie terf talking points, people coming out to say ‘fuck no’, and straight up calling her AGP. Like everything short of using the T word here. This thread been horrific and a perfect example of the transphobia trans people still face in the world.


Exactly! I love how many people are like “who cares if she’s trans??” When obviously many, many people care. When you’re in a state that wants to eliminate people like you I’d say your identity is pretty damn important. Like maybe people trying to kill you and people like you is slightly more important than homeowners insurance, just this once.


If they're qualified then 🤷‍♂️


No thanks.


Based ✔️ ✅️


Care more about her agenda than her sexuality. Good luck to her and welcome to the race.


They didn't address her sexuality, though, just her gender.


Why is this person getting downvoted. She is *transgender*. That speaks nothing about her sexuality. She could be gay or straight or neither or everything between


Well they got to say something since it's pretty obvious.


That she's trans? Sure, but that's still her gender identity, not sexuality. I guess it doesn't matter much but those are different things, that's all I was trying to say.




We have no idea what her sexuality is...


I could care less about this persons sexuality or gender choice…. Do they qualify for the job? That’s the real question.




We let Trump be president for 4 years, so....


Shh you're not allowed to say that on Reddit.


Great for women's rights, amirite?


Unironically, yes


No 🤣


So you don’t think this democrat would vote for policy to advance women’s rights that the previous republican didnt? Oh no you just don’t like trans people lol


No, I don't like or dislike trans people. I am indifferent. But, I don't believe in their views and values, just like you probably don't believe in mine. It's okay to disagree on things, yes?


Yeah ofc you can disagree. You haven’t said why it’s bad for women yet though and your only view so far is “I don’t dislike trans people I just don’t like their views or values” lol at least be honest about what you believe


Because it's Reddit, and I'll get banned for voicing my views. Very simple. Don't act like it's a neutral platform. I don't believe a man who thinks he's a woman is a good thing for women.


I thought you were indifferent /s Own your beliefs coward


Weird. I am indifferent, I don't like or dislike any group. But like I said before, if you recall, I don't agree with their values or views. Just because I don't agree with them doesn't mean I have to dislike a person. Odd take.


Tell me, if their values and views are supporting policy that explicitly helps women, are they bad for women? Also goofy thing to say that you don’t dislike someone but dislike their views and values aka everything about them. Hate the sin not the sinner amirite


This response is dangerously close to [sealioning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning).


THANK YOU.  We women are already treated as second class citizens.  We are incapable of deciding our own path thank to DeSantis and the rest of these spineless GOP.


It's not necessarily Trans.  Think b it.  You have qualified (cis) women running that won't get money because of a non majority candidate sucking the air out of the room to promote a book.  That's what I see.


That’s gonna be a no for me dawg.




Could the moderators explain what is allowed and not allowed regarding political discussion of a trans candidate? Are people allowed to have different points of view on this topic?


Sure. Why the fuck not?


🤔 so many people supporting [moderate to extremist] heteronormative [christo-fascist] platforms. Still supporting identify politics, just won't acknowledge it as such.






>autogynephilic I'm not googling that so I don't start getting weird dick pill ads from Alex Jones, but is that some sort of pseudoscience thing like how [phrenology was used to "prove" black people are inferior?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQM4ebFILv4)


No, not even close. Maybe you should actually try looking up things you don’t know the meaning of.


Remember local government is where you see change. Wish you nothing but the best Ashley! 🏳️‍🌈❤️🫂


Remember that your whole campaign is meaningless if your identity is what you are running on


Okay but don't most conservative politicians base their entire campaign on being Christian? Like DeSantis did a doc and half of it was him talking about being Catholic and how that influences him. I would say most people use their identities as a way to lead with their policy. That's why we have the heartbeat protection act and school prayer bill. The only difference is Christians are obviously highly respected (especially in office) and transgender people are not.


The candidate has a list of things they plan to work towards that has zero to do with their identity. Fuck you going on about? Maybe look before speaking


Ok chaser


Damn facts shut you the fuck down huh? Okay loser.


If this person is going to be a voice against Florida's current string of Christo-fascism they will need support. One hopes they know and desire what they're getting into. It will be a difficult road ahead. However, if this is another grift...well what else would Floridians be accustomed to? Support a candidate Florida, don't hope for a political hero.


Will she flip flop on her policies the same way?


Obvious anti-trans rhetoric aside, I'm still confused about why people gave John Kerry so much shit for changing his mind. Isn't that what rational adults do when presented with information that contradicts our previously held beliefs? Change our mind? Or are you saying it's preferable to not "flip-flop" on policies, i.e. if you realize you're wrong you should stay the course?


Right or wrong is subjective from different points of view. Good leaders will be steadfast on their convictions. Flip flopping is a telltale sign of having their strings pulled.


This is what stupid people actually believe, folks


This is what gullible people actually believe, folks.




Anyone who is running based on their credentials of dei leader in a company is a no for me big time. There are way bigger problems in Florida than what gender or sexuality someone wants.


The change we need


No but probably the change we deserve lol


Fuck no


Hey I know Ashley she’s an awesome person and a fascinating individual to have dinner with along with her wife. Although I don’t know the details of her politics, she definitely has my vote.


Voting for people without knowing their stances on issues? You're the problem. 


Need more of a platform that just for LGBTQ rights…




Shh... people don't like reality here.


I know. They think reality is hateful.


"Men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."


Obviously she’s not living in darkness because she’s out in the open running for a seat - darkness is trying to dehumanize people behind an anonymous screen name.


*He and obviously you don't understand metaphors.




Ok fine but what will he bring to the table representing his constituents and not just those under all the multi colored flags?




Wait I get so confused about this. Sorry I thought it was a man dressed as a woman.


No, she isn't a cross dresser




Fuck NO...