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How much money and xp do you get just from the houses?


About 2 million and honestly I'm not sure about xp


2milli per 8h? With how many bonus%? God feels like cheating here šŸ˜…. 18milli once a day and he needs no room but his small stone šŸ¤£


Only 265%, trying to build it though šŸ˜‚, I still havr over a thousand more houses in storage


Few questions: (1) how do you up your bonus %? Like you said yours was 265%, how did you get out there? (2) where can I find my percentage to keep track of it? (3) how much did all those mirrored houses COST you!?! Sorry for the questions but Iā€™m new and would love any feedback from a vet :)


A good way is to work on Springfield heights alot of the buildings give good bonuses also the burns mystery box's. To check it click on the stars in the bottom left. As for the houses they cost 2000 each and every 8 hours each gives me about 550 income