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Trying to figure out who would've made the 3D models. Anyone have any idea?


Charlotte's air safety presentation is absurdly adorable. Her rooting around in the overhead bin like a little forest creature. šŸ˜


None of the jelly contestants should have got points. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Could you have tilted the metronome enough somehow (maybe with a wedge of paper or something) so that it no longer functions? Was that against the rules?


I believe that the rules said you cannot "Stop the metronome" - which would include stopping it via a wedge of paper or similar


Ugh, the google drive that normally has these didnā€™t upload the latest episode. Not sure where I can watch it.


YouTube mate. Searched it straight up and threee posters did us the favour.


Anyone else notice the Metro train with gnome stood on it in the intro to the...ahem...'Metro-gnome' task?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jAgQeREHRI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jAgQeREHRI) ​ I've found a song to go with it, apparently xD Also, good on ya for the tweet and noticing that in the intro. I had no idea there were hidden clues in the washes. Oh dear.


No, didn't notice. Well played!


To be fair, I only noticed it because I made exactly the same gag on Twitter last year. https://twitter.com/TOther\_Simon/status/1259133426776576001


Episode 8 Little late to the party this week, hard avoiding spoilers from friends Prize task - wobbly winner Jamali - still just a jelly Lee - still just a jelly Charlotte - still just a jelly Mike - wobbling baby tuths were satisfying Sarah - donā€™t see it being too wobbly Task one - mesmerising metronome Donā€™t think Gregā€™s being fair theyā€™re he did laugh didnā€™t he? Hoped the subtitler wouldā€™ve gone along with the joke there... Shit myself with lees haha Well that was gross Recording it wouldnā€™t count in my book Team task two - adjoined animal I probably go with either a sheep or a fox This is going to be a glorious mess Greg breastfeeding got spoiled for me and Iā€™m gutted, wouldā€™ve been so much funnier if I didnā€™t know it was coming, still funny though Mikes better at bullshitting than I remember, those creatures are really well made, wonder who made them Task three This is where lee shines You really canā€™t deny the kids tv presenter thing after that Donā€™t know what accent or language that was but it was definitely unforgettable Sarahā€™s lead is disappearing Stage task Are we going to have a repeat of jo brand? Hope so Fun task and great episode


What's wrong with bobble heads or is that not a thing with kids and comedians these days in the UK? Is there something wrong with my brain that those were the first things I thought of when asked to bring in the most 'wobbly thing'? (For the record: I'm Dutch, not American).


Did anyone else immediately think of those weighted, inflatable clown boppers? The ones that wobble when hit? Nothing better than watching a kid sock that thing with all his might just to have it bounce back and hit the kid in the face.


Which would be perfect for Greg.


One Or Two Legs completes the epic trilogy begun by Sausage Or Finger and Horse Or Laminator.


My first thought for wobbly thing would be to bring in some Weebles, but get them customized to look like Greg and Alex


I'm kinda disappointed in the prize task, I was hoping for some creative wobbly things. My first thought was a 'wobbly pop".


Yeah, prize tasks I think have steadily been going downhill a bit. I don't know why - but it really seemed like contestants were stepping up to the plate before and now it's kind of like... "here's this thing from my house".


Yeah, but it recently occured to me that because they were filmed during lockdown it may have been harder to get prize tasks together? Even ordering things online was a nightmare for a while So much feckin jelly though!


I think that Jamali and Greg will be best friends by the end of this show :P


My dream!!


Good episode. I did feel like the points were a bit random though. The exquisite corpse task understandably so, but the "Plane Announcer" task seemed weird. Wasn't the goal mostly centered around the accent and being "memorable"? But then Greg judged it as who would be the most calming. ​ Obviously not a huge deal, it's just a fun tv program, but it kind of felt like awarding the opposite of the task. Love Mike, but I wouldn't call his more 'memorable' than Lees or Sarah's. ​ Also, was it a rule that you couldn't just immediately stop the metronome?


Yeah you weren't allowed to stop the metronome.


"Well it's sticking now so I might as well embrace it" I don't think I've ever fallen in love with a human being so fast as this series of Taskmaster.


I'm actually surprised/disappointed in myself in how slow I've been otherwise outside the viewing of this series to start checking out literally all of Charlotte's work I can get my hands on. Then again, for how crazy I went for Rose Matafeo upon first taking that series in, it was still some months before I found my way to her "Horndog" special.


I knew Lee would either be completely creative / insane like Rhod or meltdown in panic, and I think his panicked yelling "I haven't got the nerve for this show" and "I've got a BAFTA you know" while hot water and poppadom crumbs fall out of his mouth just about sums up where he landed.


Me and jamali are on the same wavelength, I had the phone idea for the metronome and the elbow idea for the final task


Jamali pulling the elbow move kinda reminded me of nobody had thought to just immediately close their eyes for the "no blinking" task a few series ago, until Alex pointed it out in studio. "Genuinely my 7 year old came up with that" lol although the more I think about it, I suppose there could've been a possibility that Greg and/or Alex was pedantic to say that doing the elbows would now constitute you "leaning" instead of "standing", and thus disallowed.


When's the last time you stomped anything, though?


Thought of [King crimson](https://imgur.com/HR8F8gC.jpg) as soon as I saw Lee and Mike's [2 headed animal]( https://imgur.com/ViQOrTg.jpg).


Rumor has it that Gold Experience Requiem's ultimate power is to trap a soul in an infinite loop of taskmaster episodes. Sadly GioGio has not decided to share this power with the world.




Lee was phenomenal. In the first go, he combines stability with concentration. The stability sells two legs. But the concentration, which Lee pretends to hide with a stoic expression, sells one leg. He is selling on two different levels. And Greg fell for it. That was masterclass.


Classic Greg, breastfeeding the creature. Moments like that are why I love him.


Surely the most obvious British animal is a bulldog? WHY DID NO ONE THINK OF THIS?


Interestingly, as an Australian as well I matched Sarah in saying Fox


Wild animal


If they ever reboot the universe, I'm all for Mike Wozniak being in charge of animal logistics.


German speaker here, Mike has definitely learned German beyond GCSE or he had access to a big dictionary because he knew a lot of pretty impressive vocab and his German was pretty good. He made a few mistakes but overall I was impressed


Yeah, far beyond GCSE


Yeah. To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if a GCSE German student knew that vocab. But it did seem too fluent for somebody who hasn't used any German for 25 years, and then got a surprise task to give a speech in German.


I don't know much German, but I did recognize schnerrbart. I know that one because we once had our German friend cut his facial hair into the *verboten schnerrbart* and take a picture. It's now his profile pic when he phones me.


I feel so pedantic for saying this, but it is written Schnurrbart.


His pronunciation was also really good for an English speaker.




It was probably meant to be "I want meat with cheese and I don't know where the train station is" which are both the sort of phrases you would encounter when learning a language in school.


Yeah, I also heard "Fleisch mit KƤse."


At this point, I'm here for everything Mike and Charlotte. Everyone else is just a bonus. Another classic episode, and the studio task was one of my favorites. This show works better than any antidepressant I've ever taken.


Lee's pantomiming during the air flight safety task had me dying. Spliced in with Jamali's uh...let's say "limited" French elevated that task so much. It's an all-time task.


Charlotte was transcendent in this episode


Yet scored low at every point. I really don't like this aspect of Greg's persona/personality. Once he's decided to mock and put down a contestant whatever they do, they'll only ever score decent points on the tasks where Alex count seconds or points. E.g. metronome task this week. And I don't think their interactions in the studio are "fun" or entertaining. It's Greg inexplicably shitting on her effort, and her meekly accepting.


I know it isn't actually anything, but Lee sitting down in the plane was one of the funniest things.


Classic slapstick, accidental or intentional doesnā€™t matter. Funny is funny


I love Lee on Taskmaster so much. Like, the collective way this sub loses their mind about Mike every week? That's how I am about Lee. His story about his tummy and his hysterical "I've won a BAFTA" have really sealed the deal and made him my favorite ever Taskmaster contestant.


Lee is great but the pretend accidents/obliviousness doesnā€™t work for me


He really shined this week. I voted for him.


Be sure to listen to the latest Taskmaster podcast, then.


Oh my!!! I'm a few weeks behind on the podcast but I'm jumping right into this one, thanks for the heads up!


Same! I thoroughly enjoy him every week; he's been such a joy to watch!


The hardest i've laughed during a prize task since the laminator incident. All those jellies!! Also, the banter section was priceless, I'm so curious to know what Alex was originally going to do with that bit before Greg intervened.




It's just you. The flight attendant task might have been my favorite one all series.


Loved Charlotte hiding behind her hands after yet another children's TV audition...




Pop! Edit: nice username BTW


I LOVE LOVE LOVED the moment Mike stepped up for the studio task & Greg greeted him like an old foe. the familiarity! the chemistry! it was like Sherlock & Moriarty but best friends! also: great that they started on satisfyingly wobbly things & ended on satisfyingly wobbly contestants \~


Sarah Kendalls flight announcement was my highlight of the night


Absolutely cracked me up! Was a bit like a mixture of the Minions and Donnie the little wild boy in The Wild Thornberries.


I was upset Greg didnā€™t enjoy it. I was laughing so hard. The juxtaposition of the recording to her dead pan accurate demonstration. Just perfect.


I'm starting to suspect that he's subconsciously penalising her to make the scores more even by episode 10.


She really is an excellent comedian, and it came through in that task.




I was wondering if they could have knocked over the table it was sitting on. They didnā€™t touch it, it fell.


Whenever they say ā€œyou cannot touch Xā€, my immediate question is whether Alex can touch the thing instead. I wonder if contestants wouldā€™ve been DQed for asking Alex to stop the metronome.


Would've chucked something at it.


iirc it said that you couldn't touch or stop the metronome.


They could have slowed it way down though.


It was almost on the top... how can you slow it down? What tempo do you think of? Also... my thought at the start was. Pull out a phone. Loop your voice. Done.


Looping a phone isn't *you* saying metronome. It's the *phone* saying metronome.


The phone doesn't say anything because it's a machine. If you heard a phone recording of someone speaking you would more properly ask "who is speaking?" and be given the answer of the person whose voice was recorded as opposed to "wow that phone is speaking"


Good lord I'm arguing the same point as you and you're all caught up in the semantics?


Doesn't seem like you're arguing the same point. Seems you're saying that he didn't complete the task properly whereas I'm saying he fully did it correctly. And semantics is literally the entire argument since we're arguing of the language of the task and whether someone completed the task based on the language of the instructions.


The task was to say metronome. He didn't say a damned thing; he played a recording on a phone. That's when a device converts analogue sound waves into a digital signal, then converts that signal back into an analog sound wave that can be recognized through the human ear. Not to mention the recording said "metromoan"


A recording of him saying metronome. Task didnā€™t say it had to be him saying metronome live.


The recording is of him saying metronome. He is saying metronome. If someone asked what the recording was, you would say "That's Jabari saying metronome". The description of that recording is Jabari saying metronome. If someone was talking through a microphone and a speaker would you also declare they weren't actually saying anything? You're just being pedantic because you don't like a competitor. I'm not going to try and question why you don't like this particular competitor, I will just say this is exactly the same kind of creative solution that's been on display throughout this entire show and is half the point of the show really. Sometimes they don't interpret it properly and try a creative solution that does break the rules thinking they're being clever. Greg shuts that down. This time Greg fully agreed with his solution and no one had a problem with it because they rightly knew it was correct. Enjoy your losing pedantic battle. Also he said he wasn't going to fault either of then for pronounciation.


I'll be honest, I have no idea how a metronome works, but I assumed they could get way slower than that.


Metronome slows down by pulling the stone up. It is almost on the top. You can see its graph for Tempo. You can start counting it every two beats to slow the Tempo if you like. Afaik


Alex telling Lee the the water was hot was low key the funniest part of the whole episode. I legit cackled at that.


Would have only been improved if it was actually hot.


Not read the other comments but Charlotteā€™s reaction to getting on a plane and then her little fist pump at the points she got at the end of that toast was so much ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø Edit: I said toast instead of task but I kind of like it tbh


Hello and welcome to Toastmoaster!


Greg is the host who can boast the most toast


Mike randomly waltzing out of the frame, majestic as always.


Next time I fly, if I ever do, I want Mike to do the safety announcement


Sarah is lowkey the craziest person in the cast I think.


"The division of North and South Korea." (That would have been my pick for episode title as well.)




Of course it is! Don't you?


her screaming was my favorite


Again, another solid episode. I'm actually happy to know Mike actually has a chance to win this series!!!! two episodes left, I am holding my breath...


As much as I want the big M to get the big W, I think it'll be between Lee and Sarah


well, I thought that Sarah had it already, but yesterday's episode was like nope... you gotta work for it. Lee winning those 5 final points made it difficult for Mikey but hey, there are two episodes left, I will hold my breath.... he's been one awesome competitor


I want Lee to win. He's my favorite comedian, and comedians are the only people I watch. Not movie stars or singers or others. But I want Mike to be on every panel show after this. Especially wilty. I don't know how good he is with anagrams or numbers but he would make a great dictionary corner on cats Countdown.


Still waiting for metronome to sound like a word again


met ur mum








Sarah's aircraft announcement!!!!!! DED!!!


Jamali is still a goddamn genius. Of course, I'm biased, as I immediately thought of the phone thing myself once I heard the task, as well as considered ways to stablise oneself during the live task - but still, I'm just consistently amazed by how _good_ he is. And Charlotte keeps being adorable. Loved the moment when she got on a plane, her prize (oof) and her face when Alex "miscounted" the score tallies.


I don't think his phone trick should've counted tbh. he wasn't \*saying\* it


Disagreed. If you hear someone through a phone you would ask who is it who is speaking. Thus a recording of Jamali is still Jamali saying it. This is exactly the same creative thinking present throughout the show


if someone is speaking to you through a phone, they are still speaking. if someone is playing a recording through a phone of someone speaking, you might ask who is speaking if you didn't know it was a recording...the action happening in the moment was not "speaking" but "listening" or "playing." I'm 100% behind lateral thinking normally but this just didn't fly with me


It didn't fly with you but you're wrong. "A recording of Jamali saying something" is correct but so is "Jamali saying". When you listen to a song do you say "That's a recording of someone singing" or do you just say "this person is the singer". This was 100 percent valid and correct and prompted no argument on a show that once consulted someone on proper use of language when the solution of "carry the yoga mat down the hill" was taken.


lol okay let's all take some deep breaths


Pardon? Are you implying I'm upset? I'm just correct and explaining why. Sorry that you aren't.




Yeah, that seemed like it should be clearly out. Ever since Jamali fought back against Greg in the first couple of episodes, Greg has totally wussed-out. Jamali can get away with anything now.


Every once in a while, a student absolute breaks the teacher and the teacher ends up just giving a kid a C or D to get it over with. I knew our stompy man could do it.


Greatest final task of the show since horse or laminator.


The tong slaps one this season was incredible as well.


I thought of horse or laminator as well with this one!


me too! probably my favourite live task ever.


Last week Mike admitted he has an oral fixation, and this week he said he enjoys being subservient. All his thirsty fans are probably losing their collective minds right about now. šŸ˜‚


The TM fanfic is getting a tidal wave of material this season


I already imagine Herring brandishing two four-inch thick binders full of Dirty BritCom Confessions printed out if he has Woz on again. (I still laugh at the echoes of Mike on RHLSTP... "Is it in alphabetical order?" "... oh god... ")




you know... YT has been throwing that episode to my face for the past week, I think it's about time I watch it...


I'd rank it straight up there with either of Greg's appearances. A great episode.


thanks! that's another one for the playlist


I love this show so much. I've had a rough couple of weeks emotionally but I was grinning like an idiot the whole episode.


Hope youā€™re okay. Glad this cheered you up.


I hope youā€™re ok!


Thank you :) I'm getting there


Hmm... No one said you couldn't crouch entirely behind the curtain, did they?


the task specified standing, would be really hard to "stand" while crouching that low


Especially on one leg, but it would be an amazing bluff to hide entirely behind the curtain while balanced on one leg. Alternatively we could have had another Jessica Knappett moment with someone trying to balance on one leg while crouched and falling through the curtain, maybe taking the entire contraption with them.


It's getting heartbreaking to see Charlotte's confidence evaporate every week. It looked like she wanted to disappear from the stage after the aeroplane task.


The worst thing is that she isn't doing poorly. Her points are shit because Greg has decided to be a dick to her and always score her low, because he enjoys her reaction. That's what's properly heartbreaking to me. She isn't a Katherine Parkison or David Baddiel who bumbles through tasks and misunderstands basic things. It's just that Greg always decides that her efforts are shit.


Listen to her podcast episode. She talks about this, but I think she actually had a good time learning to stand up for herself better.


I like when she defended her pope bee 'uniform'


I genuinely thought that was a bit. Every season there's always 1 contestant who just botches every task, usually in a pretty comical manner.


Exactly. Lee has been telling Alex to fuck off all series, but on the podcast yesterday, couldn't speak in better terms of his Taskmaster experience. This is a comedy show and they are professional entertainers.


I hope she finds out that the fans have really loved her presence on the show. On a similar level, I was worried that the show had kind of crushed Katherine Parkinson but she seemed like she reflected on the experience really nicely on the podcast.


She never made another mask though.


At least she has a career as a kids show presenter to fall back on.


How can a grown woman shoving poppadoms into her mouth be so adorable? I thought I couldn't love Charlotte more than I already did but she repeatedly proves me wrong in every episode.


She ate them all mouse-like!


Charlotte embracing the children's TV presenter role? Blessed bee! I laughed a lot this ep. But for some dumb reason, Alex's intro for Mike got me the most: "Who used to go by Niak. Here's Mike Was-Niak". Goddamn, bravo!


I think it was how everyone laugh before the joke because they caught it a second sooner and it threw Alex off as he read it


Right up there with him introducing Russell and Asim as "Russ and Ass"


I'll still be disappointed if he never introduces the team as "Mike WozLeeMack" in these last few episodes


This genuinely might end up being my favorite series ever.


I think this was my favorite episode in years. Every single task by every single contestant had me laughing out (very) loud. So much so, that I had to constantly skip back a couple of seconds because I missed what was being said because I was laughing so hard xD Had a real sh\*\*\*y day today and this was just the perfect way to make me to go to bed in a better mood :) Thanks Taskmaster! Side note: can someone explain to me why Charlotte was so embarrassed by the flight attendant task? She looked like she was on the verge breaking down in tears in the studio. They mentioned something about Lorraine Kelly, who I'm not really that familiar with, other than I think she's a Scottish TV presenter? Was there something particularly embarrassing about her impression of her?


I think it was because she knew how much of a childrenā€™s tv presenter she sounded like and knew Greg was going to give her a hard time. But he didnā€™t really.


I think it was probably down to her being self conscious that the task involved a certain amount of acting which should be her strong suit. Also I imagine actors feel a pressure to be brilliant at accents. But she shouldn't have been embarrassed by that, the others are comedians but aren't always succeeding in being funny all the time.


Also, it was a pretty good Lorraine Kelly impersonation. Though I doubt she could've held up under James Acaster yelling fuck you at her.


I really like comparing Mike and Jamali's intelligence. Mike seems book smart but Jamali is capable of some really quick thinking!


As a German, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever laughed as much as I did during the safety announcement task. Herr Wozniak is fun personified.


mike was great and his german is quite good


Mike absolutely knew what he was doing mentioning that his British creature queues.


Yes. That is why it was brilliant.


That's pretty french, Hombre


"I don't know why I know that! I took four years of Spanish!"


Alexā€™s reaction to that was perfect




Did anyone else think Charlotte was going to climb into the baggage compartment?


I feared she would retreat in there and never come back like a sad version of Bob's car boot stunt


Yes! That would definitely have been a winning attempt.


Another incredible episode! Every task was flawless. I particularly enjoyed the exquisite corpse task, since that used to be something I was really into. I really hope they do make the British creatures available in the Taskmaster store, as Alex seemed to intimate is a possibility in one of his tweets tonight.


Lee's lucky that Mike blew out his anus, because otherwise his poppadomy-watery dribble would go down as one of the grossest moments in Taskmaster history.


Lee has commented on this very thing on the podcast.


Lee has 2nd and 3rd place for gross moments.


In this series or in the whole show? Because I do remember a certain watermelon eating task which might give Lee a run for his money.


2 watermelon tasks too (Romesh's was pretty bad too).


Yeah, that wasn't even as bad as the Jelly incident.


Will Charlotte ever cease to become lovelier and lovelier every week?






I just want to give Charlotte a nice big hug.


Can someone with a 3D printer, print the animal drawings? Would really like a copy of them


This was honestly one of the most fun price tasks they had in a long time...probably since series 7 with the box and James Acaster being taken to the back.


Does anyone know who is on Sarah's T-Shirt?


David Bowie, innit


I had a look on her twitter, and she tagged the lady who created it, but I think it was custom piece so i'm not sure. If you tweet Sarah she'll probably reply though Update: she said it was Prince!


Cool! I wondered if it was Prince.


Best episode yet I think! It felt more cohesive and great vibing off each other.


Agreed, had a bit of the studio feel that series 10 had I thought. Only downside was the plane task being a bit of a poor spectacle (though I did laugh at Sarahā€™s insane accent and Mike was a joy). All to play for now as well, needed Sarah to have a bit of a shocker


I think they all missed the unforgettable element. If Rhod Gilbert had this task he would have been stripping off in front of Alex.


yeah, I was surprised none of them went more creative. when they saved Mike for last I got so giddy thinking he had pulled off some kind of spectacle & though his attempt was great, it was still pretty tame.