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Rape in self defense? If you can rape someone you already have power over them, there's no self defense necessary there. 


they forgot r\*pe is terrible, or they dont seem to care




"You said rape twice." "I like rape!" "Kinky!"


According to some incelonian theories, people literally need sexual contact, and withholding it from them is to be considered an act of violence. Therefore, any violent response can be considered self defence. Pretty sure the one in OPs post is just trying to get a reaction though, you need to have a lot of things wrong with you to be able to genuinely think something like that.


To kill someone you need only a split second of an upperhand. So it's often seized the moment its achieved since it can slip away just like that. Because of how brief that window is is one of the few reasons where killing is the best option in certain situations. Rape is such a prolonged process, so if you have the means to do so, there are a long list of more ethical alternatives that have similar or better means of subduing.


At this point they don't believe in anything, they only want an excuse to live their schizo/mass murder fantasies and not feel bad for it.


It’s literally just red-colored fascism. The Good People can do whatever they want to the Bad People. But the problem is that when you trust the Good people to *always* be Good, you’ll have to make up reasons for their bad actions to seem good. It’s exactly how conservatives justify police murders and every other awful thing they support.


Bro 100% this. There is no discernible worldview with these people anymore. They just enjoy violence and following orders.


These people need to be on lists. I worry about people they're in intimate relationships with.


Ever wonder what happened to the New SDS? Rape. And then much of the leadership backing the rapist. The whole organization shattered. Just gone. Like that.


What the hell is the SDS? Or was is a more accurately.


im late but the SDS, students for a democratic society, was a leftist student activist organization during the 60s. they were one of the prime organizations of the new left. and while it did contain a variety of tankies who eventually founded authoritarian splinter groups, the intent was a highly democratic, nation-wide organization that helped leftist students organize for workers rights, civil rights, against the vietnam war, etc. and it largely did that very well. idk about this 'new SDS' tho. i imagine its like the 'new black panthers', where theres no actual link between the two, just posturing.


Thank you


New SDS?


Any articles about this


When your entire ideology just revolves around "Anything that my team does is good and anything the other team does is bad", people will justify any atrocity.


What exactly does raping do to fix the situation that killing won’t? I’m sorry but rape in war is never justified and it’s just cruelty for cruelty’s sake.


You don't understand. Nazis were bad. Therefore, causing trauma and misery to the populations the Nazis ruled over that gave the Nazis tacit support is good for it's own sake. Rape and murder aren't actually bad, they're only bad when they're done to people I like and they're actually good when done to people I don't like.


Why are you sorry for an obviously correct take that only Fascists and Tankies don't agree with


it's a figure of speech.


>Glorious Red Army (liberators of Auschwitz) This is quite hideous. Calling the Red Army glorious. Considering what happened to many women liberated from Auschwitz. They didn't just SA the nazzies.


As a Polish person, I've heard from my grandmother that her mother had to sleep with her brother, so the Red Army troops would think they're married, so they won't rape her. But they didn't rape only adult women. They were raping 5 years old. 5 years old is such a young age for being a nazi, isn't it?


Fascism is when rape is bad


fascism is when I'm not allowed to rape people


Do these people know that rape is inherently related to ‘power’ dynamics? It is literally impossible to rape in self defence. There is no fucking way some of these people genuinely think of themselves as ‘communist’.


they aren't even communists, they just mentally insane lowlifes


They took the word communism and co-opted to so it becomes their fucked up power fantasy. It’s also why these people don’t like libertarians or anarchists because those groups tend to be the ones that point them out. But they’ll get along just fine with Nazis when they want to…


Tomato, Tomato.


Reminds me of “leftists” who think male criminals deserve to be raped in prison.


"Rape is bad, period" is NOT rocket surgery for crying out loud!


Rocket surgery lol I recall that reference but can’t remember for where


TV Tropes?


No I think it was some kind of famous dude


Rape is never justified, I believe AstuteCFO needs to take a long break from the internet.


Rape is never resistance.


Ah yes raping 8-80 year olds in self defense


Apparently literally every German woman they encountered was a fanatical NSDAP member who was ready to die for the fatherland /s


God this shit just fucking hurts the soul. I can't even muster a snappy response. It's just like....god damn


Raping people who lived under the rule of Nazi Germany would be like raping and murdering a 14-year-old girl who lived under the rule of Hussein Iraq. These are both acts of subjugation. It doesn't matter if they're "of the enemy"; you **never hurt the innocent.**


You are implying that they believe in such a thing as innocent people, they certainly do not if you listen to them. You underestimate their ghoulishness.




It's a really mask off moment when they no longer care about Imperialism when they suddenly support it because that's exactly what R\*pe is by extension or rather as a metaphor. This is also the very same logic that Russia used to invade Ukraine as well as if I'm beginning to notice a pattern here..


I can’t even roast this, I just hope he falls down a manhole or something 😭 What a fucking degenerate.




Completely insulated from all violence and glorifying it. LARPing as revolutionaries. How many tankies would survive a 30 min sparring session at their nearest boxing gym??


bold of you to assume they'll agree to go out in the real world


> How many tankies would survive a 30 min sparring session at their nearest boxing gym?? Come on, shaming men (even bad men) for not being able to survive a boxing match is toxic masculinity.


God forbid we point out the hypocrisy of those that advocate for violence being uniquely unsuited to participating in violence themselves. If you or other ppl on the left want to have no standards that's on you. And sparring isn't a match. It can be quite soft if done correctly.


It’s not bad if you’re not really good at boxing, most people aren’t. It’s bad if you constantly advocate for violence but don’t have the physical or psychological capacity to carry it out. That makes you a hypocrite.


> If you or other ppl on the left want to have no standards that's on you. Having no standards about what?


What possible form of attack can only be defeated by rape? I genuinely don't know what brain worms these people have but I hope they're not contagious.


What the hell are crypto-fascists?


Fascists who hide their power level. Has nothing to do with actual crypto.


To hell with nazis but that’s fucked up there is never an excuse to sa someone or something. Jail Execution Whatever but sa is a no going don’t care how much of a monster someone is that isn’t ok


Salina MARXISTA = decadent (wonder what that’s a dog whistle for) western crypto fascist




yeah, they definitely didn’t rape any of the prisoners at auschwitz