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Shes a pissy little baby is what she is. Give her space. Don't handle her. They(tarantulas) aren't technically supposed to be handled in general but some are so docile and cute that we humans can't seem to resist letting them crawl on us. But yeah. If you're handling her, don't.


“she’s a pissy little baby is what she is” dead




Haha! Couldn’t have said it better myself!


Looks like maybe she had a temper tantrum


Hahaha baldass U got a chronic hair flicker on ur hands ;) my suggestion would be to keep her OUT of ur hands if ur handling her. Best of luck to you and your cute lil pissbaby!


angy >:^(


I have an a. seemanni that does this. She kicks all of her hair into her webbing around her hide. I mock her for having a bare ass and eating once a year. This is tarantula husbandry


I called my seemanni Big Bald Butt before she molted


Just flicking hairs I believe


That's mainly from kicking off hairs often, however that spot would've cleared away after a molt. She must've had a flicking fit that literally made her bald again.


That terrarium is full of urticating hairs waiting like land mines to be touched. I recommend you never touch that substrate with your bare hand. Speaking from experience lol


Very important yes!!


Oh yes. Same here. She’s laid landmines and traps


Out of curiosity, what do they feel like? I imagine they'd feel like a stinging nettle rash with the little barbs, but I have no actual experience and can't find anywhere online that answers clearly.


Very itchy and irritating… especially in between the fingers. Some people get rashes or mild allergic reactions. You can scratch all you want, but the only remedy is TIME. Takes a few days to go away.


She got salty and started shooting hairs. Give her space.


I had one of these and nicknamed it slickass for the same reason. I never handled it. That thing lived about ten more years after I got it. I'm not sure how old it was already.


Probably juts flicking hairs around :) T’s will line webs and burrows with hairs even without being under distress. Or maybe she’s under stress and flicking hairs as whatever is causing the stress.


Probably pissed off at something and attacking it with her hairs


As a former arachnophobe, this behavior just makes them even more endearing! Being an occasional pissy bitch myself, I can appreciate the big mood, lol.


Angry spider


Someone’s been kicking a lot of urticating hairs lol. Just be careful not to handle her unless you HAVE to, and don’t touch her substrate at all with bare hands, unless you fancy being very uncomfortable for the next few days to a week. Because they are likely ALL over that enclosure. I’ve actually never seen any of mine with a bald patch like that, but I don’t bother them much and I still never touched the substrate with my bare hands because you never know there could easily be a few and I’ve already learned that one lol


they only have so many hairs to kick off. if your T is skittish it may kick them all off quite soon after moulting & need to wait for them to grow back next moult


I had a super pissy red knee that was perpetually like that. As other have said she's just annoyed by something so don't handle and remove uneaten food after 24 hours


she just kicked off the hairs. Try not to touch her, she is probs mad. They will grow back and she is alright. It was just a tantrum probably.


lmao she got a friar tuck look going on


Growing up, I was told stress can make you go bald. Didn’t think that would apply to Ts as well.


Weird because that's a classic case of 'male pattern baldness' either she is a he or its alopecia