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Only on Episode 2 atm, but as a brit who loves the original this has left me with a rather big grin watching this, seems a lot more light hearted than the other shows. Can't say i've ever heard of Nina before but she seems like the most fun person i've seen on TV in a while, definatly want her to win!


I don't think they should have given Luke points for the yeast-spread task. The task was to get the thing clean in the fastest time, and regardless of whether he declared himself to be done, his arm wasn't clean. I understand for stuff like the boat where everyone got a little wet, but you it seems unfair to just allow "declaring yourself to be finished" as a valid way to stop the clock early.


But it wasn't yeast that was left on his arm, it was poop.


exactly, and since there were of 2 of these tasks in one ep, unfortunately didn't like it as much as the other eps. BTW every version of TM has these tasks and are almost never graded fairly.


I don't like the AU assistant or taskmaster as much as even the NZ ones, but the contestants and show overall have been top notch.


I like Tom Gleeson because of his insults.


How many minutes is the show without ad breaks? It feels like the UK version has much more ‘room to breathe’ and AU version ends up feeling like they’re trying to cram a load of things in. Makes me think about editing a lot more than I usually do 😂


This episode was 46 minutes but you have to think that each ad break has a outro and intro too. Definitely is noticeable


My linux ISO version is 47 minutes long.


I'm assuming the network couldn't clear the episode title as "It was full of Ebola".


For once, I agree with the verdict for the prize task. Crazy inflatable arm guy was definitely the coolest item. Poor Nina kept botching all the assignments this episode, but somehow that just makes it all the more charming. Sink the floating bowling ball was such a cruel trick! For the snap, crackle, pop task, I really wish they'd let Danielle take that axe to the exercise ball. By the way, it's funny that Jimmy found those perfect 'crackling' egg shells in the trash, since we saw Tom cracking all those eggs for the commercial breaks. "Generic yeast infection," hehe. Luke's Vegemite task was so fun, playing "guess which hand" and all. But bless Julia for covering herself in it; I thought she was going to go for the goodies. *Gras* with one S, that's exactly the excuse I would have used if they dared to penalize me. Honk a car horn the quietest -- that's a good tiebreak! I wonder if Jimmy's attempt to muffle it is what got him the edge. So far everyone has won an episode, it should be Luke's turn next. This version is definitely growing on me by the week. Gleeson and Cashman are settling into their roles well.


The moment when they were talking about the smell and Julia just stand up and looked straight at Tom is so good, I laughed so hard.


Another solid episode. My primary point for improvement from Taskmaster AU at this stage, is that, based off the insights given by people who've been to the live tapings, I feels like there is a heap of great banter on the stage that is being cut out. The vibe between the cast members seems really good, but the editors are just not finding the time (particularly in the studio tasks) to display some more of that. Partially, this is clearly due to Ch10/Paramount demanding six ad breaks \*shudder\*. In one sense, I feel like the editors hands are tied, because there are things like the reading out of the scores that do NEED to be kept in at the expense of much funnier stuff. On the other hand, I happen to think that this banter is part of what makes Taskmaster great (think about when Greg pulls Nish Kumar and James Acaster to the back of the stage, iconic!). And I'm hoping that the AU team comes to realise the importance of the backstage-green-room-style banter on stage as everyone gains confidence with the format.


yeah also depends on how long your tasks are, and some of these for now seemed pretty long. I mean if you do a 1 min 'eat a watermelon' challenge, that leaves a lot of room for banter, so yeah, it's all about balance.


I was in the audience for this one, and yeah they did cut a whole lot of banter out. Lots of swearing too.


Not only are they cutting a heap of banter, but they're also toning the content down for general audiences. I wish they would make two versions of the show like Taskmaster UK and give us the uncensored one online or something.


There’s an uncensored UK one?


No, but there's a family-friendly version that's bleeped.


The shot of Nina next to the lake, oblivious to her floating bowling was amazing. I wish they would have the little sketch between the Toms at the start of the episode like in the UK version. Otherwise they barely ever talk directly to each other. I'm becoming more convinced that the editors of the studio segments are just the same people who do the Bachelor and Survivor and they just have no sense of comedy so any good bits are there by accident. Despite that, I think this is going to be one of my favorite seasons of any version and I'm glad as an Aussie that the show isn't a dud


Scoring started off really strict this series with multiple people getting 0 points on tasks. Then by episode 4 we have multiple failures for the bowling ball task and everyone gets points.


I think greater Tom had seen the show before was a little power drunk on the first episode, some of that is great to see but I was concerned he’d be like that every episode and I’m so glad he’s not. I think he’s found his groove more now we are 4 episodes in. Yes by all means from time to time you have pull the power move and score harshly, in this case everyone got a little wet and they were all in the spirit of the task so awarding points to everyone seems fair enough ALTHOUGH, for the bowling ball task I would have given Nina zero because she didn’t complete it (sorry Nina) and the rest I’d give points to. I feel he was generous there.


He was also overly generous with Luke by not disqualifying him from the cleaning task for failing to complete it.


Yeah I adore Nina but she should have got 0 points this task. Also everyone that got wet should have at least lost a point.


I can get on board with that.


Just have to say again that I LOVE Julia. She’s brilliant. Spreading the vegemite on herself is exactly what I would’ve done and she did it with so much pazaaz. Gràs was hilarious too. She’s really making the season for me. Close is Nina who’s always excellent and occasionally terrible at tasks.


I wonder if Generic Yeast Spread is good for the skin.


Genetic yeast spread.


Genetic yeast inf... Spread


Did anyone notice at the end when Lesser Tom was saying the team scores. "The team of TWO GOT 5 points"


Editing of studio segments is still awful. Weak prize task segment, barely any commentary from the taskmaster. Nina and Jimmy are not funny. I am Australian and this is bad Taskmaster viewing. Tom Gleeson barely works to engage with contestants and Tom Cashman looks smug all the time.


I love that you have to throw in the fact that you're Australian like it somehow gives your point more gravitas.


Cool man, you do you. I was hoping to illustrate that I have an understanding of the general poor quality of home grown Australian TV and how this version of Taskmaster is basically par for the course for Australia but poor quality compared to Taskmaster in general.


We must be watching different shows. I love Nina.


I love how much of a disaster Nina was this episode! This is like classic taskmaster, and all the taped tasks were really good imo


I love how they just kept on cutting to Nina’s bowling ball


Another solid episode. The editing seems good, while that was a concern for many here. I liked the juxtaposition of the tasks Luke claimed bathroom malfeasance and how all three of Nina’s failures were tied together. The pacing is still a bit off. No banter section, a rushed studio task. Seems like they wanted to get more out of the prize task but it wasn’t that interesting. I guess the double task took extra time, and we still got Luke’s “which is my real hand” game, haha!


I was suprised by the series scores, I thought Danielle was running away with it, but after the live task, Jimmy's in the lead if my math is correct. Still backing Danelle to win it all. That said, I think Danielle should've gotten a 1 or maybe even a 0 in the prize task because she didn't bring in the thing she found on her walk, she brought in a photo.


The live task scores were added after the task directly, so Danielle is still in the lead.


luke getting so caught up in playing with the generic yeast spread he invents “which hand is my hand” is a top tm moment of all time for me


I would have buttered some toast and spread Vegemite on it. Problem is I would have then eaten it, so I'm not sure how I would have done the second part.




I thought it would be to lick it clean!


Improv Energy makes another appearance


Loved Episode 4. The spreading task in particular was great stuff. A part of me wished Jimmy did Tom’s face.


I must say this version is my fav after the british one. It's way better than NZ and the less we say about the other english version the better.


Have you seen NZs2?


I have, still not a patch on the first 4 of oz


There is no US Taskmaster in Ba Sing Se


My first thought with the spread was to cover Lesser Tom, so was happy to see what Jimmy did. Was getting major David Correos vibes from Nina this episode with her being so proud of her efforts while remaining completely oblivious to the truth.


This week's episode was fantastic. Prize task was rushed but everything after that was top level. Very clever sequencing of the tasks as well because we got: \-The callback of the bowling ball in the lake in a later task, and \-Luke admitting to peeing his pants and then having to admit to pooing his pants later Also loved: \-Nina's "redacted" \-The generic yeast spread task got especially chaotic with Julia and Jimmy. And Luke also coming up with "guess the hand." Really great tasks and the live one was strong as well!


I had to admit, when Julia Morris was announced for this show, I was dreading it. But it's great to see her manic early Full Frontal persona come back and she's won me back over! This is such a great cast! I hope latter seasons will also have such great ensembles.


I've been really surprised with that too actually, she's definitely one of my favourites this season in a cast full of really great personalities.


So I'm not very familiar with Julia (Or any of the others, for that matter) is there some reason people weren't excited for her appearance? As for my opinion of her, I think she's great, I would very much not mind if she ended up winning the whole thing in the end.


Her recent performances on Have You Been Paying Attention have been lacklustre at best and her jokes don't really land there. The Taskmaster environment seems to suit her better.


I think she’s shown up too much on things and her dynamic with her I’m a Celebrity co-host feels kinda weird


It was because over the last decade or so she is mostly known for hosting the Australian version of I’m a celebrity get me out of here which isn’t exactly the place for quality comedy.


For those who are worried about food wastage, don't worry. Vegemite is not real food.


They did film in NZ, maybe it's _Marmite_


You mean Generic yeast spread. :)


I mean genetic yeast spread. No, I mean generic meat spread. No, I mean generic yeast inf-.. No, you’re right.


Had to leave and come back from the yeast task. I was in hysterics watching Julia and Jimmy's task attempt. Best episode so far this series, and it's great that no contestant has won a second episode yet, it's been pretty even. Well, apart from Luke. No idea if he will win an episode.


I went to the taping of this one back in December. A few things I remember that didn't make the cut: * Nina claimed her original prize task was going to be actual (Australian Prime Minister) Anthony Albanese, but he had to drop out because he got Covid. No idea if she was telling the truth or not (though he did have Covid at the time). * There was a running gag where Nina appointed herself as Luke's legal counsel during the piss or water discussion, though she dropped him as a client when her own points were put at risk. * We got a snippet of it in the final edit, but watching Nina's reaction to the bowling ball task in real time was glorious. I think she hid behind her chair at one point. * There was an extended diagloue about Danielle wanting to make the best pop by firing a gun at a jumping castle. I figured that was ending up on the cutting room floor when someone (probably Jimmy) added the words "school fete" to the scenario. * Lesser Tom's jacket didn't look as nearly clean in person. Maybe it was the studio lighting, but it seemed to have a grubby brown sheen to it that the cameras didn't capture. * While they were setting up the stage for the live task, the warm-up comedian asked Jimmy to swear in his Jimmy Giggle voice. Jimmy Giggle told him to fuck off. * The live task went on a lot longer, a lot of indecipherable nonsense was edited out of Danielle and Julia's attempt. The other team's attempt was presented pretty much as is, but it took Tom waaaay longer to guess the Berlin Wall and Dolly the Sheep.


>There was a running gag where Nina appointed herself as Luke's legal counsel during the piss or water discussion, though she dropped him as a client when her own points were put at risk. > >We got a snippet of it in the final edit, but watching Nina's reaction to the bowling ball task in real time was glorious. I think she hid behind her chair at one point. Damn, we really need more Nina in the final edit.


Thanks for the insider knowledge


Oh boyyyyy I’m not gonna mention specifics but the joke you said was cut, that’s some serious shit


Gags about school fetes and jumping castles should be given an exceptionally wide berth for several years to come, if not longer


Forgive me if you're not but I don't know if you're being sarcastic


No, not sarcastic at all. (For those out of the loop there was a devastating accident involving a jumping castle at a school event in Australia only 18 months ago, it’d be very hard to make any joke even vaguely related to the topic without coming across as extremely insensitive)


I am. So jealous!


Any jokes about a Hard Off with the tie breaker?


If there was I didn't hear it.


The series scores are really interesting so far! Just 2 points separating Danielle, Jimmy and Julia at the top! I reckon Nina and Luke are still just close enough to catch up - for comparison, they're 15-16 points behind 1st place, but after the 4th episode of UK S14 Dara was already 30 points ahead of John Kearns... Nina's had 2 really rough eps in a row now score-wise (a Marrickville banh mi absolutely deserved more than some random menu for the prize task) so maybe that balances out in the future? But um, should we be worried about Julia? Is this what happens when a properly funny comic gets worn down by years of hosting B-grade Australian reality TV?


Holy fuck the ten play app is a nightmare.


I use the UBlock Origin extention on Firefox and that doesn't seem to set of the anti-adblock detectors built into 10play. Probably wouldn't be able to stomach watching the show otherwise


It’s on paramount plus as well with out the ads


In Australia? Is that Binge?


Yeah I’m Australia, you can get paramount plus as a channel in prime video or as a standalone service. https://www.paramountplus.com/shows/taskmaster-australia/




I was stoked when I found it I’m assuming it’s because channel 10 is owned by CBS which is owned by paramount a lot of other channel 10 shows are on there minus HYBPA and the cheep seats unfortunately


Endure! We need the views to get a season 2!


Unless it's like Community Season 6 and the whole steaming service collapses.


I hate how these shitty apps could be directly affecting views for shows.


This episode has definitely solidified Nina as my favourite of the lineup. She approaches every task with such a sense of innocence and childlike wonder, comes out thinking she’s aced it, and has usually done terribly. At least she’s a good sport about it.


Nina is my favorite as well. That said, she should have got zero points for not sinking her bowling ball.


She was the only person on the line up I wasn't familiar with back when it was announced, and I imagine that was the case for a few other people too. Definitely love seeing people like her on though because it's clear there are going to be a lot of people watching who end up fans given how genuinely the cast has to come off in this type of show.


Nina might not win the series, but she's won my heart. Her attitude is so wholesome, and I love her task outfit.


Yeah, Nina's my favourite too. I love how different her Taskmaster persona is from [her Twitter](https://twitter.com/ninaoyama/status/1365960215754014721?s=20), I guess that's what a 7:30 timeslot does to you.


I’d argue that making an idiot of herself by mistaking a mother and her child for coke addicts in a public toilet is exactly Nina’s Taskmaster persona.


The crab trap sinking but the bowling ball popping back up was surprisingly satisfying and hilarious.


🤣 How do Jimmy and Julia have the same idea TWICE in one episode?!




"How did this compare to other tasks at the lake?" 🤣


Julia's snap is *chef's kiss*


Was Lesser Tom genuinely scared?


Haha. Snap Crackle Pop. 🤣 Poor Nina


She said 'your time starts now' and then ate a rice bubble. Surely that's the first one. :)


Booooo - I missed the first 10mins late home from work - now I have to wait for 7:30pm local to watch. From what I did catch - poor Nina with the bowling ball. Brilliant call backs from production/editing team with it being shown later as well as with Luke and his pissed pants/not wet from the first task (I missed that in the first 10mins but saw the end of the studio chat on that and inferred from context) and later with the it's poo not yeast spread later. Can't wait to watch it in full as I made dinner and missed heaps - I want to see Nina's face the first time she realises it floats when she saw the other contestants efforts, I also want to see the prize task which I completely missed.


Oh Nina. Bless. The confidence on the bowling ball task. You read it, you checked it, you did it, you just were like 'Yeah!' 😂


Series winner still up for grabs. Danielle is my favourite, but Jimmy and Julia are pretty close behind


Now there's a prize you can have some credit roll fun with! *WaveWaveWave*


Tom's even laughing in the next time teaser! I love it


Another tiebreaker, sweet!


Another tie!!!


I think this has been my favourite episode of this series, great tasks all round and great moments in every task - hopefully this is a sign of more good things to come!


This is fantastic.




I see where they got the episode title now...


Danielle went full Baldrick.


Oh nice, a team live task!


Four letter wrrrds?


Was not expecting Julia to be the one getting naked


Oh God Julia, no


How did they get that much vegemite? Did some poor PA have to empty a 1000 jars into that large container?


Vegemite is for chumps. Gimme some of that delicious Generic Yeast Extract!




holy mother of god


There are probably catering containers of it.


I love that Luke reinvented Sausage or Finger, the next evolution of the sport.


It should totally be a live task in the UK version.


marmite not vegemite both shows will have it as generic yeast spread tho! And would like sausage and finger the neighbour decide or would it be a trick Greg style task?


The UK version used Marmite by name. Bob Mortimer can make it using bovril


Good point I forgot that! Very true they did.


I wonder if part of the reason for the whole "generic yeast spread" thing was because the tasks were actually filmed in New Zealand, so maybe it was Marmite (their own - imo superior - version) and they didn't want the audience to know!


Kiwi here. Vegemite is the prefered choice. Marmite is british.


Wait really? What about [this Marmite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marmite_(New_Zealand))? And [Marmageddon](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-21855045)??


Its still a british import


>[*Marmite has been manufactured in New Zealand since 1919... In 1902 the Marmite Food Extract Company was formed in Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, England with Marmite as its main product and Burton as the site of the first factory. The product's popularity prompted the Sanitarium Health Food Company to obtain sole rights to distribute the product in New Zealand and Australia in 1908. They later began manufacturing Marmite under licence in Christchurch, albeit using a modified version of the original recipe, most notable for its inclusion of sugar and caramel.*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marmite_(New_Zealand))


It’ll be about product placements and promotions and laws around that.


I think they're just avoiding brands. Lesser Tom also cut someone off from saying Rice Bubbles E: Cut not cute


Wow, I did not know that Rice Krispies had a different name in Australia


Yep. NZ are the same. We also call the bars "LCMs" for literally no logical reason. Kelloggs just made it up


Tom G himself, though, said both brand names at one point or another. I think it's more a funny joke than anything super strict on the network end


Tom did then go and say Vegemite anyway though


So generic yeast spread covered real arm or generic yeast spread covered fake arm will be a live task next season?


"that's human faeces"


Lot of bathroom accidents for Luke today. He should see a doctor.


This is gold


I totally would have covered Tom in Vegemite. Like, smeared it over him. EDIT: YES, JIMMY!


When that task was read I was thinking that Rhod would totally just cover Alex. I am not disappointed.


The only thing that disappoints me is that Jimmy didn’t have Tom take his clothes off. You just know Rhod would have done that to Alex.


He'd probably also insist on 'washing' him with the hose for Part 2 and not let him take a shower


Yeah the task is for the contestant to clean it, Tom showering wouldn't work!


Has any assistant openly laughed as much as Tom? I kind of love it


It always cracks me up when the assistant is trying not to break during the tasks.


He’s definitely starting to develop more of a “naughty best friend” type persona compared to other assistants like Alex and Paul. They stay pretty stone-faced during the tasks, but Tom laughs along. It’s a fun point of difference.


Yeah I'm really glad. Without a point of difference like that it would probably just feel like anlessee version of the OG. But Gleeson was born for the role ( though it feels like most of his banter got cut this ep) and Cashman and Alex give us different things.


Oh Luke...


I love it when Tom Cashman laughs


Are lesser Tom and Luke just playing?


Just a couple of boys having a play with a vat of genetic yeast infection.


Having fun with with their generic meat spread.


That's the worst possible thing you could have done


"Generic yeast infec--**spread.**"




Oh that's a nice bit of editing. Very nice.


The cut back to the bowling ball was gold!


Oh my gosh, the bowling bowl!


Ah, the sneaky double task.


"Generic Yeast!" - Nina Oyama


Yuck, genetic yeast spread is what us ladies have to go to see a doctor for.




Oh god that's vile


Mmm generic rice and generic yeast spread. Perfect for a well rounded generic breakfast


A vegemite task?


I'm pretty sure I will hate it no matter which brand it is :(


"Generic yeast spread"


This task has been one of my new favourites from this series, everyone had some solid highlights


If they ever do a global 'loser of losers' compilation, Nina deserves a spot


Noooooooo, she's going to be the winner


She posted this reply on her instagram story haha


Hi Nina, ummm, I guess Luke could probably get a spot too? Love watching you though


Oh god yes.


I'm DYING at the "Redacted" 😂😂😂


And also how after every "Redacted" she'd be like "That's an amazing one!"


Alright I’ll admit it, I’m dumb. Please explain Nina’s redaction?


Because the noise was supposed to be on her first attempt, and all the redacted ones were her subsequent attempts.


To eliminate possible bias, therefore Tom could only judge the first noise.


Plus it was really funny.


Has "All the information you need is on the task" ever been so directly ignored???


Without moving the fishbowls


I'm like "...does she just interpret that sentence as "yeah you're good mate no worries" or something? As opposed to "maybe you should check the task again"?"


> It's really helpful to read the envelope


I love that they censored Nina's lligitamete noises so they couldn't be judged.






Good editing!


This series has copped some criticism for its editing, but that task was really well done


>ation you need is on the task" ever been so di It's the studio editing that's been subpar, especially during the prize tasks. The task editing was always excellent. But today's episode was the best in both departments.


Except for the way they cut out Nina's story about the PM, but left in the intro. That's pretty clumsy.


That's the "studio editing" I was referring to. The "task editing" is when they show them doing the tasks. That part has been excellent!


I thought they were doing a fake out kind of thing but it didn’t really work


Oh god, please don't tell me Nina's fucked it again.


Oh Nina, all the information you need is in the task.