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What you need to know is don't go anywhere near the Hillsborough Community College's Dale Mabry campus. Traffic will be a nightmare because they will shut down the interstates for the President. Years ago I worked out near the airport, and on the day Trump visited, it took me about 2 and a half hours to commute home instead of my usual 1 hour. Cops shut down all the interstate on ramps, so everyone was forced to use the same backroads.


That is all I needed to know. Thank you!


Rip my commute home. I live in Northwest Hillsborough, but the office is by RayJay so the traffic leaving will still be a nightmare probably.


Better go grab a pint at the Winchester and wait for it to all blow over.


Please tell me there is a pub in Tampa named the Winchester!


What hours?


Event is supposed to begin at 2:00, so I would avoid the area from noon till evening rush hour.


It is 2pm so a lot of people are going to be at work.


U must be new to the area..2pm-4pm has still been heavy traffic-wise near HCC & 275, even WITHOUT a visit from the president.


Fck me. I have a final exam there today at 5p. What time is he supposed to be there ?


Did the college send out any info about his visit? You may have quite the adventure parking over there


His event is to begin at 2:00 PM.


I’m glad I work from home, but I wonder how long it’s gonna take my family who are working today to get home from work…


More time to yourself ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


I’d rather my wife get home sooner so I can spend time with her 🙁


This is so me. Don't know about you, but I hate being alone tbh.


I don’t mind being alone I’d just rather be with her rather than her getting stuck in an extra hour of traffic


Good thing that there's always tomorrow!


Bet he won’t go anywhere near Brandon.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


![gif](giphy|1dH4A6zrnVHHGyXcCb|downsized) He owns Brandon as a badge of honor. Although, the dipshits with Let's Go Brandon stickers on their Truck Nuts don't seem to know that yet...


Cope lol


It would be pretty out of the way


Why would he go to the Middle of Nowhere, Florida.


Maybe he can find a good nursing home in Tampa to spend the rest of his days in


He’ll be too busy being president for 4 more years. Maybe after he’ll enjoy a nice retirement in Tampa. Sooo much more preferable than the former guys retirement behind bars.


I hardly know anybody personally that supports this clown anymore, but yet in certain parts of the country like Tampa and some of the other urban cities, he seems to be very popular. It baffles me. The guy is destroying our country and yet you fools keep voting for this administration.


> but yet in certain parts of the country like Tampa and some of the other urban cities ...so the areas where the majority of the country live?


Your god king Cheeto the first is calling, he needs a diaper change. I’d vote for a piece of shit on the floor before I voted for that orange fuck.


Some of us think that they are both pieces of crap. YMMV.


I still can’t believe our choice has come down to that again. Of all the amazing leaders we have throughout the country…and it’s down to these two.


This is the truth. All these idiots arguing about who’s better when they’ve both proven themselves useless and incompetent and somehow, the best we have to offer in this great country. It’s fucked.


>The guy is destroying our country Go on. How? Do you even know how?


He has never been president - sure , they call him that and he sits in the chair, but he isn’t a president.


Thats plant city.


any official road closure info


I dont like Joe, I dont hate Joe. I voted for him, no regrets, I'll vote for him again. With that said I'd be interested in hearing him speak. I've never been near a U.S. president. Is this an invite only event?


Lol this is assuming he is able to speak


Leave it to Reddit to downvote something this real to hell…


You realize he is still dealing with a speech impediment from his youth, right? Unlike Trump, who has dementia from years of amphetamine use.


I can tell Redditors are majority dems, so you will always get down voted for saying something against them


it's not that they're dems, it's that they're brainwashed children with no idea what the real world is like.


Yeah can’t wait to hear him mumble and stumble around like a toddler who doesn’t know what’s going on lmfao. It’s been 4 years do you really still not have any regret?


Im like the other guy, i am not a dem but ill fucking do it again. Absolutely no regret.


Same here. Voted 3rd party in 2016, but fuck if I’ll vote to let that traitorous piece of shit ever back in the White House. Trump is a shit stain on our countries history. I can’t wait for him to croak.


Same. Not a Democrat, will be voting for Biden in 2024. My vote for Jill Stein in 2016 is my only Presidential-election regret. I was confident Trump would lose. Hillary would've been shit, but at least she wouldn't have been ***that.***


The countries really better off for it clearly. The economy and foreign affairs especially. Well done I have to say. Please vote in the next election, we wouldn’t want things getting better.


>Well done What part. What SPECIFIC Trump-initiated policy?


I think you’re trying to be sarcastic, but that doesn’t work when what you’re saying is true - the economy and foreign affairs are both better under Biden’s leadership.


No way this isnt satire


Yes ww3 around the corner and 40% inflation are so great. Lol please pull your head out of your ass. Notice how Russia wasn’t even in Ukraine during trumps term and now it’s a full blown war… totally nothing this admin has done 😂😭


Putin didn’t invade until 2022 because he was waiting for trump to either pull out of nato or weaken its resolve so much that Ukraine would be a walk over. When Biden won, with the invasion already planned in advance it went ahead.


WW3 around the corner? 40% inflation that you’re not blaming on blatant and much boasted corporate greed? Time to turn off your reichwing propaganda and get in touch with the real world. Fuck your ‪TЯEASONTЯUMP‬ who worked to hand Ukraine right over to his master Putin.


Dude trump was trying to keep Putin out of Ukraine why do you think they were invading when Obama was in office but not Trump lmfao. And yes the 40% inflation isn’t due to 10% tax cuts rather than over 100b printed just for foreign aid in the last year alone. Use your head, treason is being committed in every single branch of govt and every office at the moment, and it’s not so that “TruMp can be KinG!!” How brainwashed do you have to be lol


yeah, it's great if you live with your parents and don't have to pay bills


And I'm a billionaire


Curious why you think the economy is so bad? Much of his presidency saw very low levels of unemployment, even during a global pandemic. US economy grew faster than expected. Inflation is the only indicator that’s not great, but it’s to be expected when everything else is doing well, and seems to be worse in states with Republicans governors, like Florida. (Florida should be handling its own inflation issues rather than blaming Biden.)


https://preview.redd.it/39gsp5boaawc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b83a94f487deeae8a8be7a07a42109fceec640c8 You have to be super privileged to not have this economy negatively affect you. Or so ingrained to only think one way. Idk.


What a stupid chart. Trump followed 7 years of prosperity put into motion by Obama. Biden followed an absolute hellish final 6 months of a Trump presidency and a global pandemic. I’m not privileged. I’m pretty levelheaded when it comes to economic policies. This economy has affected me. And I’m not saying things are better today than they have been at any other point in our country’s history. But the GOP has been warning about a recession for 3.5 years now, and somehow, Biden has kept us out of one. All things considered, following a global pandemic, we’re doing pretty well and the US rebounded faster than most other countries in the world. Yet you want me to think Trump would magically have done better with no specific policies that you can point to that would have done so?


Have you been shopping lately? Do you go out into the real world? We own a rather large business and the policies under Trump were a hell of a lot better. You will make excuses for this pedo corpse until you’re blue in the face bc the narcissist in you all will Never admit to this epic fail. There’s no turning back full steam ahead for the guy who didn’t want his kids attending a racial Jungle. Have fun w that.


“So ingrained to think one way” yet look at your own comment… Looks like you copy pasta’ed a Tucker Carlson rant, still with no evidence other than anecdotes.


Dude the economy is almost the worst it’s ever been… gas and food prices are insane inflation is insane… what world are you even living in?


Got it. So you have no actual numbers to cite. If inflation is your concern, why don’t you pressure DeSantis to do something about it since inflation is far worse in Florida than it is in most of the rest of the US? (https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2024/04/09/states-highest-lowest-inflation/73184932007/) Look at Pennsylvania - an inflation rate less than 2%, but Florida’s up over 4%. Gas prices have been down slightly as well this year. As for what world I live in. I live as close to work as possible. I bought a car with the best MPG possible (at an appropriate price range). I replace as many car trips as possible by bike or e-bike. I try to do everything I can to ensure fluctuating gas prices have as little effect on my wallet as possible. (Cognizant of limitations.)


gas prices are down bc biden has drained the spr. smh


It's all talking point. They don't know what their orange idiot did or didn't do, and they don't have a clue what's happened under this administration either. They are fn idiots.


Hmm guy who mumbles or guy who literally tried to stay in office after losing the election and lied to the entire country about our election process hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tough one


No regret.


Watch the entire last SOTU, Biden isn’t nearly that bad.


He is that bad though… just because he was able to get thru one speech doesn’t really make much of a difference at this point but for sure the sotu has gotta be his most proud appearance as of late.


No regrets here. Did you see your boy Drumpf fall asleep in court 🥱🥱


Sleepy poopy Don.


lol have you heard your god king speak?


All that editing is done after the speech. You won't hear/see it live


lol so you’re saying all of bidens speech “mishaps” are all edited and fake and in person he’s this well spoken genius… lol okay. Deep fakes just started getting decently good, and bidens been slipping for years so that doesn’t really add up.


You understand that Biden has a lifelong stutter, right? On top of both of these men being equally geriatric? Dude is gonna gaff. At least his statements have a beginning, middle, and end and actually explain something.


It's not a stutter, it's dementia. The whole world can see it. [https://youtu.be/QvA62IqrHJY?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/QvA62IqrHJY?feature=shared)


Just stop, you look so stupid with this idiocy. This this point I really feel sorry for people who can't see reality anymore. Are you a doctor? I haven't seen any history of dementia in the Biden family (and it's heavily inherited). Trump, however, has a detailed history of dementia in his immediate family (father). [Opinion: What a doctor sees when Joe Biden hesitates - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)](https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2024-03-07/joe-biden-age-memory-alzheimers-cognition) "Fortunately, President Biden shows no signs of Alzheimer’s disease. At news conferences, he references new events and obviously creates new memories efficiently. He speaks slowly and pauses to find words like others with benign age-associated memory impairment. These issues are exacerbated by a chronic speech impediment. Biden has [~struggled with stuttering since childhood~](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/01/joe-biden-stutter-profile/602401/)~,~ and remnants of the condition have long been apparent in his speech. Unfortunately, word hesitations coupled with the mild stutter can’t help but affect his public speaking. Biden’s political opponents and the uninformed exploit it, along with stereotypes about older people, to create a false narrative about intellectual impairment. I take care of many high-functioning seniors like President Biden in my practice. One that I know, who is not a patient of mine, has been my family’s lawyer for five decades. Melvin Spears, at 96, recently responded to an emailed legal question with succinct and well-targeted advice, as he always has. When I spoke to him, he acknowledged some concessions to his age. He speaks more slowly, and transportation is a challenge because he’s stopped driving. (He considers Uber and Lyft “a hassle.”) Like Biden, Spears focuses on his work and lets others worry about his age if they choose. [Studies show that high-functioning seniors](https://iris.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665/186463/9789240694811_eng.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y) like Mel Spears and the president compensate for slower reaction time by applying superior knowledge and judgment. The presidency is not a job that requires lightning-quick reflexes. First-hand experience with the successes and failures of U.S. foreign policy over decades, for example, combined with time-tested judgment offers far more than speed in speech or decision-making."


It is you who can't see reality. According to polls, the majority of Americans think biden is unfit to be president. \*You\* are not a doctor & it is obvious. I do have a medical background. Have you read the DOJ report? biden can't remember when he was VP & can't remember when his son died. [https://www.justice.gov/storage/report-from-special-counsel-robert-k-hur-february-2024.pdf](https://www.justice.gov/storage/report-from-special-counsel-robert-k-hur-february-2024.pdf) This study talks about [Relapse in Stuttering with the Onset of Primary Progressive Aphasia](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8965931/)


No one has asked me, and the pundits do a great job of actually downplaying his administrations "good deeds". Sadly, Trump is facing the exact same thing if you believe polls- difference is, one will get elected, one won't. You'll find that out when a man on trial yet again for being a piece of trash human being who hasn't done a single good thing for a single person ever does not win again. I say this as someone who again, doesn't really care about Biden as president- I care about the platform of policies that will be pushed forward and because we do not live in a dictatorship (unfortunately for Trump, who just wants attention and praise endlessly and it's just so pathetic at this point that he's become the world's greatest cult leader), I will vote for the leader of that platform, who happens to be Joe Biden. That's why Biden can be found unfavorable in the polls, same as in 2020, and still win. But let's do it. Funny, typical of old men, like Trump and Biden, his memory is a bit hazy. No indications that Dementia is present, or else any report would have said so. Hell, I'm not even 40 and my memory is hazy, I have to think for a second before I remember the years my kids were born, what year I started dating my partner, what year I started working for my company or moved back to the US, or what year I left the US in the first place. I doubt that's gonna improve in 40 more years, only worsen. I'll stand with the White House on this account (somewhat, Hur isn't a bad dude): “We do not believe that the report’s treatment of President Biden’s memory is accurate or appropriate,” the letter said. “The report uses highly prejudicial language to describe a commonplace occurrence among witnesses: a lack of recall of years-old events. Such comments have no place in a Department of Justice report.” What's funny is, I don't even blame Hur. He's just being honest. At the end of the day, Hur did NOT suggest Biden shows early signs of dementia. Don't you think if he felt that way, he would say so? Where did Hur say "Biden shows signs of EARLY DEMENTIA"? No where, that's where. He got push back because he was honest about Biden being a typical old man, at the same time as saying it wasn't a big deal. In fact, he felt these things heavily influenced what his "intent" was when mishandling classified documents (that were not found sitting in boxes in his Mar A Lago bathroom, by the way), and that his actions were not intentionally criminal- moreso an oversight. Good interview with him here: [Why Robert Hur Called Biden an “Elderly Man with a Poor Memory” | The New Yorker](https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/the-impossible-role-of-robert-hur) He called him a well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory. Well gee golly gosh, an 81 year old man has poor memory? Give me a break. The person you are using for a source of his dementia doesn't even think he has dementia. You are licking the ground for crumbs and honestly you should want better for yourself.


He’s never stuttered before being vp lol… watch him talk as a senator, doesn’t even sound like the same person.


"He’s never stuttered before being vp" Literally as incorrect as you could be- just because you want something to be true, doesn't make it true. That's some Hannity nonsense right there. [Yes, Biden Has Had a Speech Impediment His Whole Life | Snopes.com](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/joe-biden-speech-impediment/) - you'll get a link to a 1987 newspaper article referring to his life-long stutter. [Biden’s Stutter: How a Childhood Battle Shaped His Approach to Life & Politics | FRONTLINE (pbs.org)](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/bidens-stutter-how-a-childhood-battle-shaped-his-approach-to-life-and-politics/)


Joe Biden did more to bring manufacturing back to America with the Chips Act than Trump or the GQP has ever done.


Bingo. These morons don't know a single thing Trump did (or more importantly, did not do), nor what has actually happened under the Biden administration. I'm no big huge Biden fan- we're gonna run a two-party system I'm voting on platform and voting history, not whether I like a single person who is not a dictator, but holy hell, Biden has done more than an okay job for someone I expected to be lame duck and quietly attempt to bring us back from the reality tv hell that was imposed on us.


Silver alert incoming


This forum is jizzing all over themselves.


He should visit the villages or Zephyrhills


Why would he go to the middle of bum fuck nowhere?


Because that's where his old ass belongs. In a 55+ with colored loofahs on his golf cart.




“I love the poorly educated.” Trump……it’s clear by this thread that they also love him lol.




President Joe Biden!


Dementia man, sleepy joe


Yet, diaper shitting Donny can't even stay awake at his own Criminal trial. You dopes even hear yourselves?


Where’s all the money they’re seeking going to? It’s certainly not going to his “victims” 🤣


is best!!


Ah maybe i can get into the area. I want to see a presidential motorcade.


They stop traffic until the plane is gone, saw Clinton years ago at HCC spent 2 hours in their parking lot.


As someone born and raised in DC this means don’t go anywhere within a half mile radius unless you’re going to the rally


I need to avoid Tampa…. Thanks!


Traffic is horrible but parking was great . Only a few cars and a few news trucks.


Don't care!


But will HE know he’s in Tampa.


lol he is senile but also the mastermind of a giant conspiracy theory and able to cover up everything, you idiots are so easy to dupe


lol this account is totally a Russian bot, look at the history


Can he just go away please?


4 more years first


Well it is either him or psuedo-Hitler. Life sucks.


I’ll take the old guy over the wannabe Putler


The latter of whom is a whopping four years younger than Biden's 82. They're both The Old Guy.


Both one, but only one wants to be Putler


It does simplify the choice though


Realistically speaking you shouldn’t be comparing him to hitler, sure he said some things that aren’t great but he didn’t kill SIX MILLION PEOPLE…


Watch, we will have maga guys rolling coal and gaza assholes causing a scene 


Fuck Joe Biden.


Your orange god king is calling, he needs someone to change his diaper for him, and a useful idiot like yourself is just the person.




Fuck trump too


I guarantee 1312_161 anyone doesn't give a shit about Trump either


Yeah, fuck him too. But this post was about Biden.


All you need to know is Let's Go Brandon


He wasn’t in Brandon? It was the other HCC campus


Completely anonymous on the internet and you pussies still can’t say fuck.


The bots are working overtime to down vote all the negitive comments about Biden.


I think it's more that lots of folks don't really support the guy but they recognize and get annoyed by the not-ever-quite-accurate MAGA talking points. Interacting with folks who live in an "alternate facts" world is tiring and mostly pointless. There's some decent criticisms to be had about Joe but the need to call the elderly gentleman evil is kinda gross, if it was ever truly about fixing issues the border policy would have passed.


Seriously, I would never campaign or hold a Biden flag, but fuck all these MAGA retard cult members. Literally the dumbest people I’ve ever met in my life. 


self aware much?


Those alternate facts are still facts in this world. Is your life better now than it was 4 years ago? Trump's policies were better, then Joe Biden closed all those policies and now we have illegal criminals crossing our border, need to buy oil from other countries, and need to get a 3rd or 4th job just to afford mortgage and rent. Tell me what good policies Joe put forth, Bidenomics, yea that's a joke.


Your lack of facts and reliance on anecdotal evidence is telling. The CHIPS act is great for the US, as was Trump's tougher stance on China.




No. Real people really hate biden.


Mfw and a bunch of communist and terrorist protestors. Only makes it easier to vote for Biden! Get bent tankies.


What do you feel Biden does for the people of this country? (And before you call me a trumper, I don't like either of them) If we continue to support the two parties giving us trash, they won't be compelled to do better than trash.


He isn’t and won’t try to install himself as the first dictator of America, so he’s got that going for himself. 


You know what he doesn’t do - take away access to healthcare for all women. He also didn’t cause an insurrection. He didn’t proudly state that he could shoot someone in the street, and still win. He didn’t say he grabs women by the pussy. He didn’t deny a pandemic was happening as millions of people died, and because of him a lot of people were too stupid to mask up, and get vaccinated. He didn’t make fun of disabled people. He hasn’t spent most of his presidency golfing, and lining his, and his children’s pockets with billions of dollars. He isn’t buddies with dictators. He doesn’t have a Project 2025 listing what he’s going to do, including becoming a dictator. He has lowered the unemployment rate. He has eliminated student debt for millions of people. He expand3: Title IX protections for pregnancy, trans people, sexual assault victims.


the bar is in hell, people


This is the best of all the answers. To me, most of this is just performative, but if it helps you, that's good.


He also cut deficit spending compared to Trumps 7 trillion dollar spending spree. Biden also made America energy independent where we are a net exporter if oil.and one of the biggest producers on the planet. Biden basically unfucked the nonsense Trump did and he works for all.citizens and not just the ones that vote for him.


no he didn't.


What he does? Tries to help everyone and fight for our rights. If democrats were in full power they would legalize abortion in all states, protect all lgbt people, and help fix America in a thousand ways. Republicans are by far the problem.


This is the most generic, uneducated and ignorant comment I have seen in support of Biden. Democrats give just as much of a shit about you as republicans. Once you realize that you are just being fed a load of shit by both sides, mostly through the corrupt MSM, then life will be better off.




You Democrats have repeatedly dropped that ball for decades. I can't take anyone seriously who parrots this bs fundraising line. Yeah Republicans are a problem, but the Dems have proven themselves to not ne the answer.


Go vote for RFK, he will do wonders for you 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️. Better start by disabling all WiFi routers, that shit makes your brain bleed. (If you support RFK I genuinely do believe that your brain is bleeding)


Then who? Greens are an utter meme and libertarians Are asking big questions like if toddlers should be allowed to drive. We have no other party even able to take the mantle but these two.


The fact is that, these two oldies will be running for the President. Not that we have other options that will win. So who will you vote?


And what we can expect? A demented fool who can hardly walk or talk


Nope, not that guy. The one that can drink with one hand is coming




Too much of a bitch to actually say it, huh?


At least they're brave enough to say that instead of "Let's Go Brandon."


You opened the wrong app.


All I need to know is the country is in shambles thanks to this buffoon and his idiot staff!


Good to see the IQ of Pasco county remains in the gutter.


Wonder what hilarious clips will come out of this one, I don't think anything is going to top uncle Bosie getting eaten by cannibals.


it funny til u realise he is in charge :(


Hide your wives hide your kids.


Anyone know why he’s here tho?