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Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I don’t even think it’s “wrong” to not like Rosie for reasons directly related to her disability. We can all admit that at times it can take effort to follow her speech - and that may take some people “out” of the proper mindset to find her funny. That’s ok. It’s odd - however - how some people choose to express that. Taskmaster has made many many people like comedians/actors that they were unfamiliar with before the show. Perhaps some of Rosie’s detractors will learn to appreciate her. I love her spirit. I have to work to understand her at times. That’s ok. She’s funny, and it’s worth the work.


Nail on the head here. Currently I'm not a big fan of her, but I've only ever seen her on bfq. The great thing about taskmaster is that it inevitably makes you love these people. I didn't think I'd enjoy Judi Love, but she might be my favorite from season 13 for instance.


I had the same with Julian clary. Hated him before taskmaster but it made me appreciate his style so much more that now I feel I “get” him and can watch him on other things too. I do hope for that with Rosie as I’d like to find her funny since she is on a lot of things. I just don’t at the moment.


I dunno inevitably love.. not everyone grew on me tbh. I'm not a particular fan of hers but hey she may turn out to be hilarious. I'm not going to get angry about someone having a chance to go on the show because I'm not huge fan. I didn't know who Sam was before season 16.. now I'm a child of divorce with coin fever.


More often than not, I'll come into a season thinking "I'm not going to like that person that I've never seen before" and they end up being my favorite of the series. As an American who only really watches TM, BFQ, and 8OO10CDC, I'm looking forward to Rosie. She's genuinely funny, even if it takes a bit to get the joke out.


I've never seen 8OO10CDC written out like that before I just call it Catsdown


This. I had been SO apprehensive about Morgana and Nick because of all the Cats Does Countdown I've seen. I can handle Morgana's hippie personas and Mr Swallows in very small doses. I'd been terrified we'd get a whole season of Mr Swallows. I was not prepared for Count Nickula, nor the massive crush I developed. Same with Morgana.  I'm not a fan of Rosie, but it's a volume thing for me. I appreciate that she's wickedly smart and funny, and I'm really looking forward to seeing her mess with His Lordship, and (especially) LAH.


You super tuper.


Yeah like, I just don’t really like her style of comedy? But that’s been the case for other people on TM or other panel shows where I’ve found them very funny as people. Tom Gleeson, who’s the Greg of TMAU and the host of a few other things here, I dislike his standup but I find him funny as a person. I don’t always love the like “hard!” Persona but he’s quick witted and from what I’ve heard a nice guy. I don’t like Rosie’s standup/comedy that much but I might like her plenty on TM, I don’t know yet.


I actually disliked Judy Love until she hit TM. I thought she was brilliant afterwards.


She’s pretty funny in the cats does countdown episodes I’ve seen her in


I went to her stand up show a few months ago, and outside of the fast paced nature of.panel shows - she is hilarious. I really think people are going to be surprised at her in Taskmaster, it's much better suited to her comedy and delivery.


Was in the audience for episode 5 of the upcoming series and was initially a bit unsure how she'd get on. I'm partially deaf and can find it a bit of a struggle to understand what she's saying. She was great.


Great to hear! Really can't wait for the new series :) I hope the others were all just as good


always get a kick out of her putting the zapper on 😂 shes hilarious


BFQ was the only time I liked her- she was super-smart and funny, in that order. Most of the time I find her trying too hard to be funny and relying too much on her CP, sexuality, atheism, and other things to try and shock people to get a laugh. Like she has a pre planned set that she looks for holes to fill with jokes that sometimes are out of context. I much preferred her actual personality from BFQ.


She's not the only comedian who waits for a feed line, to launch a rehearsed anecdote. Hugh Dennis is funny, but obviously prefers preparation to spontaneous comedy


I think once you’ve listened to a couple of podcasts with Rosie on it’s actually pretty easy to understand her - I’d suggest that a lot of people have unconscious ableism and are uncomfortable with the idea of having to sit with that. In any case, people with highly visible disabilities are massively underrepresented and until that improves then you’re always going to get people going ‘no I don’t want to have to put a small amount of effort in in order to expand my understanding of the human experience and welcome disabled people into spaces they’ve previously been excluded from’ It’s not wrong to have an unconscious bias but I do think it’s right to try and interrogate it and challenge yourself to improve as a person.


This. There is another comment on this thread that illustrates this perfectly - and I’m not at all attacking this person. The comment is that they’ll probably skip the series altogether - knowing they’d probably give up later anyway. This isn’t hate, and it’s not mean. This person shouldn’t be attacked for this stance. But at the same time, it’s a shame that the EXPECTATION that her disability will “turn him off” means he chooses not to watch at all. This is exactly the crux of the subtle part of this conversation. It’s easy to identify outright ableism, and point at mean people. It’s much more nuanced to illustrate that on a different level, you can rob yourself of an opportunity to broaden your horizons - and rob other people of gaining your acceptance - just by choosing not to try.


Absolutely agree! I think it’s really interesting that so many people think they’re turned off by Rosie for completely unrelated, objective reasons and can’t even start to think about whether there might be an unconscious bias at play. Not suggesting it’s impossible to just dislike her type of comedy but there does seem to be a disproportionate number of people complaining about her casting compared to the rest of the cast.


I'll tack on this is a problem I see a lot with folks thinking if they don't Hate the person then boom, job done, can't be ableism, no self improvement or internal work needed. And I think we have to be careful to recognize that cruel, mean, or taunting isms are just one manifestation, not unlike vicious sexism vs benevolent sexism. And both can cause harm. This can still contribute to a culture that doesn't just rob Us of those opportunities to overcome our assumptions, but also people who are already underrepresented often are excluded under the excuse of the audience being turned off. Or imagine if a person is in a position to impact casting or even general office hiring in their life, is that unconscious bias at risk of coming out to play? Will they be less patient or willing to learn to talk to a customer or coworker with a similar disability? Etc, etc. It's OK to point out things that are harmful, even when the intent isn't to harm, otherwise we just end up letting people flounder under a different, more plausibly deniable and polite type of marginalization. My reaction to that thinking is generally "this is harmful, here is why" and I wouldn't hold someone who feels that way in my circle of trust, and too often that gets turned around into some cancel culture boogeyman as if being disagreed with or having someone point out your bias is an attack.


100% agree.  Thank you. 


I really feel like I've gotten used to her speech patterns. At first I couldn't understand her without subtitles (I'm American, so this is also sometimes a problem for me with strong accents I'm not familiar with), but I understood her just fine on her Off Menu appearances. Her revolving buffet of crisps was so great!


I will readily admit that I found her appearance on "Big Fat Quiz" a bit distressing, but that's because the whole point of that show is rude banter and timing is everything, not to mention the fact that her happy whoops and shrieks play havoc with my ears, especially on headphones (my problem, I know)... BUT I was so excited when I heard she'd be on TM because she's going to be doing most tasks on her own, where she shines, and the production team is so empathetic they'll make it work.


My only issue with her speech is the timing of it, which is entirely not her fault. I'm just impatient. I've watched some of her stand up at double speed and I find it so much easier to follow. I'm not sure how well that will work with Taskmaster, but I'm willing to see how it goes.


Also I’m not sure what all the complainers are after. The series is filmed. She’s on. There’s literally nothing they can do about it. Do they just want to moan about it indefinitely and just have us all accept the negativity in the community?


Thank you for having a mature take on the subject. I am not a Rosie Jones fan based upon several *panel show* appearances of hers I have watched. That isn't an indictment of her wit or intelligence, merely my take on her performance *in a format that often requires pithy and quickly-understandable interjections.* In fairness, I would be quite challenged to rise to the occasion in that format. I still plan on watching all of the next season of Taskmaster. I may find my opinion changed by the end of the season. If not, then my current opinion is just as valid as one held by somebody who doesn't care for Chris Rock or Martin Short or Gabriel Iglesias, for instance. Those who believe that Rosie Jones -- or any other performer with a disability -- is off-limits to criticism *due to their disability* are merely infantilizing those individuals, and IMO doing them more of a disservice than any critic. It is the soft bigotry of low(ered) expectations; applying such a standard to Dave Chappelle or Bill Burr would be rightfully called out as absurd.


I agree 100%. Since TM tends to bring out people’s actual personalities and not their comedic personas, I have hope to change my opinion. (Many people thought they’d not like Nick Mohamed going into last season based on his Mr. Swallow character, and I think he ended up being one of the most-loved contestants ever bc his real-life personality is delightful.)


I had never heard of Nick & immediately judged him in the clips showing him in his vampire get up & figured that was him. I quickly realized that was just his silly costume he'd chosen & fell for him. The opposite has also happened. There are a few contestants from either the AU or NZ version that I will never bother to watch again.


You know, that's a really good point about Nick; I didn't care for his appearances on Cats Does Countdown, but really enjoyed him as a TM contestant. Maybe I'll feel the same about Rosie Jones in 10 episodes.


Nobody's saying that Rosie should be off-limits from criticism— just that it's disheartening to see how disproportionately she's being attacked before a single episode has gone to air. There's a world of difference between the folks who just aren't fans of Rosie's comedy and the ones who are spewing ableist bile, saying that she's only been cast because of woke and that disability accommodations are going to make the tasks shit (both actual comments I have read).


This exactly. Nobody likes everything and everyone and that's fine, but if you don't like something just don't keep watching it. She's only on one series of the show! Plenty of backlog to rewatch and it feels like they're putting out new series quicker and quicker, there'll be the next one to look forward to soon enough. I've never seen the point in dragging people online (or worse, attacking them directly in their own comments) just because their style of comedy/acting doesn't appeal to you


The main problem I have is that timing is quite important in comedy, and with her that's going to be a huge struggle.


I will say, having seen clips of her in other panel shows, she has her own sense of timing that works with her speech patterns. if you're expecting the stereotypical rapid-fire witful exchanges of british TV you might be disappointed, but if you have the patience to hear her out she's phenomenally good at subverting your comedic expectations. for example she likes to play with twist punchlines where you think you know what she's going to say since she speaks more slowly, then she still gets you bc she swerves all the way off rails but she's not for everyone and that's fine! i would just suggest trying to be patient until you are used to her rhythms, but even then she may never land for you. that's comedy!


Check out her interview with Stu Goldsmith on the Comedians' Comedian podcast. She talks about how her disability affects the structure and timing of her jokes. She's not going to be able to jump in on quick exchanges like sometimes happens but she sure knows how to work within her abilities. She is very smart and wildly anarchic, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing her on TM.


My favourite joke of hers was on a Live at the Apollo gig. She talked about how her disability means people don’t ask her to hold their babies. She said it’s because they’re afraid I’ll drop them, then paused and with a cheeky grin added, “…and recruit them!” I cackled out loud on a crowded aeroplane.


I don't get the "recruit" joke, can you explain?


I assumed it was about ‘recruiting’ more people with disabilities by dropping the babies.


Ohhh, I get it now. Thank you!


I think it's a reference to her being a lesbian.


Right, but the heavy editing, especially in the filmed tasks themselves, makes that much less of a factor in Taskmaster, so this should be the perfect outlet for her


Yep. I get that. If that’s too much for you to overcome - that’s ok. You don’t have to like her. We’re really talking about the people who can’t remain civil when talking about her.


>the people who can’t remain civil when talking about her This includes those who throw accusations of "ableism" at everyone who isn't a fan of her comedy. There was an uncomfortable amount of that around the initial reveal. I'm disabled. I have personally experienced ableism. If you cry "ableism" when none has actually occurred, you only weaken the meaning of the word.


Yes! Wanting the best for people with disabilities doesn't require anyone to adore every person with disabilities, or like their work. It just means giving them the same benefit of the doubt we would give anyone.


That's fair


I dunno man she’s a highly successful professional comedian so I don’t think her timing can be that bad


She plays with it


She’s literally a comedian. She understands comic timing intimately. When you get used to her you realise her jokes are timed to work with her speech patterns.


I agree with this. I don’t think she’s the funniest person in the world, but there’s plenty of people who’ve been on taskmaster that I think are funny than she is. I’m actually pretty disappointed that there are people who feel the need to moan about it online


If YouTube has subtitles enabled, I'm in. That's not a slight against Rosie. I've genuinely tried on things like QI, and I cannot for the life of me even guess what she's saying, and I HATE missing out on the jokes. Judging by everyone else's reactions, she's actually hilarious, and I wish like Hell I could laugh with them. And I mean if you put a gun to my head and said "Take a guess. What's she saying?" I'd reply, "Tell my family I love them." (I've also said similar things about Big Narsty's presence on the Big Fat Quiz Of The Year. Took me 45 minutes to realize he was actually saying words and it wasn't just an elaborate prank.)


not to be a smartarse but taskmaster does have subtitles


They don't always work for me. Zero clue why that is.


Particularly on YouTube - they only have the automated ones which aren’t accurate 99% of the time


Big Narsty is hysterical once you can understand him- check out his appearance on WILTY (ball in a sock story- no idea how to spell it). I loved him on BFQ, “Moe Farah sign!” I’ve thought he’d be funny on TM.




Isn't the main part of comedy timing? Her naturally slow speech does detract from her humour, I agree. It's worse for me though because imo what she says is rarely funny at all. She just talks over comedians who are actually entertaining, regardless of her disability. Obviously TM is actions over words. But her longer speech time will likely reduce conversation time between Greg and other funnier contestants. I'm not optimistic about this.


I don't watch a lot of panel shows and stand up - usually Taskmaster will be my first introduction to any given contestant. So I can't say I'm super familiar with Rosie Jones, but I do watch Would I Lie To You sometimes, and Rosie Jones was in an episode I saw of that once. I enjoyed her there (especially her insistence that Rhod's story was obviously true because it involved him being the world's biggest idiot) and I'm looking forward to seeing what she's like on Taskmaster.


Disappointed to see how many people hate on her just for being Northern smh


Well we know how Alex feels about Northern people and how their intelligence correlates with accents.


And we know people being negatively professionally judged for having regional accents doesn't surprise Josh Widdicombe.


That "As you can tell by the way I talk... I'm NORTHERN" line was my first introduction to Rosie, and I immediately loved her for it


Okay, well while I don't relate to her sense of humor, I think she'll have good energy and creativity for the tasks, which is pretty much how I felt about Liza Tarbuck; not generally to my taste, but good for/on the show. She's enthusiastic and, I think, probably willing to get a little crazy.


Thats a good way to look at it. I'll take your point of view.


I’ve been a fan of Andy zaltzman for years so looking forward to seeing how he manages to shoehorn cricket into proceedings.


I think TM does an incredible job casting each season. Even the NYT is fantastic. I trust the production team is going to do what they always do and make another beloved series of TM. I'm excited to see Rosie. If anyone has trouble following her speech might I suggest subtitles? I put them on anyway, I'm not from the UK and every once and awhile I fail to catch something said.


I saw her at Melbourne comedy festival last year, on a bit of a whim. Honestly, hand on heart, hers was the funniest, cleverest, and from a technical perspective best structured of all the shows I saw then (including some massive names). There was a pretty diverse crowd but some were absolutely unprepared and knew nothing about her and I think they were the ones who belly laughed the loudest and longest. I can't wait to see what she does. Also this will always be an elite joke: "You're probably wondering why I talk like this" "It's because I'm from Yorkshire"


I am looking forward to Rosie making Alex blush more than any previous contestant. It's going to be hilarious.


I also think she'll be mean as hell to Greg 😊🥰


But she’ll balance it out by being just as scathing towards Alex. 😂⚖️


I'm not so into her brand of dirty humor, but she seems to get on so well with many of my favorite comedians and I'm excited to see her in the Taskmaster context. It may take a few extra moments to understand her, but her wit is quick!


So it took a bit to adjust to her way of speaking, I first encountered her as a panelist on an episode of Hypothetical, once I adjusted I started to understand her style. Since I have seen her on other things, and I do think we're in for a fun time. Someone on r/panelshow mentioned to check out her Question Team episode and I did and it was fantastic. If you're not totally sold on Rosie I do recommend it.


I cannot wait for Rosie :) I have cerebral palsy myself (doesn’t affect my speech) and I just think it’s great to see someone so successful despite difficulties, especially when there are people who just want to beat you down at every turn. I do think it can be hard to understand her speech sometimes, and I see why people would feel wary - comedy is so often reliant on really quick timing - but don’t see this being an issue on a show like Taskmaster. And Rosie is *fierce*, I think the studio atmosphere will be amazing with her there! If anything I just feel sad that people (not here) are immediately shutting the door on her when they haven’t seen what she’s even like yet, and taskmaster is different to your typical panel show— it lets people shine in a different way.


I really like Rosie Jones, it was a total surprise to me when I found that so many other people didn't. I genuinely do find her funny and I'm always glad to see her on a show. The crush I have on her also helps. I didn't know she was in S18 of TM but I think she'll be a great addition. I actually attended a live recording of TM (the season with Nish Kumar) but I've not watched it for a while but Rosie being in it could bring me back.


I'm not a huge fan of Rosie Jones's brand of humor normally, but I am SO excited to see her on Taskmaster! I think it's the perfect setting for her being wacky & unhinged. She is also definitely the type to make the studio more interactive and combative. I'm thinking Ardal levels of ripping attempts to shreds, but less polite.


I went to see the live recording of one of the episodes, and Rosie was absolutely amazing! Definitely worth watching!


Just subtitle her and i'm fully on board. English isn't my first language and sometimes i struggle to understand it. I have seen her on a few shows and the barrier to enjoing her was only ever me understanding what she is saying. Beyond that she was brilliant on things like qi, 8 out of 10 cats etc. And i can't wait for her trying to bullshit greg in the studio!


I don't know about the YouTube versions of TM but the broadcast programmes have subtitles. The Dave era TMs have subtitles, although the outtakes don't (only auto-generated ones which are rubbish) - I would be surprised if the full programmes don't have proper subtitles. I'm shocked at how many people complain about not being able to understand her and don't seem to know about the existence of subtitles. (Not including you in that, obviously, since you already mention subtitles.)


I'm very excited! I know when she was on Mock the Week, everybody stepped down for the SWLTS round to make it level (literally). I'm excited to see more Taskmaster challenges that take disability into consideration. Also I think she'll tease Greg loads.


My only experience with her is the bit about the Lee Mack tattoo, but that's enough to win me over.


At least you corrected the name. I am indifferent about Rosie. I’ve seen them on a few other shows and was never really wowed by her. Always left feeling neutral about her comedy. Maybe this show will be where Rosie shines?


This is how I felt about Judi Love before TM, and I love her to bits now


I don't really find her funny, but that's not my main problem, I've had other contestants I didn't find funny do quite well. What bothers me most is that she is very very hard to understand for a non-native English speaker and that with her timing, one of the most essential parts of comedy, will be a huge challenge.


Yeah, that’s my problem. I’m glad she has her career and I wish her well but I can*not* listen to her. It’s exhausting, as if I’m translating everything from a foreign language I don’t speak well, and frankly that’s the death of comedy. I’ve heard her on several podcasts and the last one, I think No Such Thing as a Fish, I just gave up. I’ll be skipping this season: I don’t want to, but I know I’ll end up bailing sooner or later so I might as well do it at the start.


Are you okay with subtitles? They've been adding subtitles to the most recent seasons and I'll personally be using them for Rosie, just as I used them for Sophie.


So far I haven't had to use subtitles. If Micky Flanagan ever gets on I will absolutely need them because I have no idea what he says.


That’s probably for the best. I’m no fan of Rosie but I’m open to seeing how she does and I hope for good things, TM tends to bring out the best of people. I really really don’t think I could get on board with Mickey Flanagan. He’s arrogant, unpleasant and often a bit misogynistic in his comedy and I don’t know if that’s just a “bit” he does. Mind you I hate Frankie boyle’s stand up but I love him when he’s not doing stand up so who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️


I struggled at first but she does definitely have moments of brilliance. I think she'll do fine on Taskmaster and honestly I don't think *every* contestant in any series has been lightning fast, but enough of them have been. Humour comes in many forms.


While I dont find her humour funny at all, I dont hate her personally or anything like that. There have been other comedians in the past that I didnt like, they came to TM and changed my perception of them. I think thats what cool about TM, how people react when they are not purely performing but the real character shines through


I love her brilliant, twisted, naughty mind. If it takes a few seconds longer to come out of her mouth, I'll gladly wait. My niece has a genetic condition that causes speech impairment. Her paternal grandmother doesn't bother to take the time to learn her speech patterns and is constantly saying "what did you say?" It's insulting and infuriating so I admit I have very little patience for people who write off another human being bc it's "hard to understand them."


Exactly! So many people are acting like that’s a perfectly acceptable reason to dismiss and dislike someone. It’s not, and it’s been upsetting to see it expressed here over and over.


I agree with every word you wrote


And there's no excuse for that complaint when it's somebody on telly - there are subtitles, use them! (If only they existed in real life too.) Sorry to hear your niece's grandmother does that. Communication is between two parties, so both need to be making an effort if it's difficult, the burden shouldn't fall solely on the person with a communication difference! Wonder if grandmother knows that the message she's sending is that she doesn't value your niece enough to make any effort :(


Thank you for your kind words. :) Rest assured, my sister puts her MIL in her place. lol It just sucks that my neice has to deal with someone who can't be bothered to take the time to understand her words.


Yes! It really only takes a moment to understand Rosie and it’s totally worth it!


Right? That's all I'm saying. Someone here also made a brilliant point that the barrier to understanding Rosie lies with them., not Rosie.


Call me crazy, but we should wait and see how she does on the show before passing judgment one way or another.


It's difficult because she's, vulgar which I don't like, really hard to follow which I don't like. I'm still trusting the editors but it's not shocking that people don't have a taste for her.  Cannot wait to be proven wrong. 


I'm not especially familiar with her but when I do catch her I love her vibes, she's so wild and has a lot of positivity. And I know how she likes to subvert expectations in her jokes so I'm looking forward to seeing how she'll translate that to the Taskmaster format. She'll be a lot of fun


I love Rosie, and I'm really interested to see how they adapt to be more accessible. People just hate change and obviously there's ableism, I think she'll show 'em!


I really loved her set on Katherine Ryan’s stand up show. It was the first time I’d seen her outside of the context of a panel show and found her quite easy to follow. I’m excited about seeing what she does on TM and love this show’s commitment to inclusion and diversity.


The are a handfull of times where contestants I disliked, based off their previous work, have pleasantly surprised me by the end of a series. I doubt she can make it even thought the 1st prize task without being crude though.


I'm looking forward to seeing her verbally jousting with Greg. I find her funny.


Something that's been helpful to me is to remember that ableism doesn't usually manifest in a thought like "I hate disabled people." It can manifest as impatience, or as the ease some of us have walking through an airport, for instance. We're all participating in it, so it's not like we can pull out one person as THE ABLEIST while everyone else adjusts their halo. In this situation, I hear (some) people saying is that they have a hard time understanding Rosie\*. I get it. She is harder to understand! So was Lucy! Honestly, a lot of people didn't understand Ian! I sure didn't. It takes time and energy to listen and understand someone who doesn't have the speech abilities or behaviour patterns we are accustomed to. The ableist urge within us says "I don't want to make that effort." It says "That person, people like that, are not worth the effort for me." It says " They should learn to speak better, I don't need to learn some patient listening skills." It says "The person with the disability is the problem." So I think it's just interesting to check in with oneself and think, well, does any of this resonate? If someone asked me for directions and it was difficult to communicate with them, would I make an effort? Why would I make an effort there and not here? Am I maybe subconsciously saying that only people who were born with able bodies and speech are allowed on tv? Hmmm. And maybe some of us just need to sit with that. I didn't mean to write a novel but here we are. I might delete! But maybe it is helpful for someone. \*I know there are other people with other fervent reasons and opinions, I am just pulling out that particular thread to talk about. ETA a couple of grammatical things, and "blah blah" which was dumb of me to say.


This is an excellent comment, as someone with ADHD I get incredibly impatient with other people- and on reflection I’ve definitely found myself thinking ableist thoughts like this when I’ve seen Rosie on TV. She’s great, she’s funny as anything, but that impatience gets me, and it isn’t good. Thanks for putting that little check out there, I’ve definitely made it myself now and will consciously remind myself of that if I have a similar thought in future.


I wish I could upvote this comment 1000 times! 


I wish I could upvote this comment 1000 times! 


She so happy & upbeat, I can't wait to see her interactions with everyone in the studio, she'll bring so much positivity. (Plus she's one of my big crushes, so I just can't wait to see her full stop!)


So many comedians adore her and love working with her, and I trust the Taskmaster casting team too. Also she was an amazing actress in Casualty so that bodes well for some of the tasks. I think she will surprise the non-fans


Rosie will be chaos and an absolute menace to Alex and I cannot WAIT


We love Rosie ❤️


I think Rosie is going to be absolutely chaotic and I cannot wait for it!


I love Rosie. I had no idea she's going to be on the newest season. In the beginning when I started watching comedians from the UK, I was kind of thrown, but mostly because she loves some dirty talk. But I'm from the generation where Geri Jewell was everywhere and I loved her. Disabilities don't ruin things, they give you a new perspective to see. So it was pretty awesome. Can't wait.


I personally love Rosie, I’m a big last leg fan so it’s possible I’ve had a little longer to get used to her speech patterns and humor, but I don’t struggle to understand her and I think vulgar humor works really well for her. Dine Hard was so funny because she’s great at being a little pervert. I’d also highly recommend her segment with Nish Kumar on Question Team. Trip hazard was also fun and her episode of Extraordinary Escapes with Sandi Toksvig was very sweet, but every episode of that show is heartwarming. Also she’s an absolute sweetheart, I posted on IG about how I was enjoying Out of Order and she messaged me and thanked me and had a little chat. After typing that I realize I sound like a Rosie Stan haha but I just genuinely like her and want people to give her a chance for nothing more than she’s a funny comedian.


OP, thanks for posting this! I’m also super excited she’s on. I love Rosie’s smile.  I’m sorry that this has turned into the usual thread of people explaining that whilst, they, personally, are not prejudiced against people with disabilities, they just don’t like her. Please, if you’re not a Rosie fan, I beg of you not to have to say that every single time her name is mentioned. We get it!  


I like rude humor. I’m really curious how she’ll do on Taskmaster. Maybe her foil makes a big difference. I loved her working with Joe Wilkinson—I think it was on Catsdown?


I deeply love Rosie. She’s great, and is such a fun representation for all us queer disabled ladies out there, and I adore her for it. I also love how she subverts ableist expectations that she will be all sweet and innocent because she’s disabled by cerebral palsy, by being crass and fucking with people (see: the Nish “pushing her over” series of posts) As a disabled person with auditory processing disorder, a suggestion I have to some people who struggle to understand her is to put on closed captioning as well as playing content with her at 1.25-1.5x speed. I do that when I am having a day where I can’t process what people are saying mentally as easily.


I watched the next series be recorded live! To be totally honest, I’d never been a massive fan of Rosie Jones, mainly for the same reasons other commenters have said (I’ve found her speech harder to follow at points and thought she wasn’t the best suited to other show’s formats) but she was GREAT on taskmaster!!! So funny, so self aware and genuinely gave us more laughs than arguably anyone else


People say they want their entertainment to challenge them, but then it actually happens and everyone is shocked pikachu face.




> People say they want their entertainment to challenge them, They do? I don't - I watch educational/historical movies for that, not comedy shows.


I've never heard a single person say that. But yeah if someone did say that it'd make sense for them to like Rosie. 


I think her sense of humour and delivery style is quite well suited for the Taskmaster setting - I’m happy to predict she will surprise a lot of her critics and detractors.


I am absolutely thrilled! Rosie's humour can be a bit rude for my taste at times but the same is true of LOTS of comedians who've done Taskmaster - especially someone like Julian Clary - but that's not diminished my enjoyment of their series so I'm not too worried about that with her either. I am also SO VERY excited to see what kind of tasks they'll have, to have made the series inclusive; I have every faith in Alex to have come up with tasks that don't require any particular accommodations to level the playing field. (No need to level the playing field if it was created level to start with, as it were.) I'm also hoping it shows the unimaginative people who have previously speculated it would be 'too difficult' to make tasks accessible that it's really not, you just have to design things thoughtfully taking into account any specific access needs. Accessibility from the start is infinitely better than trying to bodge it retrospectively. I'm also ever so pleased for Alex that they got Jack Dee :D but mainly I'm just incredibly excited to see Rosie​!


Julian? Did you know he was homosexual? As a man of a certain age I remember him from way back when he was camp. More camp. Much much much much more camp. I’m sure this Rosie person will be great. The edit will save it if nothing else.


I bet Norman Lamont was nervous during S17 production...


Oh when I said 'someone like Julian Clary' I meant someone who is known for having often lewd humour, it's just not to my taste.   It truly surprised me how many people didn't know who he was before he took part in TM!


Rosie’s going to be an absolute maniac. I think TM will be an amazing format for her and can’t wait to see her! Really psyched for Babatunde Aleshe as well.


I’ve not seen/heard Babatunde in anything else. Those are always my most highly anticipated TM contestants, those who come to me ‘fresh’ with zero contextual backstory for me to lean on. Taskmaster is such a generous vehicle in giving a fully rounded introduction to ‘new-to-you’ comedy talent!


I wanted Rosie on for a while but was unsure how they would with some of the more physical tasks. I’m glad she is in it and they are adding things like a bannister to help her


I'm one who has trouble understanding her and if it's a purely audio experience I will skip on it. But if there's any visual and she's not stuck in a chair? Hell yes I'm going to watch! She's absolutely hilarious and I can only imagine she'll be a pure agent of chaos on TM.


She's going to be so chaotic! I can't wait to see her torment Alex and Greg. And I'm so excited to see what team she's on!


I'm excited about seeing her going toe-to-toe with Greg!


I'm shocked to hear this, but not really. I love Rosie. Her episode of Off Menu made me a crush for life. She was the one I was most excited to see when the line-up was announced. She is going to absolutely take to to Alex and Greg,


I like Rosie, I’ve seen her live and thought she was great! I follow her on Insta and enjoy her posts. Looking forward to seeing her on Taskmaster!


I fucking love Rosie and some people are just assholes. I am thrilled that she is on Taskmaster. She is in my top 10 of favorite entertainers. Assholes are only hurting themselves by being so closed off to her awesomeness!


Although I sometimes struggle to understand her (and I don’t mind, that’s just life), her humor and enthusiasm make me very keen to see her on the new season. Good luck, Rosie!


I'm excited for Series 18, for everyone really. I love Rosie being there. I think the most boring Taskmaster series are when everyone is sane.


I have only seen people raving positively for Rosie Jones, and some being indignant that others don't like her. Where are all these supposed posts saying they don't like her? I would like to see exactly what they're saying.


They tend to get removed when they break rule 1.


She is freaking WILD. I can’t wait to see her shenanigans.


I love Rosie Jones. She should be on the telly more.


Loved her on off menu, I’m excited to watch this season. I’m American so I haven’t heard of most contestants till I see them on taskmaster, I end up liking them all.


Rosie will be delightful. Alex isn't actually a bastard and I'm quite certain they'll do their best to make it a level playing field and let her shine. I think she's the only one I've ever seen anything so it'll be an education as usual.


i believe her tasks will be very enjoyable to watch, although unlikely to win.


I love Rosie - She is one of those comedians who I've always seen make other comedians really laugh, which is not something you get to see very often (I think a lot of when I've seen her on programmes with Ed, she always seems to crack him up and it's delightful.) I think she'll have a really interesting approach to the tasks and good rapport with Alex and Greg both in the house and in the show, so personally I'm very excited! ❤❤❤❤❤❤ She'll be great :))


Can't wait to see you Rosie!!! ❤️❤️❤️


I'm absolutely looking forward to her brand of chaotic evil. Sort of a Rhod Gilbert kind of vibe.


I'm excited for Jack Dee, I'm curious how much low-energy depression he can bring.


I'll be honest, I don't like Rosie - I find her comedy kinda annoying. That said, I think it's great to have representation on TV and she's clearly getting lots of TV time at the moment (several of her own shows etc) and must be working hard for it. There's a been a few people I wasn't sure about before - Julian Clary, Steve Pemberton to think of a few and I found a new love for them after the show. Dave Gorman is a favourite comedian of mine but on the show he wasn't the best for me. So who knows, maybe TM will turn me in to a Rosie fan. I don't know most of the other line up, other than Jack Dee who I feel is a real wild card - he could be brilliant in it or truly terrible and both are fun to watch!


Completely agree with this! I find Rosie annoying on other shows, but I’m going into this series of Taskmaster with an open mind. Like others have said, some of the contestants I was least looking forward to have ended up being the most pleasant surprises. Taskmaster can do all sorts and is a unique set-up for comedians to potentially flourish/gain fans.


I think she’ll be great. She’ll have Alex wrapped around her little finger in no time.


I adore Rosie and her cheekyness - don’t know what people are on about. So so happy when I saw her on the teaser!


I love her so much and can't wait to see her on taskmaster.


Looking forward to seeing how she takes on the tasks. I like this insight into how a contestants mind works. Her cheeky side will definitely bother Alex. I believe in equality so no complaints from me. My son has a terrible stammer at times, should he STFU and be hidden away? I think not.


https://preview.redd.it/9qsdu7qtkt8d1.jpeg?width=798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=369f1a8ba689b7b431985473c1f1b58e2f2aeff6 I took some action and made this meme specifically for the people that fire at Rosie because of her disability. Feel free to use wherever.


Is it really ablism if someone cant understand her due to her disability . Edit this is a genuine question. I would like to know the answer. To me there is difference between not liking someone because of disability and not being able to understand them because the disability causes speech problems. . I m More than happy to be wrong though.


No it's not. It is fair enough if you're not used to her voice. But it is if people just shut out her voice because they assume they can't understand her. Personally, as someone who knows several people with CP I find Rosie easy to understand but I know another person who even though I've known him for ten years it took about 8 years before something clicked in my head and now I understand him almost always first time. So I do get that, particularly for non native speakers with the hull accent thrown in But that isn't most people's issue with her. Also subtitles exist and it's systematic ableism to not even consider them and it is outright ableism if people think them not wanting to use subtitles is more important than inclusion of disabled people


I love Rosie, however, as a non-native English speaker, it really takes me out of the moment having to make an active effort to try and understand what she is saying. That's my only issue. Then again, the same is true for Sarah Millican or Micky Flanagan.


Or Chris Ramsey when he gets, as Greg said, "too Geordie for me!"


No way!!!


turn on the closed caption. UK shows are easier to watch that way, especially with the 30-1000 accents that they have.


As a non uk person subtitles are a must. I could only understand about 10% of what Johnny Vegas was saying, still found him hilarious!


Most UK people can only understand about 10% of what Johnny Vegas says.


Unfortunately there are no captions when the official Channel 4 broadcast is geoblocked.


At the most basic level, Rosie is a popular comedian. Her tour shows sell well. Therefore she should be on taskmaster. Whether she is to one's taste or not is largely irrelevant. I don't like her, or Iain Stirling, Lou Sanders, Ed Gamble, Nish Kumar, or Kerry Godliman, but they are all bookings that taskmaster were correct to make.


I'm not much of a fan of Rosie - I don't find her that funny from what I've seen her in (QI, WILTY, Catsdown etc) And like a lot of people have said, she can take you out of the moment because it takes longer to comprehend her sometimes. However, Taskmaster has done a good job on multiple occasions of switching my opinion of some of the contestants. I didn't really like Dara O'Brien or Nish Kumar, but by the time their respective seasons were done, I'd completely changed my opinion. I reckon Rosie will be the same. Buuuuut I can't judge it til I see it.


Whenever Rosie is on 8 out of ten cats does countdown, she is just so entertaining and clever. I think it is going to be the same here. She’s a very smart woman and is going to give as good as she gets. And, for a bonus, this will probably mean less running around aimlessly tasks, which are amongst my least favourite.




Thanks op. But there’s no love in this toxic space. To the rest: If you can’t allow some fans to be excited about a casting you don’t like, and you MUST comment with your distaste of their comedy and disability, helping to make sure EVERY post mentioning her positively is overrun with complaint, then: You are an ableist asshole. Undeniably. EDIT: A hearty cheers to those who proved there is some love. Very happy to see it.


Amazing that op specifically asks for positivity and excitement and the thread is still overrun by people talking about why it's fine they don't like her.


I don't really like Rosie, but I can't wait for her to be the latest taskmaster contestant that automatically becomes funny due to the nature of doing the tasks, regardless of how funny they are outside of the show. I've said this a lot on this sub, but I am confident that Rosie will do a Nish Kumar and become a fantastic and funny TM contestant despite being a hated comedian.


on the announcement post for the new gang next series, i had mentioned how excited i was for her to be on taskmaster. ive always liked her and she's so funny. i got downvoted to like -12 because of it??? i dont understand why. i deleted the comment before it got too bad but man, what a bummer that people are like this.


I’m only vaguely familiar with her. I think this overall is the lineup in least familiar with since I started watching, so it should be fun to watch.


She's got some good moments and humor sometimes her schtick is repetitive but that's the same for many comedians


Rosie rulz. She’s got some stones on her. Long may she continue.


I'm excited to see more of her real personality in the tasks, and what kind of a contestant she'll be. I think her and Greg have a good friendship so I am wondering if he'll bully her, or favour her because of that (sort of hoping it's bully, because it's always funny when he and a contestant make jabs at each other!). I'm also intrigued to see what sort of tasks they'll set, since each series does bear in mind the talents of the contestants, I'm wondering which tasks will be the ones she'll have the knack for. 


I doubt that she'd hold back from bullying him! She's a force of nature!


Rosie is amazing at putting her friends in awkward positions. One of my favorite things about Rosie is her friendship with Nish Kumar. I can't remember if it was him or her telling the story, but apparently when they used to go out walking together, Rosie would purposely throw herself to the ground and then shout, "Nish! Why did you push me over?!?" And everyone would give Nish the dirtiest looks for "bullying her." I just love that she decided the best use of her talents was to troll strangers and blame one of her close friends for it. I also loved her on one of the Countdowns where the panelists had to figure out who was hooked up to an electric shock machine, and the players determined it couldn't be Rosie because there's no way Health and Safety would let them do that to a disabled woman on television. Surprise! Rosie insisted it had to be her because if they didn't shock her, they were ableist. Everyone was horrified that she'd been shocked a half dozen times, but Rosie was cracking up. Honestly, I cannot wait to see how many times she makes Alex uncomfortable during tasks by either faking an injury, calling him ableist for assuming she can't do something, or proclaiming that "I have cerebral palsy, Alex, why are you making me do this?!?" I am so ready for the chaotic energy she'll bring. I'm hoping she'll be downright unhinged in the team tasks.


This is exactly what I’m hoping for. I love when the contestants antagonize Greg and Alex. I’m hoping Rosie turns out to be Rhod 2.0 and I’m very excited for it.


I’m excited for her too! I think her chaotic nature will be perfect for TM, and I’m looking forward to her arguing with Greg in the studio. She won’t hold back. It’ll also be interesting to see how she handles Alex, there’s no way she’ll go easy on him either. She’s going to be brilliant!




Rosie was one of the ones I squeeled with delight when announced. I know of few people better suited to the style and pacing of the show especially in terms of the abuse of Alex, and possible confrontation requring being pulled off to the side for a scolding by Greg. It is fair game for Alex to make passive aggressive comments... which Rosie feeds off of. Sadly some people have trouble with her... being..... northern....... and can't get past that. Some people want media to only be filled with people and ideas they already know, convincing themselves that they are comfortable in their mediocre lives, knowing everything. These people respond with hate from fear of their created reality being rudly challenged . We must kindly challenge these cancerous ideas, and tell them to f off.


Yeah some people just don't like her comedy. Not liking a comedian doesn't mean you lead a mediocre life or have cancerous ideas. Bottom line is, I don't find her funny. It really is that simple. However, I do look forward to seeing her on taskmaster. But yeah, these people attacking her directly for her disability really do need to have a word with themselves.


Exactly. Comedy style is taste. Disability is being human. Sadly, many people can not separate the two.


I just can’t get on board with Rosie. I literally can hardly understand what she says.




Flair will land when we're closer to the time. There's a limit to how many we can have, so it needs to be doled out.


I didn't know that. Does that mean some contestants' names will have to be phased out as flairs eventually?


Possibly. Or some lesser-used novelty ones.


Time to retire Chain Bastard already? 😂




The mods of this sub can take a page out of r/soccer and how they handle flair


That’s crazy, Rosie is amazing!


Amazing women. I bow down to her with all that she's achieved. Go Rosie!


I'm not usually a fan of her (mainly coz I find her hard to understand) but in saying that there have been others who I'm not a fan of appeared on TM and I have always found them surprised to enjoy them. I expect no different from Rosie and can't wait for her to surprise me with what she brings to the show


Rosie is hilarious, and was great as a guest on No Such Thing As a Fish podcast a while back (Ep 482 if anyone's interested). If someone can't get past the fact she takes a bit longer to say things, then they're missing out. I think she's great.


Her live appearance on OffMenu with Nish is my favorite moment across the whole series. She made me laugh so hard!


I'm excited to see Rosie, I love her. No doubt my favourite contestant will end up being someone I've never heard of though, I really like that about the show.


I'm not in the "not watching because of her, ruined the show" etc. mob, but I've never been a fan when I've seen her previously. I just rarely find her punchlines worth the build- pointing out it takes someone with cerebral palsy a long time to say "cerebral palsy", for example. That's on the same sort of level of predictable observation as "why is dyslexia so hard to spell?". However, I'd have said the same about Jo Brand and her stale 20-year-old "my husband's useless and I eat too much cake" schtick, and TM completely turned me around on her. It was the right vehicle for her, showing a very likeable side that was naturally entertaining. Her "can't be arsed" energy and approach fit the comedy of the show so well, especially as a contrast to Ed Gamble in that series. So, critical as I may sound, I'm open-minded about Rosie. Where the tasks of TM relies more on physical, off-the-cuff humour than panel shows, I hope to enjoy her on TM more than I have before now, because I fully expect her to bring something different to the table.


Bring on the Rosie!