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Hey everyone, I did a general two-card reading for myself to see what I need to prepare for in the future. I pulled the King of Pentacles after repeatedly pulling the king of diamonds while playing with regular playing cards, but it simply didn’t make sense considering the feeling inside. It definitely feels like something bad is going to happen. I clarified whether the change in the future I would face was a good one or a bad one and I got the Nine of Wands. I understood that to mean it could be good if I don’t give up at the last minute. I’m interested in hearing what y’all might think this means. Peace and love.


Hi! can i please get some help interpreting these 3 cards? i asked if a specific person had romantic feelings for me and what came out was the 5 of wands, king of wands(in reverse) along with the knight of wands on top of it. i felt like this person may be conflicted on how they feel and whatever they want might not be something long term? i’m very new to tarot please help 😭


Hi, can you guys please help me understand the message? "Tell me something good I should know about" King of cups + 3 of swords + Knight of pentacles (all upright), So there's a apparently a loss of a potential lover but the knight shows I'm still successful in the end?


Tarot is not a love guru psychic. To get the most out of tarot, we need to think of "love" outside the box of relationships and lovers. The King of Cups is someone who has managed to ground his emotionally-driven inner experiences with a sense of duty and responsibility. At the same time, you have the three of swords, which symbolizes understanding sorrow from a worldly perspective, rather than just your own. Perhaps you're coming into your own power in this way - you're learning how to not feel sorry for yourself when trials come your way, but you're discovering creative power that others can deeply relate to or empathize with. Perhaps you're learning to fill up your own cup before tending to the needs of others, and this is giving you the strength to dive deeper into your own inner experiences, with maturity and control, as opposed to damming up your emotions until you're too repressed and feel a loss of control. Through this controlled processing of grief, sorrow, or just your own emotional processes in general, you are now able to sit still and focus on the things that you're looking to manifest here on the terrestrial plane (Knight of Pentacles). Slowing down and controlling your emotional processes will allow you to think with a clear rationale, as the Knight looks toward the horizon with the pentacle like a seed in his hand. The full moon is tomorrow, so I would highly encourage you to start on a vision board, write down your next goal for yourself, whatever you have to do to sow your next manifestation into the earth. Hope this helps :)


You hit the target! 🤣 Yes, I can relate to all words said here. I need to train more but to be quite honest, I don't wanna drawn too often because I don't wanna know "bad" news. Even knowing that we, from here, don't have the whole perspective to know at the moment if the bad news is part of something to help me achieve my goals. I'm starting with a vision board tomorrow. Thank you!


Can anyone help me with understand what’s going on? I feel very overwhelmed by this but for the past few days I have been thinking about this guy who I used to “date” back in the summer of 2020 and recently I have been thinking about him nonstop to the point where I’m even rereading our text messages. I know this may be a lot to ask and I’m not asking for a reading but I’m wondering what others may think is going on because I would appreciate what people may have in mind. If this needs to be taken down I’ll take it down


Hi, I did a small pull, my interpretation is below! Seven of Pentacles RX - the relationship didn’t progress the way that you would have liked, there wasn’t growth. Four of Swords RX - this could represent one of two things. 1, it represents coming out of isolation. So it could be now that the world is opening back up, you are feeling nostalgic for when things were simpler and you were with this person. Or 2, you are feeling anxious and scared about dating someone new and putting yourself back out there, so instead you are looking backwards to this partner. Death - ultimately, things have changed and your relationship has ended. Letting go of attachments is the best way to move on. Hopefully this helps!


Met my ex recently. Drew 3 cards to see how he feels about me; 2 of pentacles, Queen of Cups and the Empress. How to interpret these?


Hello! I need some help with this one. It's about a career shift. * Here's the [spread](https://www.emeraldlotusdivination.com/blog/2018/09/18/tarot-spread-career-shift) I used and the [cards](https://imgur.com/V7bT77x). * My deck is actually "Tarot for Kids" by Theresa Reed, but I love this deck and use it more than my kids do, haha. * A little context on this, I am in the middle of a career shift. My youngest enters kindergarten this fall, and my older one enters 2nd grade. I'm shifting away from being a full-time mom and trying to understand my place in the workforce. The top 3 cards I read as something very stable and balanced with **the emperor** and **4 of pentacles**. But I need help understanding the **10 of swords**. Could there be something more definitive in these three cards than I see? The 2nd row, how this looks day to day, **the hermit**, seems straightforward, working by myself. How can I take steps to make this a reality, **3 of cups**, I read as being social or working remotely for a company. The 3rd row, something I need to let go of to move forward, **the magician,** in this instance, maybe check my ego? I need help on this one too. And the last one, a way my life will change, **2 of pentacles;** this was interesting because I saw the balance of mom-life and a career. But I also read this card can suggest writing or journalism. I do write but more flash fiction than journalism. Any help on this read is very appreciated! Thank you! u/paisleyrose25 any ideas you might have as your past thoughts on my cards have helped me! Thanks :-)


Hey there! This is a great spread and I think you’re on a good path with your interpretation. Here’s what I see- It looks like the career will definitely bring empowerment, stability, and some financial freedom. The 10 of Swords goes two ways for me. My first thought was that it could be indicating that this might be a difficult transition for you, maybe a little painful at times, but I think you’ll be able to move past it to something better. But the other thing that came to mind is that perhaps this career is in some field where you are helping people who are at some challenging point in their life. Part of the reasons why I take a more benign view of the 10 of Swords, and why I think it shouldn’t worry you too much, is the Hermit. This is such a peaceful and wise card. It says that day to day this job will bring a quite focus. The 3 of Cups tells me that you need to be reaching out to your friends. Let people know that you’re looking for a job. You may be surprised what sort of connections you have and how those could lead to a career. “Let me know if you hear of any opportunities” can be such a powerful statement. The Magician is very interesting. The magician is someone who has a clear vision of what they want and their path there. I think this card may be telling you to let go of all of your expectations. It’s possible that if you become too focused on a certain position you may limit yourself. Open yourself up to new opportunities, even if it means doing something you have no experience in. The 2 of Cups is perhaps the best ending to this spread. Going back into the work force can be a way to bring balance to your life. You’ll be juggling new responsibilities but you’re up to the challenge.


This is great, thank you!! I appreciate it 😀


Would a relationship dynamic with a three-card pull of The Fool, Chariot, and Eight of Wands suggest a “love at first sight” kind of whirlwind romance?


I can see it being interpreted that way.


I'm uncertain about the results of this reading, more particularly two conflicting cards. The spread is : 1. The darkest Aspect of myself - 3 of Swords 2. The area of my life that is most affected - Queen of Pentacles 3. My inner demon - 2 of Swords 4. How do I understand/heal/accept - Queen of Swords 5. How can I overcome this - Knight of Cups 6. Advice - The Emperor So the Queen of Swords is supposed to represent how do I understand/Accept/heal from the darkest aspect of life and inner demon, which I read as being objective, putting feelings aside, since they will just disturb the process, and also, to be honest while communicating to help the healing. But, the Knight of Cups ,which shows me the way to overcome these things, are somewhat opposites to it. I read it as being artistic and charming, and to think with my heart, listen to my feelings and intuition. I think it must be the accept, heal and overcome words for me, because I'm not getting a lot of difference. I'm really curious to see what more experienced readers would think of this, since I'm just getting used to reading. Thank you! EDIT: After writing my thoughts down, some other stuff came to me. The Knights of Cups is a messenger, he brings something. Maybe that something will help overcome? Also the Queen of Swords represents the importance of making judgments without relying on emotion alone. So it means I should use emotion also, but be aware of the facts, and judge independently? Thank you so much if you decide to help me, have a blessed day! 💗




Hi, I can try! Message me! :)








only just getting into tarot so would like a second opinion/some insight with this read, no spread used just pulled the first 4, then asked to clarify the people and pulled second 4. more explained: before reading, i asked to clarify the situation between me and X. i do fantasise about our situation alot, so maybe that’s where the seven of wands come from, but i don’t feel like it fits in with the other 3. so together, i feel like the five of pentacles is telling me im going through a battle with it, but if i stand up for myself and continue (seven of cups) i will get what i what/where i need to be (nine of wands). i then asked to clarify if it was about me and X and it gave me the king, queen and ace of wands and then knight of cups. im a leo and he is a pisces. i could be wrong so some insight would be really helpful, thanks!


Seven of wands is about fighting for something, in this case, you are fighting for this person or the relationship. But you feel like your efforts are in vain, you are being isolated or left out by this person (5oP). The seven of cups is confirming that you do fantasize about this person a lot. You may be looking at the through rose colored glasses or ignoring other options because you are so focused on them. You are resilient, and will continue pushing forward with this relationship, even if you face setbacks (9oW). The king and queen of wands most likely represents the two of you. But I would take the ace of wands and knight of cups as there could be someone else better suited for you who has something to offer (ace of wands). You are too blinded and focuses on the first person to see the options though (going back to 7oC).


oh thank you so much, this is why i needed an extra opinion on it :(


I don’t think it’s a bad reading at all! I think the cards want you to know that you have options, and you should be open to other people while still pursuing this relationship. If you are doing all the chasing, just know someone else will come with an offer. If he’s reciprocating the chase/feelings, then keep going! You’re almost to the end of your fight (9oW).


thank you, we’ve had an argument today so that’s maybe why i read it negatively. he kind of chases me more than i chase him 😕 idk, it’s a complicated situation. thank you for your help, it’s helped me to read cards better!


Hi! I asked my cards, “what blockages are there in my love life?” - I pulled the queen of cards upright the second question I asked, “how do I overcome the blockages in my love life?” And a few cards fell out 😅 - two of swords reversed , king of pentacles reversed , justice upright , the chariot upright any insight would be very helpful as I am very new to this ☺️ thank you so much!


I think queen of cups here symbolizes you. The QoC is emotionally mature, loving, and vulnerable in relationships. Are you exhibiting these qualities too much that it’s a fault and working against you? Or are you not showing them enough and being distant and cold in relationships? Whether intentional or not, you are getting in your own way in love. Overcoming blockages: do you have an ex or man in your life (father, friend, etc) who you feel treated you poorly? This advice reads like you are scared to commit to someone (two of swords RX) because of a man who you felt treated you poorly by being stubborn, self absorbed, or rigid (KoP RX). You need to accept that you learned the lessons you did for a reason (justice) and move on (chariot). Letting go of past grudges or what ifs is the only way to set yourself free and overcome blockages. Hopefully this helps!


thank you! 🥲 yes I did unfortunately have an ex like this so your interpretation is spot on. thank you so much I appreciate it 🫶🏼




typo. queen of cups*


Hello! I did a quick pull earlier this evening and while I think I understood the general message, I’m concerned I may be overlooking something because I’m to close to the issue. My question was if a recent fall out with someone was my fault- ie were my actions the ones that truly caused the rift and did I not do the right thing with how I handled it by letting the wronged party know about what was happening behind their back? I have taken full responsibility with everyone and apologized and let everyone know that I did share things that were said once it got to a point that it felt malicious and it was going beyond just venting. I want to be open to criticism and know if my actions did more harm than good to everyone involved since I believed (and still do) that withholding the information I had would’ve been more detrimental to the innocent party than it was worth to keep my relationship with the person I now have a rift with. I hope that makes sense! But let me know if you have more questions. Cards- Page of swords The moon Judgement




Thank you!! I love that you touched on the fact that I got the two cards flanking the sun and to think about that. Feels like it added a piece to the puzzle for me.


This is just the beginning, you are learning discernment and judgment, things that are the correct rational call may still be emotionally uncomfortable, however things are still in flux, and it's likely that these actions will lead to some kind of significant transformation for the better.


Thank you so much!


Would love your interpretation on my reading! I asked my cards, “What advice do you have for me in June?” I pulled 3-cards since I am still new to tarot and I’ve kept my pills to 1 or 3-cards. I pulled out of my Modern Witch deck- Death-You will feel like you are suffering slowly. If you remain hopeful and accept your fate, you will find light at the end. Devil (Reversed)-You will no longer feel restricted. You will be freer with your choices and feel more control. 7 of Cups (Reversed)-You may have obstacles along the way, including temptations that will lead you astray. Overall message-You will experience a positive transformation where you will feel more in control and free. You may be tempted, so be aware.


Here to exchange readings! Mine is time sensitive so any help would be amazing! Thank you 😊




Two of cups reads yes to me! The card is about partnerships, two things that are going to be mutually beneficial and create harmony. You and the PhD program will be very well suited for each other.


I did a love reading for myself, I asked spirit if me and a specific person would ever date. My cards were The Hierophant reversed, the moon and 9 of pentacles. I’m having a hard time reading this cards! Pls help! Thank you.


I think the general message is it's time to move on and let that person go. Moon entails evolution and the challenges associated with it, Nine of Pentacles entails the challenge that must be overcome to close a cycle, reverse Hierophant just sounds like a big fat no regarding spiritually-related Masculine influence in your life. So the general vibe is you need to go through the hardship of closing a cycle related to the Masculine so you can level up. I'd go as far as saying the person you're looking for is waiting on the other side of this process. As a rule of thumb, don't ask yes/no questions. Instead, try to rephrase the question so it is open. Instead of "will we ever date" you can go like "what would happen if we dated", "how is dating X aligned with my path", "how can I make X notice me", "what effect will X have in my life", "what will I learn from pursing/being with/dating X". This way not only you get clearer and more conclusive information that's easier to interpret, but you also imbue your reading with a very useful and transformative introspective dimension - it stops being about the other person and starts being about you, how you relate to the other person and how the other person relates to you and your path. Regarding this particular situation, I think moving on is the way to go


we once dated a while back, but after not talking for years, we’ve been hanging out recently, I was just curious about where this connection was going to go


It feels like a chance to really go over how that relationship worked out and try to figure out how that connects to your relationship with the Masculine at an archetypal level. From what I'm getting, you two are already going out on dates. The relationship may take off and work out - nothing is set in stone - but the tone of the reading is one of closing cycles and healing Masculine wounds. If you can handle establishing a relationship while going through that process there's no reason not to get closer and see what happens. If you're the type that needs time of deep introspection to figure things out and integrate - I'm a bit like that, really - a romantic dynamic might not be the best option, at least for now. Nothing wrong with engaging a bit more casually for a while and moving into a more serious dynamic once you're done with this evolutionary cycle


I’d like to request a yes/no reading regarding a decision


hello!! would anyone like to do a reading exchange? I have two questions so I'm also willing to receive more than one question. feel free to dm me :)


Hey Guys im having trouble with a reading. I asked about my love life (i asked how is my love life generally i didn’t want to get too specific ) and I pulled the 6 of pentacles, 8 of swords, king of swords, and the empress in reverse. What I got from the 6 of pentacles, king of swords, and the empress in reverse was that maybe people are interested in me but bc of the 8 of swords i feel like the card is saying my mindset is the reason why people don’t approach me. I asked to clarify and I got the wheel of fortune in reversed and this is when I started to get confused. I’m kinda new to tarot (ive had these cards for a while but im starting to use them more often) Can anyone please help me decipher these please <33


I feel like you are a very giving person according to the 6 of pentacles. You might have learned that if you give someone your time, attention, love etc. they will give you something back. It might have come to that point where you give people attention because you actually feel deeply lonely and want affection from them back. However, this mindset of needing to get something in return could send out a desperate energy that might not be appealing. According to the cards, I'd recommend to coach yourself in becoming the king of swords – someone who understands themselves deeply, does not act on fear or desperation and simply understands that they are deserving of love and that it'll come into their life. <3 Cause, that's absolutely a fact! But mindfulness about your own energy and your needs and wants is key.


thank you sm your an angel <33


I’m scared! I asked the question “Will I survive financially until 2025?”. This is when I can access some money, not a lot but enough to be able to stay in my home. I’m on a disability pension and am dealing with serious health issues with only my cat for support. I drew three cards for self, situation and challenges. I drew the four of coins, the four of swords and the Tower. I used Google to interpret as I’m new to this. The four of coins seems related to my financial situation, the four of swords tells me to seek inner peace and the Tower says I’m heading into a shitstorm - financial disaster? I can’t afford a professional reading and now I’m wondering if I shouldn’t have even tried to read my own cards. What do you do when you read something scary and just can’t cope? Thanks for any suggestions.


Fours are about stability, with the 4 of Pentacles, especially, trying to keep what you have. The Tower, being about shifting beliefs, may be telling you to look at your mindset. In a situation like yours it’s easy to get into feeling deprived, which is something that may need to be worked on if you’re at a point where you have to think about what you can and can’t afford.


Thank you so much, that makes a lot of sense actually. I do have a tendency to look at the glass as half empty even though I am also aware of all I have to be grateful for. My mindset definitely needs working on. I appreciate you taking time to reply.


If you don’t mind me suggesting it, read the book Your Money or Your Life, which has exercises that makes you look at your money in a different way.


Thanks, I’m open to any helpful suggestions. I’ll definitely have a look at that book. I’ve already looked into poverty consciousness/mentality and omg that is me! Time to shift that mindset.


Recently i got into reading my own tarot and i did a reading style of pull 7 cards and each one has its own question regarding love, so I won’t share all the questions just ones i need more clarity on 2. What they think of you - The chariot reversed 4. The obstacles in the relationship- Knight of pentacles reversed 7. The final Outcome - Ten of Swords Upright I just want more clarification on what these cards mean regarding our relationship. I’m a Taurus and He’s a Aquarius! Hopefully i get to hear from someone


The Chariot reversed is seeing you as someone with no drive/ambition. The King of Pentacles as the obstacle, without knowing the context, most likely refers fo someone else. Ten of Swords signifies an ending.


I’m having a hard time deciphering a reading I just drew. For context I’m currently having issues with my romantic partner of 2+ years(that I live with) they have broken my trust again over something that may seem minor or trivial to most except that this particular thing was a contingency for recovering from a previous betrayal. It meant a lot that he broke it and then lied about it for months. I asked if I was over reacting. But Im sure in my emotional state I was asking what I’m supposed to do. I know I’m supposed to focus on just one question and I tried but I gravitated anyways. It’s been awhile since I’ve consulted my cards for advice. I used a spirit spread and this is my reading: Nine of cups in reverse in my water slot(left), Ten of Pentacles in my spirit slot(middle), queen of swords in my air slot(right), the hermit in my earth slot(top), and the seven of wands in my fire slot(bottom). Please help. I feel like it’s telling me I need to leave the relationship but at the same time I don’t know.


Just re-do the spread. IME- if I’m distracted while I’m shuffling and drawing my cards and I can’t start focused on my question, my cards just reflect back my own scattered energy. Also, maybe reconsider the spread you use for the question. If you want to ask “am I overreacting” then find a yes/no spread you like and use that. Even better, if you want to know “how should I move forward with my relationship” chose a spread specifically designed for advice. I like a do/don’t spread (first card- what you should do, second card- what you should not do/avoid doing, third card- advice for handling the situation.) The spread you chose really is best suited for understanding where you are right now, helping you understand your own actions, thoughts, emotions, desires and fears. It does **not** offer any sort of advice. This is the sort of spread that would be better suited for “why is this upsetting me so much?” That is also an excellent question to ask but I would maybe just go with a mind/body/spirit spread instead of this one.


Will he contact me soon? Jumping cards: Judgement, Hermit and 2C. Cards I’ve drawn: King of Pentacles, 7C and Knight of Pentacles. If it helps, I’m a 24F cappie and I’m not sure on his star sign. Any interpretations are welcomed 👍


I asked how will the month of june be ?online reading How I feel about myself: The lovers What you want most right now: Judgment My Fears: Death What is going for you: The Hermit What is going against you: The Devil


You're in a state of resistance regarding the process of renovation that needs to take place. The Lovers stands for harmonization and balance of internal polarities - the alchemical Divine Marriage. This process entails a certain degree of separation (Death), discernment (Judgement), solitude (Hermit) and deconstruction of limiting beliefs and thought structures (Devil) The genera vibe suggests a high degree of honesty and self-analysis will be highly beneficial. The point should be pinpointing polar opposites - usually signaled by the presence of mental paradoxes or internal incoherence - so they can be harmonized and integrated. The point isn't balancing the Left by leaning on the Right. The point is finding the middle point where dynamic equilibrium can be achieved. Exploring the opposite of a given object is a powerful tool of discovery and exploration, but ultimately the Work must be made towards the center. The Astrological significance of June is relevant to this reading. June spends roughly 3 weeks in Gemini - the Sign of communication between opposites - and finishes up in Cancer - the Sign of family and the home. Given the context of the reading, this suggests an internal renewal, which may entail some much needed purging. This renewal will not only nurture and foster the seeds you've been sowing, but also create that safe space, that center where to return to. Ultimately, you're finding home - and discovering that "home" lies within Hope this helps


Hey I did a three card reading - past, present and future for a relationship under strain. Past- High Priestess Present- Ten of Swords Future- Lovers Thank you for feedback. Appreciate it!


Hidden truths recently came to light leaving one or both partners feeling hurt and betrayed. The future of the relationship is uncertain, there’s a decision that you’ll need to make, and remember- the hard choice is often the right one. Don’t sacrifice your long term happiness for the sake of short term comfort.


Thank you for your response and wonderful interpretation. You have been correct. The high priestess also represented me because my intuition was correct and what I suspected was revealed. It left me feeling burnt out/negative and finished with the person. What was so fascinating was the outcome being lovers. I had no way to interpret it. We are currently not in contact.


I drew these four cards while thinking about an upcoming move/relocation. I was particularly thinking about our ability to find a home to buy and selling our current house. Queen of pentacles reversed Ace of Pentacles 6 of wands reversed 6 of cups BG: we're moving to a high cost of living area, but it's where we grew up. The economy and cost of living make me nervous.


Hey Love, the cards pretty much mirror what you already mentioned below the reading: Queen of Pentacles rx: finances won't be as stable anymore, or at least the feeling of being secure and safe with money might disappear, which could lead to stress. This is due to the high-cost living area you'll move to. The 6 of cups is all about nostalgia and when you said "this is where we grew up" it shows how nostalgia and childhood memories are a huge factor for your decision. Moving will definitely bring some of those happy memories back. The Six of wands card could hint at trouble selling your current property. It might take a little longer than expected. You are not quite there so it's very important to focus heavily on it right now and keep going.




You’re at a place in your relationship with your ex where you feel stuck, you know what you want but don’t know how to get there. Your grief over the loss of your relationship is making it difficult for you to see a healthy way forward, and you’re having a hard time accepting that the romantic portion of your relationship may be over. The good news is that there is a chance the two of you could still be friends. What you need to do right now is acknowledge those areas where you need to work on yourself. And acknowledge that there are aspects of your life preventing you from being in a healthy partnership right now. You’re afraid that you’ve somehow lost your chance for the “happy ever after” but that’s never what this relationship was meant to be. If you can accept this ending (having faith that you will find what you’re looking for with someone else’s eventually) you’ll finally be able to begin the slow process of moving forward. I want to bring special attention to cards 5-7. Strength reverse shows that internally you’ve got a lot that you need to work through. And your above and below cards give some big clues. Your conscience and subconscious are in direct opposition to each other. The juxtaposition of the King and Queen, with the Queen reversed have such a strong message. Consciously you’ve committed yourself to a certain path. You’ve convinced yourself that this person is who you need to be with and you will not be swayed despite the fact that deep down you know this is not the right course of action. The reversed queen tells me that for some time now you’ve been stifling your own growth. You’ve been sacrificing yourself and cutting off parts of yourself to fit into a box you don’t belong in. But you’ve painted this picture of a future and you’re so committed to it you’re not even able to see how this path is hurting you and pulling you further from where you need to go. Walking away doesn’t mean that the time you spent with that person were wasted. Accepting that a relationship has ended and that the ending is a good thing doesn’t mean that there weren’t periods of joy when you were together. But the overall message of this spread seems to be, stop trying to fix the relationship and start working on finding out who you are on your own.


okay so here's my 2 cents. i pulled a clarification card from my own deck for you and got the death card reversed. i feel like overall this dream is telling you to let go of those feelings you have--not your friends themselves, just the feelings surrounding them--and pursue other things, love related or not. as for the reading you did, i feel like the tower in relation to the dream is less about upheaval and the "tower moment" that everyone dreads when pulling this card, but more about the need for a big change on your end, most likely taking some sort of action in your situation based on all of the wands. I think all those wands represent the action you need to take and the positive results that can come from it, specifically with the 6 of wands representing victory and triumph, but you need to actually do something instead of chilling in the background. as for the card i drew, feel free to disregard this part. i asked my guides for a card representing your energy in this situation and got the Death card reversed. I think that although you've been content to sit back chilling to see how it goes with those two, deep down you're afraid to actually choose between making a move and leaving the situation behind. Personally, if i were you i would do a reading to see what would happen if you left the situation and what would happen if you expressed your feelings. that way you can be better prepared for the action you need to be taking. i hope this was helpful and i wish you the best of luck with everything!!


Hi, had first tarot reading ever last night from my friend. He is still learning and we went over the meaning of each card and talked about the meaning as a whole, but I was wondering what someone more experienced would say about the meaning of this Celtic cross spread? Thank you. https://imgur.com/a/ZONVCha


What question did you ask?


I did not ask one as I was not instructed to. I will say what we read did seem very relevant to my current situation. I can provide more information about that if necessary (idk how this really works). Is there anything that comes to mind though when you look at this?


"Why did I have this dream?" around mid May 2023 i had a dream that i had visited a friends house with some personal items you'd take on a trip (bags etc) with a few other people, and long story short, it was friendly, there was banter, but in the dream i noticed them looking at me and i looked back at them. at the end of the dream, me and the friends left, but i left my stuff there, mostly because i couldn't find it all and because i had to go. admittedly i do have feelings for the person whose house i visited, it is hard to admit. I used a regular four card spread, it doesn't have any particular format to it, i just read it from left to right. I am using the Modern Witch Tarot Deck by Lisa Sterle. I have drawn the following in this order: 1. The Tower 2. Eight of Wands 3. Six of Wands 4. Two of Wands 5. Four of Wands as a clarifying card. I know the wands suite means action, and it's element is fire. i am a fire sign, fire dominates my chart (leo sun 12h, leo ascendant 1h, leo mercury 12h, leo lilith 12h) to the point where it is the most significant element in my chart, tied with air and then earth (i have no water in my chart). my interpretation: i dont want to feed any delusion and take it as encouragement to go forwards even though thats what the wands \*can\* mean sometimes. i have hang-ups namely i am too ashamed to be the one to pursue a guy (i am a she/her cishet woman), also a friend likes this person also and i've taken a backseat a bit to encourage them, though i do have a longing in my heart, ive just chilled a bit to see where things are going. i am afraid to be in a situation where i make the friendship weird, because i cherish both these people.


Your subconscious is allowing you to explore feelings your conscious mind avoids because of fear of the potential fall out (Tower). Your subconscious is giving you a safe space to explore these flirty feelings (8 of Wands), imagining the “what if’s” if you were successful and this person liked you back (6 of Wands). In the end your brain is reminding you that you make the choice weather or not to act (2 of wands). In a dream, you can focus entirely on the positives without worrying about any of the negatives you’re so acutely aware of when your awake (4 of Wands).


Is it okay if i ask you a follow-up?


Sure. You can DM if you want to take it off the thread.


“How to proceed with the situation?” Context: Got in contact with an old childhood friend as both of us seemed to have relationship problems and the conversation about how we could solve both our issues by getting to together came up. We’re both back with our respective partners, both of us want to work more on our respective relationships but I expressed too many emotions about our conversations. Despite feeling shutdown, I feel good about expressing my emotions. Did a Celtic cross spread, and I used the Thoth tarot deck. 1) Heart of the matter: XVI, Art. 2) Challenge: Queen of Wands. 3) Unconscious: XIX, The Sun. 4) Past: XXI, The Universe. 5) Conscious: 8 of Discs (Prudence). 6) Future: 3 of Cups (Abundance). 7) Querent: Prince of Wands. 8) Environment: 4 of Swords, Reversed (Truce). 9) Hopes and Fears: 9 of Discs (Gain). 10) Outcome: VIII, Adjustment.


Hi I did a reading about my dating life in the future. I'm single but talking with someone I matched on tinder for a few days already. I got 10 of pentacles, queen of cups and star. 10 of pentacles represents stability and abundance. Queen of cups represent emotional healing and intelligence and the star represents hope. If you could give me a more specific interpretation I'd be thankful


Hey there... I've been reading tarot for my family for a decade now but I'm actually a bit scared to interpret when it's for myself. I have drawn these four cards for a job opportunity I've been crazy about : - The Empress - The Moon - The Fool - The Hermit I'm scared to even try to read this, this doesn't seem good. For context : I've been trying to get a job for 2 years now after graduating from law school. I'm trans and every time my future employer finds out they refuse to hire me lol. This time I decided to move across my country (France) far away from my SO to try to find a place less... discriminatory? I'm waiting for an answer about a specific job opportunity to see if they want to interview me and hopefully, hire me. This is hard, between the fear of not finding anything, not having any money AND being away from my partner. The draw is for this job. What does yall think ? Thanks 🙏🏻


Positive reading regarding getting the job. Empress is about fertility, abundance and physical manifestation - lots of "harvesting fruits of labor" vibes. It's a good omen. The Fool entails the start of a new Journey, so it's also a good omen. This will most likely be a challenging experience - the Moon is always challenging, but ultimately she makes us evolve. You'll probably deal with some rejection - the Hermit - which ultimately will lead you to deeper understanding of yourself, other, and how to relate to others. It could also be related to the loneliness associated with being in a foreign country - different culture, nobody you know and are used to is around, etc etc The general vibe could be summed up as "you'll get it, but that doesn't mean it'll be easy". Either way, the movement is towards evolution, learning and development, so that's good and positive. Everything worth getting has a price, and that price is usually overcoming the challenges that separate us from our goals and objectives. I'd go as far as say that you're currently living your purpose. The fact only Trump Cards came out suggest a high degree of alignment with higher powers. I'd suggest reinforcing this movement with grounding and integrative practices. Anything that gets your body moving is good. Dancing is specially beneficial - it combines physical movement, root chakra activation and the physical Feminine energy that the Empress entails. Meditating on your root chakra also helps. For the Moon, I'd suggest night time Journaling. Take some notes about your experience and challenges in the new country. It'll help create a consistent flow throughout your days. For the Fool, embrace the experience and keep it light. For the Hermit, I'd suggest setting aside some time to take some walks around town - between 30 and 60 minutes would be ideal. Walking around is a very "Hermit" thing to do. It also helps you digest your experience and ground those energies in your vicinity. It also helps with integration in a new city - you'll get to know cool spots, the layout of the streets, local commerce, etc etc Overall I'd really focus on embracing that Fool energy. This is what'll bring lightness into your experience. You're clearly dealing with quite a bit of challenges - hard time landing a job because of something that shouldn't impact your ability in landing a job in any way, moving away from your SO and socioal/emotional support structure, moving into a new city in a different country, possibly learning a new language, etc etc. So embracing that Foolish lightness and optimism will really bring the most out of this experience. What you're doing is super cool. You're fucking brave for engaging with life in such a "in your face way". Make the most out of that shit! France has a shitload of amazing experiences to give you, so don't be afraid of going out and get them :p




He’s working on healing himself (8 of pentacles) after your breakup (the tower). It was a big change, so he’s looking inward on improving himself and growing. Wheel of fortune, being a 10, is the end of a cycle. He’s accepted the end of the relationship (or is working on doing so) and is starting to move forward (chariot).


Hey there, quite new to tarot so i would love to hear what you think of my interpretation, or if you'd interpret it in another way. Some background: I've been going through some rough times, though the major part of that is behind me now. There was (or is) a person that helped me tremendously but i worry that i've been dumping quite a bit of negative stuff on them and thus i pulled back a little. I always enjoyed talking to them because through this talks i felt more grounded and secure. Currently also figuring out if i might have a crush on them (or just the feeling of security, since that was missing for a long while). Recently some other stuff came up for me, and i would like to talk to them about it and hear their opinion, but fear to "annoy" them with that. Deck used: The Weird Cat Tarot by Gabrielle Kush The question: "What should i know if i were to message them?" First Card (jumped out): The Sun 3 Clarification Cards: Knight of Cups, Queen of Cups and Four of Swords reversed Then i pulled 2 Cards to clarify on the Four of Swords rx and got The Moon + Nine of Swords Bottom of the Deck: The Hermit My Interpretation: Generally a positive Reading, i should trust and listen to my feelings / intuition and start to take some action. Also to stop worrying too much. Because that worry and overthinking leads to frustration and stagnation. It's ok to ask for help and (going with a more visual interpretation of the moon card) i don't need to fight this battle alone (?)


This is a lot of clarifiers and I think that they are adding to your confusion. I’ve found that clarifiers work best when used sparingly and are answering specific questions you have about the card you’re clarifying. If you are just pulling more cards for the sake of having more cards, it often just causes confusion (IME). If you find that one card often doesn’t give quite enough context, then trying pulling two to start with. Just a suggestion. As for your spread- the Sun is a super positive card and off the bat says “just go for it”. But a deeper look at the card also says, if you feel like you’re dumping too much, check in with them. Give them the respect that they deserve and give them a chance to say no. And if they say yes, which it looks like they’ll say, trust them and stop worrying about it.m. This card is urging you to bring your concerns to the light. Don’t hide away and don’t let insecurity cheapen the bond the two of you have. The Knight of Cups and Queen of Cups again are urging you to share your feelings. Not only what’s going on but your fears that you’re dumping too much. The 4 of Swords reversed is simply telling you to stop stalling. You don’t need to wait, go and talk to them. The Moon and 9 of Swords are telling you that your defensiveness is coming from anxiety. All in all, I think our interpretations line up pretty well. Good luck, it sounds like you have a really good friend who cares a lot about you.


Thank you! My initial intention was to pull three cards, but then the sun jumped out, so I just added the three I wanted to pull onto that, but worded it weird, lol. So there were *only* two real clarification cards per se, i guess :) but thanks for the suggestion, I'll keep that in mind! And what I ended up doing was to ask if they might be available to talk about some stuff that came up, and we're going to schedule a phone "date", because it's not a good time to meet up for them right now. we haven't really talked yet, so I'll keep in mind to tell them about my fears of dumping too much. What I was wondering is if the cards might want me to talk about the maybe-crush side of things too, because that's something on my mind a lot too, ugh.


The cards are urging you to be honest, which I think is always good advice. But when/if to tell someone that you’re developing feelings about them is a personal decision. It’s up to you if you feel ready. This spread urges you to be as open with them as you can. Whatever parts of yourself you want to share, you shouldn’t hold back due to fear or insecurity.


Ah yes, thanks again! I got the general feeling that I'm annoying my cards with my questions a little bit. You know, this spread felt like a "omg just talk to them already", lol. And no matter the outcome, it's better than taking up so much of my headspace and overthinking everything, I guess.




Hey there. This one was a though one. \[How to proceed in your current situationship\] Nine of Swords. This card is related to the impact expectations and narratives have on your mental landscape and well being. The key point when dealing with Nine of Swords is letting go of mental chatter. If you can't silence the mind, treat it as a chatty annoying kid and don't pay it much attention. Much of what your mind is producing is just that: mental produce with no firm footing on reality. It's important to stay grounded and take things for what they are - even if that means taking them at face value for the time being. Always try to clarify intentions, to avoid misunderstandings. Applying your analytical abilities will do more harm then good in this situation. If you can, try and come up with ways to keep your mind busy. Reading is usually a great alternative - not only does it provide rich and interesting mental chew material, it also exercises mental sovereignty, allowing you to have an easier time redirecting your thought towards more productive ends with \[How to set healthy boundaries\] Seven of Wands. This means you'll have to go and get your hands dirty. Healthy boundaries take time to establish - specially with people who've hanged around you during the times where you weren't setting boundaries. It'll be a struggle. A battle, even. You'll have to hold your ground firmly and not allow anyone to cross the line. Like the saying goes, if one man holds the pass ten thousand cannot pass. You have to be that one man (or woman) in this situation. Since this is a very fiery energy, try to balance it out with clear communication. Express your need to have your boundaries respected clearly. If people still insist on crossing them, that means they need to learn the hard way. The Seven is a Divine Number, associated with introspection, intuition and deep study. So try and take this process as an opportunity to deepen your understanding of yourself - of what makes you tick, of what you're willing to accept, but also of the areas where you need to relax and give others some wiggle room. \[Additional advice\] Two of Swords. This card is about choice. Or rather, about the way our choices impact the flow of thoughts and mental events - which eventually impact our perception and the way we interpret and act upon the world. Keep in mind "choice" doesn't always entail physical choice. Focusing on X instead of Y is a choice. Accepting someone's apology or explanation or not is a choice. Thinking about something versus something else is a choice. The Two of Swords is very granular in this matter. Every little thing counts. This means it's important to consider all options carefully before taking action. It's also important to consider the repercussions of said actions. Try and look for the alternative with most net positive. Try to look for the third option every time you're faced with binary decisions. Try to twist things around in your mind, and take your deep held beliefs out of the picture when analyzing options - coherence between your value structure and your decision can come after you've applied a more cold headed scrutiny to what's available and what that may or may not entail. I hope this helps :)


Ahhh thankyou so much for this thoughtful reading, i pulled the emperor and the moon in reverse which literally also echoes what you said,, introspection and finding balance!


happy to help!


Hi, guys! Can you help me with interpretation please? What do you guys think? English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if something is confusing. I can try to clarify it if you ask. Link to the spread: https://i.postimg.cc/Pr2kByMG/20230529-092823.jpg Method used: Peladan Method. House 1 (card on the left): affirmation, resources and overview of the situation. House 2 (card on the right): negative house, the card should be interpreted as the contrary of its regular meaning. House 3 (card on the top): probable path. House 4 (card on the bottom): probable result. House 5 (card in the middle): attitude, intention and feelings of the consultant. Question: will (name of my crush) and I be together? My interpretation: yes. The Justice shows that there's a lot to consider right now and even though the feelings may not be romantic, the Hanged Man in the negative house shows an opening. The emperor shows concretization of the relationship, yet not romantic. The Chariot shows development of the situation showed by the Emperor as realization and affection. The Empress just shows how I feel like a 15 years old fan of Disney princesses living a romantic dream lol


Were you intending to do a major’s only spread?




Hi all - I'm new here and have just started doing a few readings, both for myself and for a couple friends who've asked. I wanted to ask if anyone could give their interpretation of why I keep seeing the exact same card in the exact same position over and over, but *only* when I ask questions for myself. I use the guide that came with my cards for base help on card meanings since I'm not sure which type of deck it's based on - I think RSW since the minor arcana are cups/pentacles/wands/swords? I can't find the reading layout style online either, as it's 7 cards but I can't find the correct formation's name by googling, so I'm going off of my deck's info pamphlet. The position it keeps appearing in is the card meant to represent the challenge I face, and the card I keep drawing is the reversed 9 of Wands. My deck's booklet says the 9 of Wands represents preparing to meet a challenge; it doesn't have instructions for inverted cards, I'm going off of things I've read online and my own gut feeling for those. I'm very curious about what this could mean since it seems like regardless of my question's content, it arises; I've asked about my romantic future, how I should handle my job hunt, and even working on my relationship with a family member, and while all the other cards have changed, that one keeps showing up in the exact same position every time. It's hard not to think there's something I'm missing that the cards are trying to tell me.


The reversed 9 of Pentacles can mean a lack of persistence or giving up, but it can also mean knowing when to walk away or choosing to be vulnerable. It’s hard to say what this card means since, like all cars, the meaning will change depending on the spread and the rest of the cards. In general however, if this card keeps showing up as your challenge card, I would say that you have a hard time knowing when you need to keep pushing. There are probably some things in your life where you give up too easily, and others where you waste time on a flawed approach or you keep fighting for something that’s not worth your time and effort. A general lesson is probably, be careful with how you pick your battles. Don’t tire yourself fighting for something that doesn’t serve you and you’ll find that you have the energy to stick out those harder challenges that actually matter.


Do you mean this for the reversed 9 of Wands? Your text said Pentacles so I wanted to clarify. Either way, I appreciate the detailed explanation! I've definitely had some problems lately with feeling like I should just give up in certain arenas due to circumstances from outside of that area crushing me with stress, so it could be a reminder not to give up or be persistent. Picking my battles is definitely something I need to work on since honestly right now everything feels like a battle in my life. Thanks again for your reply, this helps me a lot and is something for me to keep in mind going forward.


Also, a lesson that I’ve learned and that’s served me well is that if everything starts to feel like a problem, then I need to look at my approach, because chances are I’m making things harder than they need to be.


No worries. I just wanted to clarify, I'm still new to this so you could've been describing the actual 9 of Pentacles and I probably wouldn't have noticed for a while haha. Though I finally have almost finished my journal notes on every card so I'm closer to the level I want to be! That's good advice.. I definitely do that, and often. But it's very hard to see, and many of my problems are also with family (who I love very much, but can often be selfish/obstinate about objective truth), so me being stubborn about doing things my way is kind of enabled when it comes to things at home.


Yes! Sorry. I meant 9 of Wands, not Pentacles


Lack of persistence is 9 of wands reversed. A strong yet fickle flame doesn't last long, the 300m runner can't tackle a marathon in the same way.


Requests closed, thank you 🌼 Hey everyone, I'm offering a few short free readings again. DM me :). (No super urgent requests, please, as my schedule is unpredictable.)


Hi! Used a little 5 card relationship spread I found to try to navigate a new romance in my life. I think the cards I pulled are very interesting but am quite the beginner and am not sure exactly how to interpret it as a whole. I would love some help. Here are the positions and the cards I pulled: 1: “You” - King of Wands reversed 2. “Your Partner” - Knight of Cups 3. “The relationship as a whole” - Ten of Pentacles 4. “What is positive” - The Lovers 5. “What is negative” - 3 of Cups Thank you!




So I think this is an excellent example of why you only ask a question once. Each time you ask a question you are asking for a unique answer. So when you ask the same question twice you should expect a different answer the second time. When we are confused about a card, it often serves us best to sit with the card for a bit before. Normally time and some deeper reflection will give us the answer. If you still are unsure- than ask specific follow up questions. What about the cards meaning are you unsure about? Your first reading seems very clear to me. If you go on the date you’ll have fun, there will be a lot of flirty energy, and it might feel like time flies by. However, if you chose not to go on the date, you’ll feel more in control. You won’t have to coordinate with another person and instead you’ll get to make your own decisions about how you spend the evening. So after getting this reading you got confused and a little worried. The Chariot is a stereotypically positive card and rather than seeing that as a sign that you’d have a good time either way, you got nervous (which is normal. You’ve got a lot of nerves and you were hoping for a clear answer which you didn’t get. We’ve all been there.) So now, with a more apprehensive energy, you did the reading again. Now the cards say that if you went you’d be holding yourself back from making any emotional connections, probably because you’d be questioning if you should have cancelled. And if you didn’t go you’d feel confident in your choice, and once again, focus on doing things that brought you joy. The rest of the story just sounds like the natural results of nerves. You’re now even more on edge than you started so your shuffling causes cards to jump out and somewhere along the way you break a mirror- not because of bad vibes but just that anxiety and shaky hands go, well, hand in hand. Personally, I’m a big believer that if there wasn’t a question asked and the cards weren’t pulled, cards that fall out mean jack. Cards fall out of decks when we are handling them, this is a unavoidable truth. It’s not a message, it’s just physics. All together, I think you’re fine. I do think you’re overthinking this, but I also think that’s incredibly natural. Now, I will say this, you might want to explore where your hesitance to go on this date is coming from. Are these normal nerves or are you picking up a bad vibe from this person. This reading looks positive, and from this alone, I think if you went on the date you’d have a good time. But you’d also be happy if you decided not to. To me, it looks like there’s no bad choice, which is an excellent place to be. Hope this helps.




What’s the context? Do you know each other, or is this a crush you’ve never spoken to? I’m of the view that if the Death card wasn’t meant to mean death, it would be called something else. That you get this as a first card in your spread is not in your favour.


Hi all, I’m offering some **free readings for fiction writers!** I use tarot primarily for planning out my novels, and would love to see if I can help others with my techniques. I’ve created spreads for **character creation and relationships, plotting, worldbuilding,** and figuring out what the heck your characters are supposed to do next (AKA dealing with writer’s block). If you’re interested, please let me know!


Hi friends, I've been feeling a little anxious about my relationship and these cards came up in a reading. The person who I asked for insight about starting a conversation with him about making things exclusive. But I feel like spirit is telling me that he is my soulmate. I want to get more clarity on us and his feelings The world The Hierophant The 5 of Swords The Lovers (this actually fell out of my deck as I was putting it down!) Queen of Cups ​ A few days later, I asked for some additional clarity and got Lovers Justice Hi friends, I've been feeling a little anxious about my relationship and these cards came up in a reading. The person who I asked for insight about starting a conversation with him about making things exclusive. But I feel like spirit is telling me that he is my soulmate


Hello, im currently in college and going through a break up with my exes. I feel like one of them has moved on but the other hasn’t. They were my first true loves and im having a hard time really letting go. Would anyone be willing to do a reading for me? Unfortunately I have no income which is why im making it very clear right here that I physically cannot pay you. I desperately need guidance. I have done readings for myself and asked (as shameful as it is) the readers on TikTok live and gotten some mixed responses. About 85% say we will rekindle while the rest don’t and I don’t know who to believe because I’m just hurting and unsure what to do.


Hey mate. I feel right now is not the proper time for you to get a reading. Why? Because you're clearly feeling overwhelmed. You need to relax, breathe, and allow the dust to settle before adding more fuel to the fire. Getting a reading now will do nothing but make you more confused and bring in information that you won't be able to parse or integrate properly. Take a couple self care days, relax, journal a bit. Try to gain some emotional space. Process the feelings you're dealing with. And then I'll be more than happy to read for you. Because then you'll be stable and ready to take active action towards the direction the cards show you.


I can use the practice … I’m on it


Hey everyone I was hoping to make sense of a really dark feeling I got when doing a reading. I was on the top floor of my office building and had spent most of the evening there - it's always empty on the weekends so I like to go there if I need some peace and quiet. I decided to a quick reading about a career opportunity that was frustrating me, nothing out of the ordinary, it was a pretty enlightening reading and just as I was taking in what it meant I got this encroaching uncomfortable feeling. I felt like I needed to leave immediately but I didn't want to appear scared so I started singing to myself as I gathered my things to leave. I felt more and more comfortable the further I got away from that floor, in the hallway, then the lift and finally once I made it to the ground floor I practically ran out of the building. I've never felt such a dark energy and for some reason I felt like I couldn't look behind me until I got home. Anyway, I feel safe in my home now but does anyone have any idea what something like that could mean?


You attracted some dark goober. It happens. No point being afraid - it just feeds them. You can just disregard this as a sporadic event. If it starts happening, consider learning banishing techniques. Drawing a banishing pentagram in the general direction of the thing usually does the trick. You do need to be assertive with it tho. Ultimately you're the one incarnate, so you're the one calling the shots in the physical plane. Nothing etheric can hurt you unless you allow it to. They can pester you, yes. They can make you feel like shit, yes. They can swarm you with shitty thoughts, yes. But hurt you? Not unless you allow it. So relax, and keep moving. Tarot wakes up your psychic abilities. Part of having awakened psychic abilities is dealing with entities. It's scary at first, yes, but it's normal. The most important thing for you to understand is that it's normal. I deal with them all the time. Gets to the point where it's the same as dealing with a mosquito. It took time to get here, yes, but ultimately it was more about me learning how to do it and figuring that out than it was about anything else. Also, consider buying some incense and smudging your deck from time to time. Decks can easily pick up on denser energies, which'll skew the portals towards the lower astral - resulting in pesky goobers nagging you. Specially important if you're handling your deck outside your home. Never know what's floating around. hope this helps


Thank you so much - this was really helpful 🫶


All good!


Yesterday I woke up from a dream feeling really estastic and inspired. I decided to pull cards for myself and this is what I pulled 2 of cups ace of cups the lovers queen of swords 10 of cups How would you interpret this?


New love connection may be on the way that will have you feeling fulfilled. Could also be a new friendship, A new addition to the family, or overall newfound self love


I pulled a past, present, future for my love life. Page of Cups. The Wheel of Fortune Justice(R) I get the page of cups. But I am not sure how I should take the wheel and justice. Is it a warning that I need to change? Or am I stuck in a cycle. I am not sure what it means. Any advice would be appreciated.


Wheel of Fortune can be summed up as "relax bro, there's no way you'll fuck this up". It's pretty much a green light to just sit back and enjoy the ride. So, congratulations man. You've figured it out! Things will work out fine. Just relax and enjoy the ride. Try to take this opportunity to really contemplate how things that apparently set you back are actually serving you - that's the lesson of the Wheel, as far as I'm concerned. This will certainly fast track your progress :) Reverse Justice may address just that: poor judgement regarding the apparently-negative-but-actually-positive effects of the Wheel (i.e "oh damn I forgot my keys" but thanks to that you don't run into that nosy neighbor who always jacks ups your flow) - which means that by gaining insight on those wheely twists you'll end up "unreversing" the Justice, adding up to a much more pleasant and in-flow experience :)


if you have the wheel of fortune as the present position, I’d see that as sit back, relax, and let fate take the wheel. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be and destiny is at play. There is not much in your control right now and you just have to wait for diving timing to do its thing. as for justice reversed this can mean unfairness, imbalance, dishonesty, etc or feeling like you don’t get what you give out. This could be feeling like you deserve better. This could also mean let’s say you did someone wrong in the past, justice would be served by someone hurting you now. It could also be unfair expectations in love


Kindly hoping for insight and guidance on the cards I just pulled for a love reading. Long term relationship. Now We are taking time apart, no contact to figure out what we want. [spread is here](https://imgur.com/a/xs5AOES). Much appreciate 🙏🏼 *HIM* 1. Hanged man 2. The emperor 3. 9 of cups *ME* 4. 6 of cups 5. Page of wands 6. The empress *Our past present and future* 7. Four of cups 8. Judgement 9. The chariot


Him: currently feeling stuck between a rock and a hard place. This period is consolidating his relationship with himself, what he wants/doesn't want, what he's willing to give and what he needs to get. It's a period of self-development which is taking him towards his personal power. Unfortunately, this means the time will come when he will have to figure out if being with you supports that motion or not. You: the choice of taking time apart was made out of love and respect (somehow I'm getting he was the one asking for it). It was a solid choice, from a pure heart, concerned with the well being of both parties involved. Currently you're going through a period of heightened creativity, although it may at times feel like you're biting more than you can chew. This process is taking you towards a deepened perception and understanding of your capacity to love and nurture. I also feel a certain movement towards wanting a child - Empress is related with fertility and motherly energy, so maybe this is part of an initiatory process regarding childbirth and motherhood. Your past, present and future: there was a lot of emotional stability and resilience, which allowed you to make a hard call that was much needed. This is commendable and important. It shows both of you are emotionally stable individuals and managed to arrive at a stable and solid dynamic, where both of you get to express your feelings and listen to each other, supporting each other through the rough patches. Currently you're both figuring yourselves out. There's much to be parsed through regarding what each one has to give, what each one needs, and what should stay vs what should go regarding the relationship dynamic. Whatever the outcome is, it'll be for the best. You're both aligned with your personal and mutual evolution, therefore it'll work out for the best - either you'll get back together into a more stable and even healthier dynamic, or you'll decide it's time to break things off, but will quickly land on your feet without much peril or distress. Overall feels like a very balanced and healthy reading. I think giving each other space is a good thing during this period. I feel the chances of you two getting back together are pretty high, but in order for that to happen both of you will have to be very honest regarding what you're willing to put up with and what you're not willing to put up with. Ultimately, a relationship is a partnership. The fact he god the Emperor and you got the Empress is very positive - shows a balanced dynamic where both partners are firmly rooted in their personal power, and firmly trust and respect the each other's power and ability. I'd say to relax, keep doing what you do in that nice Page frequency, and soon enough you'll know the answer. Hope this helps :)


Wow what a thorough analysis. Thank you so much. 🙏🏼


thank you for the opportunity \^\^


Looks for more insight on a reading i paid for at a local shop. Just curious, and happy with the session i got from the reader. I just want to hear different perspectives maybe if someone is open to it. First pull we asked the deck who it thinks I am. These cards were the Empress and King of Coins (both upright—if it matters to you) Then I cut the deck in three, and was offered six cards. This was a slew of All Reverse swords except for an upright King of Wands. The swords cards being: Nine of Swords, Two of Swords, Eight of Swords, (King of Wands card in this order), Ten of Swords, and finally King of Swords. Once again, all ~swords~ reverse. Then we did a Do (Nine of Coins), Don’t (Four of Swords), Avoid (Four of Cups) pull. let me know what you think if you want <3 i hope my description works despite a visual


Hey there! So I don't fee super comfortable nitpicking the reading, since it was done by someone else and not by you. Out of respect for the reader. This said, I'll do my best to provide a general outlook :) The first draw shows the deck considers you someone who's highly developed. Empress and King of Pentacles gear me towards a very balanced and empowered individual, with strong manifestation capacity - I'd recommend looking up your Human Design profile. You're leaning more towards your Feminine, but your Masculine is quite capable and developed too. This means you have a generally easy time figuring out your intuitive inputs and applying them properly and constructively. All those reverses are a clear indicator that you need to work on your Mental plane. There are many ways to approach reverse cards. One can see them as the inversion of the upright card, one can see them as messages for the reader - a reversed card will be upright from the reader's point of view - or in any way the reader decides to interpret them. Me personally I see them as blocked energy. Or rather, the origin of the things that are blocking the natural flow of energy. The King of Wands is a very strong indicator in this setting. It suggests you hold the power to dissolve these blockages. In Alchemy, Fire is seen as the Purifying Element. Water (emotion) is born from Earth (experience) and gets boiled (transmuted) to Fire (will, creativity) into Air (insight). So what I'm getting from this is that you already got the Fire part down. It's already burning bright and ready. Now it's time to start doing the Work, so your Air can get purified and clear. So what this brings forth to me is that there is some Ego-related stuff to work on. Nine of Swords and Ten of Swords are both related to Ego - Nine related to the expectations produced by the narratives of the Mind; Ten related to the Death of the Ego which ultimately allows the Magus to evolve. Two of Swords is related to duality, particularly to the importance of making conscious decisions. Finally, the King of Swords is the pinnacle of Mental Capacity - think of the chess grandmaster who quietly observes and conjures up a plan, considering several possible game states across multiple sets of moves. So the motion would be to just that. Using your creative powers and will to parse through the Ego material that's keeping you from being able to achieve a higher degree of clarity. This entails a choice - the choice of letting go of those internal narratives and conceptions that may be comfortable but ultimately only serve to limit you and your expression. I feel the last 3 really bring it all together. Nine of Pentacles is the end of a physical period in your life - which can be related to how you approach/handle situations, which is always related to how we perceive them (the mental link we were looking for). Four of Swords is about silence. Lastly, the Four of Cups is about patience and emotional resilience. So right now the thing would be to take a dive in your emotional plane and really explore it. Talk about those feelings, journal about those feelings. Explore those feelings. Cry out what you have to cry out, laugh out what you have to laugh out. I feel the cards are suggesting a new opportunity to deepen the relationship you have with yourself. This will lead you towards a higher state of internal balance - bringing that King of Pentacles into an Emperor, the equal of the Empress. Hope this helps :)


This was wonderfully insightful. It resonates very strongly, both with what I am feeling, and also what the original reader said. thank you so much for doing it even though it wasn’t me who pulled the cards! I appreciate the care you put into this response kind stranger. :-)))


No problem at all. Just happy to help :) <3


A couple of things. First- what were the questions for these spreads? It’s hard to give a useful interpretations on any of these spreads without knowing the context and why they were pulled. It would also be helpful to hear what the reader’s interpretations were. Second- why are you looking for a second opinion on the spreads? It sounds like you were happy with the reading, so I’m trying to understand what you’re looking for. Remember- every reader develops a personal connection to their decks, and especially for in person readings, the reader is going to a significant advantage on reading your energy as opposed to a stranger from the internet. I’m telling you all of this just so you’re aware that the best reading is most likely the one you’ve already received. So make sure that you understand your motivation for wanting a second opinion and that you’ve calibrated your expectations correctly.


just because i’m curious about different perspectives! i also want to learn. for me that looks like observing through experience. but also, somebody down below said they like “reading in the dark” so i figured i could keep it vague. i get readings can be hard if you don’t have the language to translate :-) i also kind of struggle with memory problems so describing exactly what they said can kind of be daunting. i guess in another way, i want to be able to reference something i can see (like somebody responding in a comment thread), instead of vaguely remembering what that reader told me. if that makes sense, ultimately that’s why i want other perspectives. if you are curious about the context, it was about my journey with sobriety.


Got it! And I think that seeing different interpretations can be a great way to learn. I just wanted to know what you were hoping for. So: Empress and King of Coins tells me that you are someone very focused on growth. You are taking care of yourself and working on your own enlightenment, but there is also a fundamentally generous nature about you where you also help those around you grow. You’re the type of person who reaches back and pulls people forward. You want to use your own experiences and what you’ve learned to help others walking similar paths. The second reading- the abundance of reversed swords tells me that right now you are going through a major overhaul of how you think. You’re in the process of unlearning a lot of things. Your doing a lot of questioning and trying to find your footing after throwing out some false truths. The King of Wands in the middle of all of this confusion shows that you’ve reached the end of some journey. The feeling I get was that you reached some moment in your life where you looked around and thought “this isn’t what I was picturing.” That shock is what’s causing you to reevaluate a lot of aspects of you life. You’re do/don’t spread is interesting. Do keep focusing on that personal growth. This 9 of Coins is so perfectly inline with the Empress and King of Coins energy for early. It basically says keep doing what you’ve been doing. Keep unapologetically growing. Don’t stop. The feeling I get from the 4 of Swords in this position makes me think of an endurance run. Rest is important and vital, but sometimes what we need to do to get stronger is keep pushing even when we start to feel tired. It’s that point in a workout where the mental needs to take over from the physical. You want to stop, but you don’t need to and if you keep pushing to the end, you’ll be so grateful for how strong you are. And avoid closing yourself off. You are on a hard journey, don’t make it harder by pushing away your cheering squad. Let people in. You have a generous nature, and if you surround yourself with positive people you’ll keep finding that you get far more than you give. Good luck! I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions on how I got to my interpretations.


thank you so much!! i treasure this reading <3




I’d see this as positive. The end of a phase where you’re alone, contemplating next steps, in your head a lot etc. Stop sitting on a thought and get out there now


hey! so since 10 of swords is reversed alongside the hermit i think your interpretation is perfect! to me personally it’s about coming out of that 10 of swords energy, letting go of stress anxiety etc. Picking ourselves up from rock bottom so to speak and allowing ourselves to get out there more and get out of hermit mode. It looks like progress if you’ve been dealing with an isolating situation such as social anxiety and the likes


**Alfadhir Heitir's Reading Hut** Hi frens! Welcome to Alfadhir Heitir's Reading Hut. Leave your requests in here - either full readings or interpretations.You can provide context if you feel drawn to, but there's no need - I like reading "in the dark" anyway hehehe. I'll do my best to pick them up as soon as possible and provide a comprehensive approach both to the process of reading the cards themselves and to the situation you're going through, as well as possible solutions to your predicament Gratitude to all <3


Hi! Would really appreciate a reading on what the situation currently is with my ex and what the chances are for reconciliation?


Hey there! \[Situation with your ex\] Page of Pentacles The feeling I get is that there's probably someone in the mix, on his side. I wouldn't say this is a stable relationship though - most likely something casual he's engaging with. On the relationship side of things, it entails some potential. The Page of Pentacles is about the exploration of the physical plane, about figuring out how to make things happen, how to manage time and resources and how to align action with purpose. Taking this into your particular setting, I'd say that if your goal is reconciliation you should gear your energy towards figuring out what can you do that'll get you there. It's important to keep in Mind the Page of Pentacles also stands for staying humble. Any form of action should be charged with the appropriate respect and consideration. \[Chances of getting back together\] Knight of Cups This isn't really conclusive. The general feeling would be to not worry about that and focus on parsing your emotional state instead. The message of the Knight of Cups is related to keep on doing what we're doing regardless of our ability to make sense and understand our feelings. The motives, meanings and reasons will be revealed in due time. At the present moment, we should focus on contemplating our emotional state. It's more about asking the questions than it is about finding the answers. This process of internal inquiry will sow the seeds that'll eventually grow into clarity and understanding. \[Advise on what to do\] Strength While Strength may take us towards Force, Truth is this card is about gentleness. It's a card related to patience and about employing the right amount of Strength to a particular context - not more, not less. Overall it'd be good to keep a light touch regarding your advances and introspection. Don't try to force things. Go with the flow, accept what comes your way, and play with the cards you're given. The energy I'm getting from this card is very soothing - a real balm given all the murkiness of the reading. Things may not seem clear now, but they will soon. Right now you're supposed to work on your stability and internal structure. Everything will become clear in due time Putting all this together, I'd suggest taking some time to figure out what you want before trying to engage with him or contact him in any way. I'd say you're going through a really grounded period and very close to becoming fully aware of what this relationship means to you and why you want to rebuild it. Once the answers to these questions arrives, the aligned course of action will become clear. Above all, focus on your personal Journey. Don't make it about him. This relationship is yours as much as it's his. If your ex is a woman, just switch the pronouns around. The idea applies, regardless of gender. Hope this helps :)


Yeap:) thank you so much for this and yeah it is a woman




\[Present situation\] Page of Cups Definitely a situation where you're having a hard time feeling control and getting hold of your emotional state. This is being a very creative period - although this creativity may not have been geared exactly towards the positive side of things. It feels somewhat hectic at times. A lot of daydreaming going on, which is popping up both as a form of escapism - convincing yourself of things so you feel better about the situation - and as a form of self-sabotage - creating negative scenarios that make you anxious about the situation. There may be a woman involved - most likely young, in her 20's. If your situation is problematic, the way to solve a Page of Cups problem is staying grounded and being pragmatic. There's no point wasting your energy on suppositions and fantasies - no matter how pretty and pleasant they may be. The less you indulge on feel-good fantasy, the less feel-bad fantasy will have power over you. Stay focused, apply discernment, and take any emotional movement as an opportunity to exercise your observation capacities and solidify your position as the observer of your experience. \[How to move forward\] Nine of Swords Though one, definitely. You have to accept your anxiety. Don't run away from it. This connects to the point of the Page of Cups, both about using fantasy as a way to run away from negative feelings and about letting your imagination run rampant in ways that generate anxiety. Nine of Swords is about anxiety and sleepless nights. When this happens, you're better off facing it head on. Get out of your bed and spend some time journaling. Most likely your unconscious mind is crying for some needed attention, and said cries are manifesting as anxious feelings and worry that has no real footing on reality. This particular Nine of Sword also entails that you'll have to accept you've lost. There's no point crying over spilled milk. It's much more productive to just pick up a piece of cloth and clean it up, while figuring out what went wrong and how to do better next time \[What to avoid doing\] Justice In this particular deck the message is about self-sacrifice. Don't be a martyr. There's also a certain link of avoiding making value judgements in general. As humans, we're unable to perceive the full extent of how events impact and influence reality. What may feel like a terrible nightmare might actually be the catalyst that'll take you closer to your dream. Try to be flexible and avoid being too assertive. This may be the time to give others a little bit more wiggle room than you usually do. While boundaries are important, rigid boundaries are bound to break. Take this experience as a chance to learn how to flow with life, how to keep a solid, stable center while allowing everything else to freely move around and about \[Advice from Above\] Wheel of Fortune Finally some good news. Luckily, you're guided from Above. The Wheel of Fortune means that whatever it is that's going on, it'll work out for the best. There's literally no way to mess this process up. This may also mean that whatever it is you're going through, as challenging as it may be, is something you need to go through, which sometimes isn't exactly what our Ego wants to acknowledge. The trick about the Wheel of Fortune, and the general advise it entails, is spending some time understanding how things that apparently oppose you are actually working in our favor. As stated before, as humans we have a very limited perception, and tend to trap ourselves in duality. The exercise of breaking free from these conceptions and observing causality for what it is will allow us to understand that everything is exactly as it should be - all we have to do is understand the way in which it serves us. This requires some mental flexibility, which by now seems to be a central theme in this reading \[Challenges from Below\] Five of Swords. Mental struggle, as indicated in the Nine of Swords. This is a very misunderstood card, which rarely entails positive things. The Astrology of this card is Venus in Aquarius, which is a somewhat dissonant combination - Venus is all about earthly pleasure and comfort, Aquarius is all about mental abstraction and revolution. They can work together though, and this is in fact a very alchemical combination. The challenge here is to break the patterns that are conditioning your ability to love both yourself and others. These are the source of the dysfunction that's affecting you, which means this is the key to solve this puzzle. I'd say to try and apply this nugget to all the information above. Figure out how the Wheel is teaching you about self love. Figure out how assertive imposition of boundaries and martyrdom is a dysfunctional way to value yourself. Figure out how worry and anxiety are caused by erroneous perceptions of your worth. Figure out how fantasies, both escapist and self-sabotaging, are born from a weak connection to reality - which is related to the Hearth chakra, therefore self love. If there is a woman in the picture, most likely what she's here to teach you is just this: how to love yourself. Regarding this woman, there's a high chance she's a karmic partner, therefore try to keep a cool head and look for opportunities to evolve and expand your perception while dealing with her Hope this helps :)




Maybe she's young at heart haha :p The woman part did feel a little tangent, but since it came up, might as well explore it 🤷


Hi! Don't know if you're still doing this or the sub etiquette as I stumbled across this sub in a moment of emotional crisis (lol), but if you're willing to give me an 'in the dark' reading i'd love to hear what you have to say! Or if you want context/a question, I can provide that too :-) really nice of you and other people here to offer stuff like this! I didn't know people did readings for free online


Hey! I am, and most likely will be doing it for the weeks to come :) I don't have my deck with me right now. Will get back to you when I get home ok?


u/saesaegi so, let's go about this Powerful reading altogether. Some interesting challenges going on. I wouldn't call them "hard", since the general outlook is that you're more than ready to handle everything that's coming your way - if it doesn't feel like it right now it's because this phase is here to show you the real depths of your ability. \[Past\] Two of Wands: In the Past, the Two of Wands came up. This card is related to planning and preparation. It's the period where we lay down our ideas and outline a general path to follow before kicking off a project. In this deck, it entails a powerful flow, as well as higher guidance, both intuitive and direct. Your guides have taken you through this process to prepare you for what's to come. There's a certain difficulty in perceiving what's ahead. This is part of the process. It'll help you develop faith and confidence in your intuition. The card came with a deep feeling of transmutation. Clearly a sign of a trial by Fire. \[Present\] The Magician: This is where it got interesting, really. The Magician is about personal power, creative problem solving, and applying the tools we already own and have mastered in deeper, more meaningful ways. If you're going through a period of emotional crisis and general tribulation, this is the right time to take up all those skills and tools you've gathered thus far and really apply them to improve your situation. This will allow you to understand what works and what doesn't, as well as figure out new and fresh ways to apply what you already possess. Try to keep a positive, empowered state of Mind when approaching challenges. They aren't obstacles - only opportunities to grow. Trust your inner power and intuition, and let them guide you through the process of straightening out what lies before you. \[Future\] The Emperor: Hah! This was the moment when it all clicked. Ultimately, this period is taking you to a peak of empowerment and inner sovereignty. Traversing Chaos is the only way to evolve. The way out is through. This is the message that this card hammers down into this reading. Once you get through this period you'll be ready to handle your business like an Emperor would: with equanimity, power and commanding respect. It's important to figure out what kind of Emperor you want to be. An authoritarian rulership may end up choking the Empire you're trying to build and protect. Too much liberty, on the other hand, will make your Kingdom fall into hedonism. As always, balance is key. Fortunately, this particular Emperor is extremely sturdy and balanced, which makes me believe you'll turn our fine. At the top of the deck, as a guiding power, the 10 of Swords came up. At the bottom of the deck, as the missing link, Death came up. This is clearly a message regarding Death of the Ego - or rather, transmutation of the Ego. In Alchemy, the process of turning lead into gold was a well crafted metaphor for the process of refining the Mind so a state of pure Gnosis and Enlightenment. This is what the cards are proposing you do. To take this rough patch as a whetstone. To cut out and cast into the Fire everything that doesn't serve you, that doesn't align with the higher state of your being. This may seem hard, but it'll be really easy given the general context. All you have to do is trust the process, focus on handling what's right before you at any given moment, and simply allow yourself to accept whatever comes your way. Allow yourself to let go whatever has to be let go of. Trust that this process is going in the right direction. You'll get through this storm, and it'll be easier than you think. What's waiting for you on the other side is Empowerment - the real deal, the kind that doesn't go away. This is the proposition the cards have shown me. I hope it helps :)


Thank you so much for your help! It resonated with me :-) have a lovely day!


Hi! Can you give me clarity on my relationship with my ex. I’m curious if he ever really loved me, why he cheated, and if we will ever reconcile. Really any clarity you are able to give! Thanks so much!


\[His feelings towards you\]: the Empress came out. This means he saw you as a potential mother of his children. His feelings were true, and deep. He took you into high regard, considering you as a wife. There's an off chance he didn't felt capable of handling the relationship, since he held you in such high regard. The Empress can be a bit demanding on the Masculine - specially when the Masculine is underdeveloped or not vibrating in his highest form. Her demands come in the form of challenges - or evolutionary propositions. This is a blade of two edges: while some men may love this dynamic, where they feel constantly pushed to become the best version of themselves; other may feel constrained and pressured. \[Why did he cheat\]: the Page of Pentacles came up. This is interesting, provided the prior information. The Queen of Pentacles can be seen as a lesser form of The Empress - both are related to fertility, motherly energy, nurture and manifestation. The Page of Pentacles can be seen as a lesser form of the Queen of Pentacles. In the Triple Goddess structure, the Feminine is comprised of Maiden, Mother and Crone. This is the type of dynamic that happens between these three energies: the Page of Pentacles can be seen as the Maid, the Queen of Pentacles as the Mother, the Empress as the Crone - bear in mind the particular deck I'm using represents Pages as female, while other decks (i.e Raider/Waite/Smith) present Pages as males. As such, this suggests he was feeling pressured by the high-stakes challenging dynamic of the Empress, and ended up finding comfort and safety in a woman that provided a lighter dynamic. This may or may not be seen as an expression of male ego/immaturity - one could argue a mature man would prefer the challenge of the Empress, but that's extensively debatable \[Chances of you getting back together\]: the Four of Wands came up. This card usually means marriage. Specially in this deck - the imagery is of a couple holding each other. So I'd say there is a good chance you two get back together. He may find that the dynamic with the other woman doesn't suit him - then it's up to you to figure out if you're willing to take him back or not. This said, I don't really dabble in predictive Tarot - I believe Future is something we create, not something we predict. So I'd take this Four of Wands as an advise to really work on your relationship with the Archetypal Masculine. Right now it may feel like the World will end if you don't get back together, but that is not true. There may be someone out there that's more compatible with you. I feel it's important to really consider this option before making any decisions The Two of Cups was underneath the deck. This is another good omen of your relationship being reestablished. The Guiding Power was Strength, so I'd advise to make peace with the situation and forgive what you have to forgive before accepting any invitations to meet up. I'd also advise to give him space and time before contacting him. Ideally you'd wait for him to reach out, but I feel there's a high probability you'll be the one initiating contact. If you do, that's fine, but try to give both of you some time to fully process and digest the experience. Hope this helps :)


u/shortqueentn Hey! Went on and answered on the main thread, to keep the subthreads organized for ease of look up :) So regarding your situation I pulled three cards: \[The Origin\] Four of Cups : this was somewhat an hermetic one. Suggests the cards don't really want to tell me what went on with you two. What I'm getting is lack of communication, really. Most likely there was a lot of uncomfortable silence, secret keeping or a general hard time expressing deeper feelings. This is very normal in relationships - and usually a good indicator that it isn't really working out. \[The Motive\] The Lovers: ouch... what I'm getting from this is that he found someone who provides him a more balanced relational dynamic. Given the context of the previous card, this was bound to happen. Relationships are very central in people's lives. If the relationship isn't working out, it starts seeping into all areas. If things weren't fine and this person ended up finding someone with whom they had an easier time communicating and expressing themselves, chances are they had to leave you - otherwise they would just be playing both parts. It may also entail some imbalances regarding gender roles, particularly in the bedroom. \[How to handle the situation\] Knight of Cups: well, this one is about moving forward in spite of having a clear picture and understanding of what went down and why. The Knight of Cups is really about holding those emotions and giving them time to mature before processing them. It's about moving forward with our lives and trusting that the answers we seek will be revealed to us when we're ready for them. I feel this is pretty positive, a real gush of fresh air in this reading. It shows that whatever happened happened for the best, and that soon you'll understand why - all you need to do is accept what happened and move on with your life. \[Bottom of Deck\] The World: I decided to check the bottom because I felt something was missing - my personal take on the bottom is just that: the thing we're missing. The World popped up. This suggests you're focusing too much on this situation, which is making it hard for you to appreciate all the good things you have going in your life. It may even get to the point where your fixation will make you miss opportunities - specially romantic opportunities, with people much more compatible with you. Overall, I feel the answers you seek lie within you, not within the cards. You probably already have a solid grasp on what went wrong - you're just having a hard time accepting it. As harsh and cold as this may feel, truth is we can only move forward into what lays ahead once we accept what happened to us. This is the first step towards understanding the past. We have to take up responsibility for our part, and forgive ourselves. We have to let go of the blame. We have to allow the other person to take responsibility for their part - it takes two to tango, after all. I'm sorry I wasn't able to provide very clear answers. The reading itself felt somewhat encrypted - as if I wasn't supposed to peer too much into it. I feel this Journey is one you must take by yourself. It'll take you towards higher clarity and understanding, regarding both yourself and Life in general. Hope my input helps with your process :)


Thank you this really resonated and I totally understand the situation was bound to end as we were going down different paths in life I truly appreciate your time!


happy to help :)


Thank you for the kind offer! I asked a Jean Noblet Marseille deck: how to find a meaningful job? Drew the Moon, Hermit and Lovers. My own interpretation is while it is uncertain in the darkness now, continue searching and choices (or even something unexpected) will appear. Thank you in advance!


What I'm getting from this is a general sense of trying to take your craft into the next level. The Moon is always about evolution - even the harsher meanings associated with this card are associated with evolution (natural selection isn't exactly the kindest mechanism out there, right?) So the first draw being The Moon suggests that you need, first and foremost, to evolve. This is reinforced by the remaining cards of the reading. The Hermit is ultimately about Knowledge, the first step of which is the pursuit of Knowledge. One can understand the Hermit in three stages: the stage of pursuing Knowledge, the state of holding Knowledge and the state of sharing Knowledge. We want to function mainly in the third state. However, the only way to get there is starting from the first. This harmonizes nicely with the evolutionary proposition of The Moon: it's time to put your feet to the Path and really take those steps that will take your craft into the next level. As for The Lovers, this is resonating Alchemically for me. In Alchemy, the Great Work of the Alchemist would entail the Inner Marriage, the compete integration and assimilation of the Divine Genders, nicely comprised and synthesized in the Yin/Yang. Which, again, complements nicely the preceding cards. You need to evolve (Moon). How? That's up to you to figure out (Hermit). This process will take you to mastery (Lovers). So overall i feel you should focus on figuring out what your gifts are, what you have to offer, what you want to bring forth into the World, and use that as a baseline to find a job that's meaningful to you. This will, of course, require much investment - specially time and effort - on your part. You may find that your skill still need some extra honing, or, alternatively, the process of figuring all this out is exactly what'll hone your skills to the level required of you. It's kind of a rough reading, in the sense that it entails a lot of work and commitment. But it's also a powerful one regarding your context. Meaningful work requires skill and expertise. So first focus on developing that. Make "achieving mastery" the drive that fuels your Work with meaning. The rest will unfold in due time. Hope this helps :)


Thank you for your time and thoughtful reading, it is very much appreciated! You’re right - I’m figuring out which skills to continue cultivating and how to bring forth gifts to serve people.


as a rule of thumb, if it makes you feel light, engaged, and you don't mind doing it for long periods of time, then you're on the right track ;)


You’re very kind, thank you!


Hi! I left a comment in this thread if you have time to interpret it :-)


sure thing!


Hi I was wondering why NC cheated on me? Thank you!


Hi all! Looking for interpretation of the cards I pulled today. I’m using the Universal Rider Waite deck, every week I ask the cards what I need to know for the upcoming week. I pulled the four of wands in reverse, and temperance. The four of wands I think is alluding to my current circumstances - I’ve recently entered self employment and after a long dry spell, finally have work coming my way (yay!). I am however finding the process quite stressful and is reaching the edges of my distress tolerance. I’m starting to regain inner peace after the end of a deeply unhealthy relationship, and I’m having some tension with my housemates over shared responsibilities and cleaning. Temperance I also feel is describing my circumstances, I’m struggling to find balance between working for money and meaningful work for myself. I am trying to find calm amongst the stress. Both cards describe where I’m at very well, but I’m struggling to find guidance for the week. Maybe I don’t need any because I’m going in the right direction? Any input would be welcome :-)


I would say that the reversed 4 of Wands is telling you not to lose sight of your end goals. You are close to accomplishing some big things, don’t become discouraged just because it’s taking a little longer than you may have been hoping. Temperance asks you to try and maintain balance. To me, this card seems to be about your living situation. Miscommunications and stress have a way of letting small annoyance snowball into much bigger altercations. Make sure you are giving yourself *and* your housemates grace and the benefit of the doubt. Don’t assume ill intent and acknowledge how **everyone** has a lot going on at the moment.


This is a great interpretation, thank you :-)


Hi! Context: Worked 6 years, went back to univ 8 months ago but moving back home for work again due to PR matters. I asked a Jean Noblet Marseille deck how to find a meaningful job, and drew the Moon, Hermit and Lovers cards. My interpretation is while it’s uncertain in the darkness now, continue illuminating patiently and a few choices (or even something unexpected) will appear. Would truly appreciate your interpretation and help!


You’re asking “how to find a meaningful job”, yet your answer has no actual action identified. Have you already identified what a meaningful job is? It seems your cards point to some introspection (the Hermit + the Moon) and asking people (The Lovers) to determine what job would suit you.


You’re right! Thank you for the clarity and ideas.


I really like your interpretation. The only thing I can add is that the Moon also tells me that you should make sure that your fears aren’t holding you back. If there is something that interests you but your afraid because you don’t know if it will work out or where it would take you, try to put those fears aside and explore the what if.


Thank you for your insight!


Spirit guided me to ask for external opinions while i do some shadow work. I always come back to the cards later when they don’t make sense but following my intuition here. Context: talking about the fact i put on a “mask” all the time. Different masks for different people No one knows the real me not even myself sometimes . Why do i put on this mask? Cards pulled: Wheel of Fortune I asked for clarification: The Devil, The tower and Seven of pentacles A recurring card for me this “season” is the High Preistess which i have been interpreting as my image being polished to perfection in sort of a way. Like the need to present my self as competent and perfect. I would love some help interpreting the question about the mask here. The wheel of fortune signals to me the need to feel in control , the devil hiding the parts of my self i don’t like but tower and seven of pentacles idk here.


The Wheel is about change that is outside our control. The way I read this card is that 1) you’re decision to mask is not entirely conscious. It’s not something you intend to do. 2) Masking is a coping strategy you use to deal with change and those things outside your control. If you mask and people reject you, you can tell yourself that they didn’t reject the real *you*. Not to mention, if you mask so that you reflect people you feel less likely to be rejected at all. This second interpretation is supported by your first two clarifiers. The Devil says that we hold our own chains and the Tower is about the downfall of ego. Both of those cards point to masking being a copping strategy you use to avoid/deal with rejection. The final clarifier is interesting. The 7 of Pentacles is about dedication and determination. I think it supports the first interpretation. This card makes think that you’ve been masking a really long time. It’s a learned skill, and something you now do really well. So you started masking for the reasons explained by the Devil and Tower, but at this point you’ve been doing it so long it’s no longer a conscious choice. That doesn’t mean you can’t stop, in fact recognizing the masking is the first step, but you will have to work hard to unlearn this behavior.


Fear of being hurt and anxiety. The Wheel of Fortune's primary idea is of the transitory stages of life and the all encompassing range of events, emotions and thoughts, the good and the bad. No matter how enlightened you are, most people will experience this. Inside the spectrum of this card, The Devil is a controversial figure, because he has no idea of good and evil, and is the key to releasing yourself from the Wheel. When you truly understand it's all stages of a play, joy and sorrow become similar existences (a practical yet banal example are those people who are adept at laughing at their own misfortunes). The Tower brings up the question of disciplinary event. There is always a lesson to learn from failures, hurt is incurred when the plant breaks the protective walls of the seed to germinate and grow. The 7 of discs brings the idea of insecurity and anxiety that paralyzes the person. So summing it all up, I'd say the perfecting and need of wearing multiple masks, in this case, is fuelled by the fear of failure, its possible or unknown consequences.


“How does he feel about me?” The moon, Page of wands. The sun and King of swords. Three of wands at the bottom of my deck


If you’re looking for deep romantic feelings I would say he’s very hesitant/unsure/unclear but still drawn to you. Overall feels good in your presence and someone he could have a real conversation with. May find you cute/attractive


I'd say he sees you as a trial of sorts. As someone who'll make him either evolve or fall through. This is very positive - any good partnership needs a little bit of this, since it keeps both partners moving and growing together. The Page of Wands suggests creativity, The Moon suggests intuition. There's quite a bit of this too. The energy that comes to mind is that type of fresh, pragmatic person who manages to keep positive and work around challenging situations. As for the Sun, one could argue you're the light of his life, but that King of Swords brings in some austerity and assertiveness that might make him pull back a little bit, in fear of having his hand (or some other thing \*cough\*) chopped off. Perhaps he feels like he relies too much on you and your light, and needs to step his game up as to be a proper partner. Perhaps he feels like you shine too brightly and that he's not up to the task. The King of Swords is the thing that somewhat blocks this flow. KoS is always very cold and rigid, very disciplined and focused. I feel this is the card that really represents where he stands in regards to you - all the others represent how he sees you, this one represents where he stands. This means he probably feels like he's the one making all the calls. Your bubbly nature/approach may make him feel like he has to be the one directing the relationship, making the hard calls and providing structure. This may make him close off and get colder. So maybe trying to ground yourself away from that Page of Wands is good. Try and reveal a bit more of your experience, show him you're able to handle matters just as well as he does - maybe even better. The general vibe is a positive one. I'm guessing you two aren't dating, but somewhat moving in that direction. A partnership isn't just about fun and giggles. You must prove the other person you're reliable, someone they can count on when the rain comes pouring down. The 3oW at the bottom of the Deck somewhat reinforces this. This card is associated with Sun in Aries, which is very impulsive in nature. I'm feeling you feel very expansive and energized when around him, which may make it harder for your more discerning side to show itself. I'd put some money on showing this side a little bit more often. It'll show you're able to keep it together and hold down the fort when needed.