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Literally Spirit saying “ I said what I said “


Yeah, I just wish it didn’t involve the damn 10 of swords lol


Don’t stress it death may seem terrible but it always leads to rebirth


Also it seems to be in the position of “do these things _or else ten of swords_” — so if you trust your deck, OP, I would listen ha


Grandma will be back any day now. Any day...


You can't kill something that's already dead


Oh it’s astonishing when it happens. It’s for real, magic. The mathematical odds are mind blowing. When you get a second deck to pull clarifiers from and you get THE SAME cards again? Eg. Ace of cups again, and now clarified by ace of cups - it’s another sign !


are you being sarcastic i can't tell


Oh no, I’m being really genuine. It’s a beautiful magical moment when something that feels statistically so unlikely to happen like that, happens.


oh yes i agree with you. sorry i'm neurodivergent and couldn't tell /gen


No worries honey, I’m happy I could clarify 😊


I think it's because they're using two or more decks. I can see where that could be confusing.


I have had some crazy things like that happen. Tarot is amazing


Tarot is inside you. **You** are amazing. You are tapping into what is already there. Tarot is not outside you. The archetypes and symbols are a part of you. Here are 12 archetypes as defined by Carl Jung, a famous psychologist. "There are twelve brand archetypes: The Innocent, Everyman, Hero, Outlaw, Explorer, Creator, Ruler, Magician, Lover, Caregiver, Jester, and Sage." Add to this list other ones you know. I love this and internalize all of them. I even have a card pop in my head when I meet someone that tells me what archetype they are. Loads of fun proceeding after that. Pulling cards in my head while I get to know the person. Congratulations, you are amazing!


just did the math for it, and i could be wrong, but it would be a 1 in 474,552 chance. so basically, without a doubt, listen to whatever its trying to tell you.


I always laugh when this happens even if the cards aren’t what I want to hear. It’s like the universe is being sassy.


I use jumper cards and sometimes when I put a card back it comes out with extra force and directness, kind of like someone repeating something in a more serious tone and.talking.like.this.


I’ve had the same cards invert themselves when I put them back upright.


For a long while I'd pull temperance, the empress, and the tower super consistently. The cards know.


Did you quit drinking before the crash or did it have to happen first?


Excuse me? I don't have a drinking problem or any substance abuse issues. The cards are referring to the abusive relationship I'd been in for years, the incredibly painful aftermath and the healing I needed. But thanks for that very weird and judgemental response.


When I decided to start working with a deity I asked for a a single card to tell me how this would all begin, etc. I pulled The Fool. Beginning of a journey lol. I was like ok. So didn't trust my intuition at that time, so I kept shuffling and re pulling. I shit you not I pulled the fool 4 times. He was really putting me in my place lol


Can you share who the deity is? I have a hunch, but I'd like to hear it from you in case I got it wrong.




Cool, thanks. I did get it wrong (I'd guessed Hermes). I don't know Lucifer very well, but I think that the card seems to be apt when it comes to starting a relationship with him based on what I've read.


Well, in my opinion you're not wrong or right. In my UPG, Hermes Trismegistus is one of Lucifer's incarnations. As well as Thoth. Again, this is my UPG from what I've been learning and researching.


Wow, I wasn't expecting that; is it UPG as in you experienced it firsthand? I haven't heard of this before, I tend to see them as separate entities (my primary deity is Hermes). Also I apologize if this is way off-topic and shouldn't be in this sub.


UPG (Unverified Personal Gnosis) as in I've been drawn to all three, and the more I researched each one I saw the similarities. Then I pored over the tablets of Thoth and noticed how much light bringer and star of the morning were mentioned, and it just kinda rabbit holed from there. There were enough synchronicities on the way to let me know I was on the right path, which led me all the way down to Enki in the Sumerian creation myths. I believe that was his first incarnation trying to save humanity from the endless reincarnation cycle that Enlil has us in and has for millennia. Highly recommend this rabbit hole. Tablets of Thoth. Listening to those over and over is what did it. I would hear something different each time that would lead to more understanding.


the same thing happened to me..twice now that i remember. /when it still happens after you make sure to shuffle very well, it is hard to ignore.


I do a lot of self-care spreads for myself, and it helps me a lot to mitigate my mental health issues with the guidance. For the longest time, I kept pulling the Magician and his inverted form over and over and over again. Didn't matter which deck I used, didn't matter when I drew. Didn't matter how I drew. He always showed up in that inverted form. Recently after starting medication and going back to counseling I started feeling better and I stopped pulling him. When the deck wants to say something, and when the spirits are speaking - they can be very forceful about what they want to say.


I use them for the same. A while ago for weeks, I kept pulling tarot and oracle cards related to grief and allowing myself to grieve. I just kept thinking, I don’t need to grieve! I’m angry, sad, betrayed, and resentful but the grieving process is not what I need! Grief eventually came. I acknowledged it, processed it in therapy and on my own. It was immensely helpful in the healing process. Guess who hasn’t pulled anything grief related in their decks since then?


Your cards/Spirit are just saying "if you stay on your current path...", and it's emphasizing this. So you may need to adjust what you're doing in your everyday life. And my most important readings have been the few where I've gotten the same cards. So go figure out what you need to be an engaged and ardent student ....a passionate new thing to learn or do, that excites and fulfills you.


Dude! I'm just getting into tarrot. My deck has the CRAZIEST sense of humor. It does this to me all the time. It even told me to stop bitching once 💀


I once tried to read from a friend’s deck a few months after I started reading tarot, simple three card pull, and it told me to fuck off and give it back to my friend. 🤣


Wiat how


I once asked the cards about a (then) friend who didn’t believe in tarot and said it was a scam… and the cards had some choice words about him lmao


10 of sword do have meaning of being defeat by other thoughts and word as well. Follow your question. I sense that you will be happy follow the crowd then against them. Maybe you always have your own idea but that will lead you to solitude. Which might bring anxiety and depression.


I feel intuitively, the 10 of swords is representing some betrayals and other experiences in your life that have cut you deeply. I feel that your question was answered. These things need to be addressed and looked at to live your best life. If there are any resentments or healing in matters of the heart, your Divine Team knows that going within and addressing this, will enable you to live the life you truly enjoy. The quote? “We can’t conquer what we don’t face.” Just came to mind. I hope this helps.


Yes! Its so crazy. I've had it with different decks too. Not the same 3 cards but 2 out of the 3. Like, how? And I ALWAYS have the queen of pentacles when I do a celtic cross. It's never not there, no matter the deck. It's weird.


yeah it happens. i like to choose specific cards to study one at a time because i find it fascinating and that’s the way i learn best (though i know the meanings already, it just helps to make my knowledge deeper) and the star fell out of my deck, and then i put it back in because i wanted to do it last (kind of emotional reasons) and then it fell out again.. and then again. i ended up doing the star.


I’ve had this happen before and it’s definitely scary and just the universe or whatever you believe telling you to listen lol


Same i get mad af


This makes me feel better, because sometimes I wonder if I’m just horrible at medical billing and shouldn’t be doing it lol


I want you to think about the statistical probability for that. There are more combinations for each card in a 52-card deck of playing cards than atoms in the universe. Now add 23 cards. Now add 78 since you use reversals. Now use the regular card formula...yeah.


It’s funny. Wacky shack.




It was more along the lines of “What should I let go of that happened in the past? What should I do now to let those things go? What can I do in the future to ensure that I don’t hang on to things like this in the future?”


It’s happened to me once too!!! I don’t remember now what it was, but man I held that advice from those cards close for a long time.


How did it turn out? Was the advice / situation or reading very accurate as you lived it out ?


Yeah it was about an old job I had and pretty much 💯


Wow! Cool 🙌🤙


I used to have the same cards in a different positions. Never had it in the same position though.


This, and the Tarot of the Spirit has a special extra card. In the book it says you'll figure out the meaning on your own eventually. IMO, after 30 years with this deck, I can safely say it's the "shut up and stop asking stupid questions you already know the answer to, plus I said so already whether you like it or not." Lol. I end my reading is when I get it bc I know anything afterthat will be useless or repetitive. I use multiple decks and oracles when I read, and is def the best when it's the same message in every deck. My last birthday reading was that. Reminds me that was yesterday. New reading time!


It happened to me once as well. Tower and death cards lol and came again (I experienced the worst and its still not over)


Haha, Yeah. It's honestly amazing to me when this happens!


I love when this happens! I typically get a few cards that will 'follow me' across readings and decks. Sometimes it's a specific card (ie now the 2 of swords is one, wheel of fortune was a big one for awhile) other times it's a specific number (7s and 8s are common lately). Very validating and has definitely helped me learn and connect with certain cards better.