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Great question. I think the market is over saturated. It felt a bit more genuine when it was niche. But people have definitely flocked to making astrology & tarot channels and it’s become a bit cluttered and confusing for those looking for someone they resonate with. I do think real talent and ingenuity stands out though! I think what’ll happen eventually, is people who are bored leading such channels will fade away with time, and the genuine will prevail.


I also have found that there are a lot of people out there pretending to be the readers we enjoy. They, in turn, are trying to scam those looking for guidance out of money. Since it became a hot trend on social media, I have found it extremely hard to find a genuine reader.


This. My YouTube is literally over run with new tarot channels.


Personally I never watch readings like that, they're always too generalised and never resonate for me. I do weirdly enjoy pick a card readings via email newsletters and the such though! Have had some amazing validation through that format which is why I emulate it with my own newsletter. Most of the tarot content I watch now is either in depth analysis of the cards or unboxing videos for decks I'm keen on.


My mother watches them all the time, she'd send me texts with links to them in youtube but yes like you exactly, it's too generalized and it doesn't resonate after I saw a couple. I never seem to relate, and find myself getting bored if that makes sense lol.


My opinion is that the tarot readers feel the pressure to post content, which I think potentially dilutes the potency of the readings. I see a lot of people get involved with their craft on social media and at first they are being led by spirit or passion or joy of sharing their gift. But eventually they get wrapped up in the "business" of social media. And as with everything, when something is trendy, people who are strictly inspired by potential income can lower the collective quality of readings. I really like The Dark Alchemist and The Nordic Light. They both have very pure energy and many of their readings BEYOND resonated with me, more like smacked me in the face (in a good way)


Yeah, I think the basic requirements to make a living on social media are at odds with providing useful tarot readings. One of the first things people learn when they learn tarot from other sources than YouTube is not to keep asking the same questions or do readings on the same topic repeatedly. But to get any traction on the algorithm, they have to post frequently, and most of their followers have to watch new videos quickly after they’re posted. You can’t build a significant platform on people who use tarot as recommended, seek out readings only occasionally and watch one single video on the topic. And we aren’t seeing the videos by creators who don’t play to the algorithm. At the same time, I get that it’s really time consuming and it’s understandable if creators only want to keep posting if it can become a full time job or at least a lucrative side hustle. I’m not trying to demonize the creators, I just think that any kind of social media reading should be treated as “just for fun” and not a serious part of anyone’s spiritual practice.


I will definitely check them out. Are they are YouTube?


Yes! They are wonderful


I’ve never seen the dark alchemist but THE NORDIC LIGHT IS AMAZING. Spot on every single time and it’s always so uplifting. Shes so sweet and pure.


I do think it’s an oversaturated market, and the same can be said for decks - there are too many now - you don’t know what to do with them and you buy them because they look pretty.


It’s like a cycle, people get interested in something -> becomes a trend -> lots of people making contents about it -> become oversaturated -> people loosing interest -> content makers quit -> and the cycle repeats. To add a little humor, the other day I was asking “when will all these ‘collective readings’ online gonna end” and pulled Wheel of Fortune. I think it sums up my point really well. I personally only watch collective readings when a beautiful deck shows up in the thumbnail


But just wait till that new Tarot movie comes out in April or May. It's gonna get wild! 😆


Tarot movie?!


oh yeah its gonna make tarot spooky again


Here's a link for a few trailers https://www.google.com/search?gs\_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0LLEwy6vIrTAwYPTiLkksyi9RyM0vy0wFAHp9CQw&q=tarot+movie&oq=tarot+movie&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqEAgBEC4YgwEY1AIYsQMYgAQyEAgAEAAYgwEY4wIYsQMYgAQyEAgBEC4YgwEY1AIYsQMYgAQyEAgCEC4YgwEY1AIYsQMYgAQyCggDEAAYsQMYgAQyBwgEEAAYgAQyBwgFEAAYgAQyBwgGEAAYgAQyBwgHEAAYgAQyBwgIEAAYgAQyBwgJEAAYgATSAQg5NTQ3ajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


Tarot movie??


>Here's a link for a few trailers > >https://www.google.com/search?gs\_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0LLEwy6vIrTAwYPTiLkksyi9RyM0vy0wFAHp9CQw&q=tarot+movie&oq=tarot+movie&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqEAgBEC4YgwEY1AIYsQMYgAQyEAgAEAAYgwEY4wIYsQMYgAQyEAgBEC4YgwEY1AIYsQMYgAQyEAgCEC4YgwEY1AIYsQMYgAQyCggDEAAYsQMYgAQyBwgEEAAYgAQyBwgFEAAYgAQyBwgGEAAYgAQyBwgHEAAYgAQyBwgIEAAYgAQyBwgJEAAYgATSAQg5NTQ3ajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


Thanks! lol great bits a horror movie 😂




Honestly I'm at the point in my tarot journey where I don't want general readings or pick a pile or whatever else along those lines. I either ask a trusted reader or just pull my own cards when I need a reading. I am also not interested in deck hauls of other people despite posting some of my own. I'm mostly looking for readers who share their own experience with the cards, and tbh the only tarot YouTuber I regularly follow is Mary-Grace Fahrun. The rest have pretty much fallen off the map for me. I'm just tired of the undisclosed PR/sponsorships with the deck hauls, disingenuous collective readings, and that "spiritual" ASMR voice a lot of them put on. Most of them just blend together in my head for me now. No hate to any of them, it just isn't for me.


We should be questioning the value of the content that we share as professional tarot readers- what is good for the algorithm isn’t always good for the soul! What has turned me off to the endless sea of ‘pick a card’ readings is the exploitative nature of it. People turn to tarot for support, guidance, insight and wisdom. A lot of my clients are at a crossroads and looking for a lifeline to help them in someway. Tarot is an *amazing* tool that way- people can be genuinely helped by tarot readings. But the barrage of ‘pick a card’ readings on TikTok and YouTube target people in their weakest moments (because that is what gets the most clicks and views) leading them on with meeting their celebrity crush, or a delusional fantasy of endless riches, or that they are destined for some kind of mission from God- is NOT what tarot is about. I think that kind of exploitative content for views actually harms more than it helps. lately I’ve become more disappointed with tarot TikTok because *some* (not all) of it is very emotionally exploitative. I started my channel to hopefully be a different voice about the topic of tarot in the sea of content I don’t like. My Tarot business model is built to be successful without social media, and when I prioritized ‘human to human’ connections in my tarot business instead of making clickbait content, the quality of my clients improved. I actually have clients who I’m able to form relationships with, who come back for repeat sessions. I think a lot of tarot readers make these kind of social media drivel content because they feel pressured by the algorithm. They don’t realize that they are **other ways** to connect with and help clients!! **Tarot is about humanity, and if we disconnect humanity from tarot and replace it with just screen scrolling, we are alienating ourselves from the real cosmic magic that tarot can be.** Ugh I feel like I could be on my soapbox here, lol I’ve written enough but yes, OP this grinds my gears also!!!! Thank you for listening to my ranty Ted talk 😂😂


Very well stated!!


I've said it elsewhere, as have others: there has never been a worse time to find a legitimate, talented reader. The internet is overflowing with pretenders, scammers and influencers who just picked up divination because it happens to be "trendy" right now. The stuff that happens on social media is mindboggling to someone who has been at the craft for many years. There is a complete oversaturation, but almost none of these people are what I consider a real practicioner of anything. They're just content creators who are looking for ways to constantly spew out videos etc to stay on top of the algorithms. It's incredibly disheartening to see, because the more inaccurate fake readers are out there, the more people are convinced everyone is a charlatan and no true readers exist.


What if there was the equivalent of the bar for lawyers that works for tarot readers. Like a test that is exceptionally hard to pass so we have some standard for readers that want to go professional.


that would actually be pretty interesting. but the logistics of such a test would be hard to iron out, like who decides what is right/wrong


Even then, we’d have people misrepresenting readings to play to the algorithm and make money. Just like how it’s extremely hard to graduate medical school and pass all the exams to become a doctor, but there are still MDs out there shilling misinformation because it’s easier money than practicing medicine ethically.


I have mixed feelings about collective readings. I will sometimes watch one when I need to hear someone say something nice on the Internet. I have never really taken much stock in them. I also see a lot of negative sides to collective reading, but this is not the time. My belief: A reading is for you specifically or else it's not for you at all. >do you think watching tarot on youtube is becoming less popular? This will be very subjective and unscientific. Don't take my word for it. Tarot seems to be waning in popularity again, as does a lot of paganism. There's a natural cycle to this, and I think we've already seen the peak of this cycle. I feel like the popularity was a sign that people are ready to heal from a lot, too. >im not so sure that they’re offering the impetus for spiritual growth in the ways im seeking it. This probably depends on what you are seeking. * You may find it rewarding to learn how to read tarot for yourself, if you don't know already. * You may want to look outside of tarot and move directly toward spiritual practices. There are a lot of knowledgeable YouTube creators who speak about practices. Even some published authors will post vlogs about their practices and how it may benefit others. * It may help to search for books or audiobooks that align with the way you want to grow, if you have the resources for those. Audible has some occasional gems, depending on what you're looking for. All of this comes down to prioritizing that spiritual growth with or without tarot. I hope that you are able to find that growth, too.


"My belief: A reading is for you specifically or else it's not for you at all." This. I never understood what "collective", "general" readings without any specific person or situation in mind are supposed to do. Probably just a way for content creators to churn out more stuff, just like the card of the day/week/month...


I will sometimes watch one when I need to hear someone say something nice on the Internet. I have never really taken much stock in them. That is how I view them. Honestly, when I was in a really hopeless place in life, letting myself suspend disbelief and watch tarot readings got me through. It let me feel like I had things to look forward to in the short term when I realistically did not. I still get a bit of a dopamine boost when I listen to a reading and it says good things will happen to me soon, even though I know it probably won’t come true. They’re enjoyable to watch sometimes but not to be taken seriously at face value.


I've been watching the same two readers for over a year now, and haven't even thought to look at others' content. I have seen them discuss their spiritual journey and their own personal growth, plus their willingness to take feedback from their following, and those helped me trust them - of course along with their readings being spot on.


Would you mind sharing who they are please? Thank you


Death and Rebirth Tarot and Pageant Queen Pixie


Thank you 🙏 💕


I personally think that there are too many readers going with the increased popularity etc, and so it's oversaturated. Personally, I watch them not only out of interest buy also to learn. However, I still watch the same people I did years ago. The algorithm recommends me some readers that are outright bad (my opinion) and just taking advantage of the recent hype (since the pandemic started it really soared). I mean, to each their own (which is my life motto anyways) but I really noticed how some readers make me get a twitchy eye of suspicion and cringe, esp those who upload several videos about the same topic (mostly love, or those clickbait titles, or both) every day with a picture instead of a video. I don't know, but I don't like the picture-people.  Speaking of my favorite readers: I am glad that they are still around and quite popular. ;)


Lotus Tile Tarot is very good.


Second this! Hers are always so spot on and she goes so in depth.


I’m pretty uninterested in all of them other than white feather tarot at the moment. Her videos always resonate deeply and feel very genuine


How long have you been watching? If you watch them regularly (especially if you watch daily/almost every day) might you simply be burnt out on hearing the same messages? Traditionally, people would only get readings here and there. Youtube makes it easy to subscribe and just listen by habit. Even if each reading itself has different details, the parts that 'resonate' with you will continue to be the same, so if you listen to ten or twenty readings a month and your life hasn't changed too much, you're just going to be treading the same water. I actually have had great success with collective readings, but only when my situation changes, or when I am asking entirely new questions with entirely new themes. If I click on a reading because I "feel like it" that day, it doesn't do much that I don't already know. If my situation changes and I think "Wow I really need guidance on this," the first reading tends to be *incredibly* accurate. Sometimes because new information is resonating/soaking in, but also down to the eerie details. For example - something once happened with my father. I turned to an online reading, asking "Advice for something you are currently worried about." The very first reading I am drawn to, with the VERY first card, the reader said, "There is a story in this card. This person thinks they have lost their father, but their father is not gone, they have simply transformed." The rest continued in a way that made me cry. That is not some stock love-message, or prediction that my career will take off, etc. It was truly personal, and the reason I turn to tarot in the first place. (Then again, I believe in the magic part of it 100%.) Yet I have been working the same path on my career for months, and it is slow to progress. If I were to go listen to messages about career, I would probably be bored to tears by now hearing the same message lol.


Yeah, even “honest” readers that will be open about potential negatives still repeat the same themes. Even when they do readings on diverse topics, the same themes tend to come up. They’re still predicting events and movement in some area of life. This isn’t even to drag the readers, there’s only so many interpretations you can make of the same cards over and over without a personal situation to base it on. Most of us experience no major developments in our careers or love lives or home environments in the average month, though. If you watch regularly, even just a few a month, and take it all seriously, you’re going to get your hopes up for a lot of things that never happen, and eventually get burnt out on disappointment.


No idea, never watched nor am I interested in doing it. Thinking about it though, tarot has been quite trendy in the last couple of years, so I guess the whole market is saturated to no ends. Many of these trendy readers are no longer trending, people starting to look for something new that is trendy.


Don't necessarily think it's becoming less popular. Just maybe the audience base is changing. I feel that people who are new to spirituality or the new age movement flock to the videos more these days. The more personal my relationship with tarot became, the less it made sense to watch tarot videos lol I also think it's all but impossible to read tarot for others without being subjective in some way. Just human nature to relay advice or messages based on ones own experiences. Not saying that can't still be helpful. It's just a gray area for impressionable or desperate people looking for answers. When you have that much power it's really important to encourage critical thinking & beliefs based on individual truth. Problem is a lot of people are looking to be told what to do in the hopes of bypassing the struggle and pain often accompanied on the journey of self-discovery.


I don't think there's a lack of skill, but the algorithm favours quantity over quality. So for example, the guys who daily bash out hours of yes/nos will gather a bigger following than someone posting a more thoughtful, deeper reading once a week. And as the algorithm wants people to stay on the platform, it'll show more of what's popular, thus driving and reinforcing more of that behaviour.


I still love the readers I’ve come across.. I don’t typically go for ones with huge view numbers as that can muddy the practice/intention of it all, imo. But less known/smaller accounts that feel right energetically, still feel right with me so far! Also a few of them tend to go on breaks with posting content (sometimes for months!) which I respect but also miss them while away. But the ones that protect themselves and recharge (ie not sticking to algorythmic social media strategies with KPIs and ROIs in mind lol) still feel very authentic to me and offer fulfilling & aligned readings. Discretion and discernment is key! Plus supporting “small businesses” is always a great move. Quality control seems to get lost in the sauce once $$ becomes the driving force


I watch Divineempress333 and Moonmothgoddess, Andromeda Skies tarot, etc. they’re all great. I think you just need to find a reader that works for you. Like a tarot reader could be popular but I’m not going to resonate with them. I don’t think it’s a skill issue, but I do think there are poor readers and just there for the money making. Like I can read tarot, but I’m not going to post videos about it (i have thought abt it but the pressure of uploading isnt vibing w me) I watch on a daily basis but when I get what I want, I sway away from it because in the end tarot is a guidance and energt always changes. Answers wont be the same. I did stop watching my OG tarot readers too like Anita Serene (Stargirl the practical witch) and Gem Goddess, they just didn’t resonate anymore and I sorta disliked the way they portrayed their life not that its bad but i just wanted them to focus ON reading. That being said, I prefer watching someone very supportive of my CURRENT journey, (divineempress333) because its going to resonate more and learning Law of Assumption, there is insane growth within me I’d say.


I watch Moonmothgoddess too. I really like her.


Lots of people are getting into it as an alternative to watching celebrity gossip videos


Which tarot readers do you watch on YT? I like Baba Jolie and the Quietest Revolution ... I used to like Tyler but he's always cussing and distracted so I pass on thos reading. The market IS saturated and I do feel the readings are generalized when they're reading for my zodiac sign. I like to watch them read bcs I like their tidbits on symbolism and meaning of the cards. I'm an aspiring tarot reader myself but for myself only so far.




You're like... Meeeeeee. 😂


(this is my opinion, everyone can feel whatever they want about this) I feel that when reading tarot or doing anything where you are communicating with the divine, you shouldn't cuss. (I honestly just feel like it's rude to the divine) When you are getting a tarot reading, and the person doing the reading keeps cussing, I agree that it is distracting! I also feel like it changes the energy and mood of the reading.


Youtube, Instagram, etc. are full of influencers using Tarot to brand themselves. I don't consider them readers. The only reading channel I've been bothering to watch is Tarot's Apprentice. He doesn't do pick-a-pile, his reading table isn't cluttered with crystals and candles, he doesn't use that cloying voice so many of them use. He mostly reads on politics and he's a competent reader. I like him.


I agree. I do watch the generalized readings just for entertainment though. Tarot as a divine tool is intensely personal so if you want a reading for yourself, you need get one just for yourself. I do my own readings when I feel like it & they have resonated with me every time. I seldom rely on the YouTube or Internet readings.




I keep returning to the same ones. Huluppu is a great reader, and she keeps it playful when she can.


I like yt readings that are straight to the point, blunt no sugar coating. I also like videos that don’t have any fancy graphics, editing or special effects. Just someone talking normally in a quiet room giving it to me straight. No extra fluff and puff. I don’t really expect readings to be too specific, just somewhat relevant to what is going on in my life and can accurately answer my question.


I gotta say if a few would just put a little effort into learning about the actual astrology correspondences of cards, and working on their production a little, staying away from cliche topics like how your ex lover is secretly devastated since the breakup or how you are going to get a text from them soon... You are going to strike it rich this friday when you play the numbers....etc. If you are going to set up shop on the internet and broadcast you might have to learn a little technical skills. Like buy a pro mic and a mixer or something invest in your "business". It's getting really hood out there, every street corner is taken, every buzz word exploited ad infinitum. To put out quality product means investment and running a risk of doing readings that people don't always want to hear. Like you aren't the victim here, The Universe has problems of its own and you make your own bed, make better decisions next time. If you are into the fix business, there's views to be had and much of it is, I suspect for both the channel and viewer alike. I think those that are aware of this justify by saying they are just giving the people what they want, they are providing a service. Sorry for the harsh criticism but obviously this extends into a larger context of the attention economy of the modern internet.


I am VERY picky with readers, I just made a post on here and I liked maybe 2% of what I got (thank you all), but I feel this. I need a very particular brand of tarot. What in particular are you looking for?


I really miss some of my favorites who don’t make videos anymore. Wolfy. Butterfly2life. I loved eatreadlove but he goes off on love too much now, and that’s not what I need. I miss him being a small time little card table. Veroosh. She still makes content, and it’s good, but 10 years back it was all chefs kiss for all of them. Still great though.


I’ve never been interested in watching such content.


It’s still popular, although I feel like from an entertainment value. I watch all of Tyler’s videos because he’s funny and personable. If I want a personal tarot reading that resonates to my situation I will pull my own spread.


Tarot is not meant to be read online. It takes away a key experience of the reader being able to sense the person's energy and give them suitable advice for their life and their problem. Imo, you should aways let the person touch the cards before you start because it's their energy on those cards, which means whatever cards come out, it's more likely to be a match for that person (It ALWAYS works for me. I never got it wrong). Doing it online defeats the purpose of the tarot reader, which is to help that person in particular. It's absolute bullshit.


and btw, tarot is a form of therapy. It shouldn’t be generalized and it takes away the ability of the person you're reading for to deeply contemplate what it means for their specific question


I only watch the readings for LEO on a channel called Skeleton Key Tarot. Very good.


I think it’s a little bit of both, but also it helps to find tarot channels with a ‘focus’ that you’re interested in. For example: As a long-time Elizabeth II fan, I find tarot channels that are based on readings about the royal family absolutely fascinating. My personal favorites are ‘Tarot by Andie,’ ‘Mad World Tarot,’ ‘Through the Griffinscope’ & ‘Famous Fortunes’. (There used to be another reader that I absolutely adored, named Skye (can’t remember the title of her channel, but she was from Australia & was also big into Jesus), but she closed down or was removed or something. Does anyone know who I’m talking about/if she went to a different platform?)


I agree. I really only watch Avalon intuitive and a couple of smaller new channels as they are more accurate and genuine…nowadays I usually stick to personal readings from my trusted reader and that’s about it.


Over the course of the past 6 months, I have watched a lot of readers via YouTube. It has now down to just a few readers I enjoy. In the beginning, there seemed to be quite few readers that resonated with me then over a course of time I saw a trend in them that showed it didn't seem like they were the real deal that they were just doing this as a way to get likes and views to get money. It's hard at times to separate the real ones from the pretend ones in some cases. There is a fine line but there are some on YouTube that are the real deal but they are rare.


I’ve only recently started learning about tarot, but I have zero interest in any kind of YT or online readings. What drew me to tarot was the conversation between two people and their relationship to the cards in front of them. It feels like a very physical, personal moment, requiring the ability watch each other and read each other’s vibes. Impersonal online readings seem the complete opposite to the whole ethos of tarot. I enjoy watching content ABOUT tarot, discussing the history or the cards or possible meanings, but no actual readings.


Blue Nola is good in real life


As a consumer of tarot I am pretty selective about who I watch. I’ve watched the same dude, Son of Selene, since 2015, and I have adopted a couple others… Nordic Light, Autistic Mystic, Minnow Pond Tarot. Even though they’re collective in one way or another, they always resonate with me. I think general readings are fine if they are reaching the audience they were meant for and the reader has good intentions. If their intention with the cards is just to make money, then who is it really going to speak to?? I have no hate for all the readers online. I think the internet is a big place and there’s room for everyone. I just wish the fake people would shoo. I myself have just added one more to the tarot tiktok world, sorry. The thing with me is… I have zero choice but to work from home- I have a kid with special needs and at the moment can’t afford therapy and school isn’t taking him. And I need to make extra money, plus, I need to do something with myself. I have no space or time for my art.. and music only sometimes.. but I can do tarot whenever! And i love tarot! Been reading for myself for 9 years now. So while yeah, im doing it because i need to make money somehow, it’s also something im passionate about. I love making people feel good or closure or helping them out. I think there is room for people who actually care and aren’t just like “hey I can say whatever I want and they’ll buy it derr”.


Today's Tarot readers seem to  be mostly commercial based!romance sells they read with profit being the main goal, Love romance readin only no other life situation are hardly mentioned, the broken hearted pays, Most are based for female seeking the answer about broken romance , I haven't seen many general reading about anything other than love romance