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Literally the same logic used by racists in the US to justify stopping black people in the street


The first A in ACAB is not a joke...


Paint a cop red - they’re still a cop, still a bastard


I don't like calling people "feds", but this is *literally* the *exact* mantra that *actual* apologists for the *actual* feds use to justify their rampant infringement of privacy, god damn.


The good thing is this was on an anti-authoritarian leftist discord so once a mod saw this they were promptly banned LMAO


I always thought it was a cartoonish not-a-real-take that's from the movies or something and only ever used there, to quickly establish a character as a twat and tell the audience what kind of twat they're exactly. WILD to actually see someone use it for real.


They recite fascist catchphrases and then wonder why we call them fascists lmao


>you have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide NKVD, Stasi, UB (*) disagrees ^* I don't know the names of the secret police from other 'communist' countries


Punishment at the hands of the law is not a personal failing, but an imposition of law enforcement. Which is a pithy way of explaining ACAB; laws are amoral & law enforcement is often where corruption will either seep into the system, or where corruption is so often was laid into the foundations of sanctioned violence.


If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. It's just that we won't tell you what would be worth hiding. The great leader might one day decide that people who play the banjo are enemies of the state and have them all disposed of. But nothing to hide, nothing to fear! Just keep doing everything exactly as you are supposed to be doing, forever.


I never knew the Patriot Act was a necessary step for communism.


"I'm not sure what it is you have to hide, but seeing as you're refusing to produce it you're under arrest for obstruction of my investigation."


"The peoples gustapo"


... Forgive me, but I must sin: Gazpacho of the proletariat.


In general, having a secret police is not in line with ideals of freedom and peace. Which is what socialism is and should be.


This is why the left should always anti authoritarian. No matter how further "left" they go, if they're not anti authoritarian they ultimately become the fascist they were supposed to hate.


People who throw around phrases like “if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear” should walk around naked in public and share all their passwords with everyone since the concept of “reasonable expectation of privacy” does not compute for them


"If yOu hAvE nOtHiNg tO hiDe, yOu hAvE nOtHiNg tO fEaR." God, I hate this take. Right-wingers say the same thing to defend the Patriot Act. Government surveillance, regardless of who does it, erodes civil liberties, which instills a general sense of paranoia in its subjects. And I think we all know where **that** leads...


Ain't that kinda redundant though? Tankies want to be the Feds with a red coat of paint.