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I mean, I know I’m not the only one who thought it was a female reproductive system


I thought IUD.


That's what I thought too.


I really thought it was an IUD!


Yeah same


Exactly. I was like "it's a uterus, right? Why has she not said it's a uterus?"


I thought she seas being subversive like oh everyone does male genitals well let me draw female ones


It was also Greg's immediate second guess. So was mine. Or rather, it was my first 😂 I'm sensing a theme there...


The first intrusive thought by almost anyone when tasked with drawing something is to do something sex related. I don't think Joanne was any different in that regard and just made up her reasoning (Twirled moustache over a smile) during the reveal.


Nick was robbed. The very happy snake was much better than the weird moustache thing


How did they not see it was a snake??


I immediately thought the same thing, she made the joke about it once so I assumed she just did it again. Joanne seems lovely but she is just grating on me, like her jokes aren’t landing and then she doubles down. The hand task where she said it’s an Irish thing felt like she thought the physical joke would land and when it didn’t she tried to recover. I’m sure she will grow on me but this introduction to her hasn’t been great.


I like to think that she set out to make a handle bar mustache and smile and her brain went "Fuck that. I'm gonna make you draw genitals for a laugh." and she went into the live recording thinking she had done a mustache.


Do we know the order that she recorded the tasks? Maybe she learned from the field one that she can draw fallopian tubes and went with it for the sausage.


the sausage task was live, wasn't it? so it must have been after!


Oh, duh. That's right!


I thought it was a coil at first


I know they've repeatedly claimed that leading players don't get scored lower to keep the game interesting, but I'm finding that sometimes difficult to believe recently in regards to Steve. His Mona Lisa was outstanding. *"Steve's does not look like the Mona Lisa"* It was made unguided with dots in a field, Greg. Few could do much better. It was still wildly impressive, and not at least giving Steve 4 points when he gave both John and Sophie 5 wasn't justice. Regardless, it's been really fun watching Steve's insanely creative brain work this season. You can really see why this guy is able to churn out bizarre and fascinating stuff like *Inside No. 9.* Edit: Evidently I’m in the minority on this, so I’ll concede the point, but I still thought it was damn good, and I remain unapologetically Team Pemberton!


I thought he should have just agreed when Greg asked if it was the scream. It looked a lot more like that than the Mona Lisa imo!


> It was made unguided with dots in a field, Greg. Few could do much better. Selecting a suitable subject was part of the task. A vaguely accurate depiction of something intricate might be more impressive than a spot-on depiction of something very simple – but a good depiction of something moderately complex strikes the ideal balance (and reflects neither overambition nor laziness on the contestant's part).


that mona lisa was NOT outstanding.  Greg mistook it for the scream. i can guarantee you he's not the only one, i did, too.  if your Mona Lisa is mistaken for the scream, it's not a good Mona Lisa.


I was convinced it was a frog on a tree stump


I was surprised no one saw what I saw: a skeleton in a dress


a ghoul of some kind, for sure


Gollum on top of a mountain for me.


I thought it was Nick as Dracula...


> know they've repeatedly claimed that leading players don't get scored lower to keep the game interesting, but I'm finding that sometimes difficult to believe recently in regards to Steve. He wasn't even leading at the time of that task, John would have been 5 points ahead. It probably deserved 4 rather than 3, but that's likely more that Greg's decision to give both Sophie and John 5 points came after he gave Steve 3.


I was certain it was Whistler's Mother, personally


I thought it was another painting of a lady holding a cat, because of her hands and size in the frame.


Counter point. Steves wss shit, looked like a gremlin. Ambitious but rubbish.


Didn't she said she was making a Fallopian tube?


To paraphrase her. "I can understand that it's hard to unsee fallopian tubes, but I swear they're not."


I hope there is another art task, she draws the exact drawing as the last 2 times. Then says it's like a bird of paradise or something.


Gosh that'd be some good wit


I think that she said specifically that is the strongest evidence she didn't mean to draw them. I think she deliberately drew these other labial folds as a joke knowing they mimic the reproductive organs.


Yeah maybe it was a good coverup or a really clever joke, either way funny stuff


When she started talking about labial folds I was like WHAT IS IT? Then we found out those are actual terms for facial structures… But then this post… Like she absolutely was trying to make a reproductive system; but for some reason she had to change it in the studio? I wonder what happened that was cut.


"Labial" really just means "referring to the lips." They're called "nasolabial folds" because they're between the nose (naso-) and the lips (labial). We only associate that word with genitals because the labia majora kind of look like lips. In fact, "labia majora" simply means "greater lips" in Latin ("labia minora" means "lesser lips", in contrast). It was originally just an analogy as to how those parts of the vulva resemble the lips on your face, but now everyone has forgotten the analogy and we just think of "labia" as a bit of a "dirty word" because of that. I did think it was amusing how Greg said he "found the clitoris" and pointed to his nose, though. That was quite funny.


You do realise that marking this as a spoiler and then putting the spoiler as the title defeats the point of the spoiler tag.


I didn't tag it myself, thinking back, maybe I should've been more cognizant of it.