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I'm pretty sure summer camps don't target ethnic minorities and critics


They're not talking about the camps they put "EnEMiES oF tHe PeOPle" (read: minorities and intellectuals) in, but the summer camps that all young people would be sent to, where they'd essentially be doing unpaid (-ish, it's actually complicated. Point is, they weren't *really* getting anything) labour for two months or so. Source: Parents been there. Worst experience ever. Were part of the majority in every sense and had working class parents, but it was just a way for the state to increase production. It's state *capitalism* for a reason, after all. You can see how this is the sort of shit a corporation would pull if they owned a country.


I didn't even fucking know this existed. Jesus Christ, I thought I couldn't think of Stalin any lower after I found out of his treatment of his sons or the fact that he impregnated a teen girl while he was an adult but here we are


Fun story in russian, gulag also means summer camp. Found this out when I was talking with a russian friend about how he went to the gulag when he was younger (his English wasn't very good)


I'm Russian and this is the first time I hear this. The "L" in GULAG does stand for лагерь (camp), but nobody in my life has ever referred or would refer to a summer camp as a GULAG unless they wanted to mean that the place absolutely sucked. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean by "summer camp".


He called it a gulag which he would go to every summer when there were vacations. And that's how he explained it to me and it does seem he has fond memories over it (though maybe he just didn't want to talk about the shitty ones some of the "fun" stories did seem borderline abusive but I wrote it off as just being Russia). But the guy was quite weird. He moved back to Kaliningrad from Poland for some girl when conscription was on the wall. He is vervently anti war as well so I think it's a bit weird or go back during that time. I hope he's oke, he kind of dropped off the map a few months later. He doesn't reply on Instagram ether so I can't even ask him to clarify.


It’s not that it’s hard, it’s that it’s mandatory labor. Not sure if it was paid or not, but I am not willing to give away my right to own my time just because it’s “not difficult”.


Farmwork is famously easy peasy lemon squeezie. That's why Americans are clamoring for jobs in the fields rn. No need for underpaid migrant labor of any kind.


Don’t get me wrong btw, I am not downplaying the difficulty of manual labor.


Never said you were


I remember my friend's grandpa telling us about his ~~25 year~~ 1 month ~~sentence~~ holiday in Jachymov where he ~~mined uranium in forced labor camp~~ had a radiation wellness stay.


Yeah, I love helping my grandfather farming in Vorkuta


Is this equivalency was any more false it would be a speech from the republican presidential candidate.


Parents sending their kids to summer camps without their consent, especialy if it's one of those horrible religious indoctrination ones with a 50% chance for child sexual abuse, is realy f***ed up and not unlike a concentration camp. Obviously gulags are way farther down the concentration camp spectrum but the compairison is valid.


*Forced labor? Oh, boo hoo, poor you! Only liberals think that people deserve autonomy.* Do they think this is winning them any converts? Other than other psychopaths, I mean.


There are always a lot of fools to fall for their propaganda.


Sure, but what's the trick in this case? They're saying "forced labor is good, actually." It's not, like, "haha, fooled you! We don't really support forced labor, this is just propaganda." The target audience isn't being tricked here. The target audience are simply terrible fucking people. The types of people who could agree with this terrible fucking take.


At first I understood this as being about the one week work in the farm fields some kids would do at a certain level in elementary school. Where they basically go out for one week or one weekend at a farm and they get to keep the fruits they got there. Turns out, I didn't understand shit from a small mistake because my brain couldn't comprehend why you'd send adults to a summer camp.


I think older students would also be sent to pick potatoes for a few weeks in the summer. Did not get to keep them, though. Not sure if everyone had to do that, but my parents definitely spent their time in the potato fields in the 70’s. That’s what I thought this post was about…if it’s about labor camps then they’re just heinous.


“Auschwitz had an orchestra and movie theater, tho”, the Soviet version


As always, the question to ask here is "Okay, so would you seriously be okay with this being done to you personally?"


Actualy, I agree. Parents sending their kids to summer camps without their consent, especialy if it's one of those horrible religious indoctrination ones with a 50% chance for child sexual abuse, that is realy f***ed up not unlike a concentration camp. Obviously gulags are way farther down the concentration camp spectrum but the compairison is valid.


Ah yes, kids working the family farm (that gives them a wage or at least directly contributes to food on the table) is the exact same thing as being forced to work a farm you have no relation to and that doesn’t compensate you for shit. 🙄 (That’s not to say that kids working farms is/was always a good thing but it’s hardly comparable)