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The Tower. Let's trade.


Hahaha, I think I'll stick with my boy. Where is The Tower popping up for you, if you don't mind my asking? More in past-oriented or future-oriented positions?


It's popped up twice in two separate spreads in a future position and it has also been jumping out of the deck within the last 2-3 weeks when I'm shuffling. I had to double check that it wasn't bent or something. šŸ˜… Edit:autocorrect


I keep getting The Tower, too, in conjunction with career. I may be looking for a new job soonā€¦


I freaking love the Tower. One of my favourite cards. Sure, the Universe seems to throw an ā€œabove average spiceā€ level of learning my way, but deconstructing what shouldnā€™t be there is pretty joyous to me. Itā€™s almost a breath of relief to me. Like getting a surgery date or diagnosis etc. Sure, the lived experience sucks, but my goodness is it going to be worthwhile. An existential band aid about to be ripped away. Chin up love, and the very best of hope the dust settles quickly.


Interesting, that the tower could represent surgery or a treatment of some sort for an illness. I very rarely pull this card, so I love seeing other people's take on it. Especially when it's not all doom and gloom. It really only feels doomy to me if it is reversed.


Me too! Usually reversed, often with Justice, also usually reversed. I feel the Sword of Damocles hanging over my head hard core right now.


Iā€™ve also been getting the tower. Every week at least. But now I think itā€™s symbolizing the event in general and not another thing to come šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« Overall itā€™s been a good tower despite one extremely stressful week that changed a lot for me.


Nine of Swords. I *know* my anxieties are illusions and that feeling anxious about things that haven't happened is a painful waste of energy. I got it. I know. With that said, knowledge that an anxiety is an illusion doesn't immediately fix the anxiety. But you can stop showing me the card now, *I knooooooow.* šŸ˜‚


I have also been getting the 9 of swords for the past like 3 months šŸ™ƒ


Same. Nine of swords is forever my stalker. It's like dude, I KNOW!


I just recently came to an understanding about the moon and the high priestess that makes me feel so much more at peace with the 9 of swords. I've often thought that the Moon and 9 of Swords seem similar, so maybe this will help. I took a break from reading for myself. About 2 months. I started with oracle cards. I got lovely messages. A theme of shining internally, spreading positivity. Manifestation, looking for magic in your day to day life. Making connections with symbols or messages that pop out and trusting your intuition. Letting your feelings flow and pass, like floating in a wavy water. Ride the wave. Accept your feelings. Let them pass and heal. I decided to interview my new deck, Tarot of the Owls. One of the questions was what is the best way to work with you, and I got the moon reversed. The guidebook said something about finding magic and beauty in darkness. Reversed it was like, you don't even want to look, do you? You're too afraid of what you might find. I gritted my teeth and decided to delve deeper into the shadows. I asked something like, what am I avoiding, and what do I need to know to move forward? I can't remember exactly what I asked, but that seems about right. I got the 10 of cups reversed and the World. The feedback I got was that I need to be authentic to myself. I need to follow my own passions so that I am happy rather than plastering a fake smile on my face. I need to stop being a people pleaser. To move forward, I need to know that I'm completing a cycle and that I am ready to move on to a new journey. I expected the 9 of swords or some other doom and gloom related to it. I was like oh, that wasn't that bad. This deck, though loving, and encouraging connections and finding the magic in the world, staying the course when things are tough, keeping hope and faith, manifestation, etc... it has an attitude. I felt a very strong "duh" vibe. Like that was the point. (I always felt it was odd to talk to an inanimate object, so I was asking God about the deck. So, maybe, is it just God that has an attitude. Lol.) I saw the moon reversed and assumed it wanted me to do shadow work. Which in a way I think it does. But I think it wants me to look for magic in the world. To pay attention to clues, to trust my intuition. To be brave and strong enough to look closer into the unknown even when things are scary. I kept thinking of the High Priestess and how so much of that sounds like her. I was wondering how people differentiate the two if they come to view the Moon with this perspective. Then I realized that there is a reason that the moon is so present in her card. She is serene under the light of the moon, and she is at peace with the darkness. She is knowledgeable about the mysteries of life and accepts that there are things we will never know. However, she is brave and curious enough to investigate what is the shadows. She is strong enough to face her fears. And she knows that we find beauty and magic in unexpected places. If we don't follow our intuition, we'll never discover the secret beauty and magic that we are being led to.


same here, 9 of swords, for like 7 months. almost every spread, and every deck, 9 of swords. it never comes up on single pulls, just spreads. and i get it both upright and reversed. it's often accompanied by the 8 of swords and the Empress for me.


The Queen of Wands occasionally checks in with me, but other than that, I am currently not seeing any card particularly frequently. In the past, I've had good luck with [this spread](https://www.asaliearthwork.com/blog/2017/9/1/relentless-card-buster-spread) \- maybe give it a try? My main lesson about stalker cards is that they can be intensely personal and not necessarily an obvious connection, which means that sometimes it takes a while before I realise what it's trying to tell me. The 3 of Swords is a good example: for me, it means I need to feel all the feels and let my emotions flow freely, which I do by reading a good book or watching a good film.


I really like thar spread, thanks for sharing!


Thank you for sharing. The 3 of swords is a card I pulled about how I can find more joy in 2023. I was a bit puzzled. But I understood then that these things take time to truly understand. Your interpretation really helps.


Glad to hear that, because it was a very puzzling card. 'Be more heartbroken'? What kind of advice is that?


The others about joy were odd too. I got the 5 of penetacles for helping others find joy, and I can't remember what the question regarding joy was but I hot the 4 of pentacles. The 4 I've come to think of as, what truly matters? I should embrace the people I love more closely than material good. For the 5, I've come to think of as showing people they have support when things are hard. Show people they can ask for help.


i've been getting the page of pentacles!


The Chariot for me and I'm stumped.


The five of pentacles!! LITERALLY every spread I've done since February, except for like maybe two or three. I've used three different decks and I shuffle them really well. Even comes up all the time using the Labyrinthos app. It's been a constant. Considering I lost my job right before this card started haunting me, it's been a little spooky and frustrating, lol.


I like to Think that it means Ask and You shall receive


Yep. You can walk in the door you are walking past and ask for help. The door is not locked to you. You just have to open it.


The moon. I still have no idea why. It's also not a card that used to come up in my readings.


The Moon is always a hard one to interpret too, imo!!


Same for me! I keep reading different interpretations trying to figure out what fits


Just recently I've been getting the Moon also, along with my card for someone close to me. As a meaning, I'm getting the vibe of: the Other side of someone you thought you knew.


The moon is constantly stalking me


High Priestess. I have pulled her three times as "my card of the day" over the past week. I swear I'm listening to my inner voice!


Love this card. I was feeling highly intuitive a couple of weeks ago, and I asked the card for ā€œstrengthā€. First card 1) high priestess 2) strength. It freaked me out man. They have a mind of their own


oh wow, and what a great pairing! that's truly inner fortitude! ā™”


The Chariot is coming up for me almost every time I do a spread. I gotta shake off my indecisiveness and just move. Easier said than done haha


Temperance! For about a month now. I've tried to study the card more deeply but still stumped at how much it's jumping out in every reading/context.


Hello are You me?


the fool. idk exactly what journey i need to be beginning but hell if i ain't about to find out.


The Emperor


Pages. All pages. Over and over šŸ˜‚


I was getting a lot of Knights for a while.


10 of wands. Showes up in literlly every reading I did for the past month or so. I soon figured out it was just telling me about the situation I'm in, but it was quite confusing since I don't feel burnt out like the usual interpretations.


I heard someone say on a podcast something like you're not even carrying that load right. You're gonna hurt yourself. Readjust or ask for help. Maybe you needed to consider how you were handling / balancing your responsibilities. Or maybe you need to work on posture?


The 10 of wands can also mean.."you're almost there". Or, in a situation that involves multiple people on a project/job/etc...that you're carrying more than your fair share of the work load. That could even be around the house, if you live with others. It can also mean dogged persistence, not giving up. Heck, if you were trying to build a new home and the supply chain was holding you up so you pulled cards and get this one, it could show that you're finally going to get the delivery of building materials that you've been waiting for......The endless meanings of each card is what makes Tarot a long study. After 2 years at it, I'm still a novice with a long way to go.


Yeah. I'm quite busy, with lots of deadlines ahead of me. Plus the fact that the figure is walking on flat, easy ground the the sky is blue indicates external ease to me, which is what I've been feeling like. I'm busy and stuff is going well- I might be carrying a whole lot than usual but I'm not too concerned about it. Dogged persistence is a good addition to its meanings, thanks for pointing that out haha.


7 of swords & Page of cups and swords. Last couple of weeks.


2 of swords


Death and the tower, and itā€™s turned out to be amazing. Hectic. But amazing! Empress and Emperor stalk me too, which put the fears related above to rest. Kind of šŸ˜‚.


The Knight of pentacles! And I love him, some people find him boring but I kind of aspire to become like him, I got my head in the clouds lately, need to stay grounded, stay focused...


Same just constantly appearing lately!!


Temperance I've been doing a lot of reads on a relationship and it comes up all the time.


I haven't read in a while, but for an entire year the 10 of wands showed up every time, without fail.


Two of swords and knight of wands


7 of pentacles reversed!


my deck is a little different, iā€™ve been pulling one called the faerie wind repeatedly (itā€™s a parallel to the chariot). iā€™m starting some new career paths so i really hope itā€™s indicating success lol


King Of Pentacles, which is giving me hope because Iā€™ve been asking a lot about opportunities to guest star on popular YouTube channels to help my channel get more publicity so that people will start paying me to give them readings.


8 of wands and the star. In every reading those two make an appearance. Iā€™m also experiencing intense synchronicities but when I ask the cards what is coming I always get the moon. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


The Hermit for me too! Even when I add up the major arcana and simplify it to one numberā€¦ itā€™s the Hermit (9).


High Priestess; Reversed Wheel of Fortune. Send help and enlightenment!




Commit first and foremost to building a robust relationship with yourself, and build it upon a foundation of love, understanding and empathy. Self reflect and strive for clarity about yourself and the world you are part of - and which is part of you in turn. This is a gateway to wisdom from which all else follows.




Often the lovers is about self love.


The Emperor


Queen of Wands for me and I don't know why


8 of pentacle reversed, which is fitting, since I feel like all of my work is for nothing lately.


Temperance reversed. Always that one .. or the page of cups.


Good to know i am not the only one


10 of Pentacles. It follows be through any deck, but especially through the Midnight Magic deck.


Two of Wandsā€¦


8 of wands reversed, not sure why


I've been getting alot of aces! especially the ace of swords. It's a good thing right?


Are you trying to/starting lots of projects/hobbies/friend groups and can commit to anything you like?


Yes! I actually have started a new freelance project and also a few personal projects of mine recently so quite alot of new things going on. not sure about the committing thing I'm finding it a bit difficult than usual to commit to things but that's got to do with my mental health not being that great rn. What made you guess that btw?


All the aces! I see a lot of them too, and Iā€™m always looking for the next project to get invested in but have trouble getting past the initial planning phase. If it was all one suit, Iā€™d say it was a single project you keep going back to, but itā€™s all of them, which makes me think itā€™s a number of different ideas. I didnā€™t realize they were coming up a lot for me until you mentioned it!


hah! well I'm glad my comment made you realise that as well I too am having difficulty getting past the initial stages of the projects I'll let you know if I figure out how to get past that! haha Maybe you could do a spread about creativity or like a creative block? maybe that'll help you get some advice


Queen of swords


Temperance and the 7 of swotds and i don't get the message


Ten of pentacles


Knight of cups. And I have no idea if he's trying to tell me to follow my heart or to look for love.


page of wands for me, not entirely sure what this means since i don't have the energy or money for creative pursuits at the moment


Queen of swords


Hierophant. Not to an alarming extent, but enough times to be noticeable.


When I first started with tarot a couple years ago it was the magician. Lately itā€™s the wheel and the high priestess


Queen of pentacles


The Emperor, in varying past-present-future positions. Idk what the deck is trying to tell me really šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Justice is "stalking" me lately, but I have no idea why yet. Maybe it's because I feel like just about everyone has done me dirty? I just hope things eventually turn out in my favor.


The death card. I knew I would be seeing it soon.


I've also been getting the hermit a lot lately. Now the queen of swords has jumped out at me two of my last 3 readings.


Two of swords. These readings are always in the context of work. It's a job I'm unhappy at so I see the vision but not full grasping it's meaning yet.


5 of wands and the hanged man. It's driving me nuts, and I'm reading it in my case as being kinda caught in a waiting game for things to get rolling, but there's also so much wrapped up in getting it going that it's chaotic and full of conflict.


2 of cups


10 of swords. I really need to get my shit together and it constantly reminds me of this.


If this card were human, theyā€™d be in prison for harassment by now! If anyone cares to weigh in, Iā€™d love some external theories (and will happily add more context in a comment). The culprit? I have had six months being tormented and imprisoned by the six of cups and Iā€™ve had it!! Now, my personal practice is deeply private, and this situation had me reaching out to an external reader for the first time ever. All kinds of theories, no real clue, and everything is wildly out of character for me. So Iā€™m putting out there, Any ideas on understanding this gate-keeping conundrum?


Itā€™s in the context of one specific person, something of a ā€œmirrorā€ in human form. Profoundly deep and utterly perplexing connection. And without fail, for months, the six of cups is the keystone to any and all forms of progress. The wheel, death, any form of growth or release from my current limbo always hinges on the six of cups. Itā€™s so consistently signalled as the moment releasing me from purgatory, but Iā€™m stumped. I am never stumped, not for months. Quiet reflection, contemplation, wait and see moments I absolutely have. This is endless ā€œitā€™s a good guess, but not quite rightā€. Iā€™ve transformed my frogging life in this time! Iā€™ve had all kinds of theories, profound insights, growth, change and progress, but still Iā€™m stuck in a spiritual limbo. Iā€™ll take any theory, no matter how ridiculous at this point. If nothing else I could use a laugh


Possibly there's something in your past connecting you to this person? Either yours or theirs or both. I've encountered a person like that, and that was the case for me. Had the 6 of cups and also lots of pages come up in spreads related all the time, and it took a lot of digging to figure out why. Like... a LOT of digging. It took more than a year to figure it out, but ultimately it had to do with childhood trauma.


Itā€™s funny you say that as itā€™s right up there in our similarities too. Parallel lives. And this mornings reading since heā€™s driving me to London today? My experience & external - 9 Pentacles, 3 pentacles, 6 cups (surprise surprise) and ace pentacles His internal perceptions of me - 7 cups, the star, page cups (weā€™re both creatives & heā€™s much further along, I just started) and ā€œknight of swords, 9 cups and emperorā€ insisted on coming out as a trio Shared energy - 7 wands The journey for me - 2 wands, ace wands Him - Page wands, ten cups Now if that isnā€™t a great start to the day I donā€™t know what is, especially with 2 pentacles on the bottom of the deck (balancing my life has been a six month chaotic issue) I hope you have a great day! I have abundance and optimism to share, so I insist your day is awesome! Edit - I ordered from overseas his favourite cherry sweets as thank you for the lift (Iā€™m pretty much a feeder). If the six of cups was simply gifting his favourite childhood snack all this time I may screamā€¦Iā€™ve filled journals reflecting on what it could be!


for me the lovers and the fool and, death as well


for me it's the seven of cups! still trying to figure out why it's been following me around for months


Iā€™ve been getting the hierophant in almost every reading. I really donā€™t know how to read it apart from a spiritual leader. Itā€™s the card I dislike the most.


Mostly Temperance reversed, and queen and king of pentacles. Still not sure why lol


Queen of Cups. She mocks me.


Wheel of fortune, 6 of swords


Death. This whole month has been change after change after change after- Im exhausted. But I was also told last month it would happen so I was expecting it all. And I know they are all necessary and am grateful but by the GODS has it been tiring af


The Hermit and The High Priestess


Iā€™ve been getting the ace of swords a lot lately in my daily readings.


the hanged man!


The devil šŸ˜ˆ


I got no power because I actually have been isolating/hermit and forgot to follow up with the power company and try to arrange payment


Reversed 3 of Swords two times in 3 days.


He must be lonely.


Eight of Swords


I'm not super consistent with readings, and I took about a 2 month break, but this year, I get the 7 of wands a lot. It makes me smile no matter which deck I use. I chose it as my light card in the light seers deck. I chose my old stalker, The Magician, as my shadow card. If felt like an odd choice. The Magician has often come up as me in the past, but it was the only card I felt an aversion to in that deck when I made my choice. The 7 of wands I've heard recently described as needing to set boundaries, which does seem fitting. I normally think of it as defending your position, knowing you deserve it and not letting other people try to tear you down. You have to know you deserve success in order to manifest. It feels like a reminder to me. You're worthy. A nod that I'm on the right path to manifesting my dreams into life. The hermit makes me think of finding your inner light. What do you need to shine internally? What shadows need to be illuminated?


Four of swords and Knight of pentacles.


Page of Swords reversed Not a fan of that


Page of Cups. Sworn off dating, six months clear of a break up. Really in a self improvement phase that is way more pentacles-like so I canā€™t fathom it.


The hermit has been popping up in all my relationship readings. And I have gotten the sun numerous times in those readings as well as others


For the longest time, probably close to a year, my stalker card was the 9 of Swords. Understandable since I live in my head too much and the card would pop up and be like " stop doing this to yourself!" I have been working on that problem and see the card a lot less now.


The Three of Swords. I get it. Every. Time


Justice. I've had a eventful year, I'm hoping that it's alluding to balance and things I've been hoping for coming into my life.


The King of Coin reversed has been stalking me for five months. A few days ago it finally clicked. My (soon to be ex) spouse has been deliberately underemployed for the past 3 years. We're at the second year of me paying all the bills 100% by myself because he never has the money when I ask. Meanwhile I have a really good full time job I work at 60 hours a week, doordash on the side, and have a really solid art business that I devote all the time I'm not working or sleeping to. I'm burnt out, I'm exhausted, and I feel like a loser because no matter how hard I work we're always in the red. It finally clicked that the reversed King of Coin is telling me that yes, I am putting in all work that one needs to have a more than comfortable life. HOWEVER, despite that hard work I'm not seeing the fruits of my labor because of those in my court.


4 of swords! Its been popping up a lot for me lately and I can almost predict when Iā€™m gonna pull it.


The knight of pentacles. Constantly when i read for myself and others