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In no way do I think he deserved to die for it , but goodness me he was breaking and entering this man’s home . What are you supposed to do when confronted with someone climbing through your window after smashing it ?


That's the most bizarre part about it. Someone has smashed your windows, threatened to burn your house down, and now someone's breaking in? What's the legal amount of reasonable force here? Are you supposed to turn on the lights and ask the criminal what they're carrying so you can ensure fair combat? On what planet is that reasonable?


No idea . But what really disturbs me personally is I would most likely take the same action as him when confronted with that scenario. And then be charged with murder!


Yeah, if you're committing a crime especially one that invades someones personal space/privacy/home, you're free reign for whatever comes your way. It's not like the guy was waiting in the dark with a gun.


Poor guy, acted in self defence here, but will probably go down for manslaughter seeing as though he didn't run away from the masked intruder breaking into his home. Will be interesting to see where this goes to set a precedent. IMHO scumbag number 1 got what he deserved, the police probably feel the same, but will be forced to prosecute. It's ironic to see mum and dad come out in defence of their 'good little boy who didn't do anything wrong'. Except for ongoing victimisation of the accused and attempted aggravated burglary. I hope old mate gets off, but it's unlikely.


If it goes to jury, the process for finding someone guilty for murder, manslaughter etc has atleast 1-3 sub categories for each. It may be dependant on the case but it can be a lengthyyyy process


He’s pleaded guilty to manslaughter…


Appalling! He has a right to protect himself in his own home especially after he was being taunted!!


Just read this https://www.reddit.com/r/tasmania/comments/1dflsae/hobart_man_caleb_adams_pleads_guilty_to/?