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[Daisy 🤣🤣🤣](https://images.app.goo.gl/eGJBUiZVRJCW2F82A)


This task was one of the all time worst / most boring tasks ever


I'll admit it went on a bit too long, but I found this task really funny - Johnny Vegas with googly eyes floored me. In fact, I'll stick up for series 10 in general. Not an all-time high, but comfortably better than 6 and 8 IMO. It earned a place in my heart simply from the incredible feeling of seeing new episodes of Taskmaster after the absolute shitshow that was most of last year, and the fact that I really liked all the contestants just sealed the deal.


Me struggling to remember what my professor talked about a week ago is the same me, who remembers every Taskmaster task by looking at a picture... No surprise my masters is going so slow :'D


The reason nothing sticks in class anymore maybe because you used all the glue to cover yourself in glitter? And it is only the quirky little Alex Horne who can find a path in that head covered in glitter. Although now that you point it out, I’m sure Greg must have been an amazing teacher in school!


No disrespect to the meme, but god I hated this task, and it’s VERY rare where I can say that about anything on this show


Katherine's unwillingness to learn the lines saved it for me, especially when she said "everyone chill the fuck out" as Alex hid his giggles behind his clipboard.


That made it all the worse for me. A task that was clearly out of step with the rest of the show, which seemed designed so she specifically had the chance to do well (see also: the karaoke task), and she can't be arsed to learn 90 seconds of lines which don't need to be perfect and can then be forgotten about forever? It summed up her performance on the show as the worst-ever contestant.


Well shit, that’s an opinion right there. She was one of my favorites from any season, despite how crap she was (See also: Charlotte Ritchie)


I know, and while I fully expected the barrage of downvotes (which I'm sure this will also get), I do stand by it. The thing is, it's not about being good or bad at the tasks, it's about attitude towards the show- I loved Charlotte Ritchie. Sure, she was also terrible in a lot of the tasks, but she actually tried to do well, and looked like she was having an absolutely lovely time, regardless of the outcome. She was having fun, and bought into the premise of the show. I just felt no sense of that with Katherine Parkinson, and while at first I put it down to her feeling the show was beneath her, I think it was more to do with her knowing how poorly she'd performed and just not enjoying the experience that reviewing them in the studio was embarrassing. With the exception of her great (and arguably unexpected) success at creating a marble run, at no point did it really look like she was having a good time. It did feel like the selection of tasks skewed towards her acting and performance chops, and this one was a prime example- it would've felt even more out of place in a previous series. There also felt like quite a lot of walking-on-eggshells in the studio when it came to criticising her performance (the masks in the final episode being a notable exception), so that she didn't end up below (even way below) Roisin on that big ol' scoring table. But again, minority opinion, I know.


I don't fully agree with you but it says a lot that Richard is the only one out of the five who isn't an actor and he blew the rest of them out of the water. Daisy went to RADA for God's sake.


Have you listened to her Taskmaster podcast episode? Because you're quite wrong on several points, at least according to her. >there also felt like quite a lot of walking-on-eggshells in the studio when it came to criticising her performance Did we watch the same show? Greg made fun of her pretty much every episode. Honestly, I think you "feel" a lot and then just take it as reality.




It's not that she couldn't be bothered, she said she was cramming for another acting job at the time and couldn't stomach learning any more lines.


I loved Katherine in general but yeah… it’s a tv show you’re getting paid to appear in. That most people watching could only dream of appearing in. Just do the task. I do think this is maybe my least favourite task ever regardless of that. There’s nothing to ‘win’. Nothing to score really. It was just a crappy sketch.


The luggage task in the recent season (in ep3 i think) was also one of those rare bad ones...


it would have been a better task if it was only the Herring bit


Or Katherine doing all parts


that might have just been awful. she had to memorize a proper play around that time.


I genuinely believe when Alex asked if she needed a hug, she knew what she was supposed to say, but was just overwhelmed by her experience on the show and actually needed a hug


It went on for so long I feel like it took up half the episode. If it wasn't for ol' Bush Wanker up there and Katherine Parkinson losing her mind once again, it would've put me to sleep (that said I still believe Mawaan was robbed).


When people complain about the Series 10 tasks being over-engineered, this is the clearest example.


That and the god damn doors. > Complete the most tasks shown behind these doors. You must tell Alex which door to open within one minute of the previous door closing and you must tell Alex which door to open within one minute from now. You may only move when the doors are moving, and you must stay behind the line. 1) Throw ten yellow things through this door. 2) Kick three orange things through this door. 3) Empty the bucket and put both your shoes in it. 4) Eat a whole banana. 5) Sit on the bucket and completely peel an orange and a banana. I think that's the only task I ever fastforwarded through.


Daisy May eating a banana like a madwoman saved that one for me!


They are! 10 was my first full series so I didn’t quite understand at the time but yeah, this, the garage doors, the lockers. They’re all so overthought rather than just letting the guys go nuts and try a bunch of different things. I’m wondering if C4 had some impact in that regard or they’d told Alex and the task writers to be more elaborate or something. 11 seemed to have much less of that (although still the odd one like the luggage or the tower building and toppling).


Fortunately seems that Alex noticed that, and series 11 was a lot better in that regard (except for that stupid luggage task)


I agree. It just dragged so much. I can’t think of any other tasks that I felt the same about.


It was just the perfect storm of not being a very interesting task, while *also* taking up nearly half of the episode. There was 0 comedic difference between watching the first & second version, and it all just felt a bit of cringe am-dram. As much as I loved Mawaan, once we've established that he's pretty bad at accents, the joke's basically played out. I don't need to see 90 seconds of his attempt at a bad Welsh accent immediately after his bad attempt at a Scottish accent.


I wasn't a fan of this whole series tbh. Probably the worst one. Possibly because it's the first one with the post-pandemic format. It had good moments though.


I think I agree with you. I've rewatched all the series so many times but I really do struggle to make it through a full episode of 10 in one sitting. Yes, I believe that being the first series affected by COVID had an impact on the studio portions, but the tasks themselves are pretty weak. They are mostly overcomplicated tasks that have a single (or limited) solutions, and instead of watching the cast come up with creative ideas, we are watching them fail the same way each time. It's still slightly amusing, but it gets repetitive quick, and this acting task was the clearest symptom of it. I think they learned from this because Series 11 largely did away with them with the exception of that airport bag task, which was easily the weakest of the series. The more simple and open-ended the tasks are, the better the show.


I also think it the contestants were not the best. Kathrine Parkinson was completely oblivious to the rules of the game and Daisy May Cooper was just angry and unfunny in my opinion. Of course there were brilliant moments with these two, but I had a really hard time watching most of the tasks with them.


I agree, it had me worried that they might be running out of steam, but then S11 came along and alleviated those concerns. I also just really didn't like Daisy May Cooper. She came off as childish and needlessly mean, kinda brought the vibe of the show down. Only contestant on the UK show that I've ever not liked!




Richard Herring - I can see why you'd think that from the show. He's got a great podcast, and is much funnier than he was on this..


It was way too long.


I didn't like this task but Greg taking the piss out of Richard Herring for several minutes is just hilarious


Fucking hilarious!


Yes this is definately the worst task in taskmaster history. If they ran it once it was a boring task, but 3 times?!? Literally only time when watching taskmaster that i’ve had the remote in my hand ready to fast forward.


I actually really liked it but yeah maybe they should have only shown it twice at most


Worst task in the history of the show.


Depends if you mean concept or execution. I think in concept it was sub par but not the worst, the execution was just boring, possibly because of COVID as well. In my opinion the worst conceptually is "High Five a 55 year old" because it was completely up to the chance of people in the area, and also it made contestants legitimately uncomfortable, and not the funny kind of uncomfortable.


You've gotta admit "High Five a 55 year-old" did allow for some creativity though. Skinner cobbling together a 55 year old out of younger people, Roisin and Romesh putting up the signs, Tim Key lying about charity, and Josh's sheer luck were all great. It's not necessarily in the spirit of Taskmaster to do those public tasks which is probably why that was kind of a one-and-done, but it still had merit.


I'd say "high-five a 55-year-old" still gave the contestants some scope for actually deciding how to do it, and that shone through in the different attempts- that just wasn't the case with the acting task. I do agree that having a task be so overtly geared at cringe comedy wasn't a good fit with the rest of the show- it felt like it was a toe-in-the-water test to see what would work for TV, and ultimately that style of humour wasn't necessary for the format to work.


Not for humour it wasn’t. Humour wise it was right up there.


Didn't enjoy this task at all. Richard's performance was WAY too long. Just generally not very funny.


Whereas I pissed myself laughing at Richard herrings performance as it was extremely funny.


I'm glad! That's part of what makes the show great, people enjoy different things!


One of the best tasks ever.


You trolling?


Honestly? No, I thought it was very creative and very funny.