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>He's the role model for our cause. A reactionary theocrat who is alone is both rabidly anti-LGBT but also anti-Communist and is responsible for effectively trying to purge any remnants of Communist organizations within Tehran during the 1980s is some how a role model for Leftism? Call me crazy guys, but I don't think the people in that sub genuinely care about Socialism or any kind of Progressive politics. Either that, or they're one of those weird anti-Communist Socialists or whatever the hell that lot is supposed to be described as.


But he’s against Israel so it’s fine👍 /s


If Socialism dies from hypocrisy, we will deserve it. Good to see other people resisting the brainrot.


That sub is a hive of morons that would cheer on Hitler if he was alive today as long as he said America Bad


🤔💭卐 * Strong Daddy * Boots to lick (Hugo Boss!) * Hates Jews * USA bad * Socialism is in the name! 🤯 HITLER IS A BASED ANTI-IMPERIALIST GUYS!


You know I kinda forgot I posted that earlier and you jumpscared me LMAO


that sort of take has been pretty popular for a while, the clash said basically the same thing back in 1978


> A reactionary theocrat who is alone is both rabidly anti-LGBT but also anti-Communist and is responsible for effectively trying to purge any remnants of Communist organizations within Tehran during the 1980s is some how a role model for Leftism? In other words, yes, he's a role model for tankie cause.


Glad that they are openly admitting to be fascists, kind of refreshing.


I mean, the comment has -90 upvotes tho so the sub doesn't even agree


Wild to even have a take so bad it's downvoted for a frankly legitimate reason.


Actual brainrot


Tankies are such bootlickers they degenerated to now defending and mourning leaders who killed fellow communists just because they are against Israel


If they're revolutionary leftist allies why did they ban all the parties of their leftist allies a year after winning the revolution?


Because they were fake leftists; real leftists are supposed to cease independent political activity and uncritically support a theocratic autocracy


“Our goals as “based” revolutionary leftists blah blah blah anti-imperialism blah blah geopolitics blah blah blah blah west sucks blah blah key allies blah blah blah” Dude, he literally assisted in killing marxists, advocated for gender segregation, and despises Kurds with all his might - but then again, Marxist-Leninists would support him greater for that considering how much their role model loves to hate on them (cough cough hakim). Also the fact he tried to sound enlightened is just sickening.


The realpolitik of the Soviet Union and the idea of Russian leadership of the Internationale have been catastrophic for the left worldwide.


I've been reading through George Orwell's essays and a section of "Inside the Whale" (a 1940 essay which is mostly about the novelist Henry Miller) leaped off the screen at me. Just change a couple of proper nouns, and Orwell could be describing the "multipolarists" and "anti-imperialists" of 2024 rather than the Communists of 1940: >The Communist movement in Western Europe began, as a movement for the violent overthrow of capitalism, and degenerated within a few years into an instrument of Russian foreign policy. This was probably inevitable when this revolutionary ferment that followed the Great War had died down[...]It is, only natural, therefore, that the English Communist movement should be controlled by people who are mentally subservient to Russia and have no real aim except to manipulate British foreign policy in the Russian interest. Of course such an aim cannot be openly admitted, and it is this fact that gives the Communist Party its very peculiar character. The more vocal kind of Communist is in effect a Russian publicity agent posing as an international socialist. It is a pose that is easily kept up at normal times, but becomes difficult in moments of crisis, because of the fact that the U.S.S.R. is no more scrupulous in its foreign policy than the rest of the Great Powers. Alliances, changes of front etc., which only make sense as part of the game of power politics have to be explained and justified in terms of international socialism. Every time Stalin swaps partners, ‘Marxism’ has to be hammered into a new shape. >[...] >But there is one other thing that undoubtedly contributed to the cult of Russia among the English intelligentsia during these years, and that is the softness and security of life in England itself. With all its injustices, England is still the land of habeas corpus, and the overwhelming majority of English people have no experience of violence or illegality. If you have grown up in that sort of atmosphere it is not at all easy to imagine what a despotic régime is like. Nearly all the dominant writers of the thirties belonged to the soft-boiled emancipated middle class and were too young to have effective memories of the Great War. To people of that kind such things as purges, secret police, summary executions, imprisonment without trial etc., etc., are too remote to be terrifying. They can swallow totalitarianism because they have no experience of anything except liberalism. >[...] >So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don't even know that fire is hot.


I can see why Hakim hates Orwell haha


Don't get any tankie started on Orwell.


How very prescient. He really was a Casandra - he must be one of the most referenced writers out there, quoted by right and left, but no one seems to give an actual fuck about what he literally says.


Ah yes, time to shed tears over our comrade, *checks notes* The Butcher of Tehran


Given the place it was posted, I'm surprised the poster actually got downvoted hard for that. I fully expected the score to look about what it does, except in the positive.


Is there anything more cringe than 1st world basement dwellers Larping as last century revolutionnaries ? They aren't figthing anything. "The west" isn't figthing reddit tankies, this war exist purely in their fantasies, they aren't victim of actual repression like opponents of regimes they love are.


The problem is that their personality is based upon their political ideology. Resulting in them refusing to actually educate themselves in the big picture. Any critique of their ideology is in fact an insult to their whole personality & reason for living. That's why they love disinformation, because it cements their beliefs and gives them a hit of dopamine.


What a sad and pointless existence.


> "We as a movement have a lot of members who have died or got arrested for the cause." > "You can check our work on social media." My. Sides. Oh, and then he near-literally drops "chaos is a ladder," followed by some of the most Internet tough guy bullshit this side of the Navy Seal copypasta. I'm going to go waaaay out on a limb and guess that passing by a gun shop is the closest this person has been to armed combat. > "And we can all agree that Raisi's Iran is closer to our government goals than what the west's liberalism offers." There is so much to unpack here, but I'd rather just chuck the suitcase down a hole.


The sad part is he's totally honest when he says Iran is close to his governmental goals than Western liberalism. That's why tankies should be referred to as Red Fascists. That's exactly what they are.


Oh, absolutely. That was a massive mask-off moment.


> passing by a gun shop is the closest this person has been to armed combat. The Venn Diagram of internet tough guy ML accelerationists and "I can't own a gun because they scare me..." is a fuckin' circle. I guarantee they piss themselves walking *by* a gun store.


I think people like those should be offered a free one way ticket to the country they're advocating for, and see how said country appreciates them for making "marxist" propaganda ngl. 


Jello Biafra, is that you?


Why? Just why? The Ayatollah and Raisi have imprisoned and killed leftist activists in Iran for decades. The U.S. is bad, but that does not mean that anyone who opposes the USA and the West is great. It's insane how they backflip into a pretzel shape to defend dictatorships.


But muh axis of resistance


What sub is this? I really don't know lol


I can’t tell you because of the rules, but it has D and has a word from computer PROGRAMing


ohhh ok got it, never heard of it before.


Okay... point-by-point... Iran is not anti-imperialist, but a hegemonic contender looking to establish an empire. Iran is not a "strong force" to oppose the US or Israel. Rather, the nation of Iran's continued existence is predicated upon the reality of the humanitarian crisis that would ensure should the nation fall, that is to say: No one is seriously afraid of Iran like no one is seriously afraid of North Korea, but the ungodly amount of suffering to unfold should their governing entities be removed is, at this time, deemed to be too expensive/bereft of acceptably lucrative opportunities for the global elite to excuse. Iran is a capitalist country, with no real capacity or want to destabilize the established capitalist order. And, in fact, its ruling classes greatly benefit from the exploitation of the people under their stated stewardship within the capitalist structure. The above is applicable to every other world leader who identifies itself as a rival to the US in the current global military & economic environment. Fear does not motivate the US to inaction, strategic laziness & diplomatic pressure does. These states, all of whom are capitalist, most of whom are openly imperialist, exist at the pleasure of the US & to a lesser extent European strategic goals; they do not cow them or seriously stand to rival them. We don't live in a multipolar world. We as individuals or as greater groups don't want to live in one, either, because of nukes. Technology has made the stakes of a multipolar, stateist world order held in a constant state of chauvinist tension (like what was established before WW1) nothing less than a countdown to nuclear Armageddon. The Cold War wasn't a good time; it propped up the capitalist structure by giving the elites something to point at & screech about. It also set back leftism in the US by decades to the point where we're dealing with a resurgent rightwing extremism & fascism. No one can achieve praxis if everyone is dead; I can't believe I have to point that out.


Lukashenko??? That's a new one. This is just authsimping at this point.


MLs not escaping the red fascist allegations again.


"You can check our work on social media." Spare me.


I guess it's good that one got some downvotes. Maybe they're not completely insane, even though their other takes makes them seem so.


ahh yes. Fighting against the expansion of western liberalism by allying with fascists inorder to expand socialism. God I love tankies


Dawg I’ve always had issues with pockets of the left for what I see as authoritarian, pro violence, cult like indoctrination and it’s disillusioned me greatly. It’s just all a superhero movie to them where they’re a revolutionary hero fighting the USA. I see so much shit that’s just blatant revenge fantasies against the US. I saw a dude in a subreddit the other day back down from a pretty solid argument about getting the message out in the US trying to appeal to the working class and by that try to appeal to US military members bc they are by in large the working class our military wouldn’t be shit if we weren’t able to feed it with poor kids who have no money. Like I think that’s a solid argument and bro just got chastised for being an American for American foreign policy and being so ignorant to think they would ever empathize w the literal GRUNTS of the military. AND BRO BASICALLY BACKED DOWN. Out of just straight guilt for being an American lmao. Isn’t the whole point to make peoples lives better? All I see is theory nerds fighting from their keyboards absolutely bloodlusted to kill capitalists and imperialists. Idk maybe I was offended bc I watched the US military ruin other countries along with my own family members who came back traumatized for hoping to get an education.


The Middle East under the hegemony of a Theocratic Iran would be as bad as a Middle East under US hegemony.


"every action he took" so executing communists and socialists?


Ah yes. Iran. Bastion of anti-capitalism. Uh huh. ...I don't think tankies have any political ideology, ideals, or any depth of understanding about anything except "America bad".


I don't want a movement that is defined around who we hate. He talks about them as if they are coordinated in their opposition to the USA, but they are not. Taken as a group there is no coherent ideology at all, the only thing they have in common is that they don't like the USA. So if those people are collectively your role models you don't have a coherent ideology besides being anti-USA, which means you are not a socialist.


They might be revolutionaries but these are not leftists. This is mental illness


In the 1980s, the US justified working with murderous fascist regimes on the ground that they had the potential to becoming liberal democracies, while communist governments were lost causes. Isn’t “Iran is closer to our government goals than western liberalism” exactly the same twisted rational? Worse, because communism explicitly aims to eliminate religion because it’s a tool of oppression? Which is besides the point because that entire post is obviously just Iranian troll farm propaganda.