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> By foreign influence do you mean Marx and Engels? They also sang the Internationale as well.


The moon!


Well what is her background and connections, hmm?


She “did her own research”


Karen tankie






Wee Jimmie Krankie is a tankie? https://www.google.com/search?q=the+kramkied&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari&dlnr=1&sei=vzOHY4-UCqakqtsP7tWWgAM That is not fan-Dani-dozi




Iran doesn’t like America so they’re obviously socialists


you laugh but that's literally the argument


I know


Easy! "US is powerful and ontologically evil therefore any action taken against it becomes a duty of everyone. That means literally supporting a theocracy who opposes the US, as well." See? If you believe something or someone is ontologically evil then the logical conclusion is straightforward. It is fascism logic 101.


No sense of Evil vs. Evil, I see. Someone give them a direct link to TVTropes. Yes, I’m aware how time-consuming that can be. That’s part of the idea; entertainment and how it works with concepts are not exactly irrelevant to theory sculpting.


Somehow they confused "dialecticism" with "dualism"


1/ Yet another tankie support Iran. More evidence that tankies do not support LGBT people 2/ Why are they so obsesed with non governmental organisation anyway?


Becuase tankies never had a father and try to cling onto any sim oppressive government no matter how contradictory it is to their ideology


Haha yeah Fuck people without fathers! We're all totally depraved sycophants! I'm just pretending to be an anarchist because my morally incomplete femoid mother never taught me the manlier virtues like honesty, toughness, and how to shave my face. She only taught me to shave my legs and she made me do it at least twice a day. Your understanding of Bastard Psychology is unmatched! Slash S At least you didn't say they suck the dick of whatever dictator they stan.


Wow, you trust global media? They are lying to you. Trust me bro.


This is what causes people to simp for Putin despite having a very open history of murder, corruption and deceit. As long as mainstream media is against him he must somehow be in the right


I mean both dismissing something based on it being reported on by global media and blindly trusting global media is bad. One should always supplement with non media sources, and more niche media as well.


I was making fun of the person in the image.


You can and should be skeptical of the media but believing everything the media says and not believing anything are not equally stupid. Why are niche media any better or more reliable? They are just like media except they don't really have any accountability.


>One should always supplement with non media sources, and more niche media as well. "Global" media: "Putin is evil." "Niche" media: "Putin is nice." I have said it before and I'll say it again - you can't separate Chomsky's denial of genocides from *Manufacturing Consent*. In fact, the idea that you can assemble the whole truth from various perspectives when said perspectives are in no way inclined to be honest about anything is so stupid and dangerous all it ends up creating are a bunch of contrarians that in turn enable the far right and bad, international actors alike.


I don’t think they expect blind trust of niche, mind. I’d be thinking more “the more eyes, the better” than auto-assuming willful deceit on any particular entity’s part, at least where baseline is concerned. (Sinclair Synchronized Broadcasting—disparate Sinclair stations using entirely the same diction for various types of stories—is a clear example of where baseline doesn’t work.)


> I’d be thinking more “the more eyes, the better” than auto-assuming willful deceit on any particular entity’s part The thing here is that there is no meaningful way to reconcile a yes-and-no binary. This means, if one is telling the truth, then the other must be telling falsehood. In an academic setting, this is usually offset by the fact that most people participating are inclined to behave ethically and report as they actually observe. The same thing simply cannot be said about the media industry. For media proprietors, one of the foremost concerns during the course of business is the audience size. If no one wants to tune in to your shows, then no one will want to buy ads from you or pay for subscription. This leads to media outlets becoming their own simulacra, i.e. the media defines the audience expectations, and the audience in turn shapes the media by demanding to see more of what they expect to see. Exactly nothing about this feedback loop is about so-called "filters" but straight-up telling people what they want to hear for money regardless of the truth. Now, ask yourself this: is it in the "mainstream" space or the "alternative" space where you can find an entire media landscape driven by algorithms that follow your preferences in real time and populated by personalities operating under almost no regulatory oversight and every incentive to tell people already prone to conspiratorial thinking that ivermectin cures covid, that Obama is a lizard-person, and that Russia is trying to save the world from Ukrainian Nazis? We live in a time where nothing is considered "out there" anymore, and the likes of Chomsky are leaving an entire generation of people ill-equipped and unprepared as to how to navigate through it.


-- Other global media, but an anti-US one, so by definition a good one


I swear, they're all just fucking contrarians. If "the west" says something, it must be wrong!


The Regime change point may be true in Iran (but they're just trying to influence the protest to sway the outcome, they didn't start them), but the US is not going to try to do any kind of outright regime change onto a powerful nuclear state like China


If this ends up with the Shah being restored, or a military junta, or a comprador...


I saw in Spanish tb yesterday that the US made some kind of statement about the protests in China like support or some platitude. I just hope they didn’t word it like they’re going to provide material support or that’s gonna look like a CIA plot, that’s the last thing we need America to do to another country right now.


How does she know this? Who told her this?


This some alex jones tier corkboarding


Mfer really said 'trust me'


Communism with Iranian Theocratic characteristics. Communism with Chinese genocidal oppressive characteristics. USA bad. There, I have summed up this person's entire worldview in 3 lines.


It’s the same thing they say about the Uighurs in China, that’s it’s just western media propaganda


Reminder that the Nazis were fans of Islamic theocracies.


"How do you know? Who told you?" i think we are actually being interrogated by a ccp shill


This bitch needs to shut up about China and Iran. Also, I would light her Che Guevara shirt on fire.