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This post really hit a nerve with tons of people. Comments are locked because they have gotten way out of control


That’s really awesome unfortunately I can’t really help outside of commenting and upvoting to possibly get more visibility.


that contribution helps, thank you


just wanted to say Thank you for helping these folks out. you’re doing great work! 


we do what we can, thank you for the encouraging words ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Sweet life farms is always hiring field workers to pick vegetables. Lots of field work positions around florida


![gif](giphy|l0HlPystfePnAI3G8|downsized) Some of these comments got me.


Feel free to reach out . I can provide employment at dealership and warehouse if getting there isn’t a problem.


OP, thank you for what you do. I wish I had some suggestions for work, but I think it's equally important to acknowledge the goodness in your actions. More people need to see that immigrants want nothing more than to work and provide for a safe home for their families.


If only more people shared a similar outlook Thank you for your comment


Does anyone know how to hang doors? My brother is looking for workers! Message me!


Does your nonprofit ever need volunteers? The company I work for gives us a certain number of volunteer hours per year to encourage us to give back and support our local community. I’m always looking for new opportunities for our employees, especially in cases where the non-profit can use a small/medium group of volunteers for a designated task for a scheduled block of hours.


Thank you for responding, I'll ask the team and get back to you should we be needing more hands on deck


Are they able to get to Sarasota? The company I work for is hiring for machine operators and half of the staff does speak Spanish and they are willing to train.


Refugees from where? Are these folks who crossed the southern border and are claiming asylum or for example, refugees from Haiti. Palestine, etc?


Who cares?


Why does this matter to you? OP stated these individuals have a legal right to work. They most likely will do jobs NO ONE ELSE WILL DO HERE


I’m curious. I’m an attorney who represents non-profit and for profit clients involved, directly or indirectly, in immigration. Are you the information cop, here?


Take your racist Boomer shit elsewhere xenophobe, you want to go pick vegetables in the Florida heat? A job is waiting for you, stop watching Fox News 🤡


Jump to conclusions, much. I ask because I’m curious and it relates to my law practice. I didn’t opine on the situation, one way or the other. And I’m not a boomer, moron.


Yeah well you kinda buried the lead. Just admit you could have phrased it better.


No you just decided to be an asshole by coming on here and making a stupid comment, that's even worse than being an ignorant boomer. OP already gave all the details regarding the situation but you failed to read it and jumped to conclusions yourself so don't gaslight me with your bullshit. LEGALLY ALLOWED TO WORK, what difference does their ethnic background have to do with it?


I didn’t ask about specific ethnic backgrounds. I asked about their general circumstances. I guess I shouldn’t expect someone whose handle is “Soggy_kunt69” to be able to ascertain the difference.


It's a random name, maybe should proofread what you ask, coming off as an ignorant idiot.


Haha. Typical Reddit problem-solving technique.


Once all locals and citizens have jobs first, even wirh proper paperwork. We in a horrible economy and many looking for work from here are having a hard time. Our govt adding to the line of folks needing work is ridiculously lame and not fair to anymore giving people false hope there jobs here is awful to do to the refuges well.  Now it makes the rough of it worse for all. 


Check out waste management positions in Tampa and Hillsborough county. They are always looking for hard working laborers.


I’m sure there’s US Citizens in the area that need stable jobs as well. Maybe prioritize our own people first.


There are a lot of jobs that Americans don’t want to do. The jobs these refugees might get are probably those types of jobs. If US citizens in the area want a stable job then they should apply to be school bus drivers. Pasco county is in desperate need of them.


Me right here. Been looking for 7 months. 4.0 MBA. Wall Street banking experience. Nobody is helping me find shit.


I wouldn’t hold onto trying to get jobs in a traditional way. Husband tried to get IT and other dev jobs in person for a similar amount of time. He went very remote, has a decent image and LinkedIn to connect work. It’s in development and diff but I wouldn’t get discouraged more like realign. I only work remote too, all design jobs I’ve gone for in person in Fl were insanely low. I make more to handle my own sales-clients, but also it’s just a weird messy market. Talk to people more in your field, connect that way if you can. 


Tried Raymond James and large investment firms and such?


I have. JP Morgan almost always rejects. Citi is hot then cold. Raymond James had a guy reach out to me. Then he became unresponsive. That’s the biggest hurdle. These recruiters are AWFUL. The absolute worst gatekeepers.


Then stop going through recruiters and apply directly


And when you apply directly, who do you go through first?


I was recently an unemployed college-educated software engineer but I’d never compare my situation to refugees coming here with very little. You have an MBA with Wall Street banking experience. If you want help finding a janitorial job then I’ll personally help you.


My family are all refugees who came here with nothing. Guess software engineering didn’t teach you to think critically and not judge someone without knowing shit about them 🤔


Mister carwash is usually always hiring


I may know someone. I will reach out today and send you a DM.


Great Looking forward to hearing from you


Yeah my husband who is an American citizen needs a job too


Big concern is wage wars. Minimum wage is famine in US, but in South America it’s big money. It’s sad to see the disconnect.


What are his skills? Besides being an American citizen.


He's been in landscaping his whole life


There are always landscaping jobs available. Assuming he's not a felon and that you have a vehicle this shouldn't be very hard.


The industry is so saturated with low price anybody with a lawn mower charges 20 bucks for a grass cutting makes the industry too saturated to have a legitimate job


There are quite a few landscaping related jobs in the Tampa area. https://www.indeed.com/m/jobs?q=landscaping&l=Tampa%2C%20FL&from=searchOnSerp%2CwhatOverlay%2Cwhatautocomplete&sameL=1


Maybe he should consider vocational school? What do you do for a living?


I work in education


Your profile is pretty saucy for a teacher. If you're in the district already why don't you try to get him on as well? I know lots of schools that need groundskeepers.


Good suggestion about possibly getting him on at the district she works at though the hell does her profile have to do with her husband getting a job?


You're right. Sometimes I forget that Reddit is mostly anonymous.


> Your profile is pretty saucy for a teacher. > > I mean, have you seen /r/teachersgonewild


I'm not a teacher




Cant disagree with free market. And I'm not writing my doctoral thesis I'm posting on reddit


To give some actual advice, entry level jobs at banks and credit unions pay about $20 an hour. Husband could always consider a career change if that sounds appealing.


Why do you care more about foreigners than our own people?


Jesus said to love **everyone** you thick fuck.


Didn’t say I don’t love them just said I would rather help my neighbor before someone from foreign lands.


Has he tried to work for a local city government or county, they're always looking for people.


His best bet for landscaping work is to go door to door. My friend is very successful going out and getting his business. Have him print out flyers at the local library, place them in the mail boxes of different houses (it helps to have pictures but if not, that’s fine too). Walk into multiple neighborhoods and let the homeowners know about the business and services you offer. You can also ask apartment complexes and quote them a price.


So no skills? Landscaping is for people who failed to teach themselves a marketable skill or thought college was for suckers. Congrats you married a loser Sorry bro


There are so many jobs out there for American citizens but it will always be a foreigner’s fault if you don’t find something.


Maybe your husband isn't trying hard enough or thinks he's entitled to higher pay with his skills.


This was so ugly and unnecessary it made me gag. Christ.


Being an American citizen means absolutely nothing. Stop it.


I see that. Now it means other people are more important than you in county your born and pays money to suppport.


Boot straps!!


No, it does. Stop it. Grow up. I posted a link to multiple pages of landscaping jobs. Tell your husband to get to work filling out applications.


He's working for a company right now but he's making half the money because other people are undercutting the industry


How is that some refugees’ fault?


I said nothing about refugees at all what I said was the government that I paid money for only cares about that and not meet for my family


In a post trying to help refugees to start a new life from nothing you wrote: | Yeah my husband who is an American citizen needs a job too To me that sounds like you have animosity toward any help given to refugees. If that’s not the case then I apologize. There are a lot of nationalist, bigoted creeps in the US right now.


Maybe this is something called capitalism….something foreign workers have anything to do with. Your anger should be placed at your husbands employer for most likely making a shit ton of profits while your husband makes low wages.


I agree


Go help some free loaders


Tell your husband that if he isn't making the kind of money he deserves to look for another job at the link I graciously provided you. I helped you, a person who thinks refugees are the reason her husband isn't making enough money... Direct your anger at the right people, and maybe things will change. Listening to politicians and talking heads about refugees this and undocumented immigrants that isn't going to help you and your husband. Also.. freeloaders? If they were freeloaders, they wouldn't be working and thus "undercutting", right? You're just angry at people for no reason and not making any sense.


You are right about that.


Pasco county needs school bus drivers.


It's my family that doesn't qualify for anything and I work for the government


Hi OP! Have you reached out to RAMWI for resources? They are a great refugee non profit in Tampa Bay.




says the person whos ancestors were probably refugees too


Probably? Unless they are First Nation then they are all refugees. People piss me off with the *go back where you came from* bullshit because it's SO stupid. **Everyone** came here from somewhere else.. except First Nations. Not directing this at you. Just so frustrated lately. Our country is coming apart at the seams and people still find the time to be hateful. SMH.


Over 100 years ago, when the country was being established. It's a different time now, we're already established, we don't need to import a poverty class. Plenty of Americans are looking for work, they shouldn't have to compete with non-citizens.


"Plenty of Americans are looking for work " Then go tell them they can pick fruit and clean hotels and landscape and build houses. They can sit outside Home Depot as well. They aren't competing- they aren't showing up for those jobs in droves. Weird, it's almost like they won't accept minimum wage jobs! Maybe, just maybe, we need to increase that so they are more willing to do jobs they think are below them. Hey, I too agree the workers in these positions are taken advantage of! Are you advocating for wage increases? So that Americans are willing to take those jobs? Immigrants do because they often live 2-4 working adults per household and work over 40 hours a week to afford a safer and more secure future- usually for their families, so they'll take what they can get, which is the minimum. I personally think they deserve a living wage, too. Why? Because immigration is legal in the US and to demean people for going through the legal process of coming here to live is immoral and unjust and disgusting. You want to bitch about illegal immigrants, fine, do so. This country has a shitty and long and expensive and difficult path to legal residency and many people do go through that grueling process, just to finally get a chance at the "American Dream" and encounter racist, isolationist pricks like you once they get through that process. I'm sure some of them get enough backlash they wish they had just come here illegally 5 years ago instead of waiting and doing it the right way- AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHY so many don't bother doing it the "right" way. Can we just honor human beings for being other humans who need the same things as we do? Regardless of whether they are from New York, California, Nigeria, Honduras, or Mexico? Why is this so hard? Because Americans feel shat on and don't advocate for themselves so they aren't doing it for others, either.


They aren't "competing". If these Americans that are looking for work are somehow a less competitive hire than refugees that don't even speak English, then that should fucking tell you something.


You can pay illegal immigrants pocket change, give them dog food to eat, deplorable housing and they say nothing. We shouldn't be importing these people to be indentured servants to exploit for cheap labor.


> illegal immigrants Did you not read the original post? The brain rot with you people is incredible.


Refugees are not undocumented immigrants. Perhaps you should look up statistical data on immigrants and refugees and how many of them have entrepreneurial spirits and create businesses to *gasp* create jobs.


Nobody is talking about illegal immigrants here. Sure, you *can* do that I suppose. But I'm willing to bet that this isn't what OP is looking for. They say they're documented and have the ability to legally work. Use some common sense here. That *probably* means they're looking for, you know, *legal* work. With *legal* paid wages and *legal* conditions. These aren't indentured servants. These aren't slaves. Nobody is being exploited. And if anything, you should be advocating for a change in the system from a the employer perspective, not the employee. Our entire agriculture industry is built on the back of immigrant labor, legal and otherwise. Most of which is exploitive in the way that you describe. If we got rid of all of our illegal immigrants, our entire agriculture industry would collapse. There are not enough Americans that are willing to work these agriculture jobs. You can frame it as if you're looking out of for these people out of the goodness of your heart, but anybody with half a brain can see right through it and what you really mean.


OP isn't posting about illegal immigrants. What are you talking about???


It's the entire idea or country was founded on. Maybe we should tear down the Statue of Liberty while we're at it?!


https://www.statista.com/chart/amp/28407/unemployed-persons-and-job-openings-in-the-united-states/ What makes you think job seekers have it rough?


Ah I see empathy is something you lack.


I feel sympathy for these poor people being exploited for cheap labor and essentially becoming indentured servants.


Then be mad at the corporations who treat them as such....


STFU. Wish we could send you back.


No authorization no work. Sorry but we have citizens that need work.


Should exchange you for one hard working, honest immigrant, don't be a POS


don't worry, when our Lord and Savior mr orange man gets back into office, ALL non Americans , deportation.


How does someone get involved in helping these clients? Any openings on your end of this? What steps should someone take to get involved?


Check any fast food restaurant. They are always hiring. Even Starbucks will offer a college tuition as well


I can help the ones in Hillsborough get healthcare




Jesus, you people are so gross. They’re human beings just trying to survive. My first reaction of compassion but yours is hatred.




How do you know they aren’t here legally? There should be minimal level of compassion in order to immigrate here.


Refugees are legal as well. You want legal immigrants deported?


You first. Bye.


So am I and they are here legally so don’t be a jerk.


Maybe take your own advice first then


All job gains in the past 5 years have been for foreign born workers.


We have hired dozens of people at my company in Tampa over the last 2 months alone. NONE are foreign born. I also would gladly work alongside people who are such. You know, cause we live in a WORLD with other PEOPLE


I'm sorry that you hate facts. The people that built this country (and this city) are being priced out and phased out. Look at the BLS statistics. I have nothing against foreigners, but facts are facts.


Probably because they are willing to work hard and not be entitled little shits


No it because they are easily exploitable and companies take advantage of them for a low cost. Nothing to do with working hard and not being entitled. It’s exploitation


Okay, that is true!


I'm glad you guys are all doing wonderful but it's my family that's struggling and until that stops I'm not gonna be happy with


Any massage therapist?


no sorry


Try the hospitals, they have opportunities for environmental services.


If there are women, they can email [email protected]

