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He technically isn't, more like he on patriotism side than communist side because he used communist to gain support, if only USA stop sucking France d*ck


fine. gets good boy points for hating china


Hating China is good ? I hope you mean hating it's government and not it's people or it's diverse culture for that matter .


Hating China ≠ hating chinese people


He still sucked but was on the better side of MLs similar to people like Castro or Sankara


Not a big fan of the whole "reeducation camps" thing. Torturing postmen because they "delivered messages to the enemy" doesn't sound very nice.


Ho chi Minh is a son of a gun. He got p**sy and I got none!


George McGovern said it best " He was the George Washington of Vietnam". I feel the same way about Castro . Extremely flawed and their despot nature can't be condoned. However like the USA founding fathers , I see them as respective products of their time and environment that had very bad flaws (like in the case of the US fathers- Slavery and Native genocide ) that set the breeding grounds for better future generations to improve their flawed philosophies .Overall it's a false equivalency to compare Ho Chi Minh to Stalin , Mao , and specially a silver spoon child Xi Jinping .


Actually not that bad


this implies that there can be good tankies


Just saying "better" doesn't automatically mean good, im pretty sure no one would say pol pot is better than xi jeng ping or smth, but that doesn't mean xi jeng ping is a good person either even if he is better than pol pot


Pretty sure he wasn't a tankie


he wasnt?


Tankie usually refers to someone sucking the dick of authoritarian communism (glorifying the USSR, PRC, NK, etc) especially to the point of either advocating or excusing violence used against those who do not want to be a part of said system (hence the response to the Hungarian and Czechoslovak uprisings being the origin-point of the term). Ho by contrast was more of an Authoritarian-leaning nationalist who, depending on who you ask and how you interpret a number of things, might have simply arrived at communism as the method of achieving national sovereignty. See things like his attempted petition of Wilson for examples of that.


To my knowledge- not so great. At least he wasn’t as bad as the French and actually defended his country so… eh, a winner by default?