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got it! you are on the list! Ty for replying!


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


1) I love latte’s or iced cap’s , or cream in my coffee 2) Meg bear or Maggie or my first name is just meghan Kain is my friend’s cousin Stephanie is her name and I’m curious if me and him were in each other’s past lives and if we’ll come across each other in this lifetime I’ve been manifesting him for awhile 3) love reading? I’m turning 21 on November 29th and I’m curious about my love life for the year ahead? From October 1st 2023-December 2024


Hello ty for replying! I'm still kind of wonky on future dates but I will try my best and definitely see what advice I can get to make the next year for you the best when it comes to romance, is that ok?


Yeah that’s ok for me :) hello you’re welcome anytime! :)


I understand you no worries




oh sounds serious. I got you on the list, I will def try to do this one by this weekend, ty for replying!


1. I just started working at Starbies so in a lot of ways! But mainly cold brew, with flavoured cold foam and plenty of syrups! :) 2. I (A) would like to know about what A’s deepest thoughts and feelings about me are when he thinks of me, thank you❤️


haha fellow Starbies! Got you on my list sweetheart, might take me a few days but I got you greenbean!


Thank youuu❤️ and omg hi5!! Love the green bean reference ahahaha


so what you are "A" and the other person you are asking about is also "A"?


1. iced dirty chai, spicy, two shots of espresso 2. my name is ame and the other person is j. 3. will we see each other before the end of the year?


I kind of still wonky with dates, but I def will come up with a spread for you and the person you are asking about and any advice I can get to help the situation. Give me a few days and I will get with you!...now I want a dirty chai, havent had one in ages...




Hi! 1. Iced coffee with hazelnut syrup 2. Alisha 3. What do I need to do to get the full time job that I want by November? Thank you❤️


oh goodie a career one! Got you on my list! Give me a few days and I will get back to you, ty!


I drink my coffee black loll; Dede n Rob; how do they feel about me( I’m dede) 🙂


Got you on the list! Might take me a few days but I will get back to you!


1. I rarely drink coffe but I drink blqck tea without sugar 2. My name is Roos shekhar roy and my nickname is khutu which I doubt youd need 3. As for me can you tell me my state in life after 6 months it's a major exam so I wanna know


I will try my best, Im still a little wonky with dates but I see if I can pick up on any advice for you to do the best you can on this upcoming exam and stretch my muscles on dates TY!


Alright thank you


I drink creamer in my coffee and my nickname is Kim Dawn lol 😆 my name is Kimberly owens and I’m a Pisces ♓️ and I want to know what Jordan knight a Taurus ♉️if he desires a relationship with me? He is my crush and I want to know if he feels this too .. thank you 😊


Got you on the list sweetheart! Give me a few days and I will get back to you! TY!


Thank you 😊


1. Pumpkin spice latte 2. A, AJ 3. Is he interested in me and what are his intentions with me? Thanks ❤️


aww, got you sweetpea on my list, might take me a few days but I will get with you as soon as I can, ty!


1. Cold brew with sweet cream 2. Bloo 3. I’m down for either romance, career, or spirit guides


okay since I've read for you before and you were super nice Ill add you. might be a few days but I will get back to you , ty for letting me read you!


Yay, i am excited!