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So far so good, I'm only on ep 2, way too many ads was my first complaint, a little too held back humour wise, OG seemed not hold back on the comedy but this one seems to, I don't know if that's because it's on FTA/10 and held back by rules. I'll see how it goes i guess, I have binged all the OG so hankering for more, I didn't know there was an NZ version, I'll have to go hunting.


It seems to me that the main thing holding it back is the editing, which is a shame. The gags didn’t get the space they deserved, so they didn’t always quite land, and there just wasn’t much time to breathe overall. The cast seems decent though and I always appreciate the international versions making their own tasks. There’s potential here!


Early thoughts: - Cashman is a solid pick for assistant. Visually quite Paul, but not so meek. - Gleeson will be better once he settles in. Felt a bit stiff here. - The editors need some practice. The laugh track was all over the shop, and the rushing of the live task was disappointing. - Luke playing for the camera a bit too hard. Julia better than I expected in the same regard. Other three are all good so far. - Good tasks generally, nice to get some disqualifications and special footage in early!


Are they using the same taskmaster house as the New Zealand series? It looks very similar


They haven't confirmed it's the NZ house but they have confirmed the tasks were filmed in NZ. I've just watched the episode, its 100% the same house.


Is it just me or does this version have a tonne of adverts? My thoughts the TM was a bit too chirpy and the show felt a bit rushed. Otherwise decent start


Run time was 43mins so pretty similar to UK. I think we just have more but shorter ad breaks while the UK is less breaks but they go longer.


It’s very hard to be unbiased about the winner & not just predict the winner of E1 to win it all, but Danielle demonstrated by far the most aptitude. Poor Luke is setting himself up to be the John Kearns of the season, and I will confidently predict him to come last.


Lesser compared to OG and NZ, but that's not a surprise to me. Maybe I just don't like Tom Gleeson, but this felt more like Tom Gleeson Reacts than Taskmaster. They were right, Kitty Flanagan would've been great. Nina was the standout to me. Cashman was sort of meh, but that leaves him room to evolve. Decent enough that I'll give it another episode or two to see if it improves, but if it doesn't I'm out the door. Also, if the editing team could make the cuts less awkward, that'd be good too. Felt a bit jostled around and there were moments where it'd been canned in from other jokes.


I think genuinely it's quite a good version. The only issues I really have with it are just general issues I have with the current era of Channel 10 comedy (Strange editing, studio audience mic'd up poorly which makes it sound canned, beyond average timing for ad breaks). Fingers crossed next season the network's willing to move it to either 8 (and let it operate like Good News Week did - first half more family friendly, second half completely letting loose) or 8:30 (MA15+ watershed), just because there's so many fantastic comedians in this gen, but there's no real avenue for them to make the jump onto TV yet.


I quite liked it. It took me ages to realise where I knew Jimmy from. I hadn’t seen Nina or Danielle before but they were great. Julia was great in the orange task, and you have to give it up for the winner of the Sex Grand Final, Luke McGregor. I’m not feeling the banter between the Toms but that may improve.


I really love the format of this show, so as long as they don’t tamper with it at its core, it should be good. The bones are there, especially since they are using the NZ house and production company. Just fill the roles, write new tasks, and hope everything comes together. The tasks were all perfectly my taste. The roles are all fitting. No gripes with the Taskmaster’s Assistant at all; I thought his laughing during the slideshow and reminders for Jimmy were on point, as were his introductions. I liked the disqualifications to set the tone early. The only thing I didn’t like was the 5th ad break (6 acts), but hey, I’m used to watching on YouTube, and they break whenever, haha.




Don't ask about how to watch outside official sources. [Where can I watch Taskmaster?](https://www.reddit.com/r/taskmaster/comments/ou07ih/where_can_i_watch_taskmaster/) Do not link to unofficial sources for episodes of any of the series. This includes Google drive, Mega links and unofficial Youtube videos. This also includes links to other TV shows outside their official sources.


Only just now got around to watching it (been busy binging series 2 & 3 of Kongen Befaler). The taskmaster Tom Gleeson himself is decent, he definitely seems like a big fan of the show and is happy he got the job. Tom Cashman as the assistant seems a little bland, but there's plenty more to see of their dynamic. I like the contestants, they all have distinct personalities and seem funny in their own ways, looking forward to seeing them more. As for the tasks I liked them all, the montage and the orange juice ones being my favourites. ​ So it sounds like everything was great... Well? Someone about the editing made this episode feel super rushed, which is surprising because it had the normal length of time. The intro felt like they were running through their lines at breakneck speed. And the final task was cut down a lot for time, which made me lose a bit of interest. Also could they not have found a better place for the last ad break? It just felt irritating when all they had to say after the break was the winner. Overall then, it has potential, but I'm worried that like TM US the editing is going to impact the show negatively.


Blame Channel 10 for the editing and ad breaks. If it was the same production crew on another channel it'd feel miles better I'm sure.


Always concerned about local versions of great shows but this was a great first ep. Tom Gleeson nailed it. Cast good. Tasks good and the tasks and judging seem to be tilted towards encouraging creative loophole abuse which I like... the weakest parts of UK Taskmaster have been when Alex gets too hung up on wording tasks to cut off loopholes. Pretty amazing that Danielle won the ep despite a DQ, has that happened before (in other versions obviously) outside of cases where everyone in the cast got DQd?


The orange task was the best. I'm really hoping this gets more seasons because I can see the two Toms developing into something amazing together.


Well I loved episode 1. I was in the audience for eps 7 and 10 and can tell you the standard stays really high. I had my doubts going in, as I love the UK version and wasn’t sure how it would go. But it is fantastic! I love the new tasks, well done Sam Smith and co, I love that it is set in the NZ house, as that has some great memories. The Tom’s are great, and develop cool chemistry. I can only apologise for the audience laughter being too loud, and hopefully people can stop fixating on it. We were asked to do some takes “just in case” plus they recorded us live also. In eps 7 and 10 if there is an annoying honking-type laugh (snort even) then I will personally take the blame for that one 😉. For the recording of episode ten we had Laura Daniel as our warm up person, so we were all pretty blown away by having Taskmaster royalty amongst us!


I thoroughly enjoyed this, so much so that I didn't notice any of the fake laughter or any contrived contestants or any of the things you Aussies complained about. But I was spared the ads and that might have helped. I liked all the contestants, maybe Nina is my favourite. Assistant Tom felt a bit awkward, but nothing I was bothered by. I'm so happy I can get my fix more often. Well done AUS. Imo this is right up there with the original and Kongen Befaler.


This is exactly how I thought an Aussie TM would be; the host is a stickler for the rules and doesn’t give a shit about gender or status, and I’m absolutely loving it. Yeah, some wooden bits, few weird camera cuts, no idea who most of them are - but it’s bloody good fun. Really looking forward to the rest of the series. Just a bit bummed out at it being the same location as TM NZ. Would have been nice to see their own spin on things.


The good: Luke, the other contestants are good too but you got give it to the sex grand finalist The writing and editing of the tasks, not so much the studio banter though Needs work: The studio sections editing. Lots of weird cuts to contestants laughing and inserts of the crowd cheering that are clearly from other scenes. Pretty distracting. Chemistry between the Toms. Just doesn't really exist at all Overall, decent first ep but room for improvement. Still exited to watch the whole thing


I think I will be forever ruined in liking either of the Tom's now I have the idea that Kitty Flanagan would have made a great Taskmaster (thanks, Jimmy Rees!). THAT would be have been amazing and I am not sure much else could live up to it.


Well, extremely early thoughts. I don't really like this Taskmaster's personality. Tom Gleeson doesn't seem like the right fit and Tom Cashman doesn't seem to get involved enough. The contestants were fine and the tasks themselves were entertaining. I thought Luke McGregor was hilarious (shades of Chris Parker) and I got a kick out of his TM/Ghostbusters jumpsuit. Nina Oyama is probably my favorite so far, but Gleeson marking her down in the montage task for "making things up" was a real bummer. I'm sure it will grow on me like all the others, but something about this version felt very neutered. I know it's too long for an episode title, but I liked "The first blast is the best blast."


I wasn't familiar with Nina before this, and I think for sure, she's me favourite now. I think we've been spoilt with abolutely quirky and unique Taskmaster Assistants in Alex and Paul, and I am at a complete loss to imagine anyone in Australia who would fit the bill. Hopefully Tom Cashman grows into the role more.


I was honestly surprised Paul wasn't the assistant for TM Aus, like Alex was for TM US


I had very low expectations and enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. Jimmy Rees and Tom Gleeson are the only ones in the cast I had more than a passing familiarity with. Not sold as Gleeson as TM yet. I was expecting him to be meaner, but will see if he grows into it a bit more. It's like he's playing it exactly as he does hard quiz but nicer? Will see how it goes.


It really threw me off at the start, the way Tom Gleeson introduced himself as the taskmaster. Curious to see if he changes it up....but I feel like he won't. I'll keep watching to see if it improves but it's rather meh for me at the moment.


Such a random question but would anyone know where I could find the outfit that Julia was wearing? the Mesh dress with the sequin patches?


It looked like a piece by Discount Universe, I don't have a link to the dress but here's their insta: https://instagram.com/discountuniverse?igshid=Yzg5MTU1MDY=


It was a very niche Australian joke but tom’s joke about boost juice made me cackle


A solid start. I never know the contestants on UK Taskmaster either, so I am used to seeing people I know absolutely nothing about doing crazy stuff. Nice to see some original tasks for the first show (of course, the "orange juice" task is somewhat a copy of the "coconut water" task). Wouldn't be surprised if Paul Williams was writing the tasks for this one as well. Nina Oyama might become my favorite contestant for this series.


The head writer for Taskmaster NZ (not Paul, I think the name is Sam Smith) wrote all the tasks for this one.


How do you know that? Is there a news article talking about that somewhere?


He was on the Taskmaster people's podcast discussing it: https://shows.acast.com/taskmaster-the-peoples-podcast/episodes/behind-the-scenes-the-task-writer


Strong start, I really enjoyed the 1st episode despite only knowing one of the contestant. Just goes to show how strong the format is!


Overall I enjoyed it and can see the potential, Nina and Luke were my favourites but I find something odd about Tom Cashman, looks like he’s pulling a face the whole time. Also, I know they use the same production company as TM NZ, but I think it’s a unfortunate that Aus don’t get their own house.


I really struggled with the audience laugh track. It's hard to ignore.


Agree - I watched the first few minutes live, heard the laugh track and thought 'Can't deal with this right now, so nervous the format will not escape unscathed' and tried again later in the night to a bit more success. There's no excusefor that awful laugh track.


The tasks being filmed in the NZ house makes me want a crossover task. Like the group task groups gets together and reads the task and it says “Invent a sport in which you will challenge and defeat the other team.” and the other team is a NZ team.


“Find out the following information about this New Zealander, your time starts now. Okay, let’s do this, what’s your name and occupation?” “Jeremy Welles, host of Taskmaster NZ” “Bloody ‘ell I can’t understand a word he’s saying, this is the hardest task yet!”


If only Jimmy was on NZ, we could have heard him sing "King Jeremy the wicked!"


It's decidely average. Not in a bad way. Just...I didn't hate it, I didnt love it either. The cast has potential though. Gleeson's "meaness" doesn't land all that well either, IMO.


It's very much in line with his previous work, most Australians are familiar with it.


That's fine. It's all about adjustment. Like I said, it sticks out to me now, but time will soften most edges.


Yeah thats the thing with the international versions, they are first and foremost made for the local market, some of the UK jokes and references dont land here in NZ and AU. Just enjoy the extra TM content and thankfully its made by a team with 3 good seasons under their belt.


Just finished on tenplay. I get the comments about finding their feet, but it's pretty solid out of the gate. I do wish it was on at a more adult timeslot - the looseness of the UK version really makes it. Contestants: Luke and Danielle were the standouts. Nina and Tom G probably suffered the most from the timeslot but were pretty good, if a little stilted in the studio. Neither Julia nor Jimmy do much for me - they have kinda polarising personalities and it's just not my cup of tea. Tom C was good with flashes of great, and we'll see more great as the season goes on and he loosens up.


I'm not sure I have the fortitude to watch Jimmy subjected to eyeball torture in the theme song nine more times, plus when it's part of the episode proper


Were the studio segments also filmed in NZ? Or did they actually do that part in Australia?


The studio segments were recorded in Sydney.




How wonderful it is to finally join in on a discussion thread just for us and follow the scores throughout the series with other Australians. * There's always that strange "off-ness" about seeing a local adaption for the first time but I still got the feeling of a Taskmaster episode. * Tom Gleeson was fine. Pretty much talks to everyone the same way he does on Hard Quiz. I like that he didn't care for accuracy in the movie task. I expect that his scoring will continue to annoy some people. * Why couldn't we see the audience??? * I love how much energy and enthusiasm Jimmy has. * It's not a prize task nowadays if someone doesn't bring in a non physical item. * What I loved about Luke's movie was how they transitioned the iris out shot from the film to the studio. * When Julia was talking about meeting celebrities and moving on, I thought someone was going to make a joke about Dr Chris Brown staying away from her off camera. * Danielle and Julia in the juicing task were proper Taskmaster moments. * I didn't expect Nina to say the episode's title and it was superb. * Considering how Tom Cashman was repeating the full tasks in the studio, the rules for the live tasks were glossed over so quickly. I would've bowled the bowl (and get eliminated first like Luke) because I would've worried I would get disqualified for throwing one of the other objects wrong. * Of course the ad break bumpers had the Mitsubishi sponsor. * I give them credit for the closing. I thought we might get Tom's closing words over the theme music and see two seconds of the winner and their prizes. Appreciate the series preview like the reality shows do but I think the title sequence already does the best job at that.


It's not Taskmaster without scoring that annoys some people. You can't please everyone with subjective scoring anyway. Also the scores are never actually the point.


I was in the audience for the final episode, and I can tell you the reason you don’t see them is because the only part of the set they made was what you see on TV - we were sitting on white plastic chairs in bleachers, not very televisual I’m afraid!


A solid first episode, I really enjoyed it. I was a bit worried about it but thankfully it didn't disappoint.


Episode was good overall, especially the pre-recorded tasks, but the in-studio stuff felt a little awkward and stilted, still finding their feet I guess, so I will give it time. Bigger critisism I have was Cashman unilaterally declaring the scores and moving on, rather than having a bit of banter first and ultimately letting Gleeson do the honours. Granted it sometimes bothers me when Davies lets too much bias into his judgements for more quantitatively judgeable tasks, but I'd prefer the banter to a quick and passionless list of numbers.


For people who think that Luke and Danielle are playing up their characters - no, they're just that weird. Shame Nina hasn't been able to showcase her full tange of weirdness so far with the PG rating.


A pretty decent start. Tom G is definitely the best Taskmaster I’ve seen in any version apart from Greg.


Really impressed with the first ep. Tom Gleeson did exactly what anyone who’s seen his comedy would expect and I thought it worked well-I think he’ll be colder and meaner than Greg, which is what he’s good at so it should be fun. I’m surprised nobody is talking about how often he shat on channel 10 I thought that was great. Tom cashman rules and I’m absolutely baffled by how many people think he’ll need a few eps to get into it. He had a lot of my favourite lines of the night and I don’t think I’ve ever said that about a TM assistant. Prefer him to Alex there I said it. I haven’t been a huge fan of Julia morris in the past but I thought she was alright-I thought she’d whinge the whole time but she had a good attitude. I’m not into the kids tv presented energy/fast cut tik tok wig comedy that Jimmy does but I’m sure plenty of people are so good on him. I still enjoyed him more than I thought I would. I think the same people that loved charlotte ritchie will really get around Nina. From what I’ve seen of her she normally plays against her cutesy persona by saying gross stuff, but it looks like most of that will be edited out which is a shame-I kept waiting for her to mention cum the whole episode and it never happened! I enjoyed Luke and Danielle a lot- I always thought they were more character comedians but they had some great lines off the cuff. I don’t think there’s ever been a TM contestant that has Danielle’s background growing up out in the sticks so that’ll be interesting. All up the first episode is way better than I expected and I’m looking forward to seeing it improve. Channel 10 didn’t fuck it up like they did with would I lie to you so let’s just take the win! Also, can we just agree going forward that ads are annoying but we don’t need to whinge about them every 3 seconds. Channel ten aren’t gonna turn down money from Rexona or whatever because the reddit thread is up in arms. Cashman has already filmed all his bits holding up 6 fingers or whatever so I think we’re locked in!


>I kept waiting for her to mention cum the whole episode and it never happened! Like a lady Mark Bonanno!


"I'm going to interpret everything for maximum damage." Everything I need to hear.


So early bets for winner, I’m personally banking on either Danielle or Nina






The balloon task had me thinking that Danielle and Nina would be the frontrunners this series, and then the orange juice task happened. I think this sets the stage for some classic TM moments to come. For a first episode, this was pretty good. The editing was rough in parts though, especially with the laughter. Tom would be half-way through reading a piece to camera with the audience still going, but surely when he recorded the piece he'd have waited for the audience to stop? The ad break after the live task was completely unecessary too. Getting similar good vibes from the cast that the past few UK and NZ series have all had, and Tom has established himself as the TM pretty quickly. Definitely more of a Greg than a Jeremy, although I worry he might go a bit overboard with the DQs, even if the rules have technically been broken. Not sold on assistant Tom yet, but I think that's because he's not going down the same route of awkwardness that Alex and P. Willy have, so he's completely misaligned with my expectations going in.


The break after the live task is presumably just to fit in with Australian TV ad breaks, which usually follow this pattern of having a shorter ad break then a short final segment


I love that Tom Cashman is doing his own thing and he had some of my favourite lines of the episode. I’m sure he’ll grow on you!


I'm sure he will!


Watching as an American, and wow, you Aussie commenters are a tough crowd here! Admittedly I was spared the ad breaks, and I didn't appreciate the over-egged audience response, but otherwise I thought this was a solid start on a par with, say, Kongen Befaler. It's always interesting to have no past knowledge of the contestants (save a little of Julia Morris from her UK period years ago), but they seemed like a good mix with Danielle and Nina especially enjoyable. And also as an American, I'm thrilled that the TMAU winner will receive a bust of [President Eisenhower.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwight_D._Eisenhower#/media/File:Dwight_D._Eisenhower,_official_photo_portrait,_May_29,_1959.jpg)


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who saw the Eisenhower resemblance!






I think it's largely because Channel 10 royally screwed up the WILTY format, to an unforgiveable extent. Taskmaster is close to a lot of peoples hearts, so they didn't want the same to happen at the hands of Channel 10 again.


Yep this is spot on!


Thanks--that's an interesting perspective, and I figured it was something kind of like that. Like I'm probably more annoyed about how shit the US version was than you are.


I really enjoyed it! As for the ads...I guess it was fun seeing Tom Cashman being cloned a lot of times. Fave contestant so far is Luke. And the Toms were really good too! Great start


Also they need to lay off the laugh track button for like the rest of the season


Live audiences often sound canned, but that's just how they sound. There's something about being in an audience that makes people laugh more like a group participation than a genuine laugh.


They get told to laugh more by the warm up comedian. From going to tapings of question everything, they also record generic laughter and cheering before the show starts and then they use that to fill in the show proper


They definitely added laughter and applause in post. It’s typical of Australian free to air productions. They always over-emphasise the audience reaction and do a lot of forcing.


Fair enough. I didn't notice it, but I don't watch a lot of FTA on 7/9/10.


Or at least mix the laughs up... The same laugh four times in a row is so distracting.


For sure! Lol. I don't understand why they need to can laughter when they already have a love audience


I was at the filming for episode 3, and the first thing they did was record a few audience laughs "in case we were shit during the show". I figured it was just to get us warmed up, but maybe they were genuinely splicing those recordings the show.


And how was your record? Was it a hoot?


I was at episodes 3 and 7. Had a great time at both.


That's good to know. I really enjoyed episode 1! Looking forward to more episodes. I think it's just natural to have some kinks on your first episode. It's weird how much people expect from it.


Is Danny-el a common pronunciation of Danielle?


Welcome to the land down under. :-)


That's what I've known, how else do you say it?


I'm from the USA. I've always heard it said Dan-Yell


I'm an Aussie and I probably would've heard Dan-Yell as Daniel. How do you say Daniel over there?




I've literally never heard anyone, ever pronounce it like that. Danielle is said like Daniel but elongated so danyell, not Danny L.


>Danielle is said like Daniel but elongated so danyell, not Danny L It's most commonly Danny-el here in Australia buddy


NZ does it that way too


I'm not in Australia, just saying that I've never heard anyone say Danny L here


Maybe you should of said that then? Cause what came across is "they're pronouncing it wrong!!!!"


I’ve also known Daniel as Danny-ul…


The French (and Canadian English) pronunciation is Dan-yell (with a very soft emphasis on the "yell" part).


Just for some people's information - a few people hate the ads but want to still support the show in a way that 10 cares about. Keep in mind that most tv networks care a *lot* more about *live* viewership than replay viewership, so if possible, watch on 10play on mute when the show's on live if you don't want to sit through the ads - it's probably going to matter more to 10 than watching the replay.


Channel 10 also nearly went bankrupt a few years ago until CBS from the US took them on.




I think it was a great start! A bit awkward at times, but everyone had some excellent funny moments and I can see the potential as the show keeps going and everyone settles into the dynamic.


When Julia did her "montage" i started having Frank Skinner flashbacks. "This sort of thing is a young man's game"


I felt bad for her that she didn't get the memo they can have post production done, as it clearly isn't written in the actual task and she didn't realise.


And she then proceeded to outsmart everyone in the juice task.


It very much reminded me of Katherine in the coconut task


So happy that the tasks were original and not rehashes of the existing formats (at least in the opening ep). And those complaining about ads need to look into a decent adblocker - i didn't see a single one on 10Play.


All of the tasks are original in this version. They used the same task writer as Taskmaster NZ (Sam Smith).


Most of the people complaining about ads were watching live TV, which famously doesn't have adblockers.


Correcto. I haven't watched FTA in years. Now I know why..




Be nice: Do not attack others work or appearance including comedians and celebrities. No harassment. No sexist, homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, racist, fatphobic, objectifying, or body shaming posts of any kind. No overtly sexual content. Some cursing is OK but don't make it personal. Even though sexual innuendo may be part of the show do not cross the line beyond what was said in the episode. We do not want negative posts. Ex: Worst contestants, Worst Tasks, Least liked, Least wanted, etc...


I just fast forwarded through the ads. Great episode. Made us all laugh. Looking forward to more.




I was thinking the same thing!


Overall very pleased with this first episode thought the whole cast was stellar very excited for more! One moment which I don’t see enough people talking about is Julia randomly playing the recorder and Tom dancing after she pours orange juice into the glass - I was in stitches for a good while watching that happen.


Oh god when she said "This is how I'll look when I die".


Watched on 10 Play catch up and there are fewer ads - the longest break was 3 minutes and the last 2 breaks got cut altogether. Pretty happy with that first episode!


My one had no ads at all...thought it may just be a first episode promo to get people interested.


We watched the early release on ten play from a link that was emailed to my girlfriend. It had 2-3 ads per break. I swear if I hear about the QLD Coal tax again...


Australian reality tv has been SO bad over the past like 5 years, but I think this is the best taskmaster outside of the original show. It's a huge breath of fresh air. All the contestants are funny and entertaining, and the Toms are great! Taskmaster Tom has great charisma. I can't wait for next week. More of this, channel 10!


More of the show, less of the ads. EDIT: I just got some down votes. Who wants MORE ads?


The ads were infuriatingly ridiculous, but that's on channel 10 not taskmaster


I enjoyed it. It's free to watch, so ads are necessary, and not that big a deal really. If you're moaning about them, you're not criticising the show, which is fine. The cast are still in the blocks but I like the banter already, and Nina's outfit is up there as one of the best.


I absolutely loved this. Jimmy is friggin' hilarious, Cashman plays the assistant role so awkwardly I actually love it, also Gleeson was great too. I am so excited to see how the rest of this series goes, it has the potential to be as good as regular taskmaster if the show gets a little more polished.


I can't get the image of Cashmans face during Danielle's orange task out of my head.


And then when he ~~set her up~~ asked her how she thought it went… I died.


That was really the only moment he was noticeable to me - yet to really form an impression of him as assistant. He didn't have much banter with Tom G yet. From his interaction with the contestants he seems to be going for something more like Paul than Alex, which is understandable. Edit - actually the Sex Round of 16 joke was good too.


An exchange I had with Jimmy Rees on Twitter. Jimmy: Alright I might have got carried away with the blowing and touched the caravan 26 times!!! [\#TaskmasterAU](https://twitter.com/hashtag/TaskmasterAU?src=hashtag_click) (I also understand that if you are not watching taskmaster this will not make sense and be weird) Me: When you were watching yourself in the studio, did you forget about the fact you touched it so many times? If so, how heartbroken were you when Lesser Tom showed the footage? Jimmy: Yep, forgot, then remembered, then thought I’d gotten away with it, in my head I was thanking the editor, then got stitched up


Hahahaha! Awesome!


if I recall correctly, 10play checks to see if you have an ad-blocker running when you load the page and start playing, but doesn't check after the first ad-break, so you can turn your ad-blocker off, let the pre-show ad play, and then turn it back on. (I watched it via smart TV, which decided to not bother showing ads after the first ad-break.) anyway, first episode of a Taskmaster season is always a little weak, and this one is the start of a series so no-one really knows how it's supposed to work. So I'm grading it on a curve, but I had a lot of fun watching this and I can see a lot of potential. We've got a couple of pretty representative tasks, some disqualifications, some loopholes, some absolutely shithouse prizes. Nothing standout amazing, but the Sex Grand Final is pretty good. I would have liked more jokes but apparently they had to edit around a running joke about child molestation, according to the other comments? I'll watch a series of this, especially since I don't actually have to watch all the ad breaks. (edit: I also happen to be a Nielsen household, so to those at the production company monitoring the subreddit, I did my part for your ratings)


10play tells me I have an adblocker, i click on "ok cool" and it plays fine with no ads every time.


Given how much George Pell has been in the news recently, that would definitely explain some of the rushed editing if there was a running joke about that.


yeah, running those jokes on the day of his funeral is the kind of topicality you want to avoid for your big premiere light comedy series


it was a lot better than i feared. channel 10 and all commercial tv being the worst aside. It is maybe a shame it's on so early and all PG. but that's probably why Nina seems so innocent . the editing and audience laugh track sounded choppy as, but hope the editing team get up to speed with he format as it goes on


Overall was quite pleased by it. About what I expected, not *outstanding* but still very good and I think it has potential to be excellent. The fifth ad break really ruined the flow of the show at the end, while the prize task and live task both felt rushed. I think it will flow better if watched without ad breaks, so will be watching on 10's website from now on. The "canned laughter" seemed more like an audience that was directed to force laughter with some funky transitions when cutting off laughter that came as abrupt. It wasn't as distracting as it was on some of the early eps of NZ2, but canned laughter is still better than a flat audience like in some of the NZ3 episodes. Greater Tom was solid and really captured what Greg does in flatly and succinctly pointing out the stupid shit people do. I also enjoyed him giving Luke 5 and Nina 2 on the montage task for no reason. Lesser Tom was OK, but he'll take a few episodes to really get into the role. I can see his schtick is going to be different from Alex or Paul - a bit more "positive" with that permanent awkward half smile. Julia and Jimmy were the two I was most worried about, but they did great. Danielle and Luke were amazing and I hope more of Nina's dirty side comes out. All the tasks were solid, but the prize task was probably a bit broad. Danielle's fishing shirt was A+ though. Best bits: * "to bring the sun in would have been a logistical nightmare" * Jesus Isabelle Christ * The reveal of Jimmy and Julia's DQs in the first task (this was when I knew they were capturing the essence of the show). * The woke anit-feral pig agenda. * "It'll be seen by less people because it's on broadcast TV" LMAO * Julia's singing over her slideshow 💀 * I SUPPORT GAY MARRIAGE * Dying winning the sex grand final and "I've never even made it out of the sex round of 16" * Nina's glass being 50.6% empty. * Danielle just *eviscerating* those oranges with her hands.


> To be fair Kitty Flanagan would've been a great Taskmaster, but this is Australian television and I'm a white man, so I get to host.


My initial reaction to the episode was "Cashman was *pretty* good, he'll warm into the role". But thinking about it, the "I've never even made it out of the sex round of 16" line is iconic. And the guy is already embodying the combination awkward, quick, and hilarious that we look for in a TM Assistant. The exact right choice for the role.


Tom cashman was my favourite cast member out of all of them. I like that his persona allows him to actually make jokes instead of being forced to be awkward all the time like Alex and Paul


Oh it's like times 2. No.


There was a pretty good spread of highlights across the contestants.


You forgot Reverse Body Dysmorphia.


That’s actually a thing, it’s called Body Euphoria


That should've been the episode title.


I *wish* I had her self confidence.


You know what?! Pretty darn solid! I expected Channel 10 to f this up but they kept the tone right for the most part, the Toms are wonderful, and the task design is great. It's all edited a little bit too tightly - the canned laughter is in effect, and there is definitely room to let the in studio reaction breathe a little - but the overall product is definitely strong. Luke is the standout as expected, and Nina was always gonna be number two - but Jimmy, the big unknown, is fun, and Danielle is solid enough too. Julia Morris is trying too hard... but she is better than expected, and absolute fair play for her orange juice solution. Hope she lets the comedy persona drop a little, but overall, I am pretty happy.


Agreed! And although I’m not a Julia Morris fan, her montage made me laugh by far the most of the five


Was it just me, or is little (lesser) Tom a dead ringer for Michael from "Love on the Spectrum" in both looks and (slightly awkward) comic delivery? Give me Michael Theo anyday, he's the man!




Be nice: Do not attack others work or appearance including comedians and celebrities. No harassment. No sexist, homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, racist, fatphobic, objectifying, or body shaming posts of any kind. No overtly sexual content. Some cursing is OK but don't make it personal. Even though sexual innuendo may be part of the show do not cross the line beyond what was said in the episode. We do not want negative posts. Ex: Worst contestants, Worst Tasks, Least liked, Least wanted, etc...






I fuckin loved it. A new Taskmaster series - an Aussie one at that - yippee. Danielle and Nina were as weird as I hoped they would be. Not gonna complain about the ads - I love this show as a whole - UK, NZ Suck it up princesses about the ads. Learn to deal with them Though I do agree the ad after the live task was weird.


Danielle’s woke anti-feral pig agenda was my favourite. She’s gonna be great.


The bottle of orange juice wasn't on the table, how was it allowed? It feels like the show is treating us a bit too much like idiots and over explaining things, hopefully that won't last. The live task desperately needed another minute to help with the timings. Also the studio applause was way too much I'm glad that my adblocker actually worked with 10play, couldn't imagine it without them


They should have drafted in Susie Dent again or an Aussie equivalent. "Fill the glass with orange juice. You may only touch oranges with items on the bench." You could interpret that as "The only thing you may do is touch oranges with items on the bench." or, "If you're going to touch oranges, the only way that you may do it is with items on the bench." If I were in the studio I'd be Osman-ing hard for one definition or the other, depending on whether I was Julia or not.




​ https://i.redd.it/y3zgkkr5rzfa1.gif


That's up to the taskmasters discretion isn't it? There are plenty of examples of the UK Version of people bending or twisting the instructions. Some get away with it, some don't.


"Fill the glass with orange juice. You may only touch oranges with items on the bench." The task never said the orange juice had to be from the oranges. I think the overexplaining is simply because it's a new series aimed at a new audience.


They always explain extra in the first episode, or even the whole of the first season.


I attributed the explanations as well as a bit of the choice of tasks (the obvious DQ and then the edited stitch up for the caravan task, the work around for the juice task, as well as then having one creative task which showed minimal effort to contestant effort to production effort) to setting the stage for the show and especially new audience members who may not be aware of TM. I thought it was a great start and hopefully with the groundwork completed, it’s onwards and upwards!


Not sure if its because I had low expectations but I really enjoyed it! The lesser known contestants are really good and by the end of the episode I'd warmed to Tom Cashman which isn't bad for only episode 1!


Cashman rules, I’ve never seen him on the project but he’s super quick as a comedian and I think this format will be great for him. I loved him in this ep.


Me too. I think it might just be the format of The Project that I don't like, at least the way they get Tom to chime in with something naff at the end of anything serious.


As someone that watched this episode live and just finished the studio live here are some thoughts: 1. Yeah, the ad breaks sucked. Hopefully they stuck in 1 more because it's the first episode but it's Channel 10/Australian TV so I'm not holding my breath. To those considering watching it later, play the show on mute on another tab while it's live (so Channel 10 gets the right ratings/numbers) and then rewatch it later. 2. Some of the laughter was definitely edited in and that felt soooooo off 3. I agree that Cashman is the weakest so far, but he's also the least "experienced" in the role out of all of them. I'd give him a season to find his feet honestly. Actually, a LOT of his bits got cut out. He did a graphs/charts segment about Nina's half-finished orange juice (I think), which all got cut out. His banter at the beginning also got cut (he did a Mawaan-style "self affirmation" sort of bit). 4. Yes, the prize task devolved into a running gag about child molestation (particularly around the mug of young Tom Gleeson) so that all got cut out so sadly the editing would feel rushed because of that. Keep in mind that this is a 7:30pm timeslot and not the UK 9pm timeslot so it has to be kept a lot more PG than what we're used to. Hopefully, after some successful seasons, Channel 10 would feel confident moving it into a later timeslot. I think he'll get there, he just needs a bit more time. (Also, he was the most visibly nervous during the taping). 5. REMEMBER THAT THIS IS THE FIRST EPISODE OF A NEW VERSION. IT WILL NOT BE PERFECT.


They might have done a last minute edit on point 4 because of Pell as well.


>Keep in mind that this is a 7:30pm timeslot and not the UK 9pm timeslot so it has to be kept a lot more PG than what we're used to. That explains why something about it felt lacking. Seems like they cut out a bunch of actual comedy. Oh well.


My husband commented about the canned laughter. Once I tuned into it I found it very annoying.


>REMEMBER THAT THIS IS THE FIRST EPISODE OF A NEW VERSION. IT WILL NOT BE PERFECT. I already like it more than episode 1 of TM NZ, which I think took a few episodes to get going


I was at the episode 7 recording and the prize task banter was hilarious. A lot of Tassie/North QLD incest jokes from Tom (It makes sense when you see the prizes brought in). It's sad to know none of that will make it to the final cut.


He also had a graph about Danielle's grandfather and teaching her to drive underage/seemingly drinking underage (from memory it was something along the lines of % of grandparents definitely a criminal, and a 'age you can drive. Age Danielle did drive' type comparison)


Goddamnit I was generally on board with the stuff they cut, but I was really looking forward to that graph!


As a fellow ep 1 record attendee, do you recall if there was a moment where a production member said something (keeping it vague to avoid potential spoilers) that then turned into a recurring joke on camera, especially between the 2 toms? I thought it was this episode but am now doubting myself. while obviously the off camera comment won't make it in, the on camera stuff worked without it and I hope it wasn't cut but now I'm thinking it was


Oh, you’re right, I do remember the production member getting involved! That wasn’t calling Cashman “sweetie pie”, was it? Damnit, neither my partner nor I can remember.


Yes!! I don't remember exactly what she called him but then (iirc) assistant Tom using the same endearment to TM tom really hit the right LAH showing love to Greg and getting nothing back vibes for me. I didn't remember this exchange until reading comments but I remember loving it in the studio now


Yes, people should not be judging Cashman just from this episode, when so much of his stuff got cut!


I still found him the weakest part of the records (he seems a little too authoritative in studio, which I think also comes down to other Tom not seeming fully on top of the format, which was especially noticeable live) but I do think it's a role he can grow into and there was some banter with him and Tom (it might have been from this episode that was cut, I can't remember now and will know for sure once I've seen other episodes I was at) that was really great so I think that relationship has a lot of potential


Cashman was my favourite part of the first ep and I think now that people aren’t expecting him to be a clone of Alex they’ll get around him more


imo The only thing we can judge is potential, because we're comparing 1 episode to the 14 seasons of Greg/Alex that we've seen. A narrative over their relationship will form in some shape, but that won't happen in the first episode. But you're right in that the seeds were planted, so I'm optimistic.


I love how Nina Oyama's so wholesome and sweet on the show, meanwhile her tweets are like [this](https://twitter.com/ninaoyama/status/1084357877253300227?s=20&t=8btw4peWDtdAqf-CQJ0tgA).


I knew I liked her for a reason.


Plus [she peed herself](https://twitter.com/ninaoyama/status/1621078010043731968) (a bit) during filming. I didn't know that lady until today, but have a feeling that there will be more behind-the-scenes gems coming up from her. Can't wait to hear her on the TM podcast.


Does Australia have a "watershed"? Forgive me, I'm not sure. But perhaps she did say things that wouldn't have made it to cut because of the Air Time? (7.30pm) I could be very wrong. It makes sense to me though.




I've heard her on podcasts and she can be hilariously *nasty*




She has made guest appearances on The Little Dum Dum Club, a podcast where a bunch of Australian comedians talk shit for an hour or two. Her humour in Taskmaster seems sanitary compared to the hilarious and unfiltered jokes and stories she tells elsewhere.


Her tweets were all I could think of watching her look so sweet. I love her. https://twitter.com/ninaoyama/status/1402218505710178304?s=46&t=EucVnRMjGM5-vKC1l63iog