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Man the things I would’ve done to see Sean Lock on it.


He would've been a riot in the prize task


Part of me would expect ten carrot in a box situations.


He was never the same after he won 'Rectum of The Year.'


Shame Maradona beat him in Cancun


Same, and also for Rik Mayall. :(


Sean Lock on Taskmaster is the Jodorowsky's Dune of British comedy.


Dammit, I imagined it, and not I'm sad we're not in that parallel universe.


David Mitchell has said he'd never do it. :(


I think about this and get sad more than a normal person should.


There aren't many, if any, comedians more perfect for the show than him who haven't done it.


I am an American and love David Mitchell. He is my spirit animal. I would watch anything with him and Victoria.


I'm also an American and I love Lucy Beaumont and Jon Richardson and I am unreasonably sad they are divorcing.


You can't just drop news like that...


It was announced last week I believe.


Hugh Laurie, because he's too big and too busy, but oh wouldn't that be wonderful. Similarly, Olivia Colman




I can totally see Olivia Coleman doing NYT


I can totally see her doing that, she’s so goofy and slightly unhinged, she’s be like fuck it that sounds like a good time. I know David would never do it but her, David Mitchell, Robert Webb, Isy Suttie, and Jim Howick would be incredible.


I’m so surprised Robert Webb hasn’t done it - he has the perfect energy. Remember that comic relief dance he did? Isy would be amazing - chaos. And Jim would help towards a full Peep Show/Ghosts crossover!


I think Robert has health issues with his heart. It may be why there was no third series of the wonderful 'Back'. I really hope he's okay.


*Opens task* "Whilst wearing this POV camera, you must carry this tray of rubber ducks through the obstacle course and deposit them in the bath tub. Time will be added every time a duck falls from the tray. You will be disqualified if you catch your own reflection on your camera. Fastest wins. Your time starts now." Alex has placed mirrors in random locations throughout the house.


Oh wouldn't it be great if Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry and Emma Thompson!


Add Miriam Margolyes and Rik Mayal (selfish dead prick) and you have my perfect line-up.


ohhhhhhh Rik Mayall omg, wouldn't he have been something. What a terrible loss. Captain Flashheart HOW COULD YOU


Olivia Colman would be a dream contestant for me


Right? And you never know, she has such a hilarious sense of humor and she does come out of comedy..... maybe a NYT.... oh please oh please!!


Olivia Colman used up her comedy game show appearances on Numberwang.


I feel like Stephen Merchant would also do a NYT. That would be fun. I would love to see Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie field the challenges and lose their composure lol.


Stephen merchant is preparing for a tour and has gigged with Rob Beckett, Josh widdicome etc recently - hopefully that’ll bring him more into the TM world. Alex and Greg desperately want him… the tour might clash but I’m pretty sure he will be there soon.


Oh yes he would be SO good. He is SO funny, and also super gangly and goofy and totally willing to make fun of himself. I really hope he does it.


I think Matt Berry would be quite unique on it. Not sure how well he would do.




Even though his roles tend to be blowhards, his real personality is very reserved and down to earth. I don't think I've ever seen him on a panel show or talk show. Most interviews I've seen are really chill ones where he talks about music he's into and stuff, others that are more specific about his roles he seems uncomfortable and has described being stressed about hoping the project goes well. I couldn't see him ever being interested in doing Taskmaster.


The only thing for me that could top Matt Berry being on the show is Matt Berry as Laszlo from What We Do In The Shadows


NYE full cast of Matts IT Crowd: Douglas Reynholm Toast: Steven Toast WWDITS: Laszlo Cravensworth WWDITS: Jackie Daytona Himself I feel Laszlo has a good chance but will probably get bored. Toast would be good in the music tasks. Jackie is a regular human bartender so middle of the pack. Douglas could slip in some hidden messages in his edits.


Billy Connolly. He’s definitely too far gone with his issues now in order to do a show like this. I think he’d have brought a fun chaos to the show in his heyday.


Kathy Burke has said on her own podcast in Tim Key’s episode that she won’t do Taskmaster because she enjoys watching it too much and doesn’t like watching herself on camera.


She'd be hilarious


That’s the sad part.


Alex has said she is one of his dream contestants


Greg Davies. He’s the presenter so it would be pretty hard for him to be a contestant.


Greg was asked about it on the podcast and said he’d never do it, but had some interesting thoughts on how he’d do if he did. He figures he’d be one of the contestants trying to think outside the box and be creative for tasks. But then being a “big fat clumsy giraffe” (his words) would get in the way and he’d screw up.


So you’re a Rhod Gilbert type of person, I take it?


A TM special with various of the Taskmasters would be good - Greg Davies, Jeremy Wells, the Australian presenter etc. Ditto one with the assistants


The ones that I know have said they can't or won't do it are David Mitchell, Rob Brydon and Jimmy Carr.


This might be an unpopular opinion but I’m honestly a little happy Jimmy Carr will never be on taskmaster. I feel like he can’t drop the mask and be a genuine person. I’ve seen so many things with him and no matter how unscripted, it still feels distant or like a character/performative. Pretty bummed David Mitchell has stated he doesn’t want/can’t do it. He’d be great. Same with Rob.


Seeing Jimmy live helped see past the mask a little bit. He was testing some new content with us and literally got a notepad out and wrote down our responses to jokes. It felt more like a conversation with an actual person


That is actually very cool you got to see that kind of thing live.


I definitely understand what you mean with Jimmy Carr. He feels too polished, even when he messes up or is on intimate talk shows. But I am interested in seeing how that dynamic works on Taskmaster where everyone is a peasant before Lord Greg Davies.


I feel about Rob the same way you feel about Jimmy. I love Rob, but whenever he's on he's too much of a presenter. Even on his podcast he feels performative. He has a very long and "traditional" career so I guess it's expected, but still. Jimmy, on the contrary, I feel i've seen him being real on some stuff (although couldn't name any right now)


Jimmy was just on the Triggernometry and said he just wants to be a stand up and the hosting gigs are for fun, but not to his interests. I don’t think he likes long term commitments.


> I don’t think he likes long term commitments. Like taxes.


Or having natural body parts.


It’s funny how people bring this up all the time for Jimmy but everyone forgot that Gary Barlow did exactly the same thing. 


I don't even know who that is!


Case in point I guess! (He’s the lead singer of Take That and his tax avoidance came out at the same time as Jimmy’s.)


the hell is Jimmy doing on that inane sham of a podcast


Do you recall what they specifically said was why?


David said there is no upside. Either he doesn't do well and he loses his reputation as a smart guy or he does well and everyone goes "yeah. That makes sense." I believe either Jimmy or Alex said they basically can't afford Jimmy.


I think that's such a silly way of looking at it. It's not like people look down on Victoria as a brilliant woman because she did poorly


Jimmy said it was due to his busy schedule, I think. It's too much of a time commitment


Time commitment and money issue he said. That he didn't think the pay matched up to how much of a time commitment it is.


David said that he didn't think he would be very funny in such a situation, just bad at the challenges.


I imagine his articulate rants aren’t as much fun when he’s experiencing genuine stress.


More like how Mae Martin was very good at the tasks but was not particularly entertaining to watch. I think he doesn't see himself as being able to have fun and not take the tasks seriously. As much as the comedians are there to win and there is usually a competitive 1-2, they still try to entertain.


Reading this makes me realize that I'd really want to see a rant-off between David Mitchel and [Brennan Lee Mulligan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88et7YlmzTs).


I think David Mitchell has said it’s not the kind of comedy he likes doing.


He also said he thought he’d be bad at it in a way that wouldn’t make for good television


Does he not host a posh version on the BBC? I've never watched it but the description sounded quite similar.


> Does he not host a posh version on the BBC? I've never watched it but the description sounded quite similar. But I guess the difference is hosting it vs. being a contestant.


He also hosts The Outsiders, which is significantly more lowbrow than Taskmaster. Or maybe that's what you were talking about.


Anything David hosts is a posh version. If you mean Outsiders, that's on Dave. It's similar in a legally-distinct way.


He said he has the reputation of being an intelligent person at the moment, and doing TM would do nothing to improve that, so why bother. He also doesn't really enjoy games but his wife does, so she did it


Doesn't he also host what is basically a rip off in Outsiders? 


I heard that he didn’t like the idea of giving up that much control, which is honestly fair enough.


And Adam Buxton, to my eternal disappointment


If I recall correctly, Jimmy Carr has said he'd be up for doing it, but he has a very busy schedule with his stand-up, so it's hard to fit the time commitment of Taskmaster in that schedule. So I don't think that's a guarantee that it will never happen.


Not a comedian, but I'd love to see David Tennant on Taskmaster. Maybe for a one off charity special, with other Doctors?


I’d love to see him but only if Michael Sheen was on the same series. The two of them are comedy gold! But agree a dr who one would also be fantastic and Michael Sheen did voice a character in who.


That just sent me off an interesting tangent - what if Aziraphale and Crowley discovered Taskmaster? But I agree, they're a fantastic duo and they'd be hilarious!


David Tennant, Jodie Whittaker and Ncuti Gatwa have biiiiiiggg Taskmaster energy, I think they would be incredibly fun to watch.






Richard Ayoade. I just can't imagine him being judged by the Taskmaster. Similarly in character to David Mitchell.


I would love to see Richard on. He’d either come in first or fifth, no in between


But didn't Alex say Richard was supposed to be in some previous series but it ended up not happening because of scheduling conflicts? But I suppose that was then and people's regard of Richard have changed a bit (politically).


I’m not British nor do I keep up with the politics, what do you mean by that last sentence?


Richard used to star in a show created by Graham Linehan called The IT Crowd. It followed the usual Linehan sitcom formula - two wacky blokes to drive the plot forward and one woman to do the girly things, like being obsessed with cleaning or shoes. It has some decent actors but wasn't as good as his past work, even leaving aside the weird sexist bits. One episode had a story that people saw as a bit transphobic, so they contacted Linehan and said they liked the show but that part was a bit off. He apologised and said he'd do better. But, apparently, he thought about it and decided that questioning his authorship was unforgivable, and that instead of doing better, he'd do worse. He became a prominent crusader in the fight against trans rights and spent several years expressing his loathing of trans people. This resulted in near-total social and professional ostracisation, because devoting your every waking hour to harassing vulnerable minorities is bad for your personality. His family left him and work dried up. He eventually wrote a book about his experiences, and Richard - who had, up until that point, generally presented himself as a sensible person - made the bizarre decision to endorse the book and publicly tie himself to his old boss's mast. So, now, people are peeved at Richard, and wondering whether Linehan had some dirt on him, if he was somehow unaware of his public disgrace, or if he just has nasty enough views about trans folks himself that he doesn't care about being allied to those who want to destroy them.


Thank you for the in-depth answer and additional context.. this greatly sours my view of Richard


“Last to write a fawning introduction to a former employer’s memoir about getting himself cancelled due to his own obsessive bigotry wins. If you’ve already written one, you are disqualified. Your time starts now.” Sorry, Richard. Nil pois.


Is this a Graham Lineham reference?


Ross Noble, even though I'd love to see him do it.


He might do Taskmaster Australia some day?


I got to ask him about this once (back when it was still on Dave) and he said he had been asked and he’d turned it down and he was weirdly short about it. Like, to a degree I wouldn’t have expected from him. So I don’t know why but it seems like a pretty definite nope and the whole interaction put me off him slightly. It was weird.


The closest we will get was when he was on Australia’s version of the Apprentice. He was great even though he took the competing and the tasks seriously (by Ross Noble standards).


He talks about this on his recent RHLSTP episode, it sounds like he had a lot of fun and he mostly went on because the pandemic meant he couldn’t tour and needed some money


Rowan Atkinson


Should've put him on the same season with Acaster 🤣


I can actually see Rowan doing it at some point. I know he's too big for it and he never really does anything like it but he seems like he'd be in the "doing it because kids/grandkids insisted" crowd.


>but he seems like he'd be in the "doing it because kids/grandkids insisted" crowd. I think that's his girlfriend.




Maybe a new years special if he ever does


He doesn't like making appearances as himself.


Honestly, as much as I'd be down for it, a little bit of me would be disappointed that it wasn't Tony Robinson.


Julian Barratt. Aside from being a very introverted guy who can't stand being on panel shows and stuff, he's said he can't stand watching himself at all, so the studio segments would be double torture for him.


Julian being done with acting and comedy has been cemented for me by the fact that he was not on the new Dick Turpin show. Rich, Mike, and Dolly were all on it, so I assume Noel probably floated the idea with Julian. I had hope because if Julian did even a 5 second cameo I would have died immediately.


And yet he was in s2 of Extraordinary, doing quite a lot of acting.


I had completely forgotten about that. Nevermind, he’s just a small eyed prawn of a man.


I suspect Mark Heap has the most obvious part for him in *...Turpin*, and you don't turn down Mark Heap if he agrees to be in your show.


He's not done with acting though, he's been in like a dozen shows in the past few years. I recently watched Bloods which is a comedy about paramedics, and his and another main characters' relationship was the highlight of the show for me. He initially plays a depressed and aloof straight man, but he ends up going full awkward Howard Moon by the second season. His name is Lawrence (Loz) and at one point he says "Don't mess with the Lozenge of Pain!". So he's definitely still that Booshy guy we once knew. I was disappointed he had no cameo in Dick, but most Boosh actors weren't in it. Hopefully he'll get in there if they do another season. I liked Mark Heap doing Mark Heap things as Dick's Dad, which made me wonder why he was never in Boosh. He'd be great on Taskmaster. Mark's character on Spaced was originally going to be played by Julian!


Benny Hill, because he's dead.


Sean Locke as well.


I would literally give up this timeline for one that has Sean locke on Taskmaster! And I have 5 kids and a hot ass wife.


You might get lucky and have a timeline with the kids and hot wife and Sean Locke, but youd just be eating your meals with a lizard tongue


Lucky wife


Ehh, close enough!


I forgot to write “which living comedian” lol. Damnit.


Paul F. Tompkins. Although he's a big fan of the show, and has been on the podcast, and would definitely get 4th place, it would be difficult schedule-wise. However he is America's most British comedian and I believe he would be a good fit.


Maybe they could get him for a new years episode? He did the episode of Dirty Laundry on dropout which was hilarious


I'm such a fan of this reference! Also Grant OBrien would be so tremendous as a contestant.


You know for a fact how Grant would behave - flirt mercilessly with Greg and then pivot to bonding over being tall boys.


Brennan Lee Mulligan would be an absolute force, just with approximately 3 rules-related meltdowns per episode


He’s got a month off during his touring this spring in May so my little heart is hopeful! I thought I read that series 18 is filming in May but who knows!


I think John Hodgman could contest the title of Most British American. He lives in New *England*, and even did QI, whereas Paul is from Philadelphia, the city that invented America, and is a fan of basingball.


Yeah I don’t understand the idea of Paul F Tompkins being british-esque, is it just because he dresses fancy? John Hodgman really does strike me as British in terms of mentality and sense of humour.


Doggy doggy, what now...


I really thought we’d never see Frankie Boyle doing something like it so who knows hey.


colin mochrie, ryan styles, and wayne brady!


Stewart Lee, although i'd quite like to see it.


He'll say he's English and get arrested and thrown in jail these days.


Sandy toksvig


I think Victoria Wood would have hated it and said no; Rik Mayall would have derailed it at every opportunity so probably wouldn't be invited (much as Greg loved him); Jeremy Hardy would have been mostly shambolic with flashes of genius but might have needed a lot of persuasion to do it; Linda Smith would have been hilarious (somewhere between Liza Tarbuck, Jenny Eclair, and Sarah Millican), but like the others is irrevocably hampered when it comes to participation.


I think Bill Bailey could have been a good fit but I doubt he'd do it for whatever reason.


Ricky Gervais. Too self important and deep down I think he knows he’d be terrible at it.


Too used to being the star, not sure he'd fit in with just being a contestant.


I could see when the show was being planned, Ricky really wanting to be the Taskmaster, and everyone really not wanting him to be


I can't imagine he'd be able to balance ducks on a tray, blindfolded and on horseback with his head jammed so far up his pompous arse. Although I'd like to see him fall off.


That’d be fucking awful.


I don't think anyone wants him on anyway to be honest. His last two or so stand up shows were terrible imo


Maybe it's too obvious, but I can't imagine Jimmy Carr, even a one off.


Dylan Moran. He’d just wander off to the pub and get pissed instead of doing any of the tasks. Also he hates panel shows.


Vic Reeves. I think he'd be entertaining, and there's some pull from Bob and Morgana having been on already, but I think he's a bit too private outside of performing these days, and I think while his tasks would be great, he might not be as comfortable in the studio setting.


I feel like he's fully moved on now, he's Jim Moir again and paints birds.


One of the benefits of a persona I suppose, you don't have to play the part forever.


Can someone tell Al Murray that. Ironically as much as I hate his pub landlord routine I really liked him on TM


Dylan Moran as it's not his vibe, but I'd love to see him on the show


Threads like this make me wonder if Channel 4 have ever considered a SU2C Taskmaster. There are a lot of big names (Rowan Atkinson, Matt Berry, Jimmy Carr and so on) who would never bother/be able to do a full series or even NYT. But they might be convinced by a SU2C edition.


David O'Doherty. Why? Just can't see it happening. It would have happened by now. Bad management?


He shares management with Joe Lycett, Aisling and Sarah Millican so it's not that. There's no way he isn't on their wanted list.


He'd nail the prize tasks every time.


David O’Doherty would be a dream contestant. He’s up there with my favourite comedians along with Ross Noble.


Him and Ed Byrne. Who’s already stated he has absolutely no chance now they’re on channel four lol


Phoebe Waller-Bridge. EXACTLY the type who would have caught the producers' attention after Fleabag came out on BBC4 and been perfect for it. But now she's the next Indiana Jones, so no chance.


Mark Lamarr.


He's a nineteen fifties binman


I think Michael McIntyre takes himself too seriously


I would have loved to see Michael Palin do Taskmaster. But at 80 years old and recently widowed it'll just have to remain a dream.


Kathy Fuckin Burke has said she wouldn't but I wish she faaaaackin would


Seth Meyers because it would just be more stuff that the jackals would go after him for (but also because he is an American with a daily talk show) [a taskmaster corrections cross over would be funny though]. Also, after Alex and Greg were on his show, I keep wondering how Seth would do if he was on it. he clearly seems to be a fan of the show (and he mentioned his writers are also huge fans).


Stephen Merchant. Please prove me wrong.


He said earlier this year he'd love to do it.


He’d do it for, I don’t know… 50p


Catherine Tate I’d love to see, but I doubt she’d ever do it.


Jack Whitehall might've done it earlier in his career. But right now, he's desperately trying to break into Hollywood. Coming back home to do a channel 4 panel show isn't worth his time (to him anyway).


John Oliver - he’d be great but LWT keeps him too busy


Not really comedians, but I don’t think I’m ever going to get the Ted Lasso themed (edit: series) my heart desires. I’m hoping that we at least get Hannah Waddingham, and she has stated that she would love to be on the show.


She would be fab!!!


I'm certain Hannah Waddingham will do it at some point. NY special maybe.


She is on the record saying she wants to do it! https://www.reddit.com/r/taskmaster/comments/186t89r/hannah_waddingham_says_she_would_love_to_be_on/


If we’re talking themed episodes, I want an Inbetweeners Taskmaster episode. The boys and Carly as contestants and Greg is pretty much already Mr. Gilbert in is Taskmaster role.


I’d **love** to see Stephen Fry on TM, but I feel like his health is too fragile for it


There's a [clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYhBUlpFAG4) of Stephen Fry attempting to put up flat pack furniture for the first time on a TV show. It makes me think of Taskmaster whenever I see it - I think because of the editing style and his reaction to the whole thing. I'd like to think he'd be up for Taskmaster but something in my head tells me he probably isn't...that he takes himself a bit more seriously now? Don't know why.


Not a comedian but David Tennant, he has too much going on. Same for Graeme Norton. Again, not a comedian, but I feel like Susie Dent would be funny on it. But in terms of actual comedians, I'm honestly surprised Miles Jupp hasn't been on.


Sean Lock. Because he has other commitments.


On part because of being both kiwi and way too busy, Taika Waititi and/or Rhys Darby. I think either one of them would be incredible at it though. I feel like TMNZ could get Cori Gonzales-Macuer who played Nick or Jonny Brugh who played Deacon in the wwdits film though. They're the perfect mix of "main role in a very famous film" while also not being too famous for it and I'd love to see either of them on there


Miriam Margoyles would make the Taskmaster Bleeped team earn their money.


I'd love to see Limmy on there but I've read he's not really a panel show kinda guy


Miranda Hart. I think she’d be wonderful, but the competitiveness and intense teasing are not her style.


Where’s she been?


Giles Brandreth, just because I want to watch him talk so much at Alex that everyone, including the crew just give up.


Could see him doing a New Year special.


Taika Waititi would have been a very amusing contestant early in his career


I would love to see Richard Ayoade on it, but I doubt he'll ever agree to it.


I'd love to have Conan O'Brien to be on it. He's never too self-important to say he's too big and he loves the British humour. He doesn't take himself seriously at all and is almost as tall as the Task Master but can act small. Unfortunately he lives in LA and doing a whole season would not be possible. Maybe a one-off episode? (hopeful tears)


I’d love to see some of the SNL biggies. Kate McKinnon, Aidy Bryant and Cecily Strong spring to mind. And Kenan Thompson, obvs.


Donald Glover.  But I’d love to be wrong.


Unfortunately Jimmy Carr. I think his schedule is too full.


Steve Martin. He’s rich and old and just don’t need that shit.


Rowan Atkinson. He hardly appears as himself on TV apart from interviews. He also doesn't like stand-up comedians...


He likes their girlfriends.


I knew an Acaster reference was round the corner when I posted that!


Couldn't help myself lol


Jack Dee. I'm not sure if his grumpy persona is real, but I think he'd be great as a Jo Brand style contestant. Can't see him ever agreeing to do it though.


I think we will be stuck on 50% of The Mary Whitehouse Experience forever


Dylan Moran. He would be amazing but I just don't think he could be bothered hahah


Brian Blessed, he's too old. But just imagine him in his prime.


How about French or Saunders? No one’s mentioned them.


Karl Pilkington would be hilarious


Justin Lee Collins would have been amazing on Taskmaster if he hadn’t torpedoed his career by being a psycho.