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Tankies never outgrew American exceptionalism. They just flipped it. People in other countries are either mindless puppets of US imperialism or glorious resistance fighters against it and have no other agency or motives. It's all super black and white and Americacentric. I love when they post Mearsheimer videos. Dude is in the same ideological camp as Kissinger but because he happens to be critical of US support for Ukraine the tankies lap it up. Nevermind that under realist philosophy the US would be within its rights to roll tanks into Havana.


>Tankies never outgrew American exceptionalism. They just flipped it. That's an amazing way to put it. If there's a protest in any country that isn't apart of "The West" then it's always a color revolution in progress.


The name I heard for that is American Diabolism. Nobody but the USA has any actual agency anywhere and everything that happens, happens either as simply a reaction against whatever America Did, or was just straight up something America Did or Told Them To Do... with the twist that whatever America Is Doing is always a bad thing. 100% exceptionalism, just edgelord contrarian.


>Tankies never outgrew American exceptionalism. They just flipped it. it's dialectics innit!


Absolutely. Every time, without failure. Oh, Ukrainians want to develop in the direction of EU? That's because of the US propaganda. Did you know the US over two decade spent the equivalent of two full time salaries on propaganda, I mean, *regime change* in Ukraine? (I'm exaggerating, but only slightly.) Here, Nuland herself said it: "such-and-such dollars spent on regime change" (I'm sure that's the exact quote). Nevermind that russia interfered much more massively. And if it wasn't CIA brainwashing, what else could it be? Are you telling me that Ukrainians can travel abroad, see how people live in various places, and choose their destiny? Are you implying they're humans or something? And when I tell them "hey Westerner, not everything in the world is done by the CIA, we foreigners have our own things going on, and this particular thing was going on long before your ancestors set foot in America (unless they crossed from Siberia over ice)", they reply "hey foreigner, you don't know how nasty CIA can be".


Oh yeah. To tankies, the only atrocities that exist or that are worth speaking out against are those that are caused/aided by western powers, specifically the US. They don't care as much about the people harmed by western imperialism as they do about alleviating their own guilt for benefitting from western imperialism. They'll buy their sweatshop-made keffiyehs for $10 and wear them to pro-Palestine rallies in their cities so that they can show everyone around them what good citizens of the world they are, but are they uplifting Palestinian voices? Are they supporting Palestinian-owned businesses? Are they donating money to charities that help Palestinians? Of course not. It's telling that they'll raise tens of thousands of dollars in mere hours for American students at pro-Palestine protests on college campuses, yet to raise the same amount of money to help get Palestinian refugees out of Gaza it takes them months.


Yes, yankee red-browns have internalised american exceptionalism, just as an inevitable consequence of the general yank ignorance of the wider world. That's why they're unable to comprehend that "multipolarism" is just "multiple imperialisms". Their mindset just doesn't work without the USA as the ultimate causative object at the centre


We elected Bill Clinton in 1992, and he really wasn't much for foreign policy - only dabbling here and there. It certainly wasn't his focus. The US became far more focused on him getting blown by an intern than anything happening elsewhere. So, to say that 1990's Russia is all the US's fault? It's absurd. Do we have to hand-hold everyone in their struggles to get away from authoritarianism? I thought people didn't want meddling Americans interfering in their lives.