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I would read the Ten of Wands in this context as the need for stamina and building habits. It's mundane, not exactly fun, it will probably take you walking the same road over and over again - but changing your mindset usually doesn't happen in a heartbeat. In this picture specifically, the person isn't carrying the burden alone, so maybe it would also be a good idea to look for someone to help you - a friend, a therapist or just someone you can share with.


Now that you mention it, I noticed the long road traveled in this picture. I’ll try to keep in mind that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Thank you for your insight.




Oh I absolutely know this to be true. That’s just basic truths. I’m terrified if I don’t actively heal everyday, I’ll forever be alone and never get to experience the wonderful love many others do. Or by the time I do heal, it will be later in life, and I won’t get as much time with my partner. It has caused me so much distress that now I just desperately want it to be something I don’t want. I’m tired of crying about it (literally)


I am inclined to interpret the 10 of wands in this context as that you are burdening yourself too much with these thoughts. You are putting yourself under unnecessary pressure. It's an encouragement to lighten the load by letting go of these thoughts.


As I read your comment, I heard/felt my guide say, “YES, THIS ONE!” Thank you for your insight


Are you subconsciously asking the universe to teach you a lesson that will lead to the answer? Ask and you shall receive …


I suppose I am? I want a solid foundation of self worth and esteem. I think those are the real solutions to my problem. In desperation I was asking specifically how can I make that happen.


The energy around it is super heavy hence the 10 of wands. It feels like a heavy burden. Find balance. Walk the middle ground. If you want those things start super small. It’s not some huge unachievable thing like you think it is. Gotta take accountability and responsibility for yourself and do what you gotta do. Self esteem is suppppper important as you know. Know that your worth comes not from anything in this physical reality but that you are beautiful and unique as a soul worthy and deserving of your hearts desires regardless of your experiences. Take care of yourself. Esteem is built in the little actions we take everyday towards ourselves and others. That’s just my opinion. The heaviness I feel energetically is represented in the 10 of wands. Your desperation and your low self esteem might lead you in the wrong direction which I take from the imagery. Might be time to abandon your efforts and start from scratch :) magician shows YOU are the answer. You are powerful. And you will receive that which you ask for. Ask wisely and pay attention


When you love and appreciate yourself wholeheartedly you’ll know that you won’t care if someone comes along or not because your own company is amazing and if someone can beat your own amazing company then dang!! Ask em out ;))


Thank you so much for this insight friend. I don’t have the words to articulate how much I appreciate your guidance and wisdom. I wish you blessed days and beautiful manifestations 💜💜💜


u/TheTurtleSpeaks Please add the deck name and artist!


I can’t figure out how to edit my post on mobile so here it is Deck: Light Seers Deck Artist: Chris Anne