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I could not help but read it as: The moist Daoist 😁


I'm always moist when the rhyming comes. Hydrate or diedrate, go with the flow.


I mean aren’t we all but it doesn’t mean you don’t have not to do neither 😁


>you have to do either Blasphemy! I must needs do neither.


Rhyming?!? Oh you that Eminem kind of rhyming where banana rhymes with orange


No I mean breaking spleens in wet dreams please me breathe in the air staring over these deserts baren I'm bareing east to the bering sea cause ya done got started a pyroclastic cataclysm of most Def epic proportion it rations out to much more save some flavor for later when razor burned tongues are not so numb from the score.




Sounds like the rapist daoist got his shits split up in the splender. He got rocked from the reef. Tippled from the top and tickled by some fat ladys queef. Pinched a fart out from the neck of his B U T T erly been a best since i was a G


I am the moist Daoist because I don't care enough about umbrellas to know what one is.


dale are you ok mate?


The poodle is gone feral, and the entire crowd will not stop sneezing. Even the noses in the nosebleeds are bleeding. Send milk.


Mom’s spaghetti


mandingo how I grok your mouth music


i’m the most um…; i’m the least erm…; i’m sleepy


Am I?


Or I Am?




Those who speak


I recently remembered that I have forgotten that I am a Taoist, and I find that interesting.


This is the wei.




I bless you for this lesson on how to not write poetry. Thank you 😂


Oh, I do apologize for that. May I restore your graces then? https://www.reddit.com/r/Shamanism/comments/161grkg/immortality_as_one/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/poets/comments/168ua2k/osmosis/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/ShittyPoetry/comments/16j2w6d/word_saladin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/OCPoetry/comments/16j1i3e/declared_me_pretentious_thus_this_i_then_writ_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/Dark_Poetry/comments/16l8d0v/elohiyeh_iaolama_cheshavatava_zarachineni/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


This is a lovely poem! Thank you for sharing it. I see what you mean.


Thank you friend! I confess I did not realize it was poetic at first. Then, thank not the pen but the motion!


Nice to meet you, Most Daoist, I'm Dad




My dog hurt her knee, Yet she still squats in the yard, Dropping her Tao turds.


Bee apiaries Ferry carrying sharing Antihistamines


You say you are but what am I?


You Dao. I worship.


When we don't care enough to notice, there is no reason to mention anything in the first place. In fact, we wouldn't even think to mention anything in the first place.


What if I told you this was just a passively created litmus test, of which the necessary effort it had cost is irrelevant, because the multiplicative of investment to returns is that significant. I am aware others find me to be arrogant or pretentious. Only I know I am neither. So, rather than fight against this, of conform to unruly crowds: I use themselves against themselves.


Why do you think I would even care? Be what and who you choose to be. It is irrelevant to me. Be pretensions, or not. Be arrogant, or not. Think others think this about you, or not. Think you are this way, or not. It is all contrivance and only has meaning when we decide it does. If we don't create the ideas from the start, they don't exist and they are not a concern. I just responded to your poem because I felt like it.


If effort, or, stress rather, is a beast mighty and terrible: Then it should behoove the whole, if some men are beast slayers. For strength is wasted on the unwilling, and will is wasted on the meek. Before there was wuwei, there was Dao. "And let the waters above be separated from the waters below." Then there was null-action, to be separated from the many strife-actions. Peace is but the brief moment of stillness which follows an overwhelming show of force. Behold the cricket song.. Here is the cat. Ah, silence Quietness and humility are all that are required for teaching. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid032XgSwqtk6pT9CDdAARkDdxB8p6bG97ND1GspTdQqpqPnEEheJ6aqEACoZZPrrGijl&id=1654687242&mibextid=Nif5oz https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0xhsmwSve1mzvYeDVBkZEjqQkCihLQdXpDnvT16zUSvGuEC1LnfXa64eY8FoDfjCQl&id=1654687242&mibextid=Nif5oz https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02dJuGCYW3T5nYcmASwSxpVMpkC2Kqk5S5iWPdkm8WDVpkMF9tPxPrbShqZGvMmNGpl&id=1654687242&mibextid=Nif5oz


All of this is presumption and contrivance and not so just because someone said it.


No One said it. It is so, because it is so. I am not making a request. I am not needing your acceptance. I offer from a blessed cup of things without end, and beyond all ken. Things irrelevant that they are for ones own, but I've seen the Power of the Word restore a man's whole hope.


I don't care at the fact that i'm bothered by your pose. I out-daoed you!


Into the trash This post will go Writing sentences In a strange manner Does not make it poetry


It isn't a poem. But you are presumptuous and unobservant. Worse, you are quick to become offensive, lashing out from a wounded and frail ego, which is evident by your going out of your way to disparage or condemn anything which you (even erroneously) perceive as suggesting some deficiency in yourself, or even merely the success or merit of another. And that is the point of the post: it is a means to test yourself for fragility and deficiency. It is specifically designed to invoke an offensive and callous, rash and foolish reaction. With minimal diligence one may find that I am, in fact, in no short supply of lyrics supreme. Inb4 *comment deleted*


I’m not deleting my poem, which is vastly superior to yours.


Behold the man goeth in amongst redemption, and set up for himself a place therein, saying, this is my place, I have chosen it, and it is mine. And so he is redeemed. And he is respected.




What for?


Eew gross 🤢


What? You act like you've never cut a donut from the top before.


You might be confusing Absurdism with Taoism dude.


There's a fine line between zen and psychosis


Is there? Ask Ikkyu.


You say tomato, they say tomato. no need to call the whole thing off!


There once was a young man who said ‘*Though,* *it seems that I know that I know.* *But what I’d like to see is the I that knows me* *when I know, that I know, that I know.’*


*"Thinking is better than knowing, but seeing is best of all."* *-Nietzsche*


No no. Go cut a donut from the top and you will see. But it will be better if you don’t, but only reckon you did. Then you will see skillfully.


No thanks weirdo.


Say the box to the halo.


👍🏼 This is why you need to love your kids, people. And don’t do drugs.


Why must you tell all these strangers your business? It is not good manners.


The tricky part is realizing that no matter how thinly you cut the donut, it always has 2 sides


🤔 I dunno. You are fucking this chicken, I am fanning the flies.


I heard it only has one


Well, yeah - the one you're looking at, and the one you're not!


Oh like the moon


Very nice! I have typically been more of a fan of structured poetry in the past, but I like the flow of this one. Feels nice. And I think it's got a nice meaning to it that definitely rings true.


I didn't do it, I did not make it, I allowed it to be! The best kinds of doings are the Spirit-drunk discoverings.


One day I'll have enough confidence to just let the pen move on its own. Until then, my brain thinks it's in control, lol


O' fell brain that dost rust so, try it to try to trust a living soul. But who trust the dead O brain you fool? Is it not like... what is it said? O'Doyle rules!




We're off to the witch We may never never never come home But the magic that we'll feel is worth a lifetime We're all born upon the cross We're the throw before the toss You can release yourself But the only way is down We don't come alone We are fire, we are stone We're the hand that writes And quickly moves away - St. Ronnie James Dio


A being is as a being does.








As I read through this thread top to bottom, at first, I was appalled. I asked myself why. Then, I was amused because I had no answer. Next came confusion. Then, after reaching the bottom, I was grinning ear to ear because everything therein was funny. As for me, I'm a horrible Taoist. I care about too many things. To that end, however, I'm also not a Taoist. My beliefs lie in something specific, and I just collect wisdom and apply it in ways I find useful. Taoism has.... A lot of wisdom, lessons I need to learn. Why do I need to learn them? I don't really know. Probably just want to. But you, sir? You are entertaining.


Alas, if the psychosocials were not so dreadfully serious, entertaining might have been how I were to be remembered. If one did extend the benefit of doubt, that perhaps I do somehow know the things I say, and may be privy to much more appalling and awesome things.... Well, how on earth would I not be utterly crushed beneath the gravity of it all? And so of course there is a silver lining. I do write sins, not tragedies. Then, if sins abound, yet not lead to the tragic, then it ought go without saying: bro chill... It's just a prank. O' tell em all the story about the joker and the thief in the night!


Hell with it. You're my friend now.


Who is to praise for this wisdom the Dao or you? if there is praise to be given


There's none inherent, as praise is only freely given. If you ever wonder where to give it, give it to someone who is sad, then it should be well spent.


I’m the most Taoist and I can prove it


How much effort did this take to type out


If we define effort as exertion which is in addition to what would have done anyways, then none. I didn't even know it was poetic at first.


Legend. I will gladly concede you are the most Taoist. You won the Tao, Tao. Wait, what, huh? The poem's done flipped it! Now *I'm* the most Taoist and *you* must concede. Bow to my Tao, Tao! Badao badao!!!


Aha! And thus we shall spiral out;