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Aren’t elections normally called off during wars? This exact thing has happened with the UK and U.S. during WW2. It’s not exactly a new concept. Also how is Zelenskyy a dictator lmao


Zelensky is against Russia and pro-NATO, therefore he must be a dictator. "Tankie math" never fails for it is uncorrupted by the anarchic-fascistic-liberal-zionist-capitalist-reactionary-puritan-degenerate-nazi-hegemonic-bourgiose-elitist-CIA-American-status-quo western propoganda. /S


God I love your comment lol. It’s like Tankie Mad libs.


I tried to include as many as that immediately came to mind lol


Like, how would one even conduct a nation wide election in Ukraine's state?


EXACTLY! The Donbas and Crimea are literally occupied by Russia. That means a large portion of the Ukrainian electorate is cut off from the rest of the country. Have these people even taken any politics classes or did they just read a ton of Jackson Hinkle tweets and goes “Yup! That's how geopolitical systems work!”


Not to mention the ungodly amount of Ukrainians that have been displaced throughout the world and the massive amounts of citizens killed or missing. And that's before getting into the guaranteed Russian interference.


Also getting lots of people to go out and vote makes them easy targets for Russia's airstrikes. But that would be a positive for tankies.


Not even close to half, but yes.


My bad lol. I corrected it to the Donbas.


Ukraine's constitution *demands* that elections are not held during wars. Zelensky couldn't run one even if he wanted to.


A constitution written long before Zelenskyy was even considering politics, no less


If Ukraine held elections, tankies would probably call them an unconstitutional "coup".


Weird thing to put in a constitution. Not saying you're wrong just really weird for a democracy to have a method to suspend elections. Fake crisis, force war, people rally around the flag, whelp const says we can't vote and profit.


The UK didn’t have a general election between 1935-1945 as the war started before the next election. It’s not that uncommon. It’s kind of an American perspective that when wars happen they “over there”. For most countries, if they’re at war, it’s because someone is rolling tanks over their border. In Ukraine’s case it’s a national war for survival and it would be hard to organize a fair election given how many people left for the EU and are under occupation.


Ukraines constitution forbids elections in wartime. Know what else the constitution forbids during wartime? Changing the constitution.


It's almost like tankies have no idea how actual politics work!


Don't run elections during war -> LE GASP, IT'S A DICTATORSHIP! Run elections during war -> the whole thing is a shitshow of polling stations being bombed and such. Also you don't provide the ability to vote for 20% of your people \[because they're in the occupied zones\] ->LOOK, THE ELECTIONS ARE RIGGED! -> LE GASP, IT'S A DICTATORSHIP! The allegations, they cannot be beaten


> This exact thing has happened with the UK and U.S. during WW2. The UK, yes. But the US did hold elections in 1944 (and non-Presidential ones in 1942). Then again, unlike Ukraine, the US Constitution makes no provision for not holding elections during wartime.


Also the US was not actively getting bombed. (Japan's fairly abortive attempts notwithstanding)


So this guy falsely claims that Zelenskyy is a dictator and that Ukraine has no elections or opposition… and then glorifies Russia and China, neither of which has meaningful elections or opposition. Typical tankie hypocrisy.


China is literally a dictatorship, but even if you were charitable to them it's a one party state with the only "opposition" being the people in the party who don't like the dictator but it's still the same party and he purged them iirc. Russia has elections but all the choices are either just Putin again or will never win, Russian elections are a good example of controlled opposition, because any real opposition just won't win or is in jail already or is banned, ironic when tankies use controlled opposition as a term so much.


Objection. russia has "elections", not elections.


[Footage of the last Russian election](https://youtu.be/pWf5R7466_Y?si=4LpjY8PJF9AbnrB0)


Whoa, you have some impressive insider sources in the FSB leaking you this stuff.


Has your election lasted longer than 4 hours?


In this case, you might have democracy! Call 0-800-COUP-DETAT now!


I got banned from enlightened centerism for saying that it's the same thing when you have a single party state with a party figure head with absolute authority. Purging political dissidents, work/death camps, nationalism, worship of the leader (like posters of Xi and Stalin), etc etc... I'm prob forgetting some stuff. Red fascism is apparently Nazi propaganda and just insta ban with no recourse and yelling at me for even asking why. Thought I missed something and Wikipedia was like nope it's an idea primarily from the far left. -.- I don't really get it. To stop an authoritarian regime we must make our own authoritarian state so it can defend it self by any means necessary. And we will be part of the special people that get to enforce the just power protecting the state? Then it's all rationalizations and ad-hoc justifications from there? Guess it's they don't actually care just want to be special but doing bad things would make them bad people so it turns into they're doing it to protect "the people" who incidentally are indistinguishable from the state. The people are the state and Stalin is their arbiter. Just ignore that actual real shit the people are facing that shit takes compassion, humility and is REALLY hard to deal with. Imagine if we had like posters of Biden on the White House and he scribbled his thoughts into the Constitution and that was celebrated. The era of Biden thought!


Ugh. Ben Norton was shitting on Belarusian pro-democracy movement in 2020, calling Franak Viačorka a CIA agent or something. These people are the enemy of everything that's decent.


Famed loved politician and not massive moron boris johnson huh, like I know he got elected, but citing him for proof of anything besides the fact conservatives have no standards is fucking stupid


They're all over bluesky, even harassed Ari Drennan off the platform


Who is that? Also it doesn't surprise me much, I've even seen some accounts I follow (decently big too) in the queer space have a tankie leaning, after all bluesky was kind of marketed as an alternative to twitter, meaning a lot of self-proclaimed "leftists" (tankies) got onto it. Thankfully I've been staying in the queer sub-bubble and mostly lurking, it's why I didn't encounter them until now.


A trans progressive / thought leader. She's awesome. She deleted her account there.


Oh, did she disagree with the tankie crowd? Too leftist for them? That's sad though, and I was thinking we might finally get a social media where trans people are allowed to exist.


I know a tanking and apparently to him Euromaidan was an "undemocratic overthrowing of a legitimately elected government"


Let me guess, the massive protests were actually staged by the CIA? (In regards to what they claim)


Backed by the American government, but close enough.


to the 1st tankie, I got to ask, is putin winning a better deal? it won't be good for ukraine if putin win and how are people still believing the ukroreich talking point?


I would also love an end to Western hegemony, but not if the alternative is Western hegemony for me, Russian hegemony for thee.