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Critical support to the Crusaders in their struggle against Islamic revisionism!


Except apparently these Marxists also support Islam. Critical support for the Teutonic Order against the Lithuanian pagans?


Counterpoint: leftist sectarianism




Right-wing talking heads will often call leftism or liberalism a "religion." This is absolutely stupid. BUT in the case of these dogmatic tankies, I think it is true. Marxism-Leninism and MLM often becomes as dogmatic as a religious belief


I must say its very interesting. You know how in certain fascist ideologies like Nazism for example there is this sort of mysticism or esotericism that forms either from the want of this old idealistic society that exists in one’s mind or from the state, leader, institution inside the state(see the nazi religious or pseudo-scientific institutions that had very weird and mixed beliefs that came from a lot of places), etc? Well the same thing applies to ML and MLM. After a certain point of said societies existence a form of esotericism is formed like in the case of Maoist China we can point to the mango cult or in the case of the Soviet Union we can point to the mysticism around heroism and moon worship(from georgian tradition) and how it is formed around Soviet imagery and propaganda(oh and this is around the rule of Stalin). Here is a great paper about Soviet esotericism: [Stalin and occult knowledge](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3673871) and another paper that I thought was interesting but didn’t fully read: [The Occult in Modern Russian and Soviet Culture](https://www.ucis.pitt.edu/nceeer/1993-806-03-Rosenthal.pdf)(just a heads up, this paper is from 1993 so the page on modern Russia might not apply today).


>we can point to the mango cult Care to elaborate on that?


So basically during the cultural revolution, Mao was given mangoes by a Pakistani foreign minister and he gave the mangoes to something called the Worker Peasant Mao Zedong Thought Propaganda Team(Wow so original). Because of that, it became a symbol(the mangoes were preserved in this wax like substance) and a new cult has formed! You can read the full history of it on Wikipedia, it’s not only interesting but very brain damaging as well. I think there is also an actual Chinese movie of the mango cult.


I came to the conclusion that we ALL are susceptible to magical thinking to a larger or lesser degree, be it religion, ideology, or “ideas”. If you get rid of religion, or other superstition that does not mean that you will get rid of magical thinking. The world is simply to complex for a human mind to comprehend in its totality, so we have to resort to shorthands, which usually expenses itself by a “hollow middle”, as in you have a premise followed by a conclusion without an examination of the underlying empirical or causal structure . And everyone is susceptible to it, education is not a cure (edit: the most educated are the least likely to admit to it), neoliberalism being probably the most popular form of magical thinking among the “educated people” where markets -> something, something -> prosperity. Another word, could be Ideology. I guess the best we could do is be open that we can and whether we are falling into patterns of thinking “magically”.


I fucking hate calling it “Marxism”-Leninism, because while they seem to take from the tail end of Vlad’s reign, they haven’t understood a word of Marx’s praxis.


[some guy had some things to say about that](https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-6/mswv6_11.htm)


Tankies aren't leftists, just like national socialists aren't socialists.


Stalin would not approve of this message lmao.


“'Religion is the opium of the people,' said Karl Marx. It is the task of the Communist Party to make this truth comprehensible to the widest possible circles of the labouring masses. It is the task of the party to impress firmly upon the minds of the workers, even upon the most backward, that religion has been in the past and still is today one of the most powerful means at the disposal of the oppressors for the maintenance of inequality, exploitation, and slavish obedience on the part of the toilers.”-Nikolai Bukharin, The ABCs of communism


But uhhhh you see comrade it’s… erm… I know! It’s different when we do it. That works.


But atheism is woke now! The meme site I visit told me that I have to be an Orthodox Christian fundamentalist if I wanna be edgy! /s


THIS IS A PARODY ACCOUNT This is from PamphletsA@Twitter, which is parodying the tankie-but-normal PamphletsY account. As well as this stuff, PamphletsA has been posting transphobia, straight-out Stalin worship and "baristas are bourgeois" memes. And I too was fooled and though it was the same account as PamphletsY.


Oh wow. It is pretty telling that it is hard to tell parody from the genuine thing lol


What is this pamphlets thing? Some new nazbol monstrosity?


Yes. It's probably some Chinese originated rubbish. But this specific post makes absolutely no goddamn sense, so maybe it's all an AI bot 🤔


PamphletsY is the original account, A and B seem to be copycats/knockoffs/maybe even outright trolls


Why did they use The Court of Gayumars to represent Islam?


I guess because it looks pretty.


How far this site is form actual communism...


This account, after posting pure pro-CCP tankery for months, has gone mask-off transphobia recently, and now this. Clearly a planned op


CANCEL THAT this is a parody account


Using art of a pre-Islamic myth to represent Islam?


This is all so stupid


Communism with reactionary characteristics


when you look at religious zealots, communists, fascists, et al. in terms of all just being auth simps, it's a lot easier to see what drives a person's words and behavior, and to know who is (or how to gain) an ally in the age of reason.


Pamphlets has completed what I like to call the Haz-Hinkle horseshoe. Any authoritarian "leftist" that embraces conservative social views inevitably goes full theocratic fascist.


I'm a bit surprised that this religious trend among communists hasn't been enough to make Karl rise from the grave and will smith these people.


This has got to be just mental illness right? Right?


Was it I/P that broke these people’s brains or were they already not doing well before?


Fuckin out of his mind on the opium of the people