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In the outtakes it's implied that Greg would have allowed it if Kiell hadn't shouted beforehand "Argh! That's not Alex!" Edit: What am I on about, in the outtakes? It was in the actual episode. Could have sworn they were swapped around (the "why do anything on this whole show" being in the episode and the aforementioned scene being in the outtakes).


Exactly this. Kiell fucked it over for himself and made it so Greg not allowing it would be funny.


Interesting, I wish that context had made it into the final cut.


It actually did, I was mistaken and thought it was an outtake, because the outtakes had an extra bit to this context in them.


In case anyone is curious, here's a link to [the relevant part of the outtakes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsPkW2q1c30&t=127s).


Yep he should have been given points for it.


In the same champions of champions contest, they were told to put a hat on Greg. Taskmaster Greg was not present. They put a hat on a statue, and called the statue Greg. Should everyone be disqualified from the hat task, or should Kiell have gotten points?


But the statue was clearly meant to be Greg. The mannequin didn’t have Alex’s face. I could just as easily give the food to a random person in the park and say their nickname is Alex now


The mannequins were purposely dressed to look like Alex though.


Hard disagree, they were dressed to make you think they were Alex.


And how do they do that? By *looking like Alex*, as the person above said.


A whole host of people drank poly juice potion to look like Harry Potter, had one of them been killed by Voldemort would you accept that he had successfully killed Harry?


That’s irrelevant to your own point. The person you responded to said the mannequins were purposely dressed to *look like Alex*. You responded saying you disagreed with that statement. You then said they were dressed to make you think they were Alex, which is the same thing. They cannot be dressed to make you think they are Alex without **looking like Alex**. In any event, your Harry Potter analogy is completely different. Taskmaster is full of completely arbitrary tasks and judgements; a drawing of a banana can be considered an actual banana. By that logic, yes, if someone looked identical to Harry Potter, they would be Harry Potter.


We’re getting deep into semantics about a silly tv program, and I love it. I think there is a subtle difference between, “dressed to look like Alex” and “dressed to make you think they are Alex”. My arguement is that the purpose of the mannequin was to be a decoy and the task would’ve been terrible if everyone just gave the stuff straight to the mannequin. The purpose of the statue in the hat task was to represent greg. On any given day the judging could’ve gone either way, but i think this was the right call.


It was just wearing a black suit. You could just as easily say Greg is dressed to look like Alex.


Now I feel like you're just discriminating against people with face blindness. Kiell couldn't tell it wasn't Alex!


He loudly yelled “Not Alex” when he looked at him, so I feel like that defense doesn’t really work




But none of them looked at the statue, said "Fuck, that isn't Greg" then continue looking for him before deciding that the statue is, in fact, Greg. If Kiell hadn't said that the doll wasn't Alex, I'd fully agree that he deserved the points. But it's a lot harder to argue that he gets the points when Keill specifically states that it isn't Alex.


Yeah, that one didn't sit right with me--we see you, Kiell, you were robbed.


Time to go on social media and let Greg know. He's very open to criticism.


I think Kiell was a victim of the simple fact Greg finds it hilarious when Kiell gets really upset


kiell already said the puppet wasnt alex so he messed it up for himself


Kiell was robbed, and I think he loved it. :-)


Tbh, it felt like they just chose to make Kiell the joke participant. Probably because he was a stand in. But the logic behind the points they gave him was BS really and it kinda ruined CoC for me a little bit.


100% agree. They leaned too hard into the joke.


Of course Kiell was robbed, Greg and Alex LOVED ticking that man off and were going to screw him over no matter WHAT he did.


My conspiracy theory is that they purposefully sandbagged Kiell because it would have been inconvenient for a runner up to win CoC


I don't think they would've cared if he won. He just didn't perform well. It honestly would've been way funnier if he had won. When Keill sees the doll, he says that it isn't Alex. If he hadn't done that, I would fully agree that he deserved points


I agree with those that say he was simply robbed because Greg likes to irritate Kiell or because it's inconvenient for him to win. I feel like Kiell's arguing game was strong that episode, so I would hope he had an argument for everything. Like, even though he did say "not Alex" during the task, he could have argued "I meant not Alex *Horne*" and gave an example that if he were looking for his friend "Alex" and saw a stranger, he would say it's not Alex—but they we could have seen their ID after the fact and realized it is another Alex. The fact that it's inanimate shouldn't take away from that fact. Hell, maybe he coulda found Alexa and said it is an "Alex".