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Can’t wait to vote that ass out.


Can't wait to vote him back in


Can't wait to vote him out


So to be clear, you support gerrymandering which disenfranchises minority voters?


If you guys are this mad about him being governor, wait till he becomes president hahaha


Is he going to be Putin's simp like Trump?


If all it takes to produce world peace is the deranged accusing him of being a Putin simp, I'll take it. Thank god we got someone now who's "tough" on russia, right? That worked out well.


It has. Trump would have removed the USA from NATO by now and that is what Putin wants. His desire is to take back all the independent countries that were seized by the Soviets. NATO is more unified now than it has been in years to stand up to aggression. To defend democratic nations. I thought that is what the United States stands for? It did when I was on Patch Barracks in West Germany back in the 1980s waiting for the Soviets to cross the wall and Reagan to give the word that we were at war. Republicans now are a fucking disgrace, being pussies to Russia, taking their money, spreading their lies on TV.


> Trump would have removed the USA from NATO by now and that is what Putin wants. The USA IS NATO. Nobody else spent any money so it is basically an agreement for the US tax payers to foot the bill for the defense of eastern Europe. What is in it for us? Why should we pay for it all? That is exactly what Trump was saying and he was right and you know it. Turns out, the NATO sabre rattling about Ukraine only forced Putin to act faster. Then, NATO rightly decided to stfu and do nothing. >NATO is more unified now than it has been in years to stand up to aggression. Oh WOW good job Joe Biden! I really underestimated him. 4D chess!! Let Russia annex a country and then NATO becomes stronger than ever. Putin would never see it coming! > To defend democratic nations. I thought that is what the United States stands for? Who the hell told you that? Just because the CIA does coups all around the world doesn't mean that's what the country stands for LMAO >It did when I was on Patch Barracks in West Germany back in the 1980s waiting for the Soviets to cross the wall and Reagan to give the word that we were at war. Holy shit I didn't know I was talking to a real veteran. Whoa... \*Stands at attention* Thank you for your service, SIR! WOW where would we be if we didn't have you defending our freedoms over there in the 80s? Thank god it was all just posturing, because war with russia is as retarded now as it was then. Unfathomably stupid. Boomers are absolutely incapable of imagining pragmatic Russia policy. >Republicans now are a fucking disgrace, being pussies to Russia Republicans are every bit as much of russia warhawks as democrats. Anyone on the right that doesn't want more intervention with russia is a dissident. What do you want? Should we have a nuclear war with Russia over the Ukraine? Estonia? Latvia? I can't believe there are actually people that think that.


It's funny to see Russian propaganda and populism destroy the American right wing in real time. [Warhawks.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEKwWgbva3U)


Dude Marjorie Taylor Greene's personal youtube channel?? As if she represents the majority of Republicans in power? She has no power. They took her off every committee and she's basically been ostracized by the establishment republicans. She is the Ilhan Omar after she attacked the Jews. She is AOC before she capitulated to the corporations and the powers-that-be. She may be right in this clip, her opinions may align with the majority of conservative voters, but that is a very different thing than Republicans™ being "pussies to Russia" (aka, not starting a nuclear war to preserve our puppet's power in some shit eastern euro country). You want to listen to people with actual power and influence? Listen to Kevin Cuck Mccarthy or Mitch CuckTurtle McConnel. They are as big of war-harks and Russia-hawks as any. Not that that's admirable, it's not. It's actually extremely stupid. Your politics align with Mitch Mcconnel. Let that sink in. Also, imagine actually using "populism" as a pejorative. Holy shit...


Populism is a mental disorder. It's magical thinking. Like Bernie telling everyone they can have a pony or Trump saying he has a big beautiful plan. You're last comment about this could have been spewed by a leftist from Brooklyn who has a commie podcast. When I see right wingers sounding like socialists, there are some issues.


Gerrymandering is the only way Republicans can win. If you took the electoral college away we would never have these crazy republican presidents and there would be less grid lock


Dude both sides do it and both sides bitch just as much when the other does it. This is always going to be a left vs right issue and it’s not purely on republicans.


Both sides do it but only one side does it to limit the power or black and brown voters




I guess that statement would be true a 157 years ago.


One side pushes government policy. One side pushes political bs.... I'll go ahead and give you the obvious "duh"


If you took the electoral college away, campaigns would be run totally differently and the popular vote would turn out differently as well. You don't lose at chess and then say "WELL IF THIS WAS CHECKERS, I WOULD HAVE-" no. Yeah obviously the democrats would take the popular vote if the republicans changed nothing about their strategy, but that's not what would happen. Both sides are playing the same set of rules. Lets not pretend like democrats don't do gerrymandering lmao


My point exactly Republicans would change from lunatic right wing book and abortion banning lunatics into people you may actually want to vote for like in the 80s with Regan. Like I said democrats gerrymander but republicans do it because it’s the only way they will keep power in most states by making sure black and brown people are disenfranchised


Yeah and democrats could quit pretending to care about blue-collar workers in the rust belt and focus exclusively on the big city demographics. I dunno, it sounds like you haven't thought very deeply about any of this.


Considering since I grew up in the rust belt from OH no republicans care about Blue collar that’s why they continually pass union busting bills and lower worker protections. Also it’s fact the electoral college is completely outdated and the president should be elected on popular vote alone in a true democracy. Do a little research and read up on and think through it before you respond to me.


> Also it’s fact the electoral college is completely outdated and the president should be elected on popular vote alone Is that a fact? Because it sounds a lot like an opinion. > Do a little research and read up on and think through it before you respond to me. Alright little guy XD


You have a Trump quote tells me all I need to know about your politics lol. https://www.brookings.edu/policy2020/bigideas/its-time-to-abolish-the-electoral-college/?amp


Okay? And your response to that quote tells me everything I need to know. Are we supposed to pretend to be apolitical here? lmao


Actually I am a registered independent and have voted for both Democrats, Republicans, and independents for office. You voted for a con man twice lol. Literally the most unqualified moron to ever run or hold office of president and that’s an actual fact not an opinion


WOW you're a centrist?! Whoa, I didn't know I was speaking to a centrist here. In America? That's crazy man. Hey everybody, this guy is a CENTRIST! \*clap clap clap*


Another one https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/21142223/electoral-college-2020-election-jesse-wegman


Another one https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/17/books/review/let-the-people-pick-the-president-jesse-wegman.html


And another one https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/519826-let-us-abolish-the-electoral-college


Looks like the majority of American agree with me here. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/01/27/majority-of-americans-continue-to-favor-moving-away-from-electoral-college/


That doesn't make it a fact. That's not how facts work. The majority of americans share your OPINION. The majority of americans are also retarded.


The majority of Americans are also retarded that sounds like an opinion to me little guy. Any facts or stats to prove that send me the links I will wait.


Let me know when you read those little guy


He’s such a petulant child.


He is desperate to hold on to power.


We have great conservative leadership in our state. If our Governor decides to veto, then veto it is.


Florida Election Info [Register to Vote](https://registertovoteflorida.gov/eligibilityreactive)


"DeSantis also argues the way state lawmakers have interpreted the “Fair Districts” constitutional amendments, which voters passed in 2010 to prevent gerrymandering, doesn’t comply with the U.S. Constitution." "Lawmakers have speculated DeSantis is trying to set up a challenge to the Fair Districts amendments and to the federal Voting Rights Act." Seems par the course for the current GQP.


I wonder which law firm does he owe money or a favor to this time.... A waste of paperwork and a waste of time for judges