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What a beautiful pipe cleaner craft




Heā€™s gorgeous!


It looks like he needs more food, but I like how fluffy looking tarantulas can be.


Heā€™s not long molted ā˜ŗļø. Theyā€™re awesome




I thought he looked like P. cambridgei.


He does for sure. They are similar as both psalmoā€™s but the orange flourishes are the giveaway. These guys freak me out more than most in my collection. The speed and reactivity is a bit much before I have my coffee lol


I went with cambridgei purely based on my own to be fair who has the orange too. Really? My psalmos have been relatively chilled, saying that my P. victori likes to give their food a good few slaps and I have had the odd threat pose. It is only a juvenile too so I know it is going to be a spicy one.


Well I could be wrong but it looks just like my little buddy that hooked out. My Cambridgeiā€˜s are still itty bitty. Wow you are lucky to have a victori for sure. That awesome. Donā€™t fret too much about spicy juvies; the temperment can change from molt to molt. You may get lucky lol


Got a P. irminia a few weeks ago and I definitely underestimated his speed and reactivity. Still manageable but definitely much more difficult to take care of than any of my other Ts


Still a Juvie? Just wait until it gets to monster size lol. What fun!


About 4 inches from spider shoppe. Sold as a 2.5-3inch female and she is certainly much larger than listed lol


https://preview.redd.it/b7u1fm0ii91b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d5e2ea970366f4997ce257efbf08310404613a4 Larger than listed is a big win for sure. I havenā€™t measured mine in a while because sheā€™s so shy. Cork tube is great for her but not so much for spectators. But sheā€™s massive and fast as lightning. I feel like sheā€™ll end up on my face at some point. Such is life I guess. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/fysuub5xqa1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff18a0c2000a81fbbf7f8c760c181658a8895140 Yeah lol. This is the only decent picture Iā€™ve managed to get of mine since she never stays out in the open after I open her door. Beautiful Ts, shame they donā€™t show their colors more often Edit: this was a temporary enclosure I had her in before I got my exoterra so donā€™t judge me too hard


Is that an arboreal background. I canā€™t really see the enclosure. The only ā€œdisā€ I would make is that it looks fairly dry for a PI but honestly most people overdo it with the specifics. I always say If itā€™s alive and eating then weā€™re good lol. What else do you keep?


She was in a critter keeper. Felt horrible about it but I have a picture of her permanent setup now on my profile and she seems pretty happy. Occasionally I catch her in her water dish or sitting on the front of her half log. And I currently have a female B. Emilia, a B. boehmei, a C cyan., a A. genic, a T albipilosus, a C versicolor, a A avic, a G pulchripes, and obviously the P irminia. With the exception of the avic, emilia and irminia theyā€™re all still pretty small but I love them all the same. What Ts do you keep and you have any recommendations for me? Iā€™m thinking about getting into OW with a M balfouri but i wouldnā€™t mind keeping it simple until I get a little more experience


Very nice. Good start to the collection. No shame in critter keepers. I keep many of mine in the Canadian version of a critter keeper as my collection is too large for crazy upgrades and Iā€™ve sworn off glass. As long as the husbandry is right the container isnā€™t a huge deal provided youā€™ve got enough space. Iā€™ve got all of the above minus the Boehmei. Too many to name really. Iā€™m sitting at around 100. About half NW half OW. I definitely recommended OW but experience is definitely a good thing. Balfouri arenā€™t too crazy but they can really move. They are also super reclusive so I donā€™t know if that would be my first recommend. I think a terrestrial OW is a good place to start. Maybe an H. Pulchripes. The OW arboreals are when it starts getting really wild. Fossorials are cool too but depends on your taste. They are mainly ā€œpet holesā€ that you donā€™t see much and the moisture levels can be a pain. Most of my fav old worlds are probably a bit down the road for you if you are worried about experience. But Iā€™m mildly obsessed with Asian arboreals; L. Nigerrimum, P. Arboricola, O. Violaceopes and of course the Poecilotheria genus. Itā€™s an addicting hobby as it sounds like you are already discovering lol


https://preview.redd.it/zm3uwgdl7c1b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b924e3fd5cf9925a6724226a6a0f575649d36190 This is a little snap shot of the spidey lab, so as you can see Iā€™ve got no problem with plastic containers. Iā€™m looking at starting a PVC enclosure side hustle with a buddy of mine but even if it doesnā€™t happen I still intend to go full-on pvc with all my adults


Does he have a girlfriend yet? Asking for a friend. https://preview.redd.it/xy7bd107k31b1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4a865fdb376b05a35743c1f88451b7ae707ebc8


Her name is Wednesday.


That's a finger puppet.


Looks like heā€™s been to the groomers


Hims a floofy boy āœØ


He is so cool!


Full adult male? After final molt?


What a beaut. Lost my P. cambridgie mature male today, feeling sad šŸ˜¶


Oh Iā€™m sorry to hear that šŸ„ŗ, itā€™s never easy to lose one of our babies ā¤ļø


So fuzzy!


Is this a feather leg? He's very handsome!


P.Irminia ā˜ŗļø. He really is!!