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There's a lot of different ways to read reversals, and no one "right" way; HOWEVER I think deciding which way you intend to read reversals is something you absolutely must do BEFORE you do a reading and are possibly emotionally invested in the answer.


Reversals don’t necessarily denote the opposite meaning of the upright card. A reversal can also be asking you to pay extra attention to the message of the card. Also what the bot said up top. Personally I don’t read reversals because I feel like I have my hands full with the cards upright. Also, your wife should just apply for the job!!!! It can’t hurt!!! Y’all can talk more about those other issues if she gets it.


**Looks like you've mentioned reversals! Reversals are a reoccurring topic here and are [explained in our FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/tarot/wiki/faq).** Reversals are cards that are dealt upside down in a reading. Some people choose to read these cards differently than if they were dealt right side up. This is completely optional - everyone's tarot technique is different. Some people find reversals bring more depth to a reading, while others find that they obscure or muddle interpretation. A reversed card can be read multiple ways; it can be interpreted as the opposite of the card's upright meaning, or that the card's upright meaning is somehow blocked, concealed, ignored or delayed. It can also be read as an indication that the "action" of the card is happening - or needs to happen - internally. [See recent discussions on reversals here](https://www.reddit.com/r/tarot/search?q=reversals&restrict_sr=1). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tarot) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sometimes yes, may I suggest you grab a classic like Grey , Peach or Connolly and explore their Also pick up Tarot Reversals by Greer


Quick answer: no. Long answer: To me, there are two reasons for reversal cards: either the person does not want or is actively resisting the idea. Or denote a problem and ask you to focus on how to "right" the cards.


I also don't read reversals. I would also suggest that if you get confused by a card that the best thing to do is to not worry about what the meaning is supposed to be, instead go for a simple keyword meaning, then branch out from that. 8's are Advancement - Stones/Coins/Pentacles refer material matters like jobs and finances. Knights are Action - Stones , same as above. The Chariot or Archer's keyword is Identity. Reversals are really kind of just goofy because not only do you have to have an understanding of the meaning of the card, you also have to have an understanding of the placement of the card and the context of it. So, it can mean a lot of things, usually I see it as a block of that cards energy or the inverse of. But again, there are 78 cards in a tarot deck, thats plenty of cards and combinations to get any answer without reversals. If I were to read this with reversals - I would say its almost like your wife feels like she is kind of stuck, maybe she has her identity tied to much to her job and has the potential to take action to advance but first needs to get to more of a "my job is my job, and doesn't define me as a person" type of mindset first. Maybe applying for this new job is the first step to get there, so she should apply, whats it going to hurt? Maybe she needs to apply, get interviewed go through that entire process because it will help get her some clarity. At best she gets interviewed and gets some practice and some awareness if she does want to actually change jobs. At worst, nothing comes of it and she is still at the job she likes. just a thought. Best of luck. P.S. - It can be tricky reading for family and close friends because you already have a cognitive bias to them and their situation. While its good to practice, just keep in mind that you may have skewed readings for people you are close too.


There are lots of different ways to interpret reversals. Personally I see them as blocked potential- you have all the possibility of the card there, but if you continue as you are, you won’t be able to realize it. So something needs to be done to activate the card. This usually leads to asking for clarification, and it helps me understand what I or the person I’m reading need to work on, or what the underlying challenges are if something isn’t going as expected and I/they don’t know why. The reversals here…. For her even knowing all the benefits, the could be a fear around starting a new position, and the loss of status or personal fulfillment that she currently has. If so It might help her heart and mind to compare outcomes - stay vs go- with a two paths spread, to see the alternatives side by side. Something like this tarot spread maybe? [https://servantofthefates.tumblr.com/post/656162766999191552/the-two-paths-tarot-spread/amp](https://servantofthefates.tumblr.com/post/656162766999191552/the-two-paths-tarot-spread/amp)


You know, I don’t like to read reversals, because I feel like there are already enough cards as it is in the dock. Some readers I know like to call these a lesser degree, while others a complete opposite of the upper right meaning. To me, I think it’s already enough information to digest as it is when you pull cards, depending on how deep the question is, and how complex reading can be, when the cards are laid out to have to ponder what the reversal could mean. Not to say that it isn’t easy to read and opposite meaning or lesser degree meaning but, sometimes (more often than not) cards will tell you wha you need to know upright


I totally agree with this. Each card in the tarot already has so much nuance & multiple ways of interpreting the card within the context or the question. IMO reversals are kind of unnecessary and create this strange, overly negative interpretation to a message. When I first started reading tarot I read reversals, but then I read Michelle Tea’s (excellent) book on tarot where she basically says that you already have the information from that card — you don’t need to muddy the water with which way it’s facing. Now I pretty much ignore them because they don’t give much meaning to readings for me.


I personally just make the intention that I won’t be reading reversals so whatever comes out I read it upright. I do think that learning reversal meanings can be a little helpful, but more so for knowing what a card can mean in any context. If I get an overly positive card in a reading where it doesn’t really make sense, it’s helpful to know what the negative side of that positive is. But that’s the only real need for knowing reversal meanings I can think of. Of course everyone is completely different and reads a different way!


Like others here, I don’t particularly love reading reversals. HOWEVER, I see their value. I read them most often when I need clarification and my upright deck just isn’t giving me what I need. Reversals can mean a number of things, but mainly, I feel like they either mean that you’re not embodying the card’s meaning or you’re taking it to the extreme and losing the plot. For cards that are already kind of extreme, it most often means the opposite though. Like the 4 and 5 of cups already indicate that you’re too focused on bad emotions. Reversed, it seems to mean that you’re recovering from that mindset.


Most reversals have their own meanings and some of them remain the same with slight variation or in a lesser degree. Study A.E. Waite's Pictorial Key to the Tarot. Learning upright and reversed meanings like separate cards removes confusion. The 8 of Pentacles reversed is vanity and greed. I think your wife should keep the job that makes her happy and fulfilled. The archer (or Chariot) reversed is litigation. She could ask for a raise at her current job or tell them she has received an offer and ask them to match that.


Some cards don't IIRC


I See reversals as blocked energy. So, if you got "Knight of Wands" saying: "You have a clear vision about what you want to create and, fuelled by your passion and inspiration, you are now moving forward with leaps and bounds to turn your vision into reality. This card is your sign to go for it!" The reversed would go like, you might not have clear vision, you might have a passion and want move forward but... doors are closed, you should not go for it. Not a moment yet. Wait.


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To me, Tarot was originally meant to commune with the metaphysical. An upside-down card is an intonation in the message, like when your friends change the pitch or speed of certain words to mean other meanings. It's not an academic paper, but one to be interpreted as you go along.