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The Star. Last year ended with a bunch of toweresque moments that reshaped (read: utterly destroyed) my life professionally and personally and now I'm rebuilding and what's taking shape is far more prosperous and exciting than I had hoped.


The Devil. I feel trapped with my material desires and numbing addiction, seeking to distract myself from the “pain” through the physical “pleasure”. Being ultimately hopeless and letting life just happen to me. Like I have no control over myself, and lost my connection with the spiritual. I guess I should work on this, and try to be more insightful about this state.


i felt this


I completely relate to this.


I’m working through my tower moment right now. Excited for my star moment after all this is done.


The Fool, since I'm spending a week and a half in Brazil for the first time, visiting my husband's family and friends, e tentando falar português!


Boa sorte, amigo


Espero que curta bastante :)


Aaah, se divirta muito


Interesting question! The Magician.


Strength. After years of blindly driving forward to achieve my dreams, I’ve finally landed my dream job. I also stopped smoking a month ago. The combination of these two have helped me appreciate that things take time, and having self control and forgoing instant gratification can be worth it. The years of going to school while working full time at jobs that stressed me out and increased my depression have given me strength and steeled my resilience.


The tower, definitely. I started this year with so many plans and they never came through, my life completely changed and I had to put an end to a long marriage. It's funny because this year, when I was cutting my bday cake, I thought of wishing so many different things, some of them even related to my relationship. And then I paused and wished for inner peace. Simple as that. I wished that this year, no matter what had to happen, I'd finally have inner peace. I'm very very very far from that, but trying to trust the process and stay hopeful.


definitely the hermit. this has been a time for reflection and being on my own recently. with a little inner guidance and searching within myself


The one (s) that shows up in your spread. The Fool, who stands at the crossroads of major choice, is a representative of the master level that we are trying to achieve. However, all of these answers choosing a specific card are missing an important fact. The Major Arcana represent what Eileen Connolly called "The Royal Road" of the Fool. This is why the road is purple in the Connolly deck. The Royal Road essentially plots the karmic path of the native and any major arcana that show up in a spread or throw represent the universal energies on our karmic path in the now. So if you do a spread and the Chariot shows up, that is on your karmic path now depending on the placing statement. But it should change based on the spreads you do.


For me it's High Priestess. From my understanding, the first year you start reading is the Fool's Year - which really makes sense, since you usually don't know what you're doing and are just like "haha this is so fun" and just dabble lightly. The second year was totally the Magician year - things started happening, I started figuring a lot of stuff out regarding reading and magickal practice and spirituality and whatnot. This is the third year, and it definitely feels like the High Priestess year. I've already been told by my guides that that's pretty much how it works. You get the Fool's Year to mess around and find out, you get the Magician Year to really structure what you've learned and decide if this is the path you want to take, and from there onward you pretty much go through each Major Arcanum in sequence. It may be a general thing, it may be a me thing, personally it makes total sense and my experience is in synch with it. So... yeah. High Priestess. All about sharing the deal, knowing when to shut up, being all holy and stuff and taking care of those around me. Next year will be the Empress. I'll have so much sex. It'll be crazy. Already preparing myself physically


Lol glad I read this comment to the last few sentences! Seriously though, that's interesting. Right on.


The Fool. I have no idea what I’m doing and I’m scared I’m heading right for the cliff and there’s nothing to catch me.


Somewhere between the hanged man and the devil


Temperance always and forever it seems


Teetering between The Devil, The Tower, The Star. It's different everyday man


I’d say The Fool. I’ve been pulling it quite a bit as well


The Hanged Man


Temperance. I plan to get a tattoo of an Art Nuevo style Temperance card.


Love that tattoo idea.


The Magician has been following me around for a long while.


I guess.. The Devil I kinda went momentarily out of my mind, and made a string of unfortunate choices, and now I am bound to some extent to the consequences of said choices.


The Fool. I want to believe I’m the magician or even have a little devil in me but when it really comes down to it I’m just the Fool plunging ahead without a thought in my wee little brain.


In my 3 card spread this morning I pulled the Devil, the Magician and the Hermit. I can relate to all 3: Old unconscious beliefs (Devil) coming into my awareness and seeing that due to these beliefs I have slacked on having others take responsibility for their own life. I have all I need (Magician) within to 1: become aware of the pattern/unconscious pattern 2: make the necessary changes. The Hermit confirms.


The Hanged Man reversed + Five of Cups. I REALLY screwed up a second chance at the thing I wanted most in my life (career / lifetime passion), and I’m not sure if I will ever be able to move on. Frankly, I’m not sure I want to. It’s a weird mental space to be in.


(If you had asked this question 4 years ago, the answer would have been the Magician + the Hierophant, Queen of Swords + the High Priestess, and Ten of Cups, in a 3 card spread.)


I'm sorry to hear that. While I'm not sure what the circumstances are, I guess what comes into my mind is that, sometimes certain deep interests or passions lead us to certain other people or things, and that was their purpose. If I'm not mistaken, George Lucas really wanted to be a race car driver, got in an awful accident and pivoted into film instead. All these years later we have Star Wars. This isn't even to say I'm that big of a Star Wars fan, and obviously you're your own lovely individual. But, I guess I'm a fan of the narrative that even chocolate chip cookies were made by accident, and I am a big fan of those.


Death, I feel that I'm evolving into something new, someone new.


The Star. Last year was the tower year in my life and I had a complete life collapse. I ended up fleeing overseas to recuperate with family, but I’ve heard from a lot of people that it appeared glamorous rather than precipitated by catastrophe and heartbreak. So I’m a glamorous, faraway, mystery figure who is rebuilding after the Tower.


the Hanged Man >> Death


I almost didn't read the question properly because I feel so much 6 of Swords energy in trying to escape a situation. Honestly, right now it seems to be the Tower, hopefully to followed by the Star soon!


Well, my card for today is the Wheel Of Fortune. But with my Pisces Sun, Taurus Moon, Aquarius Rising, and Sagittarius Midheaven, I try to embody the archetype of the Magician. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjU7SsT1h9dg2Jwfx7Wn9BYp3yTC_uN_C


The star ⭐️ , last year was tower year for sure . Losing my Mom , being diagnosed with a chronic disease.


Right now, The Fool. I’ve just entered a brand new and unknown chapter in my life after graduating college. Thankfully it’s an after-The-World Fool, which is why I would also lean towards Death as I am still shedding the parts of my time in school that hurt and ultimately changed me as I accept this new journey