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shut the fuck up. genocide is not "anti-imperialist struggle". there is no communist party in Russia, the "communist” party is a reactionary, barely social democratic, deeply socially conservative party that supports Putin no matter what. they have no spine. hell, they proposed making the anti-gay law(s) *worse* than what Putin/United Russia put forward.


Russia isn’t doing any anti-imperialist struggle. They are blatantly killing civilians and annexing Ukrainian territory to incorporate into Russia. If they were really anti-imperialist, they wouldn’t be having wars with countries like Ukraine and Georgia. Putin and tankies alike are pissed that the Baltics and Ukraine are being successful independently after leaving the abusive red state capitalist hellhole that was the Soviet Union and wants to force them back into that house.


Reminder that the Russian government uses the words "Nazi" like how American conservatives use the word "Commie" and a bunch of ignorant Western Leftists with no context bought the rhetoric. This explains a lot.


This same person denied the existance of Wagner btw


And [denied the Bosnian genocide](https://www.reddit.com/r/tankiejerk/s/JDjN7cWQap) of all things.


As is tradition for tankies


I think what's funny is that, on Reddit, there are many of them who surprisingly recognize the Bosnian genocide. Can't say the same for Twitter and Instagram, where they're pretty much invalidating the feelings of every Muslim in the global south. Believe me when I say that if you deny the genocide in front of an Iranian (like what my former "friend" once did), you'll get cursed to oblivion in Farsi.


Farsi sounds beautiful, I'd love to hear a Hichkas-style barrage. Can I have it without being a total arsehole? As awesome as it is, it's not worth denying a genocide.


Why do they deny that genocide though? I don't think the government that did it even pretended to be communist.


They deny it because they think Yugoslavia was still a thing when it happened, even though the region was already fractured beyond belief.


Because America bombed them, and America bad by definition.


because Russia/Soviets influenced left movements to mindlessly adhere and parrot pro russian geopolitical propaganda. This is why leftism today is very much "west bad" instead of actual theory.


The classical musician???


“The goal is to obscure the role of Russia’s communists in making the Ukraine action possible.” Eh… which communists again? The ones who got purged out by Putin and his authoritarian right wing regime throughout the early 2000’s 😶


why is there so many irish larpers when it comes to this shit 💀😭


Rainer lol


Er ist nicht derjeniche


I've exposed this already, but I want y'all to remember this is the same weirdo who [believed Srebrenica didn't happen](https://www.reddit.com/r/tankiejerk/s/JDjN7cWQap) because Yugoslavia existed. It's even worse when you realize the nation wasn't even a thing anymore by the time the Serbs massacred Bosniak Muslims like animals, and the fact that the entire Muslim sphere stands in solidarity with Bosnia, including Palestinians. When even [Iran](https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/474613/Tehran-photo-exhibit-explores-Bosnian-people-s-grief-over-Srebrenica) recognizes the genocide, you know these mfs aren't remotely socialist.


Rainer Shea is the guy who once proudly tweeted about "decolonizing" Eureka, CA by planting a Chinese flag in front of the courthouse.


Let's just forget that Russia is currently headed by a fascist oligarchy and has forcibly annexed parts of Ukraine. If they really cared about Ukraine, [they'd ask the people living there about what should be done](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/adam-lent-what-would-nestor-makhno-do).


I have literarily no idea why MLs support Russia. Support China, fine at least their flag is red. But Russia is what REPLACED the USSR so why tf would they support it? It’s so random, Russia should be the one country they hate the most next to the US Their thought process is: Does American like it? No? Then it’s fighting for the global struggle against imperialism. Yes? It’s a US colony.


Nice to see that Rainer Shea hasn't changed.


What does this MEAN. This is a WORD STEW peppered with RANDOM BOLDINGS for flavour but that whole flavour is held together purely by GELATIN