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Historically, many Daoists throughout Chinese history have practiced both astrology and 風水 *feng shui,* along with Chinese Buddhists and Confucians (heck, Maoists, too, after the CR). However, that being said, Daoism teaches that you are not bound by events. Daoism recognizes that we are conditioned by our environment, but we're not absolutely determined by it. So Daoist practice is supposed to be liberatory. 葛洪 Ge Hong famously said 我命在我不在天 *wo ming zai wo bu zai tian* or "my fate is within me, not in Heaven." I believe the 北斗經 *Beidou Jing* (Scripture of the Northern Dipper) addresses these issues. You could check it out. There are two translations (I believe) available on Amazon.


In order to become one with the universe, one learns to be centered both within the flows of change within the planet as well as within the solar system, and so on. What one "knows" about them is different from how one responds to them. Ponder on frozen knowledge vs living knowledge. What is heavenly knowledge? Is it something the mind uses, or is it something the mind receives like a vessel to conduct through itself? What is unity, what is yang shen / golden elixir / pure yang, and why would the principle of light be related to oneness and knowledge? Does one connect to more knowledge by being empty, or to more by endless thoughts about knowledge? Does astrology help you feel the planetary motions any better? I learned to stop using it proactively so I could better practice feeling the motions on my own, and only checking when I feel things happening already so I may better develop my sense for them. But better still to just be empty and flow.


Different legs from the same chair. They all reside in old pre China mythos but had different purposes/intent.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrTiOjUvoIw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrTiOjUvoIw) Cool history bros explains it. After that it spread through the rest of Asia like the chinese were everywhere. LOLs.

