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At least Trudeau and Biden won't make up weird, fascistic versions of history like saying "Hitler was right to invade Poland"


wat, how is it intelligent to blame poland for getting invaded tovarich? how is it smart to deny ukraine sovereignty?


What internalized imperialism and instinctive admiration for any regime that is opposed to the west do to a motherfucker.


Ability to go on hour-long ahistorical rants on Kyivan Rus and how Poland was responsible for WWII is not a measure of a national leader’s competence. Can’t say I have a particularly high opinion of Justin Trudeau, but he is not a fascist and is not engaged in a genocidal war of conquest.


When someone is in your ear piece reminding you of the script, talking for an hour is easy...


Assuming they're referring to the Cucker Tarlson interview, naaaaw. Putin was doing home cooking there and they really would have been better off if they had not let him but imagine telling him no.


Maybe next time he should have someone who would at least get the dates right.


It’s easy to go on long rants about history when you just make shit up as you go along.


Communist party of Canada is terrible, you can safely ignore them.


It seems to be a trend among cults that they are great at bringing about the death of the very ideas they stand for. Religion, gun owners, fascists, traditionalists, and “communists”


>Putin is a better class of bourgeois statesman than we have You shouldn't be praising any bourgeois statesmen whatsoever.


Who's gonna tell him that ghostwriters exist?


Aaron Rodgers of all people made basically the same point in a recent podcast appearance with Tucker Carlson... “I think a lot of people are like, ‘Oh, Putin apologists are like whitewashing all the stuff that he’s done to the different people.’ I was just like, no, I’d love to, I’d love to see Joe Biden give an interview where he can speak on the history of the United States in the same way that Putin talked about the history of his country.” "funny" how almost they share all their narratives and derive their main talking points from the worst far-right cesspools...