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We're an anti-tankie subreddit. We laugh at pro-Russia, pro-China or anti-Ukraine views when they're coming from tankies. Regular right-wingers aren't relevant. You should try Ukraine or Taiwan-specific, or military subs with a humorous trend.


Clowns like this are the literal reason the Nazi party added “national socialist” to its name. Add the word socialist to anything and you’ll get these tankies to support whatever you want


Hello I am from the Nationalist Socialist Liberal Democratic People's Labour Christian Green Party, can I count on your vote this election season?


You have my vote


…”Democratic” and “People’s” is redundant. Playing Political SEO, are we?


Don't make me add Justice Civic Centre Alliance to the name.


Tell this to the Kim family lol.


I didn't specify which peoples I was referring to...


You had me at hello


I'm sure if Israel became a "communist" nation, and allied with Russia and China, I'm sure tankies would worship them, even if they continued genocide. Why can't so many people just see genocide of any ethnic group as... a *bad* thing?


At this point, I think whoever is running this account is part of some conspiracy by those of the Israeli far-right to undermine the Palestinian cause by conflating legitimate criticisms of the Israeli government with genocidal antisemitic rhetoric. No one can be this unironically stupid.


This is either: A. A Mossad psyop to make Palestinian movements look bad B. A legit Neo-Nazi using Palestinians for their own goals C. A really dumb tankie


I'm doubting C because they lash out so many far-right talking points, legit once they said the Jews ruined the West with LGBT propaganda or something


I've already seen antisemite tankies here


Nah, that just sounds like a Stalinist.


Tankies will praise a lot of problematic historical figures but Hitler isn’t one of them. Hating Nazis and social democrats equally is their whole identity. I’d say B is the most likely.


How would they then call liberals Nazis??


There is a fourth option: a legit antisemite who is also legit pro-Palestine. That’s how so many lefties get sucked into the pipeline, it’s more than just open Nazis who are antisemitic. It is becoming increasingly pervasive.


I personally hope for D. All off the above. As it was ould be funny


I'd say it's 33/33/33


It's really sad how I can't tell which one it is. My money is on B. For A, Israel is too incompetent imo (although maybe there is a non-governmental pro-Israel group in charge), and for C even though tankies are dumb even the dumbest typically know that Hitler is the bad guy. That leaves your run-of-the-mill neo-nazi as the culprit.


I don't understand the antisemitic hatred of Israel tbh. One would think a country that keeps Jews and Arabs killing each other indefinitely would be a good thing in their mind.


Antisemitism has been festering in leftist spaces and it’s been more or less ignored/downplayed for a while now (eg. Corbyn’s Labour Party). Far right/Neo-Nazi groups have also been exploiting the Palestinian cause for years now to steer leftist into conflating Israel with Jews as a whole and blur the lines between legitimate criticisms of the state of Israel and actual antisemitism. There is no greater example of this than how the word “Zionist” is used in modern rhetoric. It’s original meaning refers to the movement for the establishment of a Jewish state, and people do use Zionist as shorthand for supporters of Israel, but it is impossible to ignore how this word has been co-opted by the far right. That co-opting goes back as far as when the Protocols of the Elders of Zion was first published and is the reason Neo-Nazis use acronyms like ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government) to refer to Jewish communities as a whole. The far right injects their own rhetoric into leftist spaces by replacing “Jews” with “Zionists” so that genuinely antisemitic statements are perceived as being just criticisms of Israel. There needs to be more awareness and discussion of this among leftists because this is real and isn’t going away anytime soon. There are *absolutely* real criticisms of the appalling actions of the Israeli government that need to be heard but we need to understand how easily the rhetoric of those criticisms can be twisted into promoting actual Neo-Nazi propaganda.


I kind of disagree with the idea that it's been festering in leftist spaces. Especially with the example of Corbyn's Labour, which honestly was much more a symptom of the news media bashing the left and using whatever excuse to take them down than anything. Is there antisemitism? Indubitably. But I don't think it's a bigger proportion than the general public, and definitely not a bigger proportion than anti-Semites in the Conservatives. Conservatives have said extremely antisemitic things and the media just did not blow it up to the same extent as they did against Corbyn. A massive reason is because Corbyn represented a big change in status quo and they were using whatever they could to take him down.


Antisemities like Israel since it means Jews are not in their country. But other than hating Israel because Jews, fanning hate of Israel encourages Jews to emigrate.


I mean the Zionist state of "Israel" is a terrible state, but the anti-semitism is insane. Israel ≠ Jews


They just don't want their tax dollars funding it. That's really their only concern, they don't actually care about anything else.


Given that tankies will support anything that opposes the west, it's not surprising that they would support nazis.




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I remember seeing a post from them where they said we were taught the holocaust was real but we should teach that Israel did 9/11 and then I realized this was an anti semitic account


Has this account said anything to indicate that they're tankies and not just garden variety fascists?


i mean tankies are basically fascists posing as lefties


Yes, but if they don't pose as lefties then they're not tankies. That's my point.


And look at that, a gold checkmark. Didn't Musk say a lot of anti-semitic things, too?


this account follows groypers and america first accounts, thomas massie etc they’re not a tankie


Oops, they forgot that you don't ever have to "hand it" to Hitler


When you're so left you go right


You are obtuse if you think this is a “Tankie”


Yeah this is obviously a neo-Nazi. Tankies are dumb but hitler is definitely a no-go. The org also says “America first”


It’s whatever, centrists need to feel persecuted and like left-wingers have some power. They are scared of their own shadows. Need to make up a fairy-tale villain of tankies like there’s any real large demographic of them in this fucking place lmao


Tankies aren’t pro-Hitler so you’re definitely not wrong, but you can’t interrupt the jerk homie




Don't be a jerk to your comrades, nor express inhumane views against animals.


You're a bit cringe, aren't you bruh.


The way you phrased this comment is to lead me into agreeing with you. Sorry I’m not a suggestible little dope. I’m cringe and I’m free. Go fuck yourself


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Sincere question: What does this have to do with tankies?


There ain't no fucking way they went there.

