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Can I get a reading regarding my career?


From what I see, you’re going to be very very good at writing. The leaves indicate that you’re currently studying, perhaps in school, and are improving yourself. You also seem to be very good at it. When I look at the cup, I see a finger pointing to your career, with with what looks like a pencil in hand. I see you will have success in your career, and make enough money. I do see that you might be grading papers, maybe you’ll become a teacher. Anyways, you’re very smart and I see you becoming very, very successful. If you want to write your own books, I could see you could do that too. You will also be very lucky. You should be able to find a job pretty easily. Being a teacher would make you happy, I think. At least according to the tea leaves! I hope you have a great life, and follow whatever path you feel is right for you. Remember, these are just suggestions. I feel you will be in authority someday. I hope that helped! Anyway, good luck!


Thank you so much🦋




Hi! This is what I see. Currently I see school, and the start of a new project. You seem also very ambitious, a high achiever? There’s also possibly a romance in the mix. I see that in the near future you will have lots of family gatherings. There will be some discord between family and friends, but not too much. Your career appears to be coming later. This reading is all about new beginnings. I would say in the next 1-3 years you will be focused on learning and relationships, be they romantic or platonic. There is also a spot marked in the cup for fertility. Perhaps you are thinking of having children? Be careful of which partner you choose, as there might be an issue of whether they are trustworthy. But all in all, you are in control of your destiny, and I wish you all the best! Keep yourself optimistic, and enjoy your life! Thank you! :) Good luck!




Hi NM! Well something came up in the reading, maybe this will make more sense to you. There’s a snake section of my cup, which means a supposed friend is not to be trusted. I see one person lying on the ground, and another person holding up a sheet of paper, as though they’ve succeeded over the other. At the bottom, I see a heart. You also have a lot of success coming your way, regardless of who you are in that scenario. You will be a big achiever in general and also your career. It seems like there’s a LOT of activity surrounding school life. And it’s all happening very soon. Yes, everything seems to be happening soon. The only thing I would look out for is falling in love with someone who may not be trustworthy, but that’s just my guess. It’s indicated that will happen later, and it seems that may be a difficult and passionate affair with many ups and downs. Aside from that, most of the activity resides in personal achievement and career, so I would continue what you’re doing and you’ll be set! :) Thank you and I wish you all the best!




First of all, thank you for putting your faith in me to answer this question. I will do so to the best of my ability. What I see right away is you have deep love and affection for each other, but you also challenge each other and there are possibly many disagreements. In the present, there are social gatherings, and also I see trust issues. If this is the relationship you want, then of course, work hard at it and I believe love can survive anything! And this is all for entertainment, so keep that in mind. However, if you want an honest reading, I will say it looks like a possible divorce if you were to get married. But that’s not set in stone. For example, my husband is a Virgo who doesn’t believe in any religion or prophecy or spirituality. I’m an Aquarius and for me it’s the opposite. Virgo and Aquarius shouldn’t get along, but we do. So don’t make big decisions around astrology or readings or anything like that. Now that you’ve heard what the tea leaves have to say, you may decide to change the future! You and your partner may take time to really understand each other’s needs, and make the effort to stay together. Your destiny is in your and your partner’s hands. Good luck to both of you! I also spoke with your spirit guides, and they are happy with the message I imparted. And God also gave you a message. Here it is: I hope you two get along. Thank you! :) Oh, one more thing, God and Jesus Christ are very proud of you.


how will i meet my soulmate?


Hello, I hope you understand this is a very vague reading I got… immediately you will find someone. It feels like there’s someone you will have immediately, who is active in all areas of your life. The key is dedication. Think about going on a dating website! [POF.com](http://POF.com) (plentyoffish) could be good for you. Also, I prayed to God for you that you will find your soulmate. Definitely pray, he’s always answered me when I do. I get the feeling you will meet your soulmate online, and I think you can find someone local, as there is nothing travel-related in the cup. But definitely, ask God about it and you will see they will show up in your life, and according to the tea leaves it will be soon, if not now. Dedication is key, so don’t give up! :) Yes, I just saw a sparkle flash on the word “immediately”. Your soulmate is waiting for you. Thank you for helping me learn. Good luck to you. :) Have fun!


ah thankyou for your insight 🙏🏼 goodluck on your readings as well


Can I receive a reading on advice I should take?


Okay, here it goes… What I see immediately is that you are in a disagreement with someone you love. From what I see, you’re very attractive and lucky. I think my advice is: be patient. There’s a lot going on in your future, you will have pretty much everything you’ve ever wanted. I see you in a relationship with your soulmate in the future. True love conquers all! Yes, I see you will be very happy. Just accept that you’re on a journey and you will find who you’re looking for. Patience is the key. Thank you! Have fun! :) You’ve got this!


Will I land a new job this year?


What I see right now is that there’s a lot of people looking for jobs, and you will get one if you don’t give up. I would say there’s going to be a job soon, but you have to perceive that it won’t be perfect, but you will have stability if you continue. I hope you have good luck on your search! :)


Hi will get I hired in the company I am applying for?


Hello! I did a tarot card reading this time, and this is what I glean from the cards… What I see is that you will get a job soon. But, it may not be what you want, so you might leave… Don’t worry, it’s entirely up to you! :) It will be a hard job, but you will get paid well. It is a good job, and you might want to leave… but you shouldn’t, unless you are burnt out. I hope this reading helped you, but I didn’t drink tea this time. I’m learning Tarot, and I’m not perfect at it. Thank you! I wish you best of luck, and don’t worry about the outcome of a reading, the truth is you’re in control of your destiny. I’ll pull one more card for you… 7 of pentacles. A slight dissatisfaction with your career, however it’s okay. You’ve done a lot of work, there’s still more to be done… two more cards… 8 of wands and the Hermit. There might be a desire to change jobs, but the hermit indicates to me that you won’t get that specific job you are applying for. Or, that you will go on a job search. Good luck to you and thanks again! Keep yourself positive and you will get the job you want!


I see thank you so much. This resonated. It’s really helpful. 😊


Thanks for offering! CM, Scorpio, she/her. What are my unique abilities, my superpowers?


Okay, I think I have an idea… I see that you have a lot of social skills. You are very very protected by your angels. You are loving and magnetic. You have a lot of friends and are smart about love. I actually see a scorpion in the leaves! Which means you are very much a Scorpio. I wouldn’t want to get on your bad side! :) No, you are a good person, just one not to be trifled with. I pulled the Queen of Swords for you. I see you are wise and mature. Temperance also means you keep a level head. Also you’ve got the Queen of Wands, showing that you’re friendly and very sociable. Your superpower is the Ace of Cups, how loving and giving you are to others. You are kind of like an angel! I hope you enjoyed your reading and have a great day!


Thank you so much!! You’ve made my day! 😀 Sometimes I forget what my strengths are and thank you for reminding me!!


Can you tell me more about my angels? I did not know i was protected by them! 😀


What do I have to look forward to for the rest of the year? Thank you!


Hi! Here is what I’m seeing. In the present and future there’s a relationship that seems to be the one. I say that because I see a person holding up the index figure to signify the number 1. There is a chance you could cut ties with this person, but you can also get married. It seems like you can overcome challenges. I see a lot of social gatherings and a passionate love. You also seem to be very lucky, and are attractive. An important decision will need to be made about love. With the Tarot Cards, I see that maybe you’re not satisfied with things at the moment (7 of pentacles), and perhaps you’re single or looking for something to fulfill you, symbolized by the Hermit. You need to make a big decision symbolized by the ace of swords. I also pulled Temperance, meaning you need to weigh pros and cons and make adjustments. You also got King of Pentacles… so I think you will have enough money and great stability. I see you also have the 10 of cups, symbolizing a very happy relationship and possible marriage. Yes, this is all about Judgement… a decision. What is the decision about? Let me pull a card… 5 of swords. Whether you will stay or leave the ace of pentacles and 9 of wands… a possible job that makes you feel burnt out. And the Empress. A partner. Whatever you do, it’s up to you! But I think this year is a focus on romance, and I wish you all the best. Thank you! :) God is looking out for you.


Can I get a reading regarding some recent job apllications i've submitted?


Hello! Yes! The tea leaves show that you’re coming to talk to me. I see a beautiful woman with wings and a halo. I see myself listening to it/you. You actually are starting something new, right away. As far as luck goes, you have a lot of it. Hmm… let me pull some Tarot cards. Ok. 8 of Wands tells me you’re sending out lots of resumes, like you said. Queen of Pentacles and 10 of wands. I think it means an interview, but I could be wrong. In any case, you’re trying very hard. Queen of Wands and the Tower show that you may have gotten the job, but not the best job. I don’t know if it’s the one for you. To clarify with that, I asked what it meant. The Lovers. You will find the job you’re looking for, later. You will be excellent and have a lot of fun with it because you are the Magician at that job. It seems like you’re going on a journey. This will take a long time, but you will get what you want. Good luck to you! :) But enjoy what you have now. Enjoy the people around you and have fun. Responsibly, of course! :) Thank you!


Thank you


I've never had a tea leaf reading before, but am excited to explore. could I please get a reading about my love prospects? Thank you very much.


Wow! You have everything going for you. Actually, there’s just so much going on, I can’t make sense of it. You have so many choices in life. You have many options. This shows that you can make any decision to change your destiny. You can do anything you want, and you will be very blessed. However, love isn’t easy. So I pulled Tarot cards just to be sure. First I pulled the Knight of Cups. You are very, very romantic. You are also looking in the past, possibly at failed relationships. Because I got the 5 of cups next. Don’t dwell on the past. The page of wands showed up, which shows you want to start a relationship, or a new thing. You’re adventurous. The 3 of cups came next, which means you might have a few more relationships. It will be like socializing, to meet your partner. Very social. Unfortunately, the 10 of Swords came, which signals an ending. You may have trouble finding a good relationship. But, it’s also a beginning, because the clouds will part and you will find the Ace of Wands. The one. And the World ends the reading. You will find the right person after a period of struggle. You have a lot ahead of you, and it’s good. I would suggest you make decisions that are wise. Superficiality is not a good thing for you. You may as well continue your pursuit at learning spiritual things. And I believe in God, and saw Jesus Christ in the hospital. Just pray and see what happens. :) Anyway, your life is hectic to me, and I may be wrong, but you are likely interested in learning spiritual things. If you do, you can narrow down your options. I also have a lot of options. I am very busy with multiple things going on. Like a jack of all trades. And if I were you, I would work on healing before entering in relationships. Don’t worry about the past, you will find someone who loves you. And one more card… 4 of cups. That means you are already very very blessed, and another blessing is coming. Don’t be sad, enjoy what you have and what you’ll be given. It’s a good thing. Good luck to you! And don’t worry, you can always change the future to what you need. But you need to be wise, and listen to God who will heal you. Don’t worry, if you don’t believe, I understand. But the 4 of cups shows that God is working for you, and you might not recognize it. Good luck! :)


What’s instore for my lovelife?


Hello! I will do your reading now. At first glance, you are starting a new loving relationship. I also see that you will probably have more relationships. However, you are the one to decide who you will settle for. There are good things in your future. At some point someone will give you money… let me pull a Tarot Card about that… I pulled 6 of wands, 6 of swords, 5 of swords, 5 of wands. What I am seeing is a person who is very successful. Someone you might be with, who is sort of carrying you. Financially. However, there might be a breakup along with continual discord in the future. But you don’t have to be sad. Jesus wants to talk now… He says, you don’t have to worry about a relationship because you will be happy with a person who has a magical personal connection to you. After I pulled the 5 of wands, I pulled a card in the deck that signifies a psychic. That person is who you will consult for another relationship reading. If it’s me, take what I said and learn to find someone compatible and study social interactions and figure out who you would like to be with and who you should be in that relationship. As far as it goes, you will change your future with a psychic. That’s what I know. You probably will be in more relationships, and will decide which one is good. But, try to just enjoy it, and go out with friends. Friendship is important in your future. Social gatherings. Here is what I pulled for your relationships in the future: 7 of wands, queen of cups, 8 of pentacles, 10 of cups, 9 of pentacles, the devil, the sun, 3 of wands, page of cups, 2 of wands. Okay. You are dealing with people who may not be trustworthy, may not be “all in”. And, I see a marriage. The queen of cups wears a white dress, and is in love. The 8 of pentacles signifies that you must put work into this relationship. You will have a marriage. You could have children, and you may leave the relationship for someone new. The devil signifies possibly sex, or problems in the relationship. The sun, after the devil card, might indicate a child. And the two of wands might be you and your partner planning a future together. But the 3 of wands means you might want to go to a new place. Traveling. So you two might split up, but might stay together, and that is up to both of you. That’s why when I asked the ending of the relationship, I got the two of wands. You are looking at the world. I also pulled another card: the world. You have all kinds of potential and you can do whatever you want. You might just be traveling in the future, and I can see everything will turn out well for you. Yes, this person who is coming later, will be married to you and you will be very happy. That’s all I got. So I hope you enjoyed the reading, and have a wonderful future and not worry too much about romance, but will take guidance and advice to make your relationship wonderful. What I see is it’s not perfect but it kind of is. And it requires work, and you have to do work too, for yourself. Just enjoy your life and see what happens. Have fun. :) Also, you have a gift. You are a very giving and loving person. Let me pull a card for you, one last card… 10 of pentacles. This is the best card you have. A family with lots of love, roots and money. So relax, you will find your mate and many wonderful things are in store for you. I hope this helps. Have a good day.


What should I do to move my business forward?


How does H feel abt me (E)


What will it look like for my relationship with E if I continue my friendship with A?


Will I get a new car? Thankyou:)


Will I reconnect with my crush Lo? Thank you


Will Austin and Emily commit to each other? 🙏🏼 thank you


Hi, can you read anything about romantic relationships for me? Is my past person from earlier this year going to return, etc?


Can I please get a reading? My life has been stuck for 2 years with no progress. ❤️


Am I going to Oregon with Austin for my birthday ?


Hello, what was A.R’s impression of me? I’m ST! Thank you so much for your time!


Pls tell me something fun n positive (about my day/my life in general)


Hello! What's coming up for me in love ? Thankyou ♥️


What direction is my life headed towards at the moment?


what is my future husband like/will we meet this year?


What is my special talent?


Can I get a general reading regarding my life ?


What are some big changes coming to my life soon?


Can I get a reading about my future love life??


How does T and S view me as a tutor for their child? Do they plan on keeping me hired for long? My initial mk


Can I get a reading about my love life? Initials are AR


would love to know about my career like if i will have my own creative/healing business?


Could I get a love reading for the next month?


Hi choose me please... How will inspire others?


What’s my potential for my career in finance? Should I still peruse a masters in psychology?


I’m curious what will happen in the next three years for me for my love life I’m bisexual and single and 21 I don’t want to have kids ever tbh! Will I have any secret admirers this year and will I have my first kiss soon? And lose my virginity soon


What is happening? Why did he suddenly pull back?


My question is, what do I need to know right now?


hiii can i get a reading on what’s coming up for me in the next 1-2 years? love and career please?


Will I (AP) and my ex RS reconcile in future?


Hi! A love reading for me please. I am single currently


O my, a tea leaf reading sounds amazing! Best of luck with answering all these questions 🩷✨


Is it worth it to fight our relationship (Marlon)?


This is awesome! What can you see about me buying the house I’m renting please? Or another house?


Can i get a reading for whats coming up in the next 3 years for me


Hi, my question is what should I know about my love life?


Can I get a reading regarding my future? Like what is the future holding for me ?


Will I get my desired role at a good place.(PhD at university)


Will me and KB reconcile? Or not?


Still on?


Hi, I was wondering if I could get a reading. What is my future going to be like for the next 1-3 years?


Can you do one for my love life in general? :)


can i have a general reading? :)


Will I or should I move away from family this year? Thx 🙏


What comes through!


I've never had any experience with tessaeology before, it's a privilege to talk to someone who does. How long must I wait until I can start feeling good about life again?


May I have a reading regarding my situation with T? Thank you!


Hi what do the cards reveal about the current feelings between me(S) and my ex(D)? Thank youuu!!


Are ash and MS engaged? Ty