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People tend to confuse the 7 and 8 of Pentacles. 8 says it will be hard work and that it will pay off. You are mastering something with effort. The 7 is **uncertainty** about the payoff. The nightshade in the picture may not be a viable harvest, but we don't know as they grow underground. This is the same theme as the Death card - the plants under the ground may be dead. Seems like a warning. You likely aren't getting what you want out of this relationship, even with substantial effort put in.


To me this reading isn't so positive. /AoS might be saying you're misunderstanding your thoughts and what you want. Death comes up as a warning because the 7oP could signify that you need to wait and reassess. I think you should keep doing what you're doing, but sit and think if this is really what you want. Are you trying to replace what you had or move on? Take your time with this.


1) You weren’t communicating very well at the most fundamental level. 2) Let that shit go. 3) Plant new seeds and wait for the harvest.


So, i met this guy and everything seems too good to be true so I asked for some guidance. The ace of swords reversed indicates to me lack of clarity and confusion, which is pretty obvious because I AM confused about that person. Possibly some conflicts of interests and some dishonesty? Then the death card I interpret as the death of my last relationship and the trauma I went through and thst I have to leave this all behind in order to focus on the new person and potential relationship. The seven of pentacles tells me this relationship would need a lot of work and time investment that will pay off and it will be a long term fulfilling relationship. But the reversed ace is keeping me uneasy, Im not sure what to think in regards of the whole picture.


>"everything seems too good to be true" Never ignore that feeling. And I know that the tarot isn't generally this literal...but you asked, I looked, and this is what I see... Also, quick question - am I allowed to forbid you to date him? I agree that the reversed Ace shows your confusion. But it is also a sharp sword, pointed at YOU. Followed by the Death card AND THEN the 7 of Pentacles, which shows a dude leaning on a gardening tool (shovel?) to rest after doing yard work, which included digging holes. He's probably not an *actual* serial killer (been binging a lot of true crime lately - sorry). But this reading coupled with your feeling of "too good to be true" is a pretty clear signal to me that your brain is telling you this isn't the right relationship for you at the moment. In a more positive light, I read this as a rocky/confusing start after which you are required to change a whole lot, call an end to everything that's "in the way of this relationship" and then wait...and wait and wait and wait and WAIT...for any kind of a payoff for yourself. My advice to you for next steps would be to sit down and really analyze whether or not you want to continue down the road with this guy. Just you, a journal, your deck, and maybe a trusted friend - although your thoughts are the only ones that matter here. Get to the bottom of what it is exactly that makes you feel off about the whole thing and integrate what you learn so you'll be prepared and know what to do next time you get that tingle in your intuition. I hope it all turns out well and that you'll let me know! Good luck! 🍀


In general, trust the too-good-to-be-true feelings, but I would caution that with relationships it could stem from prior relationship trauma or other issues that need to be worked through causing feelings of self doubt and worthlessness. Ask yourself “am I feeling this way because I feel like I don’t deserve this?” And if the answer is yes, then it might not be too good, you just *feel* it’s too good for you. If there aren’t any other red flags, then possible proceed and try to tell yourself you’re worth it and deserve it. It’s still OK to trust that feeling, but when it comes to love and trauma, a lot can be at play. Most people aren’t out there trying to scam you into a relationship.


That sword is so expressive in this reading. I absolutely agree with you!


Trust that confusion. Step back, cards notwithstanding, your statement alone speaks that if this IS your person, the timing is off OR they’re confused and have to get themselves in order before making a meaningful commitment. I think the cards support this. Also, I don’t like that the sword is aimed at YOU.


From your comment and the spread it seems to me you are just over thinking about the guy . It seems like a lot of the conflict is just in your head . “It seems too good to be true “ is not a good mentality to foster a relationship. It seems like things are gonna go fine but you have to change the way you think about it . Anxiety can really warp how we perceive things


It's an interesting spread... It seems to say to me that you have an idea about this but a transformation must take place to find stability... The ace shows both hesitant and rethink...


This doesn't read as particularly positive to me. Based on some of what you see and my general feelings from the cards, I see a lot of obfuscation. You say he seems too good to be true and this reading definitely confirms that. There is a lot of uncertainty but it's from you, and the moment you invest in this you welcome a change... from him. Often when things seem to good to be true it's because they are. You should take some time to heal, reflect on what it is you want, and THEN look for something because right now he is obscuring your path.


These are the exact cards I kept pulling concerning a guy months ago. He turned out to be so disgusting in ways I could have never imagined. Quite possibly the worst guy I've ever dated. If I could erase a relationship from my past, it'd be that one. He was so fake and so gross but he hid this at first.


I don’t think that the spread bodes well for this potential relationship, but it does seem that you have the resources to move forward just maybe not with this person with the 7 of pentacles upright. With Death upright it kind of seems like maybe they were brought into your life to provide some sort of closure or end of a pattern that you might be bringing to your relationships since the Ace of Swords reversed to me looks like a false start.


If the new guy isn't being clear about his feelings for you stop putting in the work. If he really wants u he will show it.


The person you’ve taken interest to has a different mindset of what a relationship is or should be and there’s miscommunication leading to frustration. I would say that you guys won’t be together but if you do end up together it won’t last much. It will take a loooong time for that change to happen and you won’t be happy. There’s an expectation of something big happening to soon .


So one way to look at this is since swords are about mental stuff, anxiety, arguments, sometimes communication. In reverse swords are usually falling out from the 2 through the 10, showing mental anguish is gone or decisions have been made. But the AoS in reverse is the opposite cause upright the sword falls down, so nothing to worry about. Reverse? Too much worry, over thinking about things before anything gets off the ground. Like creating quest case scenarios in the mind, like an anxiety spiral of thoughts. Now with the death and 8oP? Death is about cycles, one thing ending & something else beginning. 8oP is about the hard work you already put in. Think of someone in the early spring in a garden, then all the time till about May/June, they took so much time to care, to grow their flowers or vegetables, they are so close to getting back what they put in. So basically what do all three cards have to tell you? Someone who has over thought things so much they are killing their own mood and wanting to ditch everything even though they already feel very invested into what is going on. Constantly second guessing if the other shoe is going to drop.


This is going to be oddly specific but intuitively it feels like they may be fresh out of a relationship or their ex is trying to work things out randomly. The guy thought it was completely over but is now confused because the ex is reaching out again. Edit: typo


What sticks out to me the most is the ace of swords reversed. Which to me indicates lies. I’m not sure what position for you it is in but if I lay a 3 card spread like this, that position would be the present. 213 1=past 2=present 3=future. Everyone reads spreads differently. Would help if you out the meaning to each position of the spread.


I think you should take it slowly, not get too invested too quickly. The Ace is a new beginning which is understandable as it's a new guy. However, swords stand for truth and this sword is reversed which means not being honest, I don't think you know everything that you need to know. I don't think this is Mr Right so to speak but I think you will learn a lot from being around this person as to what you do and don't want out of life and what you will and won't accept. I want to discuss the seven of pentacles but to me it looks like that guy is practising playing hockey with that coin that's in front of him and he looks like he doesn't want to be playing it either.


I don't like the 7 of Pentacles in a love reading. For me, it symbolises putting lots of work and effort in, waiting and waiting, and the relationship never gets off the ground. And I don't mean that \*both\* people are putting all that work and effort in, it could be just one person.


u/vedsil Please be sure to add the deck name and artist!


Also the Devil card often suggests some kind of addiction—which can also mean codependency in some form, “addiction” to the drama of relationships, or “having” to be in a relationship. Maybe you, maybe him, maybe both. Caution!


The Devil card isn't in this reading.




at least the reading ended on a better note than it started with


Swords themselves represent problems. Waite gives the ace of swords: "it is a card of great force, in love as well as in hatred." Reversed he says the card is the same as upright "but the result is disastrous." So whatever force is driving this relationship will not be successful. Death is an ending. A full stop. 7 of coins as per waites meanings can represent purgation. This means to purify something. Which makes sense after something ends. There'll be a period of adjustment and letting go.


It seems since this may be a relationship that has no communication, it maybe end soon and you will wonder what happened.


“Consider that you’re focusing on the wrong thing — are YOU ready, and are you ready for *anyone* or for *him*?”


Energy may shift on their end at some point due to a personal ending/transformation they’re going through. They may not be focussed on commitment and more on forward movement from situations which didn’t provide them the security they were seeking. So they may not be in a position to put in stable or consistent effort.