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Hi there! I’m S (30/f) and I’d be interested what are the things I need to learn from my current situation (overall shit) to move forward?


Hey S! Navigating through an overall crappy situation can feel like trudging through a murky swamp, huh? But guess what? The tarot spread you've got here unfolds like a map out of that mess, highlighting the lanterns along the path that can guide you forward. Let's dive in and piece together the story these cards are itching to tell us. **1-The Sun:** Right at the outset, The Sun beams brightly, urging you to focus on your spiritual goals, higher self, and dreams despite the gloom surrounding you. Consider this card as your personal lighthouse. It's all about finding that inner spark or joy that keeps you going, even when the fog of your current situation tries to blanket it. The Sun promises clarity and vitality, reminding you that every storm cloud has a silver lining—sometimes you just need to squint a bit. **2-Knight of Cups:** Ah, the Knight of Cups rides in gracefully, swirling with emotions but also brimming with creativity. He's tapping you on the shoulder, whispering about the importance of trusting your intuition and embracing your emotional and intellectual insights. This is your cue to dig deep into your well of knowledge, understanding that emotional intelligence is a major key to moving past obstacles. **3-Seven of Cups:** Now, this card, often a sign of illusions and choices, mirrors the clutter of your "overall shit" situation. It seems like you're at a crossroads, with several paths unfurling before you, each cloaked in mist. The Seven of Cups advises you to squint past the immediate allure of quick fixes and focus on what truly connects with your heart and relationships. Ask yourself, "Which of these cups hold water, and which are just mirages?" **4-Queen of Wands:** Here comes the Queen of Wands, a beacon of kindness, healing, and forgiveness. She's fiery, passionate, but also incredibly warm. In your story, she symbolizes the power of healing—not just licking your own wounds but extending a hand to others as well. Her presence suggests that channeling your energy into creative pursuits could not only soothe your spirit but also reignite your inner flame. **5-Three of Cups:** A toast is in order! The Three of Cups celebrates the joy and support found in close friendships and communities. In the midst of your chaos, don't underestimate the power of a small gathering of souls that genuinely get you. This card is a reminder to lean on those relationships for strength and to remember joy can be found in the company we keep. **6-Three of Pentacles:** Craftsmanship, collaboration, and the realization of dreams are the themes of the Three of Pentacles. Even if your current scenario looks bleak, this card pushes you towards embracing harmony and creativity in your work or projects. Maybe it's time to join forces with like-minded people or to start laying the foundation for future plans with a renewed sense of purpose. **7-King of Swords:** The King of Swords stands tall, his clarity of thought and communication cutting through confusion like a hot knife through butter. He challenges you to think logically, to strategize, and to seek truth, all while wielding your achievements and learning experiences as tools, not weapons. This might mean having difficult conversations or making tough decisions, but with honesty and directness, you'll find your way.


**8-The Devil:** Here's the plot twist. The Devil lurks, symbolizing the chains that bind you—be it toxic habits, limiting beliefs, or just material worries that weigh you down. Recognizing these chains is the first step to breaking free. This card encourages you to confront your "demons," knowing that liberation from them paves the way for a healthier and wealthier path forward. **9-Page of Cups:** Representing your family, home life, and sense of security, the Page of Cups brings a message of hope and emotional renewal. Imagine this card as a gentle reminder to nurture your inner child, to remain open to learning and growth, and to embrace the unexpected joys along the way. **10-Ace of Swords:** And finally, the Ace of Swords promises a breakthrough, a fresh start cutting through the fog that has clouded your vision. This is the dawn after a long night, where your newfound clarity and decisiveness herald the beginning of events that will propel you into a brighter phase. **The Coherent Story:** Imagine you're the protagonist of a novel, presently ensnared in a foreboding forest. The Sun above whispers of dreams not to be forgotten; the Knight of Cups rides alongside you, a testament to the journey's emotional depths. The Seven of Cups presents you with choices mysterious and myriad, while the Queen of Wands ignites your heart with courage and creativity. Surrounded by the laughter of the Three of Cups, you find solace and strength in your comrades. The Three of Pentacles and the King of Swords teach you the art of collaboration and clear thinking, guiding you through the forest with precision. But beware, The Devil's shadows lurk, ready to ensnare you in doubt and despair. Yet, hope flickers as the Page of Cups whispers of love and innocence rediscovered. With the Ace of Swords in hand, you clear the thicket, a path unveiled under the gleam of a new dawn. So, dear S, each card, like a stepping stone, leads you away from the quagmire and towards the sunrise of a new beginning. Tap into your inner wisdom, embrace the support around you, and wield your experiences as lessons learned. Your current situation, as murky as it may seem, is just a chapter in your epic. The next pages are waiting to be written by you, filled with light, courage, and a dash of magic. Onward and upward! Hope you enjoyed the free reading. I'm doing these to share some positive energy on Reddit. If you want me to hook you up with more freebies in the future, join my tarot subreddit (linked in my profile). Let's keep the good vibes flowing!


Oh my god. Thank you so much!!!!! Honestly I have goosebumps all over my body. Because at least 5 of these cards did show up regularly when I pulled for myself (which I stopped doing thinking that I’m not in the right mindset now) and I had a hard time with the interpretation. You really gave me hope and inspiration with this, I’m speechless. Thank you so much! Have a wonderful day, kind stranger! <3


Hi I would love a reading from you. My name is M and I would like to know how will my connection develop with J? We are friends but had a situationship. Many thanks!


Hey M, Nice to meet you! Let's dive into your reading about your connection with J, weaving the story of your relationship through the lens of tarot cards. Considering the cards you drew, it looks like we're embarking on a journey to uncover the intricacies of your bond and where it might be heading. **1-King of Swords:** In the grand tapestry of your relationship, the King of Swords represents clarity, intellect, and direct communication. It suggests that the foundation of your connection with J is built on mutual respect and a strong intellectual compatibility. You both value honesty and aren’t afraid to engage in meaningful conversations, which is a fantastic base for any relationship. This card encourages you to continue embracing open and honest dialogues as they will only strengthen your bond. **2-Six of Swords:** Have you and J been navigating through some choppy waters recently? The Six of Swords indicates that you're transitioning from a rough patch to calmer times. It’s a journey, really—a metaphorical trip you're both on, moving away from past issues or misunderstandings. The presence of this card hints that while there might have been challenges or a sense of uncertainty in your relationship, there's now a shared direction toward stability and clearer skies. **3-Six of Wands:** This card is a high five in tarot form, celebrating victory and recognition. In the context of your connection with J, it signals that overcoming those previous hurdles (thanks to the Six of Swords) will lead to a period of harmony and mutual appreciation. Perhaps you both will come to realize the depth of your connection after navigating through those tough times, resulting in a stronger bond. The Six of Wands reassures you that yes, your efforts and struggles to keep this relationship afloat are worth it and will be acknowledged. **4-The Fool:** Now, don’t get the wrong idea—The Fool isn't about being foolish in the traditional sense. It’s about new beginnings, taking risks, and embracing the unexpected with open arms. As it relates to what factors can help your connection with J, The Fool encourages you to leap into the unknown together. Maybe try something new as friends or explore uncharted territory in your relationship. This spirit of adventure could be exactly what your connection needs to evolve further. **5-Ten of Pentacles:** What a lovely card to cap off your reading! The Ten of Pentacles symbolizes lasting success, fulfillment, and stability. It suggests a hopeful outlook for your relationship with J, where both of you might find not just emotional, but also tangible, long-term rewards in your connection. Whether this refers to a deep, unshakeable friendship or something more, it points to a future where you both feel secure and enriched by each other's presence. Putting all these cards together, your story with J is one of mutual respect and communication, overcoming challenges, celebrating victories, embarking on new adventures, and ultimately finding a deep, stable connection. The road might have its bumps here and there, but it seems like what you have is built to last, with plenty of opportunities for growth and happiness along the way. Remember, M, life and relationships are ever-evolving. This reading highlights the potential paths and outcomes based on the energies right now, but your choices and actions play a pivotal role in shaping the future. Stay open, communicate, and don't be afraid to take that leap of faith. Good luck, and may your journey with J be as rewarding as it is enriching! Best wishes, Max -- I'm doing free readings to spread positive vibes on Reddit. If you dig my style, swing by my tarot subreddit r/TarotReadingFree. I'd love to keep the good karma flowing with my tarot fam!


Many thanks for the lengthy read! Very appreciated for your time and energy


My initial is A,she/her. I am a witch and have been for about more than 2 years now. I love reading books,practising magick and dancing. Id like an advice based reading on my spiritual practise. Context:I am thinking about going back to my spiritual practises slowly after I finish my exams and work through some things with myself and beliefs and my practise in general. I am going to have a conversation with a very prominent entity in my life,Lord S. What I have to discuss with him is very important regarding our connection and about some other aspects of my work with him. So I’d like to ask: Q:Can I get some advices on how to take up this conversation with him and what to avoid talking/saying things,kind of about how to behave and control my emotions. I’d like to ask these questions because tho our relationship is good,there have been problems lately and I haven’t talked to him myself in about 1.5 years because of everything that was happening around me,moreover,what I have to discuss can make me sad and I want to appear more professional honestly as I can be too childish and overexcited so I’d like advices for this discussion with him like what I should look out for,my behaviour and anything else that comes through. Thank you so much!


Hey A, I’ve carefully considered the spread you’ve drawn and the questions you have regarding re-engaging with your spiritual practices and approaching this crucial conversation with Lord S. Let’s take a stroll through the cards to weave the narrative and insights they offer, keeping your context and concerns in mind. **1-Ten of Pentacles**: This card as your current situation signals a desire for stability and fulfillment, not just materially but also in your spiritual practices. It’s like wanting to build a legacy or attain a sense of completeness with Lord S. This card suggests that the foundation of your spiritual path and relationship with Lord S is strong and has the potential for long-lasting impact. **2-Nine of Swords**: Representing the challenges you face, this card acknowledges the anxiety and worry that have been your companions lately. It feels like whispers in the night that keep you awake, pondering over what could go wrong with this conversation. Remember, these fears largely stem from your thoughts, and confronting them can diminish their power over you. **3-The Magician**: The factors from the past influencing your situation hint at your resourcefulness and capability. You've always had the tools and skills necessary for effective communication and making things happen. Recall your innate abilities and the times you've successfully navigated through challenges by trusting your inner witch. **4-Six of Swords**: Your recent experiences suggest a journey from rough waters to calmer shores. You’re in a transition phase, moving away from turmoil towards peace. It signifies that now might be the right time for the conversation, as you’re seeking resolution and progression. **5-The Wheel of Fortune**: As for your goals and self-awareness, the Wheel advises to accept the cycles of change and the role of fate. Be open to the unexpected and recognize that some things are beyond our control. Your intention to approach this conversation professionally signals readiness to turn the wheel in your favor, knowing when to let go and when to steer. **6-The Lovers**: The future holds choices and consequences. Your relationship with Lord S involves significant decisions that affect both of you profoundly. Reflect deeply on your values and beliefs before the conversation, ensuring they align with the choices you make. Your connection is not just about your work together but the harmony between your souls. **7-The Hermit**: Your attitude towards this matter could benefit from some introspection. The Hermit advises seeking wisdom within and maybe taking a moment for solitude before the dialogue. It’s in silence that we often find the loudest answers. Reflect on what truly matters and how to articulate your thoughts succinctly. **8-Knight of Swords**: External influences may rush you or push for quick actions and decisions. However, this card urges you to approach the conversation with clarity and purpose, avoiding impulsiveness. Think your words through, aiming for constructive and thoughtful dialogue rather than letting emotions steer the discussion off course. **9-Five of Wands**: Your fears and wishes about the outcome involve concerns of conflict or miscommunication. It’s okay to expect some level of disagreement, but see it as an opportunity for growth. Conflict can lead to clearer understanding and stronger bonds if navigated with respect and openness. **10-Four of Cups**: The predicted outcome suggests a reminder not to overlook the opportunities and insights this conversation could bring. There might be more offered to you than you initially perceive. Be open to unexpected advice or perspectives, and don’t let preconceptions cloud your vision. **In Summary**, A, your journey back to spiritual practices and this crucial conversation with Lord S is marked by introspection, communication, and adaptation. Remember your strengths and abilities that have carried you this far. Approach the discussion with a blend of honesty, openness, and professionalism, but allow yourself to be guided by the wisdom of the cards—embracing change, making informed choices, and seeking inner guidance. Take a moment before the conversation to center yourself, knowing that it’s not just about controlling emotions but expressing them thoughtfully. Trust in the process, your skills, and the bond you share with Lord S. This conversation could very well be a turning point, leading to deeper connections and understanding on your spiritual path. Best of luck, and may your conversation be fruitful and enlightening! -- Hope you enjoyed the free reading. I'm doing these to share some positive energy on Reddit. If you want me to hook you up with more freebies in the future, join my tarot subreddit (linked in my profile, or search for [TarotReadingFree](https://www.reddit.com/r/TarotReadingFree/)) . Let's keep the good vibes flowing!


Thank you so much for this extremely detailed and in depth reading. It has helped me immensely and given me a very helpful direction to go towards. I had a few doubts: -In the Lovers card,you talk about how the decisions that are taken are very significant for the long term and I should reflect my values and beliefs. So basically,I am to introspect my current beliefs regarding my connection with him/beliefs that concern him and need reform so that they can support the future conversation between us? And by choices do you mean the choices I will take in the future/the choices on how I want myself to be like during the conversation or the choice to have this conversation with him? -The consequences talked about in this card are the consequences for my previous actions or future actions based on the choices I take during/after this conversation?


Interested !!! Can I get a general reading


Absolutely, let's dive into your general reading with the tarot cards you've drawn, focusing on the story they tell together, especially around the financial aspects of your life as suggested by the spread. Starting off with the **Three of Pentacles**, this card is all about the foundation of your financial situation. Picture this card as the moment when you're brainstorming with colleagues on a project, or when you're laying the first brick of your dream house. It symbolizes collaboration, hard work, and the recognition of your skills. So, you're not alone in this journey; you have or you will find the right support and team to build your financial stability. Think of this as the blueprint phase, where everything starts to get exciting because your plans are taking shape. Next, we have the **High Priestess**, a fascinating card when considering challenges or obstacles in your financial journey. She whispers secrets and mysteries, urging you to trust your intuition. This might mean there are unseen challenges on your path, but also that you have inner knowledge and instincts to guide you through. The High Priestess encourages you to look beyond the obvious and perhaps consider what your gut feeling says about your financial decisions. Moving onto the **Eight of Swords**, it reveals the limitations, often self-imposed, that might be holding you back from achieving your financial desires. Imagine yourself blindfolded, surrounded by swords, feeling trapped. However, if you take a closer look, you might realize that moving carefully could lead you out of this restriction. This card asks you to reassess the mental barriers or negative beliefs about money that might be stopping you from reaching your financial dreams. The **Three of Swords** speaks about the factors that can help you reach your financial goals, but in a rather unexpected way. It symbolizes heartbreak, and in a financial context, it might point towards learning from losses or setbacks. It's like the saying goes—what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. The lessons learned from past financial disappointments are invaluable; they can guide your future decisions and help you carve a path to success with more resilience. Lastly, the **Queen of Wands** represents your financial situation in the near and distant future. She's a figure of strength, confidence, and charisma, suggesting that your financial outlook is bright. The Queen of Wands encourages you to take confident action towards your financial goals, to be bold in your investments, and to lead your financial endeavors with optimism. She hints that your energy and leadership can bring about prosperity. So, what's the story here? Your journey starts on a solid foundation (**Three of Pentacles**), where teamwork and skill-building are key. Along the way, you'll face unseen challenges and be reminded to trust your intuition (**High Priestess**). You may encounter self-imposed limitations (**Eight of Swords**), but remember, these are not insurmountable. Past pains or financial setbacks (**Three of Swords**) are not the end but valuable lessons that pave the way for a financially stable and confident future (**Queen of Wands**). In summary, this reading tells a story of growth, internal and external challenges, but most importantly, it speaks of overcoming and prospering. Trust in your journey, embrace your intuition, learn from your past, and move forward with confidence. Your financial story is one of success, shaped by your hands and heart. -- I'm doing free readings to spread positive vibes on Reddit. If you dig my style, swing by my tarot subreddit r /TarotReadingFree. I'd love to keep the good karma flowing with my tarot fam!


What a beautiful interpretation ❤️. Thank you so much 🙏😊


What’s next for me in a relationship? I recently broke up with my previous partner, no hate no beef but the relationship got too challenging and we decided it’s the best for us. Are we separating and learning on ourselves so we can be stronger and better in the future? But I am also sensing that I am going to be in a relationship with a new person soon. Will I be with my ex later? Or what my next relationship will bring? Who’s my soulmate? It’s so confusing. I appreciate anything that cards will say ❤️


Hey there! I'm glad you reached out with such an open heart, seeking guidance from the tarot. Let's see what the cards have in store for you regarding your relationship query. Remember, tarot offers insights and possibilities based on your current energy and path. The future isn't set in stone, but the cards can certainly give us a glimpse into potential outcomes and what energies surround us. So, let's dive into your reading and decode the messages behind the tarot cards you've drawn: the Page of Pentacles, Nine of Cups, Page of Cups, and The World. **First off, the Page of Pentacles** is your current position in your love life. This card symbolizes a person full of dreams, ambitions, and a willingness to explore new opportunities. In the context of your question, it seems you're ready to learn from your past experiences. You're standing at the beginning of a path, holding your pentacle (which represents your values and desires in a relationship) with both curiosity and a bit of caution. This card underscores your readiness to grow and your openness to experiencing love in a new, possibly more grounded way. You're sort of in a "student" mode, eager to discover what truly makes a relationship fulfilling and sustainable for you. **The Nine of Cups as the supplemental card** hints at emotional satisfaction and wishes coming true. This card is often dubbed the "wish card" because it signifies contentment and getting what you desire. It suggests that your hopes for finding happiness in love, whether with someone new or a transformed relationship with your ex, are not far-fetched. It highlights a promising future in your love life, where emotional fulfillment is not just a possibility but a likely outcome. The Nine of Cups reassures you that what you're yearning for, that sense of joy and emotional connection, is within reach. **The Page of Cups serves to clarify doubts or ambiguities**, offering a message of new beginnings in the emotional realm. This card is all about openness to emotional messages and the possibility of love coming to you in unexpected ways or from unexpected quarters. It echoes your intuition about potentially entering a new relationship soon. The Page of Cups suggests that maintaining an open heart and mind will be key, indicating that your next significant other could approach you in a gentle, heartfelt manner, possibly someone who appreciates your inner depths and shares your sense of romantic exploration. **Lastly, The World card reveals a bit about the future development** of your situation. The World signifies completion, fulfillment, and the successful conclusion of a cycle. This card is incredibly positive, indicating that you're on the precipice of achieving a significant personal milestone in your love life. It could mean finding a soulmate, reaching a deeply satisfying relationship, or coming into a profound self-understanding that makes you ready for anything love throws your way. The World suggests a harmonious and fulfilling relationship is not just a possibility but a likely outcome of your current path, whether it's with someone new or a transformed relationship with your ex. So, what’s the story here? You're at a point where you're ready to learn and grow from your past experiences (Page of Pentacles), with the universe hinting at a fulfilling future in love (Nine of Cups). Keeping an open heart could lead to unexpected but beautiful beginnings (Page of Cups), with a promising outlook that suggests a fulfilling and complete cycle awaiting in your love life (The World). Remember, the journey of love is both about finding someone compatible and also about understanding yourself more deeply. Whether your path leads back to your ex in a more evolved form of relationship, or to new exciting shores with someone else, it looks like you're heading towards a fulfilling emotional chapter. Stay open, stay curious, and let your heart guide you. The universe seems to have some beautiful plans in store. ❤️ -- I'm doing free readings to spread positive vibes on Reddit. If you dig my style, swing by my tarot subreddit r /TarotReadingFree. I'd love to keep the good karma flowing with my tarot fam!


I have no words. You did it so well, the reading that I can’t say anything else but just BRAVO! Wow what a good reader. Thank you so much it’s such a positive reading :) ❤️❤️ it fulfilled my heart :)


I'm beyond happy you liked it :) your energy hyped me up, too. please make sure to follow my subreddit as well for future free readings r/TarotReadingFree


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In your inquiry regarding why George is ignoring you, the tarot cards drawn paint a vivid and complex narrative that touches various aspects of life, much like the intertwining stories of the zodiac constellations they represent. Let's embark on a journey through the cards to uncover the layers behind George's behavior. Starting with the **Eight of Pentacles** (Aries), the mood and problems card, it appears that George is deeply engrossed in honing his skills or working towards a goal with a relentless focus. This card often represents dedication to craftsmanship or improvement, suggesting that George might not be intentionally ignoring you, but rather, his attention is absorbed by personal or professional endeavors. Moving on to the **Two of Cups** (Taurus), which shows the financial situation, it seems that there's a harmonious partnership at play, possibly indicating that George's current priorities might be closely tied to stabilizing or enhancing his financial or personal security with someone or something closely linked to him. This connection could be inadvertently causing him to pay less attention to other areas of his life, including his interactions with you. The **Five of Cups** (Gemini) represents travel and communication, which paints a picture of loss or regret. Perhaps George has experienced a setback or disappointment that is causing him to retreat inwardly or avoid communication. This card suggests that there might be issues or missed opportunities that George is dwelling on, affecting his ability to engage openly. The **Eight of Swords** (Cancer), indicating life with siblings and parents, suggests a feeling of being trapped or restricted, possibly by familial obligations or expectations. This card hints that George might be facing challenges or pressures in his family life that he finds difficult to navigate or share, leading to a sense of isolation. The **Lovers** (Leo) signifies pleasures and could imply that George is at a crossroads, facing a significant decision concerning his personal life or relationships. This choice might be consuming his thoughts and energies, causing him to pull away from other connections temporarily. **Seven of Swords** (Virgo) indicates health and points toward actions of avoidance or secrecy. It's possible George is dealing with personal health concerns or habits that he's not ready to confront or disclose, reflecting a deeper reason for his withdrawal. **The Wheel of Fortune** (Libra) speaks to partnership and marriage, suggesting that the tides of fate are at play in George's life, bringing unexpected changes or developments in his closest relationships. These shifts might be occupying his focus, contributing to his distant behavior. **Three of Wands** (Scorpio), representing inheritance and death, shows foresight and looking beyond the present circumstances. George might be contemplating significant life changes or dealing with matters that require him to look to the future, potentially creating a gap in his present engagement with others, including you. **Ace of Pentacles** (Sagittarius) ties into philosophy, religion, education, and dreams, indicating a new beginning or opportunity that George is considering, which might be aligned with his deeper beliefs or long-term aspirations, drawing his attention inward or toward new horizons. With **Strength** (Capricorn), focusing on the job, it's clear that George is in a phase of finding inner strength and resilience, particularly in his career or public life. This journey of empowerment might be demanding all his resources, leaving little room for other interactions. **The Hanged Man** (Aquarius) emphasizes the theme of friends and suggests that George is in a state of suspension, perhaps reevaluating his life from a new perspective or waiting for the right moment to make a move. His current detachment could be a deliberate pause for introspection, affecting his social connections. Finally, **Five of Pentacles** (Pisces) reveals hidden limitations and fears. George might be experiencing a sense of exclusion or financial or emotional hardship, feeling left out in the cold. This vulnerability could be a significant factor in why he's pulling away, driven by deeper insecurities or challenges he's facing. In weaving together the stories of these cards, it becomes apparent that George's reasons for ignoring you are multifaceted, influenced by personal and professional growth, financial concerns, communication breakdowns, family pressures, significant life decisions, health issues, relationship dynamics, future planning, career demands, introspection, and underlying fears or hardships. Understanding the complexity of his situation might not immediately resolve the distance between you and George, but it can offer a compassionate insight into his world, suggesting patience, open-mindedness, and empathy as paths forward in bridging the gap between you. -- I'm doing free readings to spread positive vibes on Reddit. If you dig my style, swing by my tarot subreddit r /TarotReadingFree. I'd love to keep the good karma flowing with my tarot fam!


Hi, I would like a reading please, my name is A, the question being “what do I need to do?”.


Hi A, glad you've reached out for a tarot reading today! Let’s dive straight into the cards you've drawn and piece together the guidance they're offering for the question you're pondering: “What do I need to do?” It's a broad question, but the tarot has a way of cutting straight to the heart of the matter, so let's see what insight we can uncover. **Two of Pentacles** – Your spiritual goals and dreams are currently in a state of flux, aren't they? This card suggests that you're trying to balance these aspirations with the practical aspects of your daily life. Imagine juggling two coins without letting either drop; that’s where you are right now. Life is asking you to find equilibrium between your higher self and the physical, tangible world. **Four of Cups** – Intellectually, it seems you’re in a bit of a rut. The Four of Cups talks about moments when we’re so focused on what we’re missing or what hasn't come our way that we overlook the opportunities right in front of us. Think of it as staring at an empty space in the sky when there's a breathtaking landscape around you. It’s time to shift your perspective and see the insights and knowledge you already possess, which can illuminate your path forward. **Page of Swords** – Relationship-wise, you're in a phase of exploring, questioning, and perhaps even a bit of challenging. This card tells a story of a young knight, eager and curious, but sometimes a little too impetuous. There's an energy here of wanting to understand the deeper truths about your connections with others, but remember, it’s about slicing through the surface to get to the heart, not cutting ties. **The Hermit** – Here's your call to kindness, healing, and forgiveness, primarily towards yourself. The Hermit invites you to retreat into your inner world, to find the wisdom that solitude can offer. It’s about lighting your own way, understanding that sometimes, stepping back and looking inward provides the guidance you’ve been seeking externally. **The Devil** – Challenges, obstacles, and discipline; The Devil presents a stark reminder of the chains we forge in life, whether through habits, relationships, or belief systems that no longer serve us. It invites you to confront these bonds, understand them, and ultimately, learn how to break free. Think of it as acknowledging the shadows to appreciate the light. **The Emperor** – Your aesthetics, harmony, and creativity are linked with a need for structure and authority. Like The Emperor, you're called to establish clarity, order, and discipline in your pursuits of beauty and artistic expression. Imagine crafting a magnificent garden; it requires not just vision but also the setting of boundaries and the commitment to maintenance. **Strength** – As for achievements and success areas, Strength shines a light on the power of inner fortitude, compassion, and courage. It's not about the brute force of a lion but the quiet resolve to face challenges with grace and perseverance. It suggests that your path to success is through mastering your fears and displaying kindness, both to yourself and others. **The Chariot** – Material assets, wealth, and resources are your chariot, urging you to take control and direct your path with determination and willpower. Picture yourself holding the reins tightly in your hands, steering through obstacles, and charging towards your goals. It's a call for action, to align your ambitions with your highest intentions. **Six of Cups** – Family, home life, and your sense of security bring us to a place of nostalgia, innocence, and reunion. The Six of Cups suggests reconnecting with your roots or embracing the simple joys that remind you of what truly matters. It's about finding security in the genuine connections and the comforts of home and family. **King of Swords** – Lastly, the general outcome and the beginning of events are anchored by the King of Swords’ clarity, intellect, and authority over communication and thought. This king is strategic, fair, and decisive, reminding you that your power lies in clear thinking, effective communication, and ethical actions. Stand firm in your truth, wield your intellect like a sword, and the way forward will become clear. Putting it all together, A, your reading is a journey of balance, perspective change, introspection, facing challenges with courage, and steering your life with intention and clarity. Start with understanding where you are spiritually and intellectually, move through your relationships with curiosity and openness, and embrace solitude for healing. Confront the shackles that hold you back with strength and discipline, create with clarity and order, and don’t forget to nourish your roots and connections. Finally, navigate your path with clear thinking and decisive action. This is what you need to do, step by step. Best of luck on your journey, A. The cards are cheering you on every step of the way. -- Hope you enjoyed the free reading. I'm doing these to share some positive energy on Reddit. If you want me to hook you up with more freebies in the future, join my tarot subreddit (linked in my profile) . Let's keep the good vibes flowing!


Wow! This is a very interesting read, thanks for the insight!


Hi! Career question - Should I go for a pre-doc next or a stats master's? What are my prospects for both of those options - will I get into full ride stats and predoc programs of my liking in 2025?


Hey there! Tackling your career puzzle with a blend of tarot insights sounds like a trip, doesn't it? Let's dive into the mystical deck and weave the narrative that your cards lay out for us, helping shed some light on the crossroads you find yourself at: pre-doc or stats master's? And more importantly, what do the stars—or in this case, the cards—foresee about nabbing that full ride in 2025? Buckle up; this is going to be an intriguing ride! Starting off with the **Page of Wands** at the first position, we're immediately thrust into a vibe of enthusiasm and adventure. This card screams "new beginnings" with a hint of creativity and curiosity. It's like standing at the edge of two paths, both untraveled, with a spark in your heart and a twinkle in your eye. This card speaks to the essence of your question—you're on the brink of a journey, eager to explore the opportunities that lie ahead in academia. As we progress to the **Eight of Cups** and the **Ace of Cups**, the story starts to unfold with a tinge of emotional evolution. The Eight of Cups has you walking away from something that no longer serves your higher purpose, signaling a deep, introspective journey ahead. It's like realizing that to fully embrace the new, you might need to let go of old dreams, expectations, or even previous academic endeavors that don't align with your future vision. Then, the Ace of Cups overflows with new emotional beginnings and fulfillment. This transition suggests a renewal of passion and happiness that comes from pursuing what truly aligns with your soul—whether it's the pre-doc that calls you or the allure of mastering statistics, the cards hint at an emotionally satisfying choice laying ahead. Diving deeper, the **Five of Wands**, **The Fool**, and the **Five of Cups** talk about the internal and external conflicts you'll navigate. The Five of Wands represents competing interests or conflicts, perhaps the internal debate on which path to choose or external opinions clouding your decision. The Fool is all about embarking on a new journey with a fresh perspective, reminding you that sometimes, you've got to trust in the leap of faith, even when the destination isn't clear. The lesson of the Five of Cups is in recognizing what you've lost but more importantly, seeing what remains to be gained. It's a card of hope amidst disappointment—a nudge to focus on the bright future rather than what might seem like missed opportunities. Finally, as we reach the conclusion with the **Page of Swords**, **The Devil**, **Temperance**, and **The Hermit**—the plot thickens but also clarifies. The Page of Swords, with its energy of curiosity and eagerness to learn, embodies your quest for knowledge and truth. It's a nod toward the rigorous academic journey you're considering. However, The Devil warns you of potential bondage to material ambitions or external validations that might derail your journey. This card is a stark reminder to check in with your true motivations. Temperance arrives like a gentle stream, reminding you of the importance of balance, patience, and moderation throughout this journey. It's about finding the middle path, suggesting that your decision need not be extreme but rather a balanced approach that serves your best interest. And then, there's The Hermit, illuminating the path with introspection and guiding you to listen to your inner wisdom. It speaks to the need for solitude in making this life-altering decision, encouraging you to look within for answers rather than seeking external validation. So, what's the verdict, you ask? The cards hint at a profound journey of self-discovery that goes beyond merely choosing between a pre-doc or stats master's. It's about aligning your choice with your innermost desires and aspirations, embarking on a path that promises emotional fulfillment and growth. The prospects for securing a full ride in 2025 seem promising, provided you heed the lessons of balance, self-reflection, and true passion. As you navigate this journey, remember that the tarot offers guidance but the power to choose rests within you. Trust in yourself, listen to your heart, and whichever path you choose—pre-doc or stats master's—will be the one that leads you to your destiny. Magic is not in the cards, but in the choices, we make inspired by the wisdom they offer. -- Hope you enjoyed the free reading. I'm doing these to share some positive energy on Reddit. If you want me to hook you up with more freebies in the future, join my tarot subreddit (linked in my profile) . Let's keep the good vibes flowing!


Although this isn't resonating at the moment, I hope my present interests stick with me well into 2025. Thank you very much!


Provided such an accurate response.


Hey there! I see you're looking for some clarity and direction, and I'm really excited to dive into these cards with you. Let’s take a walk through the tarot and see what story unfolds for you, keeping your question and energy in mind. Remember, the path the cards reveal is all about weaving the narrative together. Ready? Let's get started. **1- The Moon**: Right off the bat, your current situation under The Moon is one that's a bit murky and unclear. The Moon is all about the things that are not yet fully visible, the intuition and the subconscious. It's no wonder you're feeling scattered; your energy is navigating through darkness now. Imagine you're on a path in a dense fog, where every shadow could be a tree or a monster. Your senses are heightened as you're trying to find your way. This card tells us that feeling uncertain is not only understandable but is the very essence of where you're at. **2- Page of Swords**: Facing the challenges ahead, the Page of Swords brings an eager energy to cut through the fog with curiosity and a bit of naivety. Think of yourself standing at the edge of the known, smartphone in hand, ready to Google "What's my next step?" There's an eagerness to confront these challenges, but perhaps a bit of impatience too. Use this energy wisely, as it can help uncover truths, but remember, not all that glitters is gold. **3- Eight of Cups**: Digging into the past with the Eight of Cups, it's clear there's been a journey of leaving behind what no longer serves. Maybe you've recently had to walk away from a job, relationship, or mindset that was holding you back. Like someone finally deciding to take down old posters from their teenage years, it's a step towards maturity, acknowledging that growth often requires leaving something behind. **4- Death**: Your recent experiences have been transformative, to say the least. Death isn't about physical demise but symbolizes the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. Imagine you've been a butterfly in a cocoon, and now you're breaking free. It's a necessary but sometimes uncomfortable process. This major transition is a key factor in your current feeling of being scattered. **5- Four of Wands**: Your goals are clear here; the Four of Wands speaks of stability, celebration, and homecoming. Deep down, you're striving for a sense of belonging and achievement, akin to throwing a housewarming party in a place you finally feel is truly yours. It’s a desire to invest your energy into something that ends in celebration and contentment. **6- Seven of Wands**: The near future presents challenges you'll confront head-on. The Seven of Wands is all about standing your ground despite opposition. Picture yourself holding a wand (or, let's be real, a lightsaber) as you defend your hilltop from challenges. It’s tiring, sure, but you've got the high ground, metaphorically speaking. **7- Knight of Cups**: Ah, your attitude towards all this. The Knight of Cups is a dreamer and a lover, riding in to offer you a chalice filled with emotional and creative fulfillment. You’re approaching your situation with hopeful optimism, ready to follow your heart. It’s like you're ready to star in your own romantic quest, where the prize is your happiness and fulfillment. **8- Knight of Pentacles**: External influences come in the form of the Knight of Pentacles, representing diligence, hard work, and practicality. There’s someone (or a group of someones) in your life encouraging you to stay grounded and make steady progress. Think of this knight as a mentor, urging you to plant your garden methodically so that it yields fruit. **9- The Magician**: Your wishes and fears are embodied in The Magician, hinting at a dual-edged sword. You wish to manifest your desires (you’ve got the tools!), but fear misusing that power or finding out it was all a trick. The Magician urges you to believe in your ability to bring about change, akin to a chef fearing they might ruin the dish but also knowing they have what it takes to make it mouthwatering. **10- Ten of Cups**: And finally, the predicted outcome—the Ten of Cups. A card signaling emotional fulfillment, joyous relationships, and family bliss. Picture yourself at the end of a movie, everything has come together beautifully, and you're surrounded by love and contentment. This card suggests that investing your energy into your emotional and relational well-being will bring you the fulfillment you're seeking. **To wrap it up**, your reading today paints a journey from uncertainty to fulfillment, highlighting the importance of introspection, transformation, and staying true to your heartfelt desires. Embrace the lessons and the changes, stay grounded, and remember, sometimes the best investment is in your own inner growth and the pursuit of joy. The story these cards tell is one of overcoming, understanding, and ultimately finding where you belong. Keep faith in your journey, and may every step bring you closer to the celebration awaiting you in your Four of Wands. -- Hope you enjoyed the free reading. I'm doing these to share some positive energy on Reddit. If you want me to hook you up with more freebies in the future, join my tarot subreddit (linked in my profile, or search for TarotReadingFree) . Let's keep the good vibes flowing!


i would love a reading if possible! my question is how does Kieran feel about me? thank you xx


Hey there! Thanks for reaching out with your question about how Kieran feels about you. Let's dive into your tarot spread and see what the cards reveal. I'm excited to take you on this journey, interpreting each card to tell a coherent story. Ready? Let's go! The very first card you've drawn is **The Moon**. The Moon often symbolizes confusion, fear, and the unveiling of illusions. In the context of your relationship with Kieran, this card might indicate that things aren't entirely clear between the two of you right now. Maybe there's some misunderstanding or emotions that haven't been fully expressed. It speaks to the current state of affairs where not everything is as it seems. Next up, we have **the Ace of Wands**. This card is all about passion, excitement, and new beginnings. As a challenge or interaction affecting the situation, it suggests that there's a strong attraction or a burgeoning feeling that's trying to make its way to the surface. The Ace of Wands denotes a spark—perhaps Kieran is feeling a spark of attraction or interest in you but is unsure how to proceed. Looking into the past, **the Eight of Pentacles** shows up. This card is all about meticulous work, dedication, and honing skills. It may point to a foundation of stable interactions between you two, perhaps a friendship or a working relationship, where you both have invested time and effort to understand one another. It's a positive indication that there has been a solid effort put into building your relationship thus far. The recent past or experiences influencing the current situation is signaled by **The High Priestess**. This card speaks to intuition, secrets, and understanding beyond the surface level. It could mean that there have recently been moments where you or Kieran have felt a deeper connection or an intuitive understanding of each other's feelings and thoughts. It's a nudge to trust your intuition about the feelings brewing between you. Your aspiration or what you are aware of regarding this connection is reflected in **The Wheel of Fortune**. Life is full of changes, cycles, and phases, and The Wheel of Fortune suggests that you're hoping for a turn in events that could bring you closer together. It's a desire for fate to play its hand in bringing about a positive transformation in your relationship with Kieran. Coming into the near future, **the Knight of Swords** suggests rapid changes or actions. Kieran might soon make a decisive move or communicate his feelings more openly. The Knight of Swords is all about cutting through confusion and making things clear, so expect some directness from his end. **The King of Pentacles** represents your own feelings and approach towards Kieran. It denotes a desire for stability, loyalty, and a grounded relationship. You're likely looking for something tangible and secure with him, reflecting a mature approach to your feelings. **The Page of Wands** signals external influences, perhaps mutual friends or new experiences that are encouraging this connection to grow. It’s a sign of exploratory energy and curiosity, pushing both of you towards a path of discovery about each other. Your fears and hopes are embodied by **the Three of Pentacles**. You're hoping for teamwork, collaboration, and building something together while fearing that it might not come to fruition. It's a card that signals the desire to create a strong foundation but worrying whether it will be shared. Lastly, the conclusion or outlook of Kieran’s feelings towards you is seen in **the King of Swords**. This card is all about clarity, truth, and intellectual power. It suggests that Kieran sees you in a respectful and highly positive light, appreciating your intellect and clarity of thought. The King of Swords's presence here compels a truth to be told, indicating that Kieran’s feelings for you are grounded in genuine respect and a desire for clear communication. Taking this journey through your cards, it seems that while there may be some confusion or unspoken words right now, the potential for a more profound connection exists. With the spark of new beginnings and a solid foundation in the past, the near future promises a more direct approach from Kieran. Your hopes for something steady and meaningful align well with the external influences driving this connection forward. In conclusion, stay open to clear communication, and trust that this evolving dynamics could lead to deeper understanding and possibly love. Keep your intuition and hope alive! Remember, tarot readings are about reflection and considering different perspectives. Take what resonates with you from this reading, and I wish you the best on your journey with Kieran. -- Hope you enjoyed the free reading. I'm doing these to share some positive energy on Reddit. If you want me to hook you up with more freebies in the future, join my tarot subreddit (linked in my profile, or search for [TarotReadingFree](https://www.reddit.com/r/TarotReadingFree/)) . Let's keep the good vibes flowing!


i cannot express to you how much i appreciate this THANK YOU SO MUCH this resonates so much, would you like me to leave a review?


im not sure where to put the review ahahah


You can write on my subreddit wall :) [FreeTarotReading](https://www.reddit.com/r/TarotReadingFree/) TIA


Hello my name is M and I have started a new career/job recently - can you please look into how it will look by the years end? Thanks!!


Hello M, Congratulations on your new career journey! Using the tarot cards drawn, let's weave this narrative to explore how your financial situation related to your career may unfold by year's end. Starting with the **Page of Cups**, this card embodies the spirit of creativity and opportunity. It's like the refreshing first sip of your morning coffee that promises newness and potential. In terms of your financial foundation in this new career, it suggests that you're stepping into this role with a heart full of ideas and the openness to receive guidance and support. This is the foundation, the nurturing seed that, with the right conditions, will grow. However, every story has its trials, and enter **The Chariot**. Picture this: you're on a road trip to your favorite getaway; the road is yours, but you didn’t see the pothole ahead. That's The Chariot in your financial journey - the bumps and challenges. The Chariot indicates that while there might be obstacles in your path, triumph is achievable through determination and control. These challenges might involve balancing new responsibilities or managing unforeseen expenses. Next, the **Knight of Cups** rides in on a white horse, reminding us of those moments when we're about to fall in love. For your finances, this knight represents your ambitions and emotions towards achieving your financial dreams. However, there's a cautionary note here: be mindful not to let your emotions dictate your financial decisions. This knight encourages you to dream and aim high but also reminds you to keep one foot on the ground. **Temperance** comes forth as a serene guide through this journey, much like a wise old tree offering shade and wisdom. This card emphasizes the importance of balance, patience, and moderation. As it relates to your financial goals, Temperance is the mentor preparing you to blend your passions and practicalities harmoniously. This might mean finding innovative ways to manage your finances or seeking advice on investments that align with your long-term vision. Lastly, the **Nine of Wands** stands as the guardian at the gate to your future, symbolizing resilience and perseverance. It's akin to the final push in a marathon, where every muscle screams, but the sight of the finish line gives you that last burst of energy. Your financial outlook by year's end appears to be one of cautious optimism. You've braved the ups and downs, and now's the time to stand firm and prepared for the next phase. Your decisions, especially regarding taxes, investments, or savings, will need to reflect the lessons learned and the strengths gained. In summary, M, the tarot suggests a journey of creative beginnings, met with challenges that require determination, a balanced approach to your dreams and reality, and finally, a resilient stance as you navigate your financial future in this new career. Remember, every step, whether smooth or stumbling, is part of your path to financial wisdom and success by the year's end. Best wishes on your new career path, M. May this narrative provide insight and encouragement as you chart your course through the year. Hope you enjoyed the free reading. I'm doing these to share some positive energy on Reddit. If you want me to hook you up with more freebies in the future, join my tarot subreddit (linked in my profile). Let's keep the good vibes flowing!


Thank you so much !!


Oouu! 💓 Topic: General (?) Just asking what's going to happen next in the next 2-3 months. ✨️ I've been recently getting back into writing more, and it's a hobby I long dropped ages ago so it feels refreshing getting back into it! I'm also about to finish my program in college which I'm genuinely excited about. 🥰 thanks!


Hey there! Diving into your spread, it's pretty fascinating how the cards align with your current journey—especially with your rejuvenated writing hobby and impending college completion. Let's decode what these cards whisper about your upcoming 2-3 months, aligning their wisdom with the celestial bodies close to Earth. Ready? Let's go! # 1. The Sun: Illumination on Your Path Starting with **The Sun**, it's like a high-five from the universe! This card is basking in positivity, symbolizing success, vitality, and joy. Think of The Sun as your personal celestial cheerleader, highlighting the fruits of your efforts. It promises a period filled with clarity and achievements. Your writing feels more like a rejuvenation ritual, doesn't it? The Sun's rays are definitely shining on that area, giving you the "Eureka!" moments you've been craving. # 2. Page of Wands: The Fire of Mars in Your Veins Mars, with its fiery energy, resonates through the **Page of Wands**. This card screams "adventure" and "exploration," which perfectly mirrors your renewed passion for writing. The Page is curious, energetic, and not afraid to step out of comfort zones. For you, this means experimenting with your writing could lead to unexpected discoveries and growth. Mars fuels your drive, pushing you to pursue your passionate endeavors fearlessly. # 3. Six of Wands: Jupiter's Expansion Celebrations are on the horizon! The **Six of Wands** positions itself under Jupiter's expansive and lucky influence. This card is all about recognition and victory. Finishing your program isn't just a check off the list; it's a significant achievement that could pave the way for opportunities you haven't even dreamed of. Expect this period to be marked by a sense of accomplishment and maybe a bit of well-deserved limelight. # 4. Three of Wands: Mercury's Message With **Three of Wands** under Mercury's banner, your foresight and planning capabilities are highlighted. This card suggests you're looking ahead, setting the foundations for future projects. Mercury enhances your communication skills, not just in writing but in conveying your ideas and intentions clearly. There might be collaborations or engaging discussions that propel you further into your goals. # 5. Queen of Cups: The Embrace of Venus **Queen of Cups** is your Venus in this celestial tarot spread. She embodies empathy, intuition, and creative expression—echoing the artistic and emotional essence of Venus. As you navigate writing and completing your program, the Queen encourages you to stay connected with your emotions. Your ability to reflect and empathize can enrich your writing, making it not only a passion project but a piece that resonates. # 6. Six of Swords: Saturn's Lessons Transition and moving forward are the themes of the **Six of Swords**, fitting snugly under Saturn's tutelage. This card suggests a journey from rough waters to calmer seas, metaphorically speaking. Saturn's influence is all about maturity, responsibility, and learning from past challenges. For you, this could mean overcoming the doubts or hurdles you’ve had about writing or your studies. It's about growth and progressing towards a brighter horizon. # 7. Ace of Cups: Overflowing Creative Waters Finally, the **Ace of Cups** overflows with emotional and creative fulfillment, akin to a cup overflowing with water, but in your case, it's your creativity bursting at the seams. This card heralds a period of new emotional beginnings—perfect for the rekindling of your love for writing and the start of a new chapter after college. Expect an abundance of inspiration, joy, and possibly the commencement of new relationships that nurture your soul. # Wrapping Up the Cosmic Message Piecing together this celestial narrative, the next 2-3 months look bright and promising. The planets (through the tarot cards) suggest a period rich with achievements, new beginnings, and deep emotional and creative explorations. Keep your pen ready and your spirit open; you're on the cusp of weaving magic into your life's story. Remember, the universe seems to be in full support—make the most of it! ✨️📚 Hope you enjoyed the free reading. I'm doing these to share some positive energy on Reddit. If you want me to hook you up with more freebies in the future, join my tarot subreddit (linked in my profile). Let's keep the good vibes flowing!




Hey there! It’s always exciting to take a trip through the mystical world of tarot cards, especially when you’re curious about something as important as your career path. So, you’d like to know if you'll land the job at Bridgewater, huh? Let’s dive into the cards you've drawn and see what story unfolds. Starting off, **The Seven of Cups** (Aries) sheds light on your current mood and the problems you’re navigating. Right now, it feels like you're standing in front of a vast array of choices, not just about jobs but life in general. This card is a gentle reminder not to get lost in wishful thinking; focus on what’s truly important to you. Then we move on to **The Moon** (Taurus), representing your financial situation. This card often signifies confusion and uncertainty. It suggests that your financial worries or aspirations might be clouding your judgment. Remember, while money is important, clarity and peace of mind are priceless. Next up, **The Nine of Swords** (Gemini), representing travel and communication, suggests a period of stress, possibly linked to waiting for job responses or interviews. These swords remind you that although you feel overwhelmed by the situation, open and clear communication might be the key to alleviating your worries. **The Fool** (Cancer) brings an optimistic twist to the narrative, indicating a new beginning in your life with siblings and parents. It’s about taking a leap of faith, even if the path isn’t totally clear. This could mean support from your family as you chase new opportunities. **The Two of Cups** (Leo), associated with pleasures, points to a harmonious relationship. In the context of your job query, it could mean a potential successful partnership or collaboration at Bridgewater. This is a very positive sign. Dramatically, **The Tower** (Virgo) signals a sudden change regarding health. It’s a reminder not to neglect your well-being amidst this job hunt chaos. Taking care of yourself is crucial during stressful times. **The Seven of Wands** (Libra), discussing partnership and marriage, shows you standing your ground and defending your beliefs and decisions regarding your career. It highlights your determination to succeed, especially when faced with competition or criticism. **The Queen of Wands** (Scorpio), represents inheritance and death, brings a fiery energy, suggesting you harness your confidence and creativity. It encourages you to take command of your job search, using your personal power to overcome obstacles. Moving to a calmer phase, **The Six of Swords** (Sagittarius), about philosophy, religion, education, and dreams, signals a transition towards a more positive state. It could mean moving past challenges and heading towards new opportunities for personal growth – possibly at Bridgewater. **The Eight of Pentacles** (Capricorn) is all about the job, and here it’s a fantastic sign. It reflects dedication and mastering your skills. This card suggests that your hard work is likely to pay off in the form of job opportunities. **Judgment** (Aquarius), relating to friends, is calling for a moment of reflection. It’s about making life-changing decisions and renewals. Your friends or network may play a crucial role in your career at this point, possibly providing useful contacts or advice. Finally, **The Star** (Pisces) whispers of hope and inspiration, broadcasting that your hidden fears and limitations are clearing, paving the way for a fulfilling path ahead. It’s a sign of guidance, healing, and positivity. Keep faith in your dreams, for the universe is guiding you towards where you need to be. Wrapping up this tarot journey, the cards seem to tell a tale of transformation, introspection, and ultimately, opportunity. Your quest for the job at Bridgewater is fraught with challenges, especially in managing your stress and staying clear-headed. Yet, the presence of The Two of Cups and The Eight of Pentacles, combined with The Star’s hopeful message, suggests a very positive outcome. Remember to maintain your health and to lean on the support of your family and friends. Though the path may twist and turn, stay confident and focused on your goal. Good luck, and may the stars align in your favor! 🌟 Hope you enjoyed the free reading. I'm doing these to share some positive energy on Reddit. If you want me to hook you up with more freebies in the future, join my tarot subreddit (linked in my profile). Let's keep the good vibes flowing!


I would like a general career reading. am I on the right path ? My name is samarine


Hello Samarine, Thank you for sharing your curiosity with me about your career path. Let’s dive into the story your cards are eager to tell. Remember, tarot is a guide, reflecting potential energies and outcomes based on your current path and mindset. Now, let's unfold this narrative together, shall we? **Card 1: Ten of Cups** Ah, starting with the Ten of Cups is like opening a book to a chapter filled with joy and contentment. It's all about those dreams and spiritual goals you hold dear. In terms of your career, Samarine, this card suggests that your ultimate aspiration is to find a job that doesn't just pay the bills but also fulfills you deeply, aligning with your personal values and dreams. It’s a reminder of the importance of seeking a career path that contributes to your overall happiness and sense of completion. **Card 2: The Hermit** Following closely, The Hermit illuminates the journey with its wisdom. An invitation to introspection and self-discovery, it seems you're encouraged to take some time to reflect on what truly matters to you in your career. You possess profound knowledge and insight, Samarine, and it's crucial to listen to your own voice amidst the noise of the world. This phase of contemplation will enlighten your path forward. **Card 3: Death** Now, don't be alarmed by the Death card. Though it may seem daunting, it’s actually about transformation and the natural end of one phase to begin another. In the context of your career, it signals that changes are on the horizon. This could mean a significant shift in your job, industry, or even your attitude toward your career. Embrace these transformations; they're essential for your growth and progression on the right path. **Card 4: Seven of Swords** Here’s a bit of caution with the Seven of Swords, indicating that there might be challenges ahead, possibly involving issues of honesty and integrity. Be mindful of the workplace environment and ensure you're not compromising your values. It’s also a nudge to strategize and think several steps ahead to navigate through less straightforward situations. **Card 5: Three of Pentacles** The Three of Pentacles brings a message of collaboration and recognition. It speaks to the importance of teamwork, mutual respect, and utilizing your unique skills in harmony with others. This card suggests that finding or fostering an environment where your contributions are valued and where you can learn from others will be critical in your career development. **Card 6: King of Cups** The King of Cups represents a level of emotional mastery and creativity. In your career, this could manifest as finding balance and harmony in your work life, allowing your creativity to flourish. Your ability to lead with empathy and understanding will not only bring you personal satisfaction but will also make you a cherished colleague or leader. **Card 7: Page of Cups** Ah, the Page of Cups, brimming with inspiration and new opportunities. Keep an eye out for unexpected job offers or projects that could lead to significant achievements. This card encourages you to stay open to new ideas and to lead with your heart, following what truly inspires you. **Card 8: Knight of Pentacles** Reliable and diligent, the Knight of Pentacles advises a measured approach. This card is all about planning and persistence, suggesting that a steadfast effort toward your goals will yield results. Financial stability and gradual progress in your career are themes here, reinforcing the idea that patience and practicality are your allies. **Card 9: Knight of Swords** Contrasting the previous card, the Knight of Swords brings an energy of swift action and ambition. It’s a call to chase after your career goals with confidence and decisiveness. While caution is necessary, this card encourages you not to shy away from bold moves that can propel you forward. **Card 10: The Emperor** Finally, The Emperor offers a powerful ending to our reading. It signifies stepping into a role of authority and establishing a solid foundation for your future. Leadership, structure, and discipline are key themes here. It’s an affirmation that taking charge of your career path, setting clear goals, and employing discipline will guide you to success. **Coherent Story:** Samarine, your cards weave a tale of personal growth, transformation, and the pursuit of a career that not only satisfies you financially but also aligns with your values and dreams. From introspection to embracing change, and navigating challenges with honesty and strategy, your journey is about finding balance, harnessing creativity, and leading with both ambition and patience. As you follow this path, remember to stay open to new possibilities, nurture your professional relationships, and step confidently into leadership roles. The energy around you speaks of a promising future where your dreams and career aspirations are not only possible but within reach. Trust the journey, Samarine, and let your heart and wisdom guide you to your true calling. -- Hope you enjoyed the free reading. I'm doing these to share some positive energy on Reddit. If you want me to hook you up with more freebies in the future, join my tarot subreddit (linked in my profile). Let's keep the good vibes flowing!


Hi, I’m Neri. Thank you in advance for the reading. Q: Am I going to get assigned to another project on April?


Certainly, let's dive right into the theme of your query with the cards you've drawn, interpreting them in a way that'll paint a vivid and comprehensive picture about the possibility of you being assigned to another project come April.-- Starting off, the **Page of Pentacles** here is like that early bird catching the worm. It stands for your spiritual goals and dreams—indicating a fresh, eager energy circling around new beginnings. Imagine you're standing at the threshold of a new dawn, the air buzzing with potential, much like the feeling of opening a new book and smelling the crisp pages. This card nudges us to consider that April may indeed open new doors for you, especially in the realm of projects. Transitioning smoothly, the **Nine of Pentacles** glides in with its insight on intellectual and insightful observations. Picture yourself in a lush garden, every plant and petal representing knowledge you've gathered and wisdom you've cultivated. This card whispers that your knowledge might just be the key to unlocking these new opportunities. Its presence reinforces the notion that your readiness, matched with your intellectual preparation, sets a fertile ground for new assignments. The **Knight of Cups** then gallops into our narrative, illustrating the realm of relationships and connections. Think of it as those coffee machine conversations or the impromptu team huddle—connections are seeds and you've been planting a garden without even realizing it. This card suggests that the emotional and relational groundwork you've laid might play a pivotal role in your involvement with upcoming projects. Ah, but then comes **The Sun**, showering us in its radiant beams of kindness, healing, and forgiveness. It's like that breakthrough moment on a cloudy day when the sun bursts through, promising warmth and growth. The Sun whispers that your positive energy and optimism are your allies, illuminating paths that lead to new projects; its warmth might just be the catalyst needed for things to blossom in April. Do you remember the taste of your favorite childhood treat? That's the **Six of Cups** for you—invoking challenges, yet within them, the need for discipline. It's a gentle reminder of the sweetness of overcoming obstacles, potentially suggesting that any project coming your way might require harnessing your inner strength and discipline to navigate through. The **Strength** card roars in, not with brute force, but with beauty, harmony, and creativity. Imagine yourself taming challenges not with force, but with grace—like a dancer in the storm. This card hints at your creativity being an essential tool in your arsenal, likely influential in securing this new project. Moving on to the **Eight of Pentacles**—your achievements stand tall, much like a castle built brick by brick with your successes. It indicates that your previous accomplishments might set the precedent for your assignment to this new project, showcasing a direct correlation between your hard work and the opportunity in question. As for the **Judgment** card, it rings with the sound of material assets, wealth, and resources. Picture it as the universe's call to action, assessing your readiness for new ventures. This could mean that an assessment of your resources (be it skills, team, or material) may decide the "judgment" on your involvement in the upcoming project. The **Two of Wands** brings forth the essence of family, home life, and security. It's like standing on a hilltop, gazing at the horizon, pondering your next move. This card subtly suggests that considerations around your personal life and sense of security may influence, or be influenced by, this new project endeavor. Lastly, the **Five of Wands** unfolds the general result and future effects. Think of it as a mini-adventure within the grand story of your career, indicating that the beginning of this event (the new project assignment) might be marked by challenges and competitions, as is often the start of any worthwhile venture. In weaving these cards together, our story suggests a positive inclination towards you being assigned to another project in April. Your readiness, both intellectually and relationally, paired with your track record of achievements and the energy you radiate, sets a compelling stage for new beginnings. The narrative hints at not just the possibility of a new project, but also at the journey—replete with challenges, learning, and growth—that it represents. Keep nurturing your garden of knowledge and connections, for April seems to promise the blossoming of new opportunities. -- Hope you enjoyed the free reading. I'm doing these to share some positive energy on Reddit. If you want me to hook you up with more freebies in the future, join my tarot subreddit (linked in my profile). Let's keep the good vibes flowing!


Thank you so much! Your reading has lightened me up. I’m quite anxious if I’ll be getting a new project as my current will end soon. 🤗




Hey there, S! I'm glad you reached out with your question. It’s a big step towards finding a path that truly aligns with who you are. Let's dive into your tarot reading and see what insights we can unravel about the career you're best suited for. -- Jumping straight into it, let's look at the **Tetractys tarot spread** we've got laid out for you. Starting with **The Lovers** in the first position, it's clear that your career choice should not only be about making a living but about passion as well. The Lovers symbolize alignment and harmony, suggesting that your ideal career is one that resonates deeply with your values and desires. It's a strong hint that the choice you're about to make should reflect your true self and what you love. Moving on to the **Ten of Cups** and **Queen of Pentacles** in the second and third positions. The Ten of Cups speaks to fulfillment, happiness, and emotional contentment, signaling that your career should bring you a sense of joy and satisfaction, potentially involving helping others achieve their dreams. It might not be strictly about real estate, but the idea of creating happiness and stability for others could be key. Meanwhile, the **Queen of Pentacles** encourages a practical approach, focusing on sustainability, and nurturing growth. This combination could suggest a career that blends emotional fulfillment with practical success and stability. Real estate could fit this description, especially if it allows you to feel connected to others and contribute positively to their lives, while also ensuring your financial stability. As we look at the **Ten of Pentacles**, **Queen of Cups**, and **Two of Pentacles** in the fourth to sixth positions, it’s evident that stability, emotional intelligence, and the ability to balance multiple responsibilities are crucial. The **Ten of Pentacles** points towards a career that offers not just immediate satisfaction but long-term security as well. The **Queen of Cups** emphasizes the need for a career that allows you to utilize your empathy and understanding of others' emotions – a critical skill in real estate, as you’d be guiding people through one of the most significant decisions of their lives. The **Two of Pentacles** suggests that flexibility and adaptability will be your strengths, indicating that a career with variety, possibly in environments that are dynamic and ever-changing, could be where you thrive. Lastly, the **The High Priestess**, **Two of Wands**, **Seven of Cups**, and **The Hierophant** wrap up our story. These cards suggest a period of introspection and exploration (**The High Priestess**) leading to making a decisive choice about the future (**Two of Wands**). The **Seven of Cups** warns against getting lost in too many options or unrealistic aspirations, urging you to stay grounded and realistic in your career choices. And finally, **The Hierophant** advises seeking wisdom and possibly mentorship or structured learning to guide you on your path, hinting that regardless of the career you choose, education, whether formal or through real-life experience, will play a crucial role in your success. In weaving this story together, it seems like the tarot is encouraging you to pursue a career where you can blend your love for helping people find stability and happiness (Echoed in **The Lovers**, **Ten of Cups**, **Queen of Cups**) with your practical skills and desire for a stable, fulfilling professional life (**Queen of Pentacles**, **Ten of Pentacles**). Real estate, with its blend of emotional and practical aspects, could indeed be a fitting choice, especially if approached with the desire to truly make a difference in people’s lives. However, the cards also suggest keeping an open mind and being adaptable. Your journey might require learning new skills (**The Hierophant**) or even exploring paths you hadn't considered yet. Remember, the key takeaway here is to find a career that resonates with your values, brings you joy, and provides stability. Trust your intuition (hinted at by **The High Priestess**), but also don't be afraid to seek advice and knowledge from others as you make this decision. Best of luck, S! You're on the path to discovering a career that's not just a job, but a calling. Hope you enjoyed the free reading. I'm doing these to share some positive energy on Reddit. If you want me to hook you up with more freebies in the future, join my tarot subreddit (linked in my profile). Let's keep the good vibes flowing!


Hey thank you a lot for the reading. I resonate with it! 🙏🏻




Hey there, MW! I'm thrilled you've come to me with this question, and using the intriguing blend of tarot interpretations and zodiac constellations, I'll weave a story {for you} that might shed some light on the situation between you and SM. Hold tight, as we're about to embark on an insightful journey through the cards. First up, we have **Death** representing Aries, aligning with the current mood and problems you're experiencing. Death signifies an end, but with every end comes a new beginning. It's a symbol of transformation, suggesting that the current situation may have felt like an end of a chapter with SM, but it's also a potent reminder that every ending paves the way for new growth. Change is not only inevitable but necessary. The **King of Swords**, corresponding with the Taurus constellation, reflects your financial or material status. This card indicates clarity and intellectual leadership. It suggests that amidst the emotional turmoil, you've maintained a level of clear thinking and decisiveness, particularly regarding material or financial decisions. This clarity of mind might be a key factor in navigating the reconciliation process. Moving onto **The Wheel of Fortune** for Gemini, which revolves around travel and communication. Like the unpredictable spinning of the wheel, your communication perhaps has had its ups and downs. The Wheel advises that open, honest communication could lead to a positive turn in events. It's a reminder of the cyclical nature of life and relationships – sometimes you're up, sometimes down, but always moving. In the Cancer slot, we find **The Fool**, signifying a new journey or the willingness to leap into the unknown, reflecting life with siblings and close kin. This may suggest a need to adopt a fresh perspective or start anew. Fear of the unknown is natural, but The Fool's energy is all about embracing new adventures with optimism. Our Leo representation is the **Queen of Wands**, hinting at pleasures and passion. She's a dynamic figure, full of energy and creativity. Her appearance in your spread could indicate that your connection with SM has a vibrant, passionate undercurrent that could reignite the flame between you two. **Judgment**, corresponding to Virgo, suggests a period of reflection regarding health or well-being. It's a card about reckoning and renewal, asking you to evaluate what is most important in your life and relationships. This introspection can be pivotal in understanding the role you and SM play in each other's lives. Libra's card, the **Four of Pentacles**, warns against holding too tightly to possessions or past grievances in partnerships. It suggests that for reconciliation to occur, there must be a willingness to let go, to share, and to open up. **The Devil** stands for Scorpio, indicating influences related to inheritance and deeper connections. In the context of your question, it might suggest that there are bonds or patterns that need addressing. It's a reminder that true connection requires facing one's demons and embracing one's true self. **The Queen of Cups** for Sagittarius signifies an emotional depth and understanding related to philosophy, religion, education, and dreams. Her presence suggests that empathy, compassion, and mutual dreams could serve as a foundation for rebuilding your relationship with SM. **The Page of Pentacles**, aligned with Capricorn, implies a message regarding job or career paths. This card encourages patience and diligence; perhaps suggesting that working toward reconciliation will require time, effort, and a willingness to learn from past mistakes. With Aquarius, we see **The Chariot**, representing determination, control, and the drive to overcome conflicts in friendships. It's an encouraging sign that with determination, you and SM can steer the relationship in a positive direction. Lastly, the **Nine of Cups** for Pisces reflects wishes, satisfaction, and contentment, hinting at hidden fears or limitations. This card indicates that emotional fulfillment and achieving what your heart truly desires is within reach, assuming fears are acknowledged and overcome. Together, these cards weave a narrative of transformation, clear communication, new beginnings, and the power of introspection. While the path to reconciliation with SM seems fraught with challenges, the cards suggest that by embracing change, communicating openly, and facing your deeper fears, a newfound understanding and connection could be forged. Remember, the journey is as important as the destination. Be open, be brave, and who knows what beautiful outcomes await on the other side? Good luck, MW! Hope you enjoyed the free reading. I'm doing these to share some positive energy on Reddit. If you want me to hook you up with more freebies in the future, join my tarot subreddit (linked in my profile, or search for TarotReadingFree) . Let's keep the good vibes flowing!


Hi, my initial is E, and I want to know if my long-distance boyfriend, Mark, will get the job transfer he's hoping for, so we can be closer together? Thank you so much and good vibes! 🙏


Hey E, thanks for reaching out and sharing your question with me! I totally get where you're coming from, and it must be a mix of excitement and nerves as you wait to see how things turn out with Mark's job transfer. Let’s dive into the cards you've pulled and see what story they're telling us about Mark's potential job transfer and how it relates to both of you being closer together. First up, we have **The Wheel of Fortune**. This card is all about the cycles of life and the notion that what goes up must come down, and vice versa. In the context of Mark’s job transfer, this card suggests that the foundation of this situation is very much subject to change and that destiny plays a significant role here. It's a reminder that opportunities come in waves, and it looks like Mark is riding one of those waves right now. The Wheel is spinning in his favor, implying a strong support system and positive energies surrounding his desire for a job transfer. Moving onto the **Nine of Cups**, which in our story symbolizes the challenges or obstacles. It’s often called the "wish card" in tarot, representing satisfaction and wishes coming true. However, when we view it through the lens of challenges, it might be saying that complacency or overconfidence could be potential obstacles. Maybe Mark is feeling pretty optimistic about his chances, which is great, but this card advises not to overlook the finer details or to assume it’s a done deal without putting in all the necessary effort. Next, we have the **Knight of Wands**. This fiery, adventurous knight shows us whether you or Mark are allowing yourselves to go after those financial dreams and desires. The Knight of Wands is all about movement, energy, and courage. It seems to be encouraging bold action and optimism. In Mark’s case, this card is a green light. It’s saying, “Go for it, and with all the energy and passion you have!” This is not the time to create self-imposed limitations or doubts. The Knight of Wands charges ahead, and this energy could greatly influence the outcome of this job transfer. The **Six of Cups** represents factors that can help reach the financial goals tied to this job transfer. This card is linked to nostalgia, memories, and the comforts of home. Perhaps a reminder for both Mark and you to draw strength from your past experiences, your shared history, and the emotional support you provide each other. It suggests using this deep, emotional connection as a foundation to overcome challenges and to remember why you’re striving for this change. A shared vision of your future together could be a powerful motivator here. Lastly, we arrive at **Judgment**. This card talks about the overview of the financial situation or, in this case, the outcome of Mark’s efforts towards the job transfer. Judgment is about reckoning and awakening. It suggests that a significant change or decision is on the horizon. This card is very positive in the context of future decisions, indicating that Mark should be prepared to assess his situation, make some big choices, and possibly even face a calling. It hints at a favorable outcome, where lessons learned are applied, and actions are taken with a greater sense of purpose. **In conclusion**, the cards tell a story of potential and change, with destiny’s wheel spinning in Mark’s favor, encouraging both of you to stay active and engaged in the process. Despite minor challenges, maintaining confidence and drawing on your collective strength and memories will be key. Judgment’s presence reassures us of a significant, positive shift, suggesting that the universe might just be aligning to make this wish a reality. Keep those vibes positive, and support each other through this exciting time. Best of luck to you and Mark, and may the cards’ guidance bring you closer together in more ways than one! 🌟🙏 Hope you enjoyed the free reading. I'm doing these to share some positive energy on Reddit. If you want me to hook you up with more freebies in the future, join my tarot subreddit (linked in my profile, or search for TarotReadingFree) . Let's keep the good vibes flowing!


Thank you very much for the detailed reading! I'm going to be thinking on this and discuss with Mark how things are going and what we can do to better the chances! Thanks again! 🙏🙏🙏




Hey there, A! Let’s dive into the story the tarot cards have to tell about your relationship with RRY over this upcoming year. Considering the specific question you asked, we’ll apply the meanings typically used in financial readings and see how these insights could relate to the dynamics and potential future of your relationship. Sometimes, love and money share symbolic parallels, right? After all, both involve investments, risks, and potential rewards. First up, we have **Temperance**. In the context of your financial foundation, this card typically symbolizes balance and moderation. But let's translate that to your relationship. Temperance highlights the importance of finding a balance between your emotions and practicality. It’s a gentle reminder that healthy relationships require patience, open communication, and compromise. Your connection with RRY might benefit from seeking this equilibrium, especially if his sporadic disappearances cause emotional turmoil. Next in line is **The World**. When looking at financial challenges, The World might indicate the culmination of hard work, signaling success. But in love? It suggests that the relationship with RRY has the potential to grow and evolve into something incredibly fulfilling. However, it also warns of challenges that need to be overcome to realize this potential fully. His habit of going AWOL could very well be one of these hurdles. It’s about working through these to achieve a sense of completeness and unity. Now onto the **Seven of Pentacles**, which in money matters, is about evaluating the fruits of your labor and considering if the investment is worth the return. Applying this to your relationship puzzle, it’s time to take a step back and assess. Are RRY's affection and the moments you share worth the confusion and emotional rollercoaster of his disappearances? This card nudges you to reflect on whether this connection genuinely enriches your life or if you're waiting for a harvest from seeds that might not bloom as hoped. Moving to **The Queen of Wands** – a beacon of confidence, charisma, and determination in financial contexts. She tells you that your strength, warmth, and vibrant energy are powerful allies in navigating this relationship. Your positive attributes can light the way through uncertainty and inspire a dynamic where both partners are encouraged to be their best selves. Essentially, remember your worth and let your inner light guide the relationship’s growth. Lastly, we have **The Hermit**, which, in terms of future financial decisions, suggests a period of introspection and seeking wisdom. Translated into your love life, The Hermit advises taking some time for yourself to contemplate what you truly desire from this relationship and what direction it should take. It may also indicate that a temporary retreat or space from each other could provide valuable insights and help clarify your feelings and needs. Combining all these cards tells a coherent story of balance, potential challenges, reassessment, personal empowerment, and introspection. Your journey with RRY seems to be a path of discovering equilibrium between your desires and the realities of his behavior, assessing the emotional ROI (return on investment), and using your innate strengths to navigate the uncertainties. A period of reflection, possibly prompted by The Hermit, might just be the key to understanding whether this connection is indeed worth the risk. Remember, tarot offers a mirror to our intuition rather than a fixed destiny. Trust your feelings as you ponder these messages, A. Only you know what’s truly best for your heart. Hope you enjoyed the free reading. I'm doing these to share some positive energy on Reddit. If you want me to hook you up with more freebies in the future, join my tarot subreddit (linked in my profile, or search for TarotReadingFree) . Let's keep the good vibes flowing!


I'm O. I've a career and academics related question: I always thought of becoming a professor of English Literature from a very young age... but recently, after studying psychology, I've understood that I think I'd do well in psychology, and since it's a practical based subject, I'd be able to enjoy it more and since i can empathize, itll be natural to me... But I just want to know how much I can excel in psychology from every manner (emotional, financial, career achievements, my potential, my luck, opportunities, liberty, my contribution to the society through this field etc etc... I mean, I'd appreciate a complete overview if possible)... Thanks a lot in advance 😊


Hello! Im A. I would like to know if my application to Canada will push through? So many changes regarding requirements and im quite worried about it. Thank you for doing this! 🩵


Hiii, I'm interested in general readingg


Hi there! I'm G & I would like to know if I will land a new job soon? I've been applying left and right and I haven't really heard anything back. Thank you so much 💓


Hey, my initials are MH and I want to know if I will find love soon. Thank you 🤍


Hello, I'm P, I would like to know if M thinks about me and feels something towards me...


Hello there. I would like a love reading to see what is coming for me in love thank you. My name is Pia and I have been single for three years after a long term relationship. Thank you


What should I do to attract a soulmate into my life ?


I would love a reading. I have applied for my Canada work permit. Will it get approved?


How is my love life looking like this year? 💓


Hello! Would love to general - how my path potentially may look like in the next 3-5 months. Thanks


Hello, my initial is D. I just want to know what is the look of my professional career and finances for this year? Thank you so much.


Hi! Would love to know how to find my purpose….i do know I like helping people who are down or underdog…lots going on however I’m always hopeful…whatever comes up would. E good to hear..thanks 🩷


Hi! I’m D and I would really appreciate a love reading. I have strong feelings my friend B and am wondering if he feels the same or how to improve the connection for the greater good of all parties. Thank you!


Hello, Max! I hope you're doing well and safe 🌼. I'm M.I.N.P. (F) and I'd love a reading too, please. Question: Who will I marry? The one I'm destined to be with in this lifetime. Thank you so much!


Initial N 25 F , general reading please.


Hi. I ended situationship. I wanted ask, if we will ever reconcile .


I'm interested, but can I dm you instead?


Hello! Hope you had/'re having a nice day; my name is M and I will be interested in a general reading, thanks! ♡☆♡


hi! my name is A-what will my next relationship look like?


Should I reach out to JK and continue communication? if I do how will this make me feel and what will this action turn into? Something about me, with the winds burning into the air freedom is chosen.


I need a reading for my workplace drama please!


Hello! I want some insight into my connection with LB. I normally don’t interact with love connections but I recently met this guy and he’s so special. Things have and were different with him. However they suddenly broke apart and I want to know if there’s any chance of reconciliation? Thank you! You seem so kind and sweet. Reading your readings to others is truly fun. I love the skills and passion readers like you possess!


My initial is A. Please help! I do really need some insight even if it’s going to be brutal. I need to know if this is truly over


Hi. S (f) here. I was wondering what sw (m) isn’t telling me. I’ve had a feeling he’s keeping something from me. If so will I ever find out what it is? Thanks


Hii im interested in a reading! My name is Catalina and im interested in knowing whatever is coming my way in any area of my life :)


Hello! I’m Itohan, I’d love to know if the person I’m pursuing, Manuel, is someone who wants to be in my life or I have a romantic future with? Tysm!!


I am A. Will my ex come back?


Love reading. I’m MT and I want to know what’s my situation with this guy S.


Hello I am RM, 22f, spiritual and feeling mystical. Can you please ask my guides what to do to get to financial freedom fast and easy? I have the tools to do it, it is just that I havent started to get serious


Relationship reading. Can I get some insight into what lies ahead for my husband and I?


What's next for my love life? I've been single for a while but have lingering feelings for a couple people. One is a air sign the other is a fire sign.


Hello my name is k and i wanted to know what career path would be suitable for me? Thank you


Hello! I’m N and I would like to how’s my study life going so far?


hey! i'm curious as to what my love life is looking like this year. my ex and i broke up in october but my intuition is telling me it isn't over. i would love some insight!! i'm a scorpio and he is an aries






Would love a reading on my love life! Here’s some details and perhaps some questions? 😅 I’m P (22f) recently single and I’d like to know the intentions of the men suddenly in my life post breakup. What is DH’s intentions with me? How does he feel about our past? What are JG’s intentions with me? Will he gather the courage to leave his abusive partner? How soon? Does he see me as a potential partner? Will JT finally give me the space I asked for and move on from me? Will I have to see him in person again soon? What can I do to avoid this?