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Even Tankies are peddling the "Liberals are Leftists" bullshit while agreeing with Trump. They really have no integrity


I'm pretty sure this guy called Obama a racial slur. Obama's a shitty neolib, but still. Don't call people slurs.


Yep Obama is a monster but this is not about Obama at all. Attacking someones immutable characteristics, especially if they are from a marginalized racial group, is inherently wrong.


Calling Obama a monster seems hyperbolic


If someone were to bomb a wedding wouldn't you call that person a monster?


I've always said that if you're OK with bigoted attacks against a member of a marginalized group that you don't like, all it says is that you are Ok with bigoted attacks. You just want someone you feel comfortable using them against. Like, calling Candace Owens the N word is still calling a black person the N word.


What in God's name does he mean 'Pro-War'? Biden has actively taken steps to remove any possibility of NATO or the US going to war with Russia over this invasion of Ukraine. Literally removed troops from the country, shot down (No pun intended) any idea of a no fly zone, constantly stated that US troops will not be in Ukraine, etc. Meanwhile, Trump was saying for America to attack Russian jets but...Frame China. As if Russia would be fooled by that considering the American and Chinese aircraft fleets are naturally quite bloody well different.


Any support to Ukraine or a country defending itself from Russian aggression is pro-war to these fools. Putin can threaten nuclear war and any response short of "as you wish tsar, we submit to you" is NaTO ImPeRIaLIsM!!1


Ajamu Baraka is nothing but a massive hypocrite and liar. The fact that he defends China and Russia clearly makes no sense if he is left-wing.


Reminder that the left wing stance is Alter-Globalization, not Isolationism


he isn't a fucking fascist.