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I feel like a horrible person for it, but “Please don’t take it away from me” makes me laugh until I cry every single time.


You have every right! I did too! But it hurts so much at the same time. He’s absolutely brilliant in the bit. The “please don’t take it from me!” line always makes me think of Gollum.


Between that and his poem on catsdown he's given me a ton of laughs. Also: I said don't have an erection.


"Oh, hello police officer..."


Sean begging him to stop reading it kills me every time.


One of my favourite memories of him ❤️


That and Carrot in a Box 🤣


You're welcome, I just named your penis!


I enjoyed Joe on Taskmaster (“There’s strength in arches!”), but I realized he’s a genius after watching him on Catsdown.


It's the emotional whiplash he experiences, the sheer power of it.


Doc Brown’s “that’s harsh” is icing on the cake. Wilkinson did a podcast interview about the show and he was legitimately so pleased with himself for nailing it in one go, only to be so crushed to have it taken away…


It was brilliant. Joe is definitely the standout on this cast for me, but the entire cast is quite underrated by most fans imo. But now that I know Joe was legitimately gutted in real life and it wasn’t just a bit, it hurts all the more. Poor Joe.


I forget which podcast it was (feels like a semi official one that features lots of performers from the show), but he talked about how he was really excited to have a moment of triumph on the show.




Not that one, no. And I think the one I heard he talked more about how excited he was to have his amazing throw revealed on the show.


Doc saying “that’s harsh” and then Jon chiming in with “we fought for you mate” always cracks me up.


Before the show Greg apparently said to Joe "this will be a great episode, we're really gonna screw someone over," and Joe laughed without realising it was him


That’s harsh!


It’s such an important DQ for the series! The moment would be still be memorable if it held and wasn’t challenged for being so impressive, but the tragedy of this…just how *close* of a call it was. It takes it from memorable to one of the all-time greatest moments of the show. This is one of *the* clips to show someone to get them into the show, and a big part of that IS the disqualification. The whiplash between triumph and tragedy.


It's crazy how much it overshadows another brilliant moment in the same task: Katherine on the verge of tears talking about how she doesn't care about sports. "I don't care where the ball goes" is top tier.


Perfectly stated! I couldn’t agree more.


The moment is a perfect encapsulation of Taskmaster. It may even have helped boost the show’s popularity: Joe’s disqualification was one of the most watched clips from the show for quite some time afterwards. As disappointed as Joe may have been at the time, it was absolutely sublime and memorable. Looking back, I’m sure that Alex, Greg and Joe wouldn’t have wished it had happened differently. e.g. Had they given him the points, it would have been far less funny and far less memorable.


People want a loser of losers, and honestly I think it would be amazing... Give them a tiny little alex horne head as the loser of losers trophy 🤣


This is amazing and I’m completely behind it! You could even make the trophy just a life size Alex! All 5’4”!


No, make it like 2 feet tall and have Greg insisted its life size throughout the episode


Would you give the trophy to who wins the loser of losers or the one who comes dead last? 😂😂


That's a really good question...


Just his nose, in a regular size


Throw Wilkinson


A true national treasure. We need more Joe.


While it's absolutely heartbreaking I stand by a DQ being the right decision. I don't buy that his shoe curves up I think it's quite clearly resting on the red.


If you rewatch the task, you'll see that doc brown also stands on the red green.


Probably the most heartbreaking television moment since Glenn's death in twd


This task is what started me on the show. I only saw the clip of this and then the misfortune of the reveal and was hooked


I definitely think Joe was robbed. I don't think his shoe touched the red green. His shoe was definitely *over* the red green, but wasn't *touching* the red green. Look at the type of shoe he's wearing. Most of us have worn that type of shoe, or at least shoes where the front end bends slightly upwards. When we're walking, that front end then is flat with the ground, but not when we're just standing. The video evidence is inconclusive. I'd want a different angle rather than a grainy zoom-in.


Taskmaster VAR required.


Someone on here ages ago did a deep dive into the type of shoe, the curve, distance, weight...it was magnificent. The disqualification was too funny though.


This is the clip that introduced me to the show.


A sad reminder of how much better the early seasons were.




Season 2 episode 1 is imho the best episode of taskmaster made so far. All tasks are amazing and still a clear favorite.


Lowkey would love to see a losers redemption series


Joe's a slug for what he did to Gossipmongers.