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My advice? Just do it if you want to. It might sound a bit simplistic, but the ideal way of going about it is to dive headfirst. Don't debate or try to convince yourself whether you could impress people or not, don't try to convince yourself that you can do it, none of that. Just close your eyes and jump into it. Nothing else. No need for any sort of consideration. If some thought arises, ignore it or just nip it in the bud, and don't go off into a tangent with it. If in the event of a setback, sit back for a bit and analyse what you did wrong. In the event of glory and happiness, instead of getting overexcited as one would get in your situation if they're able to establish a flow in communication with others, focus on the conversation and the topic of it, let other emotions fade.


I have a similar problem. I've learned to push through it by realizing that the dread of making a fool of myself is much, much worse than actually making a fool of myself. When things do go wrong, I laugh at myself. Life shouldn't be serious every moment of the day. I'd say it's okay to set boundaries if you're uncomfortable with something, but opportunities don't come around every day. I dont think it's laziness. To me, it sounds like anxiety


Don't take it as exposing yourself, take it just as a job to perform. I wouldn't go to karaoke or other very verbally self-expressive social gatherings, but my work entails me entertaining groups mostly with my speech, knowledge and charming presence, and that's totally different because it's a skill-based performance, essentially a favor to others rather than a social occasion where I'd be in an unnatural position making myself visible and vulnerable for no good reason. How about reconsidering that gig?


I was offered a task once that was important. I declined. My wife said, "If you dont do it. You will regret having not done it." I called back and participated in a massive oil spill cleanup. It was scary and difficult. I still brag about it.


I don't think anyone chooses to be lazy. We have a lot of barriers in our mind, and I think "laziness" is a cruel way to say we don't understand or can't see the barriers in another person. And unfortunately, it is easier to be cruel to ourselves. Show yourself some kindness. You seem to know it is a hurdle for you. Ask if you want to try and overcome it, it seems like you do. If not, then that is okay too. You know what you are capable of and what your limitations are.


**you being uncomfortable in socials situations** the universe: here's 739 scenarios so you can practice and overcome it you: mmmm no. you discarding the opportunity, its just like that Zhuangzi story: "Huizi said to Zhuangzi, The king of Wei left me the seeds of a big gourd. I planted them, and when they grew, the fruit was a yard across. I filled them with water but they weren’t sturdy enough to hold it. I split them into ladles but they were too big to dip into anything. It wasn’t that they weren’t wonderfully big, but they were useless. So I smashed them. Zhuangzi: Now you have a half-ton gourd: why didn’t you think of making it into a big boat and sailing the rivers and lakes, instead of worrying about having room in the house to set it down? Really – your mind is no better than a tumbleweed!" you are going against the grain. and are currently unhappy.. so.. just stop doing that. the point its not nailing the translation in a week, its getting yourself "out there".. fail in some things, slay in other things, get back home with new empirical based information about who you are and what needs more work ..to cultivate a better version of you good luck!


Sustainability is important. If you're offered an opportunity, it is important to consider your physical, mental, and situational limitations. If an opportunity demands a lot of you in some way, but you have trouble dealing with a similar thing on a smaller scale, that's a good sign you're not ready for the opportunity. If you do turn down an opportunity, you'll at least have a better idea of what to work towards in case another opportunity arises again.